Mickeystoontown's Gang hits the Bahamas & WDW! Who gets choked or stuck this time?


DIS Veteran
Oct 2, 2006
Welcome to my pre-trip report! Guess I need to do the standard post of who, what, when, where, and how.

First off, there’s little ole’ quiet me, Lisa, the 46 year old Southern gal from Louisiana. Being raised as a Southern Bell, you’ll never find me in any embarrassing situation because my Mama and Daddy raised me right. Except for maybe that one time when I was chosen to perform with Mulch Sweat & Shears and I embarrassed my kids with my antics:


There was also that one time I danced in the middle of Epcot. (What can I say? I was delirious from exhaustion and heat.)


Oh and there was that little choking incident:


That choking incident earned us Fastpasses from two castmembers who thought we were the funniest folks ever. Who knew that choking somebody would earn us fastpasses? (By the way, that was the name of that year’s trip report.)

Okay, so those weren’t the most flattering of pictures of myself but, as you will see as you follow along (and you’ll hopefully follow along when I start my trip report), I post all pictures that are taken...the good, the bad and the ugly, or in this case, the ugly AND embarrassing.

Then, there’s John, my wonderful loving 46 year old husband of nearly 28 years. John is a preacher’s kid. I am sure that you’ve heard all the jokes about preacher’s kids. And, I’m here to tell you that each and every one of them are.....................................................100% the Gospel truth! John is one mischevious son-of-a-gun and is a practical joker. He also gets in on the choking action:


Tries the dancing:


(He’s worse than me and I’m a hard act to follow.)

And can fall asleep anywhere!


Oops, wait that’s not John, here’s John resting his eyes in the Hollywood Hills Theater at Hollywood Studios:


Just so you won't think that we can’t clean up well and look like a civilized couple, here’s a picture of John and I on our last trip to Disney. Guess now would be a good time to tell you that John doesn’t smile a whole lot when you say “smile for the picture”. He either looks like he’s smirking at you or he’s having the worst time in his gosh darn life. So, if you see the smirk or the “ho-hum” look on his face, don’t let him fool ya, ‘cause he’s having so much fun he could do cartwheels and backsprings right where he stands. I’m serious! He’s really having a ball!


I guess the next person up in this little thing called an introduction would be our very soon to be 15 year old son Hunter. He’s an 8th grader about to move on into the grueling peer pressure days of high school. Hunter is the apple of his Mamaw’s eye. She’d do anything for that boy, even let him wring her by the neck:


Don’t go calling the law on us because he was just kidding. She really isn’t about to pass out. He stopped just before she turned blue. All kidding aside, Hunter and Mama (that’s my pretty Mama in the picture above) have the best time together and I hate that she’s not going on the trip with us this year. (She has gone the last two years but said that her 78 year old body just ain’t what it used to be and is staying home to pamper our pooch.)

Being since we did a little dancing, Hunter did too:


Hunter’s a risk taker and I caught him taunting one of the dinosaurs at the Animal Kingdom:


Again, just so you’ll see a “normal” picture of my family members, here’s one of Hunter standing by the piano at the Grand Floridian:


Let’s talk next about our darling demure daughter, Lacey. She’s 24 years old and we married her off to a wonderful young man in August, 2011 and she relocated to the fine city of Knoxville, Tennessee. Woah! Wait! Why am I introducing Lacey and not her husband? Has their marriage hit the skids already? Have they become a divorce statistic? Hold your horses! I’ll get to that part of the story in a minute.

Lacey wasn’t around to get in on the choking but she was around for the dancing:


She’s also partaken in a little jumping in and around the “World”:



And, before you go thinking that Lacey is just a ponytail, t-shirt wearing gal, here’s a pretty one of her striking a pose:


Now, remember that new son-in-law of mine that I mentioned above? Well, now he’s coming into play in this here introduction. His name is Jesse and he and Lacey are coming along on this trip. John and I are paying for their vacation and they’ve been told that it’s their Birthday, Anniversary, Easter Bunny, St. Patrick’s Day, Happy Sweetheart Day, Sloppy Joe Day, April Fool’s Day, Do Pigs Fly? Time to Change My Socks Day.....you get the drift....gifts. Since Jesse hasn’t ever been to Disney with us, I don’t have any choking or jumping pictures of him but I think you can see that he’s down for anything....even jumping into fountains when taking his engagement pictures:


We’ve visited Lacey and Jesse a couple of times and we’ve done a few little weekend excursions with them. I think Jesse’s gotten a little taste of what it will be like to travel with us. Here’s a picture of John and Jesse holding their hands in the air to keep the bugs away. The park ranger said bugs always fly to the highest point on your body and if you hold your hands in the air, they’ll go up to your hands and not your face. I, personally, think he was feeding us a line of bull but, obviously, John and Jesse believed him:


Oh, wait, I do have a very flattering picture of Jesse pretending he was licking the cave wall at Tuckalechee Caverns in the hills of Tennessee:


Wanna see one of Jesse and Lacey all gussied up? Of course you do (and if you don’t, well then tough ‘cause I’m posting the picture anyway). This was taken at my niece’s wedding.


Just in case ya’ll are now thinking that we are a bunch of nutso people who do nothing but embarrass each other, jump around or dance in inappropriate places, let me assure you that WE ARE. Seriously, we are just like any normal family who likes to have fun. We are nutso but we are loving nutsos who enjoy nothing more than being with each other and enjoying one another’s company.

On a serious note, let me give you a little more background about ourselves. I am a paralegal in a one paralegal/one attorney office. I’ve been doing legal work since I was 17 years old and often say that I want to be something else when I grow up. Something like maybe a Disney travel agent or possibly a caterer. I have Bell’s Palsy which isn’t anything that’s life threatening but it’s annoying because I have frequent headaches and one side of my face doesn’t have as much muscle control as the other. Oh well, that’s something I can live with.

John and I own a cabinet shop but about a year and a half ago, he went back to work full time with a commercial cabinet shop that he worked at for years and years and years. They needed somebody who knew what they were doing and he fit the bill perfectly. They wooed him back with a semi-nice amount of money and the promise to let him take time off should he need it due to important stuff like doctor's appointments, vacations, blood work, vacations, etc. You know, the important stuff. John was injured about 20 years ago at this same cabinet shop that he is working in now. He fell off a small table and hit his head on a cabinet as he fell. He suffered a seizure and our battle with epilepsy has been never ending every since. However, his seizures are under control and that’s a blessing from the Lord above.

As I said, Hunter will be turning 15 soon (as a matter of fact on the day....stopping here ‘cause I’m getting ahead of myself). He’s an Honor Roll student, on the Student Council, plays football, is an accomplished viola and guitar player and is a practical jokester just like his daddy. He is also very tender hearted and never meets a stranger. Hunter has grown up at Walt Disney World with his first trip being when he was just 1 year old. He’s been 16 times and can’t wait for the 17th trip.

Lacey is a beautiful 24 year old young woman both inside and out (I know most parents say that but it’s true.) She attended Master’s Commission in Georgia and dedicated three years of her life serving the Lord, attending Christian conferences and spreading God’s word. She also volunteered for a special needs baseball team and was a counselor at a camp for Autistic children. She is also musically gifted and plays the guitar and drums. If I am counting right, this will be Lacey’s 13th, maybe 14th trip to WDW.

Jesse is our 24 year old wonderful son-in-law. He and Lacey met at Master’s Commission in Georgia where he attended for four years. We knew even before Lacey did, that he was head over heels in love with her. We could just see it in the way he looked at her. Jesse has traveled other countries to help those in need and has spread the Gospel to them. He was also a Tom’s Shoes volunteer and helped hand out shoes to those who had none. Jesse has a beautiful singing and speaking voice. If you couldn’t tell already, we love him and we are proud to call him a part of our family. Oh and, Jesse's a preacher's kid but the old sayings don't apply to him 'cause he's never acted up like John did as a kid. Jesse has been to WDW before but only for a very short trip and he said that they hurried through the parks doing only the big stuff.

‘Kay, nuff of this “who” stuff. Up next: I’m moving on to the where, how and all that other jazz.

The What, The When & The Wheres: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44323541&postcount=69

The When & The Wheres for Lacey & Jesse: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44378008&postcount=99

The How's: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44400778&postcount=127

What's the Plan Stan? I mean Lisa?: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44450044&postcount=155

Confessions of the over-planning Disney trip planner: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44493241&postcount=181

We're going on a boat and it ain't grandpa's fishing boat, it's a great big boat! http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44547305&postcount=214

The Disney Dream gives a warm welcome to the Redneck family! Oops, I mean, the McBride Family!: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44576349&postcount=240

What are we going to see and sea?: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44630815&postcount=274

Your Incredible Private Island Paradise Awaits! : http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44677086&postcount=307

It's Was Just an Innocent Question!: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44699823&postcount=327

Hey Sweetie Britches, do you think that we could....: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44794954&postcount=362

Open Mouth and Insert Foot: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44828976&postcount=398

The Gig Is Up and All The Surprises Have Been Revealed! Or Have They?: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44838647&postcount=429

If Loose Lips Sink Ships, We Need To Grab A Lifevest!: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=44890768&postcount=467
I'm in!!! First???

Awesome, hilarious, touching introduction! Love all your dancing, leaping, sleeping, choking and soaking pictures. And the ones where you are all gussied up too.

Wouldn't miss this ride for anything!

Joining in!!:goodvibes Can't wait to read about your trip, Lisa!!:thumbsup2 I promise I will be around more often for this one!:flower3:
I'm in!! Can't wait to read more! I always enjoy your writings...We will be in Disney around the same time as you guys. We arrive on May 27 and are leaving the 31st. :yay::yay:
Hi! I read (ok, lurked ;) )your other TR and l am glad to start reading your PTR! You have a cute family and I love how much fun all of you have together. Can't wait to hear all about your plans!!:goodvibes
Hi Mickeystoontown dont know if you remember me, we always go to CBR at the same time as you do in May. Im so glad you have your vacation all booked. Sooo jealouse your heading to CBR, we just love love that resort. Dying to hear how your cruise went when you get back as its something we are considering for next year. Unfortunatly our vacation wont be until August this year but we hope to get back to disney even if we have to drive. :thumbsup2
Hey Lisa! Can't wait to hear more! :yay: Hope Lacey's enjoying Knoxville (although our weather hasn't been the greatest in the last month with all the storms...)!
I'm here! And may I say... The BEST introduction post EVER! LOVED IT!

I love that you are taking Lacey and Jesse along! Nice Flag day gift!
I'm here too!!!!! I'm hoping to get to meet you this time, before we head across country!! Hunter would LOVE my DH, Chris is into the magic and stuff, did you know they took away the magic store in DTD?? Chris was heartbroken. Plus, it would be nice to introduce our 2 boys, Tyler will be 14 in May :) The 19th to be exact, we'll be at DHS for the first SWW!!!


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