Offical Big Brother 10 Thread--Spoilers Welcome

eeewwweee really????? i don't like seeing him the once in a blue moon i do let alone having to see his face all summer long - talk about a bad summer.
In the interviews with the exec producer she says:

“As far as the cast is concerned,” she said, “rest assured they are all strangers.”
“We have a wide range of ages this year,” she said. “There’s young, there’s old, there’s in between, there’s parents, there’s students, there’s people with white collar jobs, blue collar jobs. It’s all very different.”

I can't wait!:banana:
I was just thinking about this, wondering why BB would start. Ive loved every season , BUT not the last season. I found last season was such a bore fest, I was so disappointed..
Maybe its just meant to be a summer show?:confused3
In the interviews with the exec producer she says:

“As far as the cast is concerned,” she said, “rest assured they are all strangers.”
“We have a wide range of ages this year,” she said. “There’s young, there’s old, there’s in between, there’s parents, there’s students, there’s people with white collar jobs, blue collar jobs. It’s all very different.”

I can't wait!:banana:

Now that sounds good!! :thumbsup2 Let's hope.
I found this today:


Allison Grodner reveals season secrets to WLBB
Posted by Matt Maynard
July 1, 2008 spoke exclusively to BB’s Executive Producer Allison Grodner Tuesday about the brand new season.

While the houseguests may not be in the house yet, Grodner said the work is well underway.

“We’re getting closer and closer to the big move in day,” she said. “We’ve got the house still getting fixed. I’m watching it right now as we’ve got a cleaning crew in there right now and we’re making it all nice and pretty for the group.”

Grodner revealed when this group of 13 moves in, they will be complete strangers.

“As far as the cast is concerned,” she said, “rest assured they are all strangers.”

They also will be diverse in their backgrounds, points of view and ages.

“We have a wide range of ages this year,” she said. “There’s young, there’s old, there’s in between, there’s parents, there’s students, there’s people with white collar jobs, blue collar jobs. It’s all very different. We’ve got a lot of very specific types of people in this house, and people who have very extreme points of view than maybe we’ve had in the past.”

She said the house will also reflect this diversity.

“This year [the house] reflects the cast in all the different places and eras they come from,” she said. “It’s a very different house, it’s not our winter house. This is a very different thing and it goes with the cast.”

Grodner also confirmed live audiences will return to the show in a different way, as producers wanted to carefully include some successful elements from the show’s past.

“[We wanted to take] the original concept of the show of strangers moving into a house — with diverse points of view, coming from all places, all different ages, all different walks of life — and try to put that back into play for this special Big Brother 10 season,” she said.

Don’t forget about the twist! Grodner explained it will play out from day one.

“The game starts before these people even enter the house,” she hinted. “Expect the unexpected. Expect a completely different Big Brother from what you’ve seen this past year.”

Grodner has been a part of Big Brother since Season 2.

Watch the interview below. Click here and scroll down

Confirmed information:

Houseguests coming to town soon
Houseguests will be going through press interviews soon
Cleaing crew in the house right now
“Absolutely all strangers” with diverse points of view and backgrounds
All different ages
Twists and turns down the road
Live audiences will involve fans more than audiences in Season 1
13 houseguests with extreme points of view
House represents the “places and eras” that the cast comes from
The game starts before the houseguests even go in the house on premiere night
and this too:


Live studio audience members wanted for Big Brother 10’s Wednesday episodes

Big Brother 10 is searching for live studio audience members for six live eviction episodes, starting with the show’s very first Wednesday episode.

Audiences Unlimited is looking for studio audience members for six Wednesday shows: July 16, 23, and 30, and August 6, 13, and 20. (Tickets are only available right now for July 16, although the site lists future dates.) Since the show is following the same schedule it had this spring—episodes air Sundays at 8, Tuesdays at 9, and Wednesdays at 8—the Wednesday episodes will most likely be the live evictions.

Audience members must wear “Business/Casual” clothing, which means “no shorts, tshirts, ballcaps, etc.” nor “any clothing with large words, photographs or logos that may show up on camera.” In addition, the site says you “will be asked to sign a ‘waiver’ prior to admission giving the production company permission to use your likeness on camera and also acknowledging that you are aware of and agree to comply with the specific rules and regulations of this show.”

While evicted houseguests were once met by fans/extras outside the Big Brother house/trailer, they are now greeted simply by Julie Chen, emphasis on the simply. When there is a live audience for the finale, it seems to be a sycophantic clone army of clapping people who have no actual clue who the *******s stumbling out of the house actually are. This might be a very refreshing change.

Big Brother [Audiences Unlimited]
I was so happy to see this thread :yay: Can't wait for another wild season of Big Brother!!!!

Bring on the youtube!!!
Meet the 'Big Brother 10' cast

By DERRIK J. LANG – 8 hours ago
STUDIO CITY, Calif. (AP) — "Big Brother 10" is returning to its roots.
The claustrophobic CBS reality show is sealing 13 actual strangers — no ex lovers, secret twin partners or long-lost siblings this time — inside a makeshift house on a Studio City soundstage for the chance to be the last houseguest standing and take home the $500,000 grand prize.
"There's somebody for everyone in this cast," executive producer Allison Grodner recently told The Associated Press at CBS Radford Studios. "It's going to be interesting to see people that come from such opposite worlds living together, which has always been a part of this show, but this season, we really do have our most diverse group ever."
The contestants — which will include a gay bull rider, a Hooters waitress, a professional bodybuilder and a 75-year-old former Marine — will spend the summer competing in challenges and evicting each other while being monitored by over 50 cameras. It's the first time since the show's third season that the houseguests are all strangers.
"When approaching this season, we wanted to look at what made this spark and last for 10 seasons," said Grodner, who's worked on "Big Brother" since the second season. "Every season had its unique twist. I think, in a way, going back to basics and having the cast be all strangers is part of the twist of '10.' Of course, there will be more."
In last season's first-ever winter edition of "Big Brother," which was quickly put into production because of the writers strike, contestants were partnered with each other and evicted as pairs for the first four weeks of competition. Grodner said a new "Big Brother 10" gameplay twist would be introduced during the premiere episode on July 13.
"It's really a power-play," teased Grodner. "The game will actually start before they enter the house."
In recent seasons, contestants have come under fire outside the house for controversial remarks made inside the house. During the eighth season, Amber Siyavus said that Jewish people tend to be "really money-hungry" and "selfish." Last season's winner Adam Jasinski was fired by a nonprofit autism organization because he used the word "retards."
"Those types of comments are not something we want to happen," said Grodner. "It's a live show. It's not censored on the Internet. These are real people. We aren't telling them what to say, but we're not telling them what not to say either. Things do happen. We, of course, can choose what we put in the show, and we do so carefully."
This season's contestants seem to be more aware of the repercussions of their actions from the outset. Before meeting their competitors or entering the house, the "Big Brother 10" cast was individually interviewed by the AP while they were voluntarily sequestered — no television, newspapers or telephones — from the outside world in a Studio City hotel.
"If you make a mistake and say the wrong things, you may offend people and be known for that forever," said Steven Daigle, a 35-year-old geographic consultant and gay rodeo competitor from Dallas. "People make mistakes. If I do make a mistake, I hope I can learn from it and know that was some part of my life that I was ignorant or uneducated about."
The rooms inside the "Big Brother" house this season will be themed to different decades. The kitchen, for example, resembles a '50s diner while one of the bedrooms is filled with '70s-inspired furnishings. The timeliness extends to this season's crop of contestants. At 75, Gerry MacDonald will be the oldest "Big Brother" houseguest ever.
"Age does not bother me," MacDonald told the AP. "I hope it doesn't bother them."
Libra Thompson, a married 31-year-old human resources representative from Spring, Texas, left behind her husband and three children — including 4-month-old twins — to participate in "Big Brother 10." During production, Thompson and the other "Big Brother" contestants are prohibited from communicating with the outside world.
"It's better for me that they're younger," said Thompson of her newborns. "At four months old, they're not going to remember much. It's probably going to be a little bit more difficult for my 4-year-old. However, I'm going to stay focused and remember the reason I'm here, and that's the cash. That will help me."
Prize money talks.
"I'm motivated because I'm a big fan of the show, but I'm more motivated that I have a chance to win $500,000," said Angie Swindell, a 29-year-old pharmaceutical sales representative from Orlando, Fla. "I just have to keep telling myself that if I start feeling all queasy about the 24-7 thing, there's an end to the means."
April Dowling, a 30-year-old car dealership finance manager from Higley, Ariz., said she doesn't think the "Big Brother" experience will be any more difficult than the time she had to spend 15 days in a "tent city" jail for drunk-driving charges. She also believes living in the house may remedy some of her obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
"I have seen a therapist," said Dowling. "They tried to put me on anti-anxiety medication, but I'm not big on prescription medication. I just don't like to take it. I'm actually hoping the 'Big Brother' experience will be therapeutic. My life will not end if the green beans aren't behind the corn in the pantry."
The 13 contestants of "Big Brother 10" are:
_ Michelle Costa, 28, real estate agent from Cumberland, R.I.
_ Steven Daigle, 35, geographic consultant from Dallas
_ April Dowling, 30, finance manager from Higley, Ariz.
_ Robert "Memphis" Garrett, 25, mixologist and party planner from Los Angeles
_ Dan Gheesling, 24, high school teacher from Dearborn, Mich.
_ Jessie Godderz, 22, bodybuilder from Huntington Beach, Calif.
_ Brian Hart, 27, telecommunication account manager from San Francisco
_ Gerry MacDonald, 75, retired marketing executive from Magnolia, Texas
_ Renny Martyn, 53, hair salon owner from Metairie, La.
_ Bryan Ollie, 27, marketing sales representative from Bloomington, Minn.
_ Keesha Smith, 29, waitress from Burbank, Calif.
_ Angie Swindell, 29, pharmaceutical sales representative from Orlando, Fla.
_ Libra Thompson, 31, human resources representative from Spring, Texas
CBS is a division of CBS Corp.
On the Net:
Can't wait for the new season to start back up. Looks like we are going back to the basics which I am very happy about. No pre-exisisting relationships to deal with.

My early faves are- Jerry, Steven, Renny, Keesha, & Jessie

On the fence- Libra & Michelle

I think the obvious Bad Guy/ Antagonist of the season is Dan.

After I watch the first show I'm sure some of my feelings will change though.
off the bat - anyone who "nicknames" themselves drives me bananas

so i'll guess (at first glance) that
Robert "Memphis" Garrett, 25, mixologist and party planner from Los Angeles
will be one of those we love to hate or just out and out hate.
Hey Everybody!!
AMEN PhotobearSam!! Back to classic BB! Mind games and real competitions!
I gave up on the last BB. DH and I were really dissappointed. Maybe it just has to be summer to appreciate BB...who knows!?!?

I did too! I just couldn't bear to watch it. I am hoping that BB10 takes a few steps back. :thumbsup2
Okay! Here we go guys!

Press Day in the Big Brother house! This is kinda funny. They have a bunch of reporters "living" in the BB house. So, there is Gretchen Massey(Housecalls) and Kevin Frazier(E.T.). The rest of them I don't recognize. But, we get to see a preview of the inside of the house.

And then, onto the houseguests...

Steven interview, pts 1&2

Renny interview

Ollie interview, pts 1&2

Michelle interview

"Memphis" interview

Libra interview, pts 1&2

Keesha interview

Jessie interview, pts 1&2

Dan interview, pts 1&2

Jerry interview

Brian interview, pts 1&2

April interview, pts 1&2

Angie interview

Big Brother Early Show segment

Bib Brother 10 house tour
Tick Tock Tick Tock

We're going away for a week starting Monday - i'm soooooooooooo debating on if i should take a tv or not

wonder if they'll have it on regular tv i could get while camping???????
We're having a BB10 kick-off party tomorrow with some friends. :cool1: We're having PB&J for snacks. :laughing:
I'm glad to hear they're having a couple "oldies" in the group this year, a 53 year old and one who is 75, wow! Not just 20-something's. I see there's one from Dearborn, Michigan. I hope he's not a jerk, so I can root for him. :cheer2: Can't wait for tomorrow night!!


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