My friend Amy passed away

Tiger Fan

<font color=deeppink>Survivor<br><font color=teal>
May 21, 2000
Thank you all for your support and prayers for my friend Amy. She was moved to the top of the donor list and survived a very cruicial colon surgery, but was not able to hold on to receive a new liver. She passed away during the night. Please continue to remember Amy's husband and her two girls (6 & 8) as they now struggle to get through this time. I appreciate you all more than you know.
Oh Lisa, I am so sorry to hear that your friend has passed away. I can't imagine the pain her family and you, her dear friends, are feeling right now. I will certainly remember her family, and yours as well, during this difficult time. May God strengthen and comfort you all. {{{HUGS}}}
I am so sorry to hear this. What a tragedy. My prayers are on their way to her family (and friends!).
I am very sorry. God bless her family as they go through this difficult time....
They are all in our prayers.
Oh my gosh....I'm so very sorry to hear the news. My deepest sympathy to Amy's family & to you. So sad that these 2 little girls will grow up without their "mommy." I'm so sad. :( :(

I lost my best friend on March 19, 1998 & the pain still feels like yesterday. It's so hard to lose a loved one.

Many {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to you.
You and your dear friend's family are in my prayers.
I'm so sorry, Lisa. How horrible for this young family! May God give them comfort.

God bless,

{{{HUGS}}} I am so sorry for your loss and that of Amy's family. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Lisa - I'm so sorry.

I'll certainly keep Amy's family in my thoughts and prayers today. :(
I'm so sorry to hear the news. :( Thoughts and prayers are with them all. :(
Prayers, PD and ((((HUGS)))) for you, Amy's family and friends.
I'm very sorry.:(
I'll be thinking of Amy's family and you (((Lisa))).
Lisa, I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers for her husband and children.

And {{HUGS}} for you.

I am SO very sorry about your friend, Amy. What a terrible thing! My brother (48) passed away last August of colon cancer after only about 5 months of knowing/fighting.

Thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and Amy's family.
Really sorry to hear this, Lisa. :( My condolences to you as a friend, and to her family, they will be in my prayers. So sad. :( And she seemed to be doing so well after the colon surgery a bit back. Thanks again, Lisa, for bringing Amy to us.


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