Official 2016 Princess Half Marathon Thread

We've never used a sitter at Disney, so I can't address your first question. But I am with you on the kids' races disappointment. When we registered our youngest for the 1-mile, it was based on our previous experience - kids' races at Epcot, with the 1-mile going through Epcot at 9ish. Now, it's 11am at WWOS and the one-mile could be as late as 12:30, if it's anything like marathon weekend. Our youngest usually runs the 5K, and if we knew all this in advance, I would have run the 5K with him. But he was interested in seeing how fast he could run the 1-mile in Epcot. But now it's not in Epcot and far later than anticipated. He loves running and it's his only run of the weekend, so we'll still do it.

We've always been able to leave our kids home with grandparents, luckily. But we've always wondered how it would work during a race weekend. Are they able to watch kids for the time of a half marathon?

Please let us know about the experience when you get back!

I noticed this, too. My 5 year old is so excited about running in Disney that we have shuffled dining reservations and park dates around to make sure he gets to participate in his race, but I'm super disappointed that it throws off our Saturday so much.

Thank you all for your replies! GLAD I'm not nuts and assumed Kids race would be the same as previous years! Unfortunately, my DS will not be able to participate now :( He's only 2, so NOT a huge deal, but I was really looking forward to watching him. As far as a sitter. I ended up calling Kids Nite Out and they seemed very well versed about race days. They even suggested a good time frame for us. So, they will be watching him. Arrival at 4 am, and will leave when we return from the race between 8-9. Can anyone tell me what happens once you finish your run? How much time am I looking at? Race and then see ya, or are there character meet opportunities, etc afterwards?
At Princess, you will earn the Blue Coast to Coast. In May, you will get the Pink Coast to Coast. They changed the rules for 2016!

Wait, what??? What are the new rules?

Edit: found it!!

Great. Just great. The competitive Type A in me is like "what, wait, if I just add one more race to my line up this year I can get BOTH C2C medals?"
guess I'll be signing up for something later this year after all. lol
I agree with others... being off a week or by a few runs is not going to be the end of the training. If you've stuck with it up to this point and have had some successful long runs then you'll be in good shape. My first half marathon, my longest run during training was 8 miles and I maybe did that twice. I stuck with all of the shorter runs and built up to 8 and I was able to have a strong finish. I know that every runner and body is different, but don't beat yourself up over it. Its the stinky part about the races being in the winter and living in colder places :( I know there are people who are out there no matter what the weather, but I'm not that person. Off to do 5 on the dreadmill now...
I agree with others... being off a week or by a few runs is not going to be the end of the training. If you've stuck with it up to this point and have had some successful long runs then you'll be in good shape. My first half marathon, my longest run during training was 8 miles and I maybe did that twice. I stuck with all of the shorter runs and built up to 8 and I was able to have a strong finish. I know that every runner and body is different, but don't beat yourself up over it. Its the stinky part about the races being in the winter and living in colder places :( I know there are people who are out there no matter what the weather, but I'm not that person. Off to do 5 on the dreadmill now...

Same here. I am very by-the-book when it comes to having a plan and sticking to it, but I listen to my body when it needs rest or to prevent injury, and sometimes we have to take time off training due to weather which is the nature of the beast when it comes to winter races. That's why I usually tweak my Hal Higdon training program from 12 weeks to 14 weeks, to allow for illness/injury/weather. For me, the most important part is to log at least on 10-miler before race day. I didn't even get up to that last year since we had so many back-to-back snowstorms in February, and wound up with my longest run being 8 miles. I still netted a PR, but I'm not comfortable making that a habit.
Same here. I am very by-the-book when it comes to having a plan and sticking to it, but I listen to my body when it needs rest or to prevent injury, and sometimes we have to take time off training due to weather which is the nature of the beast when it comes to winter races. That's why I usually tweak my Hal Higdon training program from 12 weeks to 14 weeks, to allow for illness/injury/weather. For me, the most important part is to log at least on 10-miler before race day. I didn't even get up to that last year since we had so many back-to-back snowstorms in February, and wound up with my longest run being 8 miles. I still netted a PR, but I'm not comfortable making that a habit.

This is me exactly. I have a great plan going into training, but, if life gets in the way, I don't risk injury anymore just to stick to a plan. I kept training despite injury for PHM 2014 and finished, but it was tough at times. For 2015, I didn't go as long as I'd planned, nor do any back to backs with a long run (but did short back to backs) and finished ok. This year, I'll be happy to make it to 10 for my long run. I just want to finish without feeling miserable. I am fighting injury again, but I know for sure I can't do this race next year due to other commitments, otherwise I'd defer.
I am starting to feel like the PHM is the red-headed step-child. WDW marathon is over and so is Star Wars. Rundisney isn't talking at all about Princess and they have moved on to Dark Side and Tink. There are so many of us and this is a huge event so a little attention would be nice. Everything for this years PHM has been so behind when it comes to releasing. I kinda feel like if they are spread too thin, they should spread them out during the year a little more.
I am starting to feel like the PHM is the red-headed step-child. WDW marathon is over and so is Star Wars. Rundisney isn't talking at all about Princess and they have moved on to Dark Side and Tink. There are so many of us and this is a huge event so a little attention would be nice. Everything for this years PHM has been so behind when it comes to releasing. I kinda feel like if they are spread too thin, they should spread them out during the year a little more.
I am starting to feel like the PHM is the red-headed step-child. WDW marathon is over and so is Star Wars. Rundisney isn't talking at all about Princess and they have moved on to Dark Side and Tink. There are so many of us and this is a huge event so a little attention would be nice. Everything for this years PHM has been so behind when it comes to releasing. I kinda feel like if they are spread too thin, they should spread them out during the year a little more.
I am starting to feel like the PHM is the red-headed step-child. WDW marathon is over and so is Star Wars. Rundisney isn't talking at all about Princess and they have moved on to Dark Side and Tink. There are so many of us and this is a huge event so a little attention would be nice. Everything for this years PHM has been so behind when it comes to releasing. I kinda feel like if they are spread too thin, they should spread them out during the year a little more.

Not really - the timing is similar to last year's with all the releases. More stuff should start coming out at the end of the month with the waivers/bib numbers. Merchandise will come out about a week before the race.

Star Wars - Light Side didn't get to see their merchandise until 1 day before the Expo. There were barely any posts about it especially as the Marathon Weekend is the weekend before. I think its just how Run Disney operates especially as Dark Side & Tinkerbell still have spots to sell (although maybe Dark Side finally sold out recently but when they were posting about it - it was still open)
This is me exactly. I have a great plan going into training, but, if life gets in the way, I don't risk injury anymore just to stick to a plan. I kept training despite injury for PHM 2014 and finished, but it was tough at times. For 2015, I didn't go as long as I'd planned, nor do any back to backs with a long run (but did short back to backs) and finished ok. This year, I'll be happy to make it to 10 for my long run. I just want to finish without feeling miserable. I am fighting injury again, but I know for sure I can't do this race next year due to other commitments, otherwise I'd defer.
Doe any one know the site to print you forms and bib numbers. this is my first 5 k in February and I have no idea what I'm doing. your assistance is greatly appreciated .
When do the igiftbag items come out on the website? Also, do they email us when everything is up or do we just have to keep stalking the run disney site?
Not really - the timing is similar to last year's with all the releases. More stuff should start coming out at the end of the month with the waivers/bib numbers. Merchandise will come out about a week before the race.

Star Wars - Light Side didn't get to see their merchandise until 1 day before the Expo. There were barely any posts about it especially as the Marathon Weekend is the weekend before. I think its just how Run Disney operates especially as Dark Side & Tinkerbell still have spots to sell (although maybe Dark Side finally sold out recently but when they were posting about it - it was still open)

Exactly. They haven't "moved on" to the other races. Those races still have spaces available and they are trying to sell them out. We've been sold out for a looooooooong time.

When do the igiftbag items come out on the website? Also, do they email us when everything is up or do we just have to keep stalking the run disney site?

They email us, but a day or two after it is actually available. If you keep an eye out here, you'll usually find out before you ever hear from runDisney.
Does anyone remember what merch, if any, they had for the 5K? I usually do the Glass Slipper, so I don't really remember what they had for the individual races.
Does anyone remember what merch, if any, they had for the 5K? I usually do the Glass Slipper, so I don't really remember what they had for the individual races.
Not a ton. My DD, mom, and I did the 5k last year. All I saw were pins. No I did it shirts or anything else. I guess it could have been poor timing (late afternoon) but I feel like I recall others complaining about it too. That said, there was quite a bit at Avengers in November, and I saw pictures of 5k stuff from the last two weekends, so maybe they realized they were missing a big opportunity.
Not a ton. My DD, mom, and I did the 5k last year. All I saw were pins. No I did it shirts or anything else. I guess it could have been poor timing (late afternoon) but I feel like I recall others complaining about it too. That said, there was quite a bit at Avengers in November, and I saw pictures of 5k stuff from the last two weekends, so maybe they realized they were missing a big opportunity.

I guess I'll have to just wait and see! If they don't, I'll just look at it like I'm saving money!
Does anyone remember what merch, if any, they had for the 5K? I usually do the Glass Slipper, so I don't really remember what they had for the individual races.

Last year we didn't see much - just pins, I think.
We just did the Marathon Weekend 5K and they had "I Did It" shirts. And pins, of course. I don't remember much other merchandise, but we weren't really looking for much else.


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