My first ever DLR trip!!!! June 13-18 *Completed!*

We managed to get out of town by 8:30 Saturday morning after grabbing ice for the cooler and loading the car. I can't remember, but I believe we only stopped at one or two rest stops before finally taking the last exit for Weed.


I pulled into the McDonald's so we could use the restroom, and then DD and I sat outside and ate our lunch from the cooler. Here's a shot from the parking lot: (is this Mt. Shasta?)


We continued driving, got gas in Redding. It was my first time pumping gas, so instead of fumbling with it and taking forever I just asked the lady at the next pump to show me. Ended up reaching Santa Nella around 5:30, which I thought was pretty good. After grabbing a room at the Motel 6, we grabbed dinner at Subway, which was free because I had a gift card from for $10. There was an Arco next to Subway, so I filled up the car again rather than waiting for morning. The motel was decent and clean except for the shower floor. No showers for us that night! :eek:

I didn't sleep well so I was up by 7:00 Sunday morning, and we were back on the road by 7:40. I have to say, when we reached the LA area, it was pretty nerve-wracking be in that traffic but at the same time, it wasn't as bad as I expected based on what I've heard. There wasn't any stop-and-go traffic, just people zooming across 3 lanes right in front of us, among other things.

We reached Anaheim at noon, but our room at BWPPI wasn't ready, so we checked out the character warehouse in Fullerton. That place is really cool, but I didn't find much that I wanted badly enough to not wait and see what's in the park currently. After that, I got a bit turned around. I wanted to eat at the In-n-Out Burger right up the road, but before I figured out which way was North, Alyssa spotted a Burger King and had to eat there. I was okay with that.

We headed back to the hotel at 1:30 and were able to get a room. It was on the second floor, overlooking the pool. I liked it because we could have the curtains open without people walking right past the window. The pool noise gets kind of loud in the day until about 8 or 9 at night, but we never took naps during our afternoon breaks and never went to sleep too early so it wasn't a big deal at all for us.

As soon as we unloaded the car, Alyssa and I walked over to Downtown Disney. We really just walked through to Disneyland Hotel and back to our room, though, because Alyssa was wiped out. I enjoyed being called princess at the security tables and the ticket booth, where I picked up our parkhoppers. It was cute, though it threw me off a bit.

When we got back to the room, we showered and I set out clothes for the next day so we'd be all ready in the morning.

Some pics during the drive down:






Pics from us heading to DTD:





Pics of our hotel room:













Day 1 in the parks will be posted shortly. I have to finish eating my dinner first. I need nourishment to remember the details of our trip, you know. ;)
Yes, that is the beautiful Mt Shasta. Thank you so much for that. It has been years since I have been there. I think that the cast members were exceptional this trip. What dd you think?
Yes, that is the beautiful Mt Shasta. Thank you so much for that. It has been years since I have been there. I think that the cast members were exceptional this trip. What dd you think?

Yes, I was definitely pleased with how wonderful they were. I had Alyssa standing at the partners statue so I could take a picture, and a man cleaning the area offered to take a pic of us together. Overall, I've never experienced great customer service like I did there.
Yes, I was definitely pleased with how wonderful they were. I had Alyssa standing at the partners statue so I could take a picture, and a man cleaning the area offered to take a pic of us together. Overall, I've never experienced great customer service like I did there.

I felt the Disney magic was alive and well this trip. It makes it's kind of hard to go anywhere else.
We continued driving, got gas in Redding. It was my first time pumping gas, so instead of fumbling with it and taking forever I just asked the lady at the next pump to show me.

Ah, a fellow Oregonian. ;) I grew up there (don't live there anymore) but I was well into adulthood before I ever pumped gas. Whenever we drive through Oregon I have to remind my husband to just stay in the car when we pull up to the pump. It makes him very uncomfortable to have someone else pump the gas for he's making someone do something that he should be doing himself. "Do I tip them? What kind of law is this anyway?!?" :)

Great start to your Trip Report!
Ah, a fellow Oregonian. ;) I grew up there (don't live there anymore) but I was well into adulthood before I ever pumped gas. Whenever we drive through Oregon I have to remind my husband to just stay in the car when we pull up to the pump. It makes him very uncomfortable to have someone else pump the gas for he's making someone do something that he should be doing himself. "Do I tip them? What kind of law is this anyway?!?" :)

Great start to your Trip Report!

:rotfl: I got pretty good at getting in and out of the gas stations by the time we reached Oregon again. It felt weird today when I needed to fill up, because I wanted to get out of the car.

I liked that, as long as you didn't need to get change back from inside, you didn't have to wait for an attendant. It seemed much quicker to pump the gas myself.
We went up into Oregon a few years back. It was the first time I had been to Oregon since I was a kid. I was in shock because I didn't have to pump my own gas. It was a nice change. Unfortunately it has been years since we had full service in California.
Ok, before I start, I just have to say that I was not feeling the magic this first morning. I think I set myself up for failure expecting too much out of the experience of walking down Main Street for the first time.

That being said, I quickly got over it and had warmed up to it by the afternoon.

So, the park was opening at 8:00 this morning, and I think we made it to the security line at about 7:25. After the rope drop, I realized that I completely forgot to grab a park map. Since I had a good idea where Space Mountain was, we just went there first to get a Fastpass. We did the Sleeping Beauty castle walk-through, then finally grabbed a map.

This was on the way to the castle:




Alyssa was dying to do Autopia, so that's what we did next:




Then we made our way over to Frontierland, taking things in as we went:










Since we could get another FP by now, we went to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and grabbed a FP. The stand-by wait was 5 minutes, so we rode it right away. The dark parts scared Alyssa, and I think she didn't like how rough it was either. She said she wasn't going again at all on that ride.



We went back to use our Space FP. Here's a crummy pic I took of the screen, third row, and Alyssa is hiding:


This was another ride she wasn't interested in doing again. I quickly discovered that this trip was not going to be about the rides so much. I have to be honest, I was a little bummed, but I wasn't about to force her to go on rides she didn't want to go on just so I could have fun for 5 minutes. She did want to do Buzz Lightyear, though, so we grabbed FP for that ride. Then we caught the bus to City Hall so I could exchange my GAD voucher for FP's, and to get my first visit pin and Fantasmic! tickets for that night.







Coming up - Day 1 continued, including Goofy's Kitchen, Toontown, Pixie Hollow, shopping, Fantasyland, and F!
We barely finished up at City Hall by 10:15, and we had a 10:30 PS for Goofy's Kitchen, so we had to get over to DLH pretty quickly. I wasn't as concerned as Alyssa was. I had to reassure her that if we were a little late it wouldn't be a big deal. It wasn't even very busy, because the group in front of me was a walk-up and they were seated immediately. There were some empty tables around us, and even though we were seated near the entrance, it appeared to be quite dead in there. We saw Chip, Dale, Mulan, Goofy, Pluto (photopass spot at entrance), Baloo, and Captain Hook. Baloo and Captain Hook never made it to our table. I did snap a pic of Baloo, but Hook was seen for only a minute from across the room.







We probably finished with GK a little before noon, and had to hit up Build-a-Bear in DTD for any items Alyssa couldn't get at home. I told Alyssa that my reason for this rule was because Oregon doesn't have the sales tax, and once she realized that meant spending more of her money than what the price tag said, she was very careful with her choices. :laughing: She picked out a Minnie ears headband and Minnie shirt.

Then we rode the monorail back into DL. We must have wandered back to town square because we ended up seeing Pinocchio as he was coming out. Alyssa was second in line to meet him:



We hopped on the train and rode it to Toontown station. Here are my Toontown pics from the day, including meeting Minnie at her house:












Next, we did Pixie Hollow. Rosetta was there with Tink. Rosetta was really nice, but Tink didn't impress me too much. Luckily Alyssa didn't seem to notice. She thought they were both nice, but that Rosetta was super nice.



We rode Autopia again, then used our BLAB FP. Alyssa did like that ride.


Okay, so Day 1 is seeming longer than I expected. I will finish it up in my next post. :)

We happened to catch the 3:30 parade:



I realized that we hadn't eaten since GK, so we got some food at Redd Rocket's Pizza Port. Alyssa only had a bag of chips and a drink :rolleyes:, and I had a slice of cheese pizza and a drink. Holy cow, the pizza was so good, it was almost, almost, worth the $6! I expected them to be skimpy with the cheese, but instead the cheese was as thick as the crust.

Now that we had fueled up, I dragged Alyssa around shopping. We hit the Emporium, along with some of the other shops on Main Street. I went to the Silhouette Shop and saw that Sylvia was working! I had her make a silhouette of Alyssa and I together, and then Alyssa with Minnie Mouse.

I then realized that we had overdone it on our first day, and it was about 5:30, so after buying two of the Mickey balloons that are inside the clear balloon, we headed back to the room for a break.

I knew we needed to line up for our F! seats before 8:00, especially if we wanted good ones, but I also knew we needed the break at our hotel. We didn't head back to the park until 7:00, and didn't get over to the Rivers of America until 7:10. I couldn't believe it when we found the line and there were only 2 other groups there!

The time waiting in line went fast because we ended up talking to a really nice lady behind us, and I was also watching the cute little girl at the front of the line tell the CM about seeing Handy Manny.

When it was time to check in, we scored seats front row center!! :woohoo: I don't remember what we did while waiting for showtime, we must have wandered towards Critter Country. We were able to take our seats at about 8:30, and got our dessert boxes and drinks:


Here's a very handy tip the CM told me: if you move your grapes out of their spot, your can of soda fits in there perfectly. We had been sitting for only a few minutes when the woman sitting next to Alyssa asked me if I was koalagirl. Turns out, we were right next to Marsha (aka mrsmoore)! I had known that she had tickets to the same F! show as us, but it's crazy that we ended up sitting together. Turns out, they were at the front of the line, and it was Marsha's daughter talking to the CM.

I loved, loved, loved Fantasmic! The music was a bit loud for Alyssa's ears, and she didn't like feeling the heat of the flames at all, but she still really enjoyed it. The music that plays when Mickey first comes out keeps running through my head. :goodvibes I didn't get any decent pics of the show, so I won't bother posting them. The fireworks were great, too, but we couldn't see Dumbo or Tinkerbell. Alyssa was excited to hear the Mary Poppins part. Ever since she watched that movie with me a couple months ago, she's been in love with Mary and Bert.

As soon as we were able to get out of the area, we rode the Astro Orbitor, then did the Pixie Hollow walk-through:



Next, we hit Fantasyland. Later at night really is a great time to do these rides. We rode the teacups, carousel, and Dumbo with short or no waits.





We then got some nighttime pictures:




It was midnight by then, or close to it, so we headed back to the hotel. My child lasted until midnight, and never showed signs of slowing! I couldn't believe it. That meant no MM for us the next day; we'd be using it on Wednesday.

I almost forgot: As we were walking past BLAB, someone in front of us said "That's the chick from Desperate Housewives!" I'm not sure which actress they were talking about, and I never saw the person, so I don't know if there actually was someone in the park from the show. Just thought I'd share.

Day 2 should be up tomorrow sometime. Stay tuned, it will include our first visit to DCA. :thumbsup2
Great pics!! Your daughter is a trooper going to midnight...I'm impressed!

Bummer she wasn't a fan of BTMRR......this is my favorite ride!!! It's also my 4 yr old's favorite.....she could ride it all day long. Her 2nd favorite is Space Mtn. :rotfl: She's definitely our thrill-seeker.

That is so cool that you met another DISer!! Fantasmic is awesome!! I'd love to be able to do the dessert seating again this year....but unfortunately I haven't won the lottery we'll have to pass on it!! I'm actually hoping to catch it for the 2nd show & the crowds won't be as big.

Can't wait to see more!!
I am enjoying your trip report. We leave in 19 days! Can you tell us a little more about BWPPI. That is where we are staying. How was the free breakfast? How much did parking cost? The beds in your picture look small. I might see if I can change my reservation to the room with queen size beds.
I am enjoying your trip report. I think that you both are amazing hanging on for the whole day. Even my teenagers were dragging by afternoon and we were back in the room resting. And we never once made it until midnight. I guess I am truly getting old. :rotfl2:
nice report_ great pics! :thumbsup2

Love your report & pictures!

Great pics!! Your daughter is a trooper going to midnight...I'm impressed!

Bummer she wasn't a fan of BTMRR......this is my favorite ride!!! It's also my 4 yr old's favorite.....she could ride it all day long. Her 2nd favorite is Space Mtn. :rotfl: She's definitely our thrill-seeker.

That is so cool that you met another DISer!! Fantasmic is awesome!! I'd love to be able to do the dessert seating again this year....but unfortunately I haven't won the lottery we'll have to pass on it!! I'm actually hoping to catch it for the 2nd show & the crowds won't be as big.

Can't wait to see more!!

I am enjoying your trip report. I think that you both are amazing hanging on for the whole day. Even my teenagers were dragging by afternoon and we were back in the room resting. And we never once made it until midnight. I guess I am truly getting old. :rotfl2:

Thanks everyone! I have to return to the real world for a bit to pay some bills and run errands, but will be back soon for the next installment.
I am enjoying your trip report. We leave in 19 days! Can you tell us a little more about BWPPI. That is where we are staying. How was the free breakfast? How much did parking cost? The beds in your picture look small. I might see if I can change my reservation to the room with queen size beds.

I loved this hotel! I'm not sure how much parking is because it was included when I booked through getawaytoday. We also never checked out the breakfast, sorry. The beds were perfect for us, I only wanted separate beds so my moose of a child wouldn't push me out at night. :lmao: But I think they are only doubles, so it would be crowded if you need 2 people to a bed. Also, they have free internet, but unless you're in the lobby or in a room right by it, the Wi-Fi probably won't work. If you need internet in your room, you'll have to bring your own ethernet cable. And possibly a regular phone cord too, but I can't remember for sure. If you don't want to give them a credit card for incidentals, they take a $30 cash deposit for the whole stay.

If you have problems with noise, stay away from the rooms by the pool and the elevator. We were by both and noticed that housekeeping loaded up their carts every morning right outside our room. Being by the elevator, you get people constantly walking by to get to it. And don't expect to rest if you're in your room during fireworks. I'm sure this is the same at any of the hotels nearby, though.

We never had problems staying there, but we were mostly gone all day and we also are pretty deep sleepers so any late stragglers at night didn't bother us.

Hope that helps you some. Let me know if you have other questions. :goodvibes
Ah, a fellow Oregonian. ;) I grew up there (don't live there anymore) but I was well into adulthood before I ever pumped gas. Whenever we drive through Oregon I have to remind my husband to just stay in the car when we pull up to the pump. It makes him very uncomfortable to have someone else pump the gas for he's making someone do something that he should be doing himself. "Do I tip them? What kind of law is this anyway?!?" :)

Great start to your Trip Report!

It is the law that it has to be pumped by the attendant and you do not tip them.

It is the law that it has to be pumped by the attendant and you do not tip them.


What Jack said. :) I think the only way you can even touch the nozzle is when you're on a bike. Then they hand it to you to insert it into your tank and hold it there. *My 74 year old grandma rides!* :eek: :laughing:
:goodvibes I'm loving your TR so far and can't wait for more! How cool about sitting next to another DIS'er for Fantasmic. I always have fun seeing others in the parks!

OK, I did learn something new today and totally non-Disney. I never knew you don't pump your own gas in Oregon. I knew about New Jersey, but not about Oregon (which is where my parents want to move). So does that mean no self-service, at all? Guess I have another state that I wont ever travel too. I wont go anywhere if I can't pump my own gas when I'm there. It's a pet peeve, lol.


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