Mother forces son to drink hot sauce as punishment

I spank my DD8:scared1:. Yet, she is a very loving child. She is extremely intelligent, she scored 95% on the Iowa test for 2nd graders[/b]. That means she scored HIGHER than 95% of the ENTIRE COUNTRY all the while being spanked. I think she is just fine intellectually. Her teacher and Principal constantly tell me how she is helping out the other children and how kind she is. Did I mention she goes to church and sings in the school choir. Say it's not so...a child that is spanked is actually well adjusted???

Yet she continues to behave in a manner that warrants your hitting her? She is 8 and you still have to hit to get your point across?:scared1:

How's that spanking thing working out for ya?;)
In all fairness to both sides:

There is no way that spanking can have those effects on every child that is spanked. Otherwise, we were meant to have a nation of beyond genuises. Too many very intelligent, well rounded, well behaved kids that were spanked to really see that study to be true.

OTOH, they may have been looking at children who were more than spanked and, at least on the borderline of beating (think--"whipping"). I just don't think these researchers pulled this stuff out of their nether regions.

As for "having to do it more than once". I have never seen a child where ANY discipline worked one time every time. So that is a weak arguement.

People that don't believe in spanking tend to picture the bigger parent, holding down their child and beating them with a belt. That is rarely what the parents who do believe in spanking are even remotely talking about.

I spanked my sons up to a certain age, and beyond that used other methods. DD has never been spanked, she wasn't a "better" child; having only one makes a difference. But, I have thought sometimes if I took the easy way out with the boys --not that either of them have any lasting effects from being spanked. And for my granddauther I am FIRMLY against spanking of any kind! :laughing:

With all that said: I still believe what this woman did was abusive. If not physically, then emtionally.
Yet she continues to behave in a manner that warrants your hitting her? She is 8 and you still have to hit to get your point across?:scared1:

How's that spanking thing working out for ya?;)

She didn't say that she still does. I took a parenting class. It suggested that spanking early prevents problems later. It has worked for us. Sure they still do stuff that is wrong, but it is very minor. I guess if you don't spank, you don't ever have to punish your kids? So you put them in time out instead os spanking and you never have to again. That is a very silly question that you asked.
In all fairness to both sides:

There is no way that spanking can have those effects on every child that is spanked. Otherwise, we were meant to have a nation of beyond genuises. Too many very intelligent, well rounded, well behaved kids that were spanked to really see that study to be true.

OTOH, they may have been looking at children who were more than spanked and, at least on the borderline of beating (think--"whipping"). I just don't think these researchers pulled this stuff out of their nether regions.

As for "having to do it more than once". I have never seen a child where ANY discipline worked one time every time. So that is a weak arguement.

People that don't believe in spanking tend to picture the bigger parent, holding down their child and beating them with a belt. That is rarely what the parents who do believe in spanking are even remotely talking about.

I spanked my sons up to a certain age, and beyond that used other methods. DD has never been spanked, she wasn't a "better" child; having only one makes a difference. But, I have thought sometimes if I took the easy way out with the boys --not that either of them have any lasting effects from being spanked. And for my granddauther I am FIRMLY against spanking of any kind! :laughing:

With all that said: I still believe what this woman did was abusive. If not physically, then emtionally.

I agree 100%. I never spanked harder than a hand across the backside to get their attention. And for some reason, the thought of getting a little swat was way more good behavior inducing, than the thought of being in time out. Well at least for the older 2. The youngest, not so much. He was difficult as a toddler, Dr said it was because he was so sick as a baby that they get really tough and mean to fight off their illnesses. Anyway, my neighbor suggested time outs. I laughed at her. She told me to put him in the corner and hold his hands behind his back. I did this for about 2 moths, problem solved. He hated it.

Like Dr Phil says, you have to find their currency. What hurts them the most, and no not physically. But what they care about the most.
I don't believe in hitting people. That includes children and adults. I don't think parents that spank are bad parents. I just disagree with the method it makes me :sad1:. I was never abused but my dad was never around, he was too busy at the bars/parties the only time he ever came around was when my grama called him to "get" me for being bad. Usually a spanking. We now have a reverse relationship almost like siblings. I can't relate to him as a parent and after my grandmother let my uncle babysit me that had been accused of child abuse in the past and he molested me. It hurt our relationship. I don't think I have ever had an appropriate relationship with an adult until I became one. At 16 I was dating and sleeping with a 36 year old. I want to raise my children differently with structure ,love and discipline but without violence or fear.

Russian Uproar Over Adopted Boy's Punishment in U.S.

Published February 04, 2011

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Russian officials are closely watching a case involving an Anchorage mother of six who was charged with child abuse after a video that aired on "Dr. Phil" showed her punishing her adopted Russian son by squirting hot sauce into his mouth and forcing him into a cold shower.

The case has sparked a public uproar in Russia at a time that nation is nearing completion of a bilateral treaty with the U.S. on adoptions. Russia called for the agreement following the deaths of Russian children who were abused or neglected by their adoptive American parents in recent years.
Russian officials say they have not ruled out pushing for the return of the 7-year-old boy to his native country should his adoptive mother, Jessica Beagley, be found guilty.

"This video caused a huge wave of outrage in Russia," said Andrey Bondarev of the Russian Consulate in Seattle. "We're going to pay attention because this behavior is absolutely unacceptable."

Beagley's attorney, meanwhile, maintains she is a caring mother who submitted the video to the show because she genuinely wanted help.
The boy and his fraternal twin brother remain in the home with Beagley, her husband and their four biological children. Bondarev, who twice visited the family, said he saw no reason to have the boys removed at this point, and neither did authorities. He said Beagley vowed to never exert that kind of discipline again.

Authorities began investigating Beagley, 36, after the video aired in November in a segment on the CBS show called "Mommy Confessions." The city charged Beagley with one misdemeanor count of child abuse last month.

She has pleaded not guilty.

The video, shot by Beagley's 10-year-old daughter, included sounds of the boy screaming behind the shower curtain and Beagley yelling about the consequences of misbehavior. It brought many in the show's audience to tears.

On the air, host Phil McGraw called Beagley's actions abusive and over the top.

Beagley is married to an Anchorage police officer who was aware of the punishment, Bondarev said. The husband, Gary Beagley, also was investigated, according to municipal prosecutor Cynthia Franklin. She declined to elaborate, saying only that he has not been charged.

On the show, Jessica Beagley said the boy acts up and lies. She said other disciplinary actions such as time-outs, spankings and soap in the mouth have had no effect on his misbehavior.

"I would definitely say that (the boy) is the biggest stress in my life," she said.

Bill Ingaldson, Beagley's attorney, declined to make his client available for an interview. He said she was on the show to seek help about the boy, who was adopted with his brother when they were 5 years old. She saw a "Dr. Phil" episode inviting frustrated parents to the show, according to her lawyer, so she wrote to producers but didn't hear back until 18 months later.

She originally sent a video showing her talking to her children about cold showers as a consequence of misbehavior, but producers wanted to see the actual discipline, Ingaldson said.

The subsequent video was made after legitimate misbehavior, and Beagley's sole motivation was to find solutions, he said.

"She's being portrayed as this evil person, which isn't at all the case," he said. "She's a really caring mom."

Show spokeswoman Stacey Luchs said producers routinely accept home videos or ask participants to tape "naturally occurring behaviors and interactions, in order to gain insight" when dealing with family dynamics.
"We were shocked by what we saw, and called for the immediate halting of this behavior and also referred, at the show's expense, both mother and child for evaluation and treatment with appropriate professionals," she told The Associated Press in an e-mail.

Yevgeniy Khorishko, a spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C., said his office is following the case, which has prompted many reactions in his country.

Russia and U.S. officials are concluding work on a new, binding agreement to cover adoptions between the two countries. Russia demanded such an agreement after a Tennessee adoptive mother put her 7-year-old boy on a plane back to Moscow last year, unaccompanied by an adult.
There also have been instances of severe mistreatment by American parents, Khorishko said.

"There were several cases in recent years with adopted Russian children, including the deaths, beatings and cruel attitude of the parents toward these children," he said. "We actually questioned many times our American counterparts on these issues, and we both understood that we actually need an agreement."

An estimated 17 adopted Russian children have died in instances of domestic violence in American families since 1992, according to Pavel Astakhov, Russia's government-appointed children's rights ombudsman. His office also is monitoring the Beagley case.

"Theoretically, we don't rule out that we could insist on the return of the boy to Russia. But at this point we're not going to," Astakhov said. He suggested that could happen if the family is shown to be unfit to raise him, but he added it's too early to draw that conclusion

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She didn't say that she still does. I took a parenting class. It suggested that spanking early prevents problems later. It has worked for us. Sure they still do stuff that is wrong, but it is very minor. I guess if you don't spank, you don't ever have to punish your kids? So you put them in time out instead os spanking and you never have to again. That is a very silly question that you asked.

I am against hitting...anyone. No one should have the right to lay a hand on you. But on the same note I wouldn't tell someone how to parent. But its funny b/c any psychology class I ever took always said that if you hit your child you are teaching them that hitting is a way to solve problems.
Interesting....I'm sure there are articles to support both sides. I think we would also all agree there is a difference b/w spanking and beating. I spank my DD8:scared1:. Yet, she is a very loving child. She is extremely intelligent, she scored 95% on the Iowa test for 2nd graders. That means she scored HIGHER than 95% of the ENTIRE COUNTRY all the while being spanked. I think she is just fine intellectually. Her teacher and Principal constantly tell me how she is helping out the other children and how kind she is. Did I mention she goes to church and sings in the school choir. Say it's not so...a child that is spanked is actually well adjusted??? Conversely, my best friend who does not believe in spanking and talks it out with her child scored 50% on the Iowa test and always has recess taken away. Guess what??? I don't judge her parenting techniques. :rolleyes1

Really? Your gonna go there? So sad, how do you know this child doesn't have a learning disability or just learns differently than your DD, or does not do well with state tests or tests in general. I don't think this child scored a 50% because he/she doesn't get spanked! :confused3

Really? Your gonna go there? So sad, how do you know this child doesn't have a learning disability or just learns differently than your DD, or does not do well with state tests or tests in general. I don't think this child scored a 50% because he/she doesn't get spanked! :confused3

Not every average, less than average, or bad child has a learning disability.
..."There were several cases in recent years with adopted Russian children, including the deaths, beatings and cruel attitude of the parents toward these children," he said. "We actually questioned many times our American counterparts on these issues, and we both understood that we actually need an agreement."

An estimated 17 adopted Russian children have died in instances of domestic violence in American families since 1992, according to Pavel Astakhov, Russia's government-appointed children's rights ombudsman. His office also is monitoring the Beagley case...

I guess these Russians have a mental block on the atrocities within Russia that opened the floodgates of Americans trying to help children in Russia. :rolleyes:
I guess these Russians have a mental block on the atrocities within Russia that opened the floodgates of Americans trying to help children in Russia. :rolleyes:

yes, I was just thinking the same thing. I've read that Russia and Romania are know as the worst countries when it comes to the way they treat orphans in orphanages. The poor kids get abused here, get sent back to Russia, and get abused there. :sad1:

Really? Your gonna go there? So sad, how do you know this child doesn't have a learning disability or just learns differently than your DD, or does not do well with state tests or tests in general. I don't think this child scored a 50% because he/she doesn't get spanked! :confused3

Not every average, less than average, or bad child has a learning disability.

The point I was getting across was the kid scored a 50% but its NOT because his/her mom decides to "talk it out" with him/her instead of spank. There's many unknown factors that could contribute to a child's score of 50%.

Really? Your gonna go there? So sad, how do you know this child doesn't have a learning disability or just learns differently than your DD, or does not do well with state tests or tests in general. I don't think this child scored a 50% because he/she doesn't get spanked! :confused3

(I know the quoted post isn't the one that brought this up but I couldn't find the original).

I want to point out that the test scores being talked about aren't percents, they're percenttiles. So that kid who has a 50, has earned a score in the average range. In a group of 100 kids, theoretically 49 would score worse and 50 would score higher--which is about as average/typical/what's-to-be-expected as you can get. It's not a bad score at all, and not a sign of a learning disability. I agree it also has nothing to do w/ spanking vs. not spanking, though. :)
(I know the quoted post isn't the one that brought this up but I couldn't find the original).

I want to point out that the test scores being talked about aren't percents, they're percenttiles. So that kid who has a 50, has earned a score in the average range. In a group of 100 kids, theoretically 49 would score worse and 50 would score higher--which is about as average/typical/what's-to-be-expected as you can get. It's not a bad score at all, and not a sign of a learning disability. I agree it also has nothing to do w/ spanking vs. not spanking, though. :)

Yeah I thought that after I posted it, that 50 would be somewhere in the middle. But still the way its being worded (she scored 95, he scored 50, he doesn't get recess, she gets straight As, in choir, helps out etc.) was kind of belittling the other child. I just don't like when people put their child(ren) on a pedestal only to berate another child.

And I'd also like to add to my post, while we are on the subject of "average" (like as if its a bad thing), I had a friend all throughout my elementary/middle/and high school years who was your average kid. He wasn't in honors or AP classes, was a skater, and he played guitar in the band...I found him on facebook, and he is a doctor. He is also married and just had his 2nd little girl. Not the last person in the world that I would think in my graduating class to be a doctor, but he wasn't the first person I pictured either. But kudos to him, the only person in my graduating class to become a doctor.
I spanked mine too. They are all above average, not as smart as yours, but above average and in pre AP classes. They don't have AP classes here in middle school. Mine have never even come close to being in trouble at school, have never even hit anyone. Their friends parents and our friends say that they would be glad to take nay of our kids anywhere because they are well behaved. Do they act up and do stupid stuff sometimes. Sure they do. But most is due to the old sibling rivalry. And if someone could find a cure for that, they would be billionaires.
We did not spank our children. They are also all above average. Never in trouble at school. Oh, hang of them got detention because they forgot to turn they're phone off and it rang during class. It was a wrong number. She was devastated that we would be disappointed in her. :confused3

IMO, the only thing that spanking/hitting does is teach that it's OK to hit someone else.

Children learn by example. They learn to emulate the behavior that they see. I believe you can not hit your children and then try to teach them that it is wrong to hit others. It is a complete contradiction of your own behavior.

What is your message.........that's it's OK to hit or that's it's wrong to hit? :confused:
...IMO, the only thing that spanking/hitting does is teach that it's OK to hit someone else...

Really? The only thing? I guess I need to unlearn some of the other things that it taught me.

Thanks for the heads-up. :thumbsup2 :upsidedow
What horrendous act does a child have to do that requires them being hit?

I am not being factious. As a non spanker, I am curious what a spanker's child does that would result in being struck?

Also, at what age does a parent stop hitting a child? What punishment replaces this?


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