Most expensive thing you own which isn't a home or a car?

Hmm, probably one of our couches, it was insanely expensive and bought during the height of Covid because we didn't want to wait over a year for the one we originally were going to get.
We don’t have it yet, but we are having a custom made Amish dining table/island built that is going to cost us $6000.
Me: My Drums - Sonor Acoustics, Zildjian Cymbals, 2 Roland eDrum Kits: TD10Exp/TD17KV, JBL PAs
Wife: Her Sewing Machines - 3 BabyLocks: Solarius2, Elleganta, Serger
Octane 47 QXi Elliptical. Probably tied with the Diamond Eternity band I got last year for our 20th.
Wedding rings
But I throw most of my money either at my house or Disney pretty fair split with Disney taking the lead but not lately
My computer. I don't actually own lots of expensive things, now that I think. I wear silver jewelry when I do wear it.
Can I use my comic book colelction as a whole? If so, it might total more than the car or maybe the house if I actually evaluated the pricier ones (I don't have anything too rare or fancy though, but probably a more than a few that are above 100 bucks). It's about 20k strong and growing all the time too!


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