October is here!!! A Semi-live TR!!! Our Oct 7-14 trip to the world!

Happy Mother's Day to you too! DHS, we skipped the last trip but really enjoyed our time there the trip before!
Happy Mothers Day to you, too!

I can't add much to your DHS plans, since that's the one we skipped! I've heard good things on the Frozen sing along...

Thanks for the Mothers' day greeting!! It was a nice one...but with too much food!! I was actually considering skipping DHS or AK...one of the two...but we have enough days for once to do all four...and I have no idea when we will be back after this trip...so I think we should try to do them all. Who knows what will have changed in a few years and DD doesn't remember the last time we were at either of those parks. But I'm just having a hard time planning it out...the dang tiered FP+ system really throws a wrench in everything I come up with!

Happy Mother's Day to you too! DHS, we skipped the last trip but really enjoyed our time there the trip before!

Thanks!! Same to you!! I'm glad you have fond memories of DHS...we skipped it too the last couple trips...but I'm hoping since my expectations are low...and we have Sci Fi ADR...that we will be amused enough for the rest of the day...if not...there's always DTD :))

Catching up/joining in! Great to see other October plans!

Welcome and thanks for joining in!! Always good to meet new DIS friends!! And October...yaay!! Let's hope for good weather!!
Okay, I've fallen a little bit behind, but I'm trying to catch up...

I scored a 9:05 ADR for Cape May at the BC which I'm quite excited about. I really do like the idea of at least one character meal so we are guaranteed some character interaction without having to plan for it in the park, or wait in line if it's unplanned.

I think a character meal is a great idea! I don't know how your DD feels about it, but I know some kids aren't wild about waiting in line for characters, so this will be a great more casual way to see characters!

I asked around these parts a bit, and I think that the best way to get to the BC from where we are staying POFQ is ....CAB lol. I think since the goal of this morning is to take it easy and not have to get up super early....it might be worth it to spring for a cab and a direct route to the BC. BUT....if (as often happens at WDW) we have a hard time sleeping in and are up and at 'em anyway, then we will maybe bus to...? Epcot and then BC from there? I guess we could walk? Or is HS closer...ok so still not sure on this what's best...but we'll figure it out (we only have 5 months lol)

I think it has to be HS because Epcot you'd have to go through the International Gateway, which means going into the park.
But yeah, cab is the fastest way.

For the actual party...as I mentioned...I don't want to really PLAN that much. I do want to see the parade...and probably the earlier one so that's one thing planned. But other than that...eat some food...meet some characters...and fit in a few rides if we can...I don't want to plan much beyond that...except for the halloween treats...do they show somewhere in advance what will be available in terms of special treats for the party? I don't want to miss anything extra special there!! And then...if we are still awake...we will stay for Hallowishes...although I would be just as content to maybe go over to the CR and try to watch from there or the Poly...make it easier to get the heck out afterwards...but we shall see on that how DD feels!

I've never done the party, so I can't tell you much, but from what I hear, the parade and Hallowishes are both must dos. Beyond that ... I think it's nice to go in without too much planning and to just see what you want to do.

my Mothers' day festivities included...hubby getting up at 6am to go run a 10k....getting back 5 minutes before we had to leave for brunch with my parents!!! Let's just say...when we were supposed to leave at 10:15am...I was NOT a happy camper at 10:10am when he rolled in the door all sweaty. But..he managed to get showered pretty quick and we were out the door by about 10:30am...a little later than we had hoped...but we made it to the restaurant just in time.

Happy mother's day!
Sounds like a stressful morning, but I'm glad you made it to the restaurant on time!

Now even though its an EMH day at DHS, it's a Saturday...and as such, EasyWDW does not recommend going there. BUT the thing is...they recommend going to AK both that Saturday and the Sunday as well...which...is not happening. I will give AK one day...but that's it on this trip. So HS is at least the next recommended one...even though it's red...what can you do. So we will be up early and battle the crowds and so be it....

The thing I've found about some of the crowd calendars (including easyWDW) is that they look at each day individually and don't take vacation planning into account - they'll tell you what park they think is best for each day, but because they're looking at it on a day-by-day basis and not as part of a vacation, there may never be a day during the course of your trip when a particular park is recommended. Which is why, as helpful as the crowd calendars are, you can't always follow their recommendations 100%.

For FP+ I was thinking of course TSMM for one and Frozen Sing along for one...but then what? I really want to do Great Movie Ride...but of course can't get a FP for that if we want TSMM....so what else is worth it...Little Mermaid?

If you're not doing TOT or Star Tours, there isn't really much else in Tier 2. We have the same problem - we usually do Little Mermaid or Muppet Vision as a "throw away" - meaning if we use it, fine, but we can also do it without the FP+ and it doesn't make much of a difference.
You may be able to get Great Movie Ride as a 4th FP+ - we did when we went in November.

Depending on how we feel...I'd like to maybe take a break and come back for Fantasmic...and would be nice to have FP for that...but not sure what the chances are of getting that as a 4th FP+...

I saw it available when I went in February, but that was a day when there were 2 showings of F!, so I don't know if that makes a difference. I think I also saw it when I went in November, but I'm really not sure.
I really did want to go to Tusker House on our AK day but was not able to get an early ADR
We've only ever booked our Tusker House breakfasts either the day before or the day of, so between now and October I'm sure something will come open.
I may try to keep in a secret until the morning of the day we go
My daughter is still reminding me of the time we "tricked" her about going to Disney. I'd try and keep the secret going if you can. How often do we get to really surprise them anyway?
Firstly....Happy Mothers' day to any moms reading this PTR
Happy mothers day to you. Sounds like you had a great day! Mine started with bloody mary's and ended with some great port so all and all a good day ; )
For FP+ I was thinking of course TSMM for one and Frozen Sing along for one...but then what? I really want to do Great Movie Ride...but of course can't get a FP for that if we want TSMM....so what else is worth it...Little Mermaid?
Is the great moving ride a tier 1 now???? If so that is just ridiculous.
Oh and we have an ADR for lunch at Sci-Fi Diner.
Yeah for SciFi. Love a good meal at the drive-in
Okay, I've fallen a little bit behind, but I'm trying to catch up...I think a character meal is a great idea! I don't know how your DD feels about it, but I know some kids aren't wild about waiting in line for characters, so this will be a great more casual way to see characters!
I think it has to be HS because Epcot you'd have to go through the International Gateway, which means going into the park.
But yeah, cab is the fastest way.
The thing I've found about some of the crowd calendars (including easyWDW) is that they look at each day individually and don't take vacation planning into account - they'll tell you what park they think is best for each day, but because they're looking at it on a day-by-day basis and not as part of a vacation, there may never be a day during the course of your trip when a particular park is recommended. Which is why, as helpful as the crowd calendars are, you can't always follow their recommendations 100%.
If you're not doing TOT or Star Tours, there isn't really much else in Tier 2. We have the same problem - we usually do Little Mermaid or Muppet Vision as a "throw away" - meaning if we use it, fine, but we can also do it without the FP+ and it doesn't make much of a difference.
You may be able to get Great Movie Ride as a 4th FP+ - we did when we went in November.
I saw it available when I went in February, but that was a day when there were 2 showings of F!, so I don't know if that makes a difference. I think I also saw it when I went in November, but I'm really not sure.

That's some good insight. Yeah, I don't think my DD likes waiting in line for characters so that's why I went for the Character breakfast. Other than that, we will probably use FP+ to get to see a few more of her fave characters...but hopefully avoid waiting too much for them where possible. I guess you are right - it will have to be either cab or bus to HS to get to the BC...so I will be prepared for either depending on how early we get up that day.
You're right about the crowd calendars - they don't always work out with how many days you want to be in the parks and when...and what all you hope to get accomplished. I'm hoping since it isn't the busiest time of year we will be ok even on a non recommended day. Good to hear that you saw Fantasmic as a 4th FP...I hope that works out...we shall see! Again, my DD isn't one for sitting for a long time just waiting for a parade so...not sure how that will go if we don't get a FP+.

We've only ever booked our Tusker House breakfasts either the day before or the day of, so between now and October I'm sure something will come open.

My daughter is still reminding me of the time we "tricked" her about going to Disney. I'd try and keep the secret going if you can. How often do we get to really surprise them anyway?

Happy mothers day to you. Sounds like you had a great day! Mine started with bloody mary's and ended with some great port so all and all a good day ; )

Is the great moving ride a tier 1 now???? If so that is just ridiculous.

Yeah for SciFi. Love a good meal at the drive-in

Hey Kari, that's good to hear that you were able to score Tusker house so close to the day. I will keep that in mind if we don't manage to get something before the trip. Although once we've done Cape May I'm not sure we'll need another character breakfast...although some of the food at TH looks like of unique so that could be fun. That's awesome that your DD remembers being tricked!! I hope I can pull it off!! Your mothers' day sounds awesome too!! And YES GMR is now a Tier 1...sigh...ridiculous. Oh well...what can you do.
I think I'm all caught up. :) Been a crazy last couple of weeks and I imagine from now until the end of the term, it'll keep being that way. But I love reading about your plans. I'd forgotten about the Frozen Sing-a-Long. Not sure if it'll still be there in Oct, 2016, but it'd be fun to hit that up with my daughter! I really love the GMR. I think it could use an update, but I do love it. Never done the One Man's, but REALLY loved Art of Animation. I won the animator's drawing by knowing Donald Duck's middle name. :) DHS is just a really awesome park... that they could do so much more with.

Super excited for MNSSHP too. You know that though. ;) I think you'll want to stay for the Hallowishes. There is a lot of ground level stuff that make the show what it is. All part of that story. Not that I've seen any of it yet, but I'm looking forward to all of your photos!!
I think I'm all caught up. :) Been a crazy last couple of weeks and I imagine from now until the end of the term, it'll keep being that way. But I love reading about your plans. I'd forgotten about the Frozen Sing-a-Long. Not sure if it'll still be there in Oct, 2016, but it'd be fun to hit that up with my daughter! I really love the GMR. I think it could use an update, but I do love it. Never done the One Man's, but REALLY loved Art of Animation. I won the animator's drawing by knowing Donald Duck's middle name. :) DHS is just a really awesome park... that they could do so much more with.

Super excited for MNSSHP too. You know that though. ;) I think you'll want to stay for the Hallowishes. There is a lot of ground level stuff that make the show what it is. All part of that story. Not that I've seen any of it yet, but I'm looking forward to all of your photos!!

Hopefully with the popularity of the Frozen Sing a long, it will be around for a while!! Looking forward to the GMR too..I hope Disney does update DHS soon though...they need to start making the other parks as worthwhile as MK and EP IMHO....Glad you loved the Art of Animation...really excited about doing that one!! I will definitely take lots of photos of MNSSHP!! Although...I stink at taking nighttime shots...but I will do my best!
I guess I will have to come back to our DHS day and give it some thought re: how to use our FP's etc...it is a bit of a puzzle with the dang tier system.

I also have another connundrum...(other than the fact that I don't know how to spell connundrum?)...with regards to MNSSHP....if we have bought tickets to MNSSHP...and also have a park ticket for that day...can we get 3 FP+ for the MNSSHP ticket (between 4-7pm) and ALSO use 3 FP+ before 4pm on our regular park tickets? (how awesome would THAT be...) which means I'm sure they don't let you...but worth a shot lol
I guess I will have to come back to our DHS day and give it some thought re: how to use our FP's etc...it is a bit of a puzzle with the dang tier system.

I also have another connundrum...(other than the fact that I don't know how to spell connundrum?)...with regards to MNSSHP....if we have bought tickets to MNSSHP...and also have a park ticket for that day...can we get 3 FP+ for the MNSSHP ticket (between 4-7pm) and ALSO use 3 FP+ before 4pm on our regular park tickets? (how awesome would THAT be...) which means I'm sure they don't let you...but worth a shot lol

I don't understand the FP tier system yet, but then it has ben a loooong time since we've visited.
Star Tours :darth: is really quite awesome, a touch jarring, and could make one just a wee bit queasy. It is one of my very favorite attractions, and I don't think I could stand to miss it. That said if you guys aren't into it the rest of your plans look great! I don't really think one could have a boring day at Disney! :hug: :smickey:
I guess I will have to come back to our DHS day and give it some thought re: how to use our FP's etc...it is a bit of a puzzle with the dang tier system.

That's the first day with checking in around 1pm, right?
FWIW, I did FP+ for TT and rope drop for Soarin'.
But since you're there later, I would FP+ Soarin' and take advantage of the single rider line at TT (if you can.)

I don't know for sure about the MNSSHP/FP+ but I would put money on it that you can only do 3 FP+, not 6.
I don't understand the FP tier system yet, but then it has ben a loooong time since we've visited.
Star Tours :darth: is really quite awesome, a touch jarring, and could make one just a wee bit queasy. It is one of my very favorite attractions, and I don't think I could stand to miss it. That said if you guys aren't into it the rest of your plans look great! I don't really think one could have a boring day at Disney! :hug: :smickey:

I'm sure Star Tours would be ok....buttt...I'm so leary of using one of my precious FP+ on something and then having DD say she doesn't want to go once we get there...so I'm being pretty cautious about the whole thing...I guess we could always just see how bad the wait is if she decides she wants to do it. You're right though - that's a good way to look at it - that you can't have a boring day no matter what...and anything we end up doing will be great just because we are THERE!!

That's the first day with checking in around 1pm, right?
FWIW, I did FP+ for TT and rope drop for Soarin'.
But since you're there later, I would FP+ Soarin' and take advantage of the single rider line at TT (if you can.)

I don't know for sure about the MNSSHP/FP+ but I would put money on it that you can only do 3 FP+, not 6.

Nope...wrong day :)) But it's ok...I'm confused too and I'm the one planning it all out lol. Our Epcot day is later in the trip and we will have a full day there so that's good...I'm pretty sure I will use an FP+ for Soarin....and either try to RD Soarin' as well...so we can do it more than once...or something else....but it just seems so silly that "the Land" and Figment are FP+ rides...in the past (at least in my experience) those have never had long waits anyway...so why should you need a FP+ for them? But then I worry that what if those rides DO have long waits...I want to ride them but....not if the waits are ridiculous...hence..not sure if I should FP+ one of them at least...

Yeah, re: the MNSSHP FP+ I'm sure you're right....there's no way they'd let people get away with having 6 FP+ lol...
Happy Victoria Day long weekend for anyone celebrating :)

We are lucky enough to be at my parents' cottage this weekend. Yesterday the weather was dismal..but today it's been beautiful so I couldn't resist sharing a pic of my dog Snickers in her favourite spot!!


And now back to regularely scheduled Disney planning...lol of which...very little is happening right now...other than me obsession over ADR's already booked/trying to book
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Now that everyone else is busy doing...whatever everyone else in the family does (DH watching TV, DS watching youtube or playing Minecraft...DD watching Tooth Fairy videos...don't ask)...I will go back to...dreaming about Disney!!!

Last time I checked...I think I'm on Day 4 of the plan now...Sunday October 11th on which I'm planning to take DD to Animal Kingdom!

We haven't been to AK in years....so long in fact...that I don't remember all that much about it. I think I vaguely remember the Safari's and DS being freaked the heck out by Bug's life....and that's...pretty much it. So...it's time to go back.

It's a Sunday and there are no EMH's at AK that day, and it's also recommended by Easy WDW for that day...so hopefully that is a good choice!! I tried to get a pre-park ADR for Tusker house for this day, but no such luck. But now that we have got our ADR for Cape May happening before this, I don't think I will mind so much. And also without that it means one less super early morning...which is still pretty good. We will still likely have to get up at 7ish if we want to eat and make RD at AK anyway. I think, more than likely, assuming we have liked the food there so far, we will just eat at the QS at POFQ for breakfast...there are always Beignets there so I hear...and I hear they are good...so I'm down with some of that if there's nothing else. Oh and thanks to @Elevationist Billie I want to try the breakfast bowls there as well!!

After a quick breakfast, hopefully a bus will come along shortly and we will be off to AK. Again, I'm struggling with figuring out what to do with our FP's.

As I MAY have mentioned...both DD and I are extreme WUSSES when it comes to rides. Motion sickness: check. Don't like fast/twisty/shaky: check. So....yes, we are boring. But perhaps this is why I (and DD coming along quite nicely in my footsteps) really LOVE WDW. Because even for us ride wimps...there is still usually quite a lot that we can and do enjoy doing. At a lot of theme parks, I'm looking at YOU Canada's Wonderland...there is very little in between big freakin' coaster...and....boring baby ride that is too boring even for a toddler. But at WDW...even though a lot of the rides may move slowly, there is always a lot to look at and the whole environment makes it fun.

So anyway...back to the point I'm making...at AK....EE is OUT (I know...I'm sure it's amazing if you are into that sorta thing...but...even thinking about getting strapped in on that thing gives me heart palpitations. It's not that I'm worried about safety or anything...I just don't like that dropping feeling...). So...without EE....and I'm even wavering on Dinosaur because people say that is sometimes iffy for us motion sicky types....I'm not sure what all to use our FP's on.

Here's my thoughts...

At RD...head immediately for the safaris (because we do hope to do this more than once). Then after that, maybe Bug's Life? Or if we think we can handle it, Dinosaur. I was thinking of starting our FP's at around 10:30am.

10:30 FP+ 1 - Adventurers Outpost - Because Mickey and Minnie together...how awesome!!
11:30 FP+ 2 - Safaris round 2

Then perhaps lunch...Maybe Yak and Yeti or Flame Tree? I have no idea of the layout really of AK and where we will be in relation to food at this point...I was thinking menu wise and what looked good...the fried rice and spring rolls at Yak and Yeti...but who knows what we will be in the mood for...maybe this is ONE time I can be a little bit spontaneous and not choose 5 months in advance lol.

After lunch for our last FP+...not sure...maybe FOLK or Nemo? I guess at that point we will hit up anything we haven't done yet around AK before calling it a day. I do want to leave AK at a decent time so we can get back to POFQ for a rest and maybe the pool for a bit depending on the weather.

After that...we have an ADR for Raglan Road at DTD. I'm excited about this because of the food...but also because this time we will hopefully see the Irish Dancers. We didn't get to see them last time we were there because it was lunch time, so this time I definitely wanted to go back at night. After dinner, I hope we have some time to wander around DTD and check out some of the shops. I'm not sure if any of the new DS stuff will be open when we are there, but I hope so!! Also, I've never been to Goofy's Candy co...so I'd like to see that...and also go to Pin Traders.

I'm not sure what night (if any) but I'm hoping if we get back to POFQ one night and aren't too exhausted maybe we will be able to catch one of the outdoor movies. I think that would be a lot of fun...but I'm not counting on it.

That's about it for our AK day I think...obviously have to do some fine tuning and actually maybe look at a map of the place to see what else there is to do and see there if we have time!

Hey Kathy. Happy Victoria Day. I'm not going to profess to know that Canadian holiday it is celebrating, but it looks like Snickers had a good time ; )

So happy you are getting back to AK. I used to be pretty neutral to it, as it seemingly didn't have a lot to do. But the more I just took it slow and enjoyed all the hidden paths and animals and tiny details I slowly fell in love with it. Whatever you all do, just do it slow and enjoy the peacefulness that I think AK has to offer.

Now to my favorite subject, FOOD. If you do safaris before lunch you about equidistant to both flame tree and yak n yeti. We love flame tree and think it is one of the best QS's on property. I'm not the huge fan of the Yak n Yeti CS that others are (it reads like food court Chinese to me), but we do like the table service. May be worth looking into taking a break there and perhaps just sharing some apps for lunch.

I've never done Ragland, but clearly hear good things. I've avoided DTD with all the construction, but now that this is improving I may have to get back. Looking forward to what you all think of it.
Happy Victoria Day long weekend for anyone celebrating :)

Right back atcha!
Unfortunately, the weather here is.... oh, just the worst weather I can ever remember having on May long.
We could get snow!!!! :eek:

Never mind. I just checked... we are getting snow.... :sad:

I couldn't resist sharing a pic of my dog Snickers in her favourite spot!!

Cute pup! :goodvibes

As I MAY have mentioned...both DD and I are extreme WUSSES when it comes to rides.

I may have heard something like that...

Because even for us ride wimps...there is still usually quite a lot that we can and do enjoy doing.


After that...we have an ADR for Raglan Road at DTD.

I've heard good things about it. Have you been before?
Hey Kathy. Happy Victoria Day. I'm not going to profess to know that Canadian holiday it is celebrating, but it looks like Snickers had a good time ; )

Thanks!! Victoria Day is the Canadian holiday in honour of Queen Victoria's birthday. Or more commonly known in these parts as....the first weekend of summer and an excuse to sit around and drink copious amounts of good Canadian beer. It's also the first weekend that many of us Toronto people escape to cottage country for the first time since Thanksgiving and get eaten by mosquitos and black flies. I make it sound fun, eh? But it's a long weekend...so extra day off...and there are also usually fireworks. And yes, Snickers had a great time hangin' out on the dock!

So happy you are getting back to AK. I used to be pretty neutral to it, as it seemingly didn't have a lot to do. But the more I just took it slow and enjoyed all the hidden paths and animals and tiny details I slowly fell in love with it. Whatever you all do, just do it slow and enjoy the peacefulness that I think AK has to offer.

I'm glad AK grew on you!! I am looking forward to going back...funny..I actually think I have to go back and look through the list and add some of the walking trails into the agenda lol.

Now to my favorite subject, FOOD. If you do safaris before lunch you about equidistant to both flame tree and yak n yeti. We love flame tree and think it is one of the best QS's on property. I'm not the huge fan of the Yak n Yeti CS that others are (it reads like food court Chinese to me), but we do like the table service. May be worth looking into taking a break there and perhaps just sharing some apps for lunch.
I've never done Ragland, but clearly hear good things. I've avoided DTD with all the construction, but now that this is improving I may have to get back. Looking forward to what you all think of it.

I will probably end up going with Flame Tree then if it's convenient becaust I think it will have more that will appeal to DD...and if Yak n Yeti is like food court chinese then I'm less enthused about it. I don't know if I want to make another ADR...but maybe I'll see how busy the Yak n Yeti TS is when we get there and "gasp" wing it lol We went to Raglan Road in March for lunch and loved it...but I wanted to try some other menu items and see the entertainment they have at night...so I'm looking forward to going back, and also seeing the changes at DTD...it was quite a disaster in March too.

Right back atcha!
Unfortunately, the weather here is.... oh, just the worst weather I can ever remember having on May long.
We could get snow!!!! :eek:

Never mind. I just checked... we are getting snow.... :sad:

Gah!! Snow???? That's just crazytown. Although, there are some May 2-4 weekends in years past where I do remember getting snow here too...and one of those times I was even CAMPING in a tent...gah. Shivers just thinking about it. But this year...we had two sunny days...and one dismal grey one.

Cute pup! :goodvibes

Thanks...she is my furbaby. She's also a St. John Ambulance therapy dog :) We go visit hospitals and stuff...she is such a sweet dog.

I may have heard something like that...

Yep. Total ride wusses...but yeah, Disney has something for even us :))...a lot in fact :)

I've heard good things about it. Have you been before?

Yep, we were there(Raglan Road) in March - but we went for lunch. This time we are going for dinner because they are supposed to have dancers and music and stuff...so maybe a bit different. Plus there are other menu items I want to try this time!!
Thanks!! Victoria Day is the Canadian holiday in honour of Queen Victoria's birthday.

It's also the day used to mark the birthday of the current monarch of Canada as well. Each of the Commonwealth nations that have her as head of sate have different days the use to mark it even in the UK they don't observes her actual birthday as public holiday instead they celebrate it with Trooping the Colour
Gah!! Snow???? That's just crazytown. Although, there are some May 2-4 weekends in years past where I do remember getting snow here too...and one of those times I was even CAMPING in a tent...gah. Shivers just thinking about it. But this year...we had two sunny days...and one dismal grey one.

I'll take even one of your two days.
Horrible weather.
Massive winds. Woke up to a winter crapperland scene.
And then the rain started.

She's also a St. John Ambulance therapy dog :) We go visit hospitals and stuff...she is such a sweet dog.

Wow! That's really wonderful!
It's also the day used to mark the birthday of the current monarch of Canada as well. Each of the Commonwealth nations that have her as head of sate have different days the use to mark it even in the UK they don't observes her actual birthday as public holiday instead they celebrate it with Trooping the Colour

Wow, I had no idea lol. Thanks for sharing!! Sadly...I pretty much just enjoy the holiday usually without thinking about the "why" all that much lol. But now I know!!!

I'll take even one of your two days.
Horrible weather.
Massive winds. Woke up to a winter crapperland scene.
And then the rain started.
Wow! That's really wonderful!

Ugh...I don't know if there's a lot that is more depressing than a late May snowfall...ugh. Hopefully it goes away quickly at least!! Gross. Re: my dog, yes she is lol. I'm so proud of her because she just lights up everyone's day when we visit. Makes me feel good too so it's a win-win.


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