OFFICIAL Jan 2011 Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Dopey or Goofy Challenge Thread

I talked to a friend who runs half marathons and she said she aims to be running 6 miles before a half and then just kicks it in for the half. Does it really get easier when you are up to running 6 miles????? Seems to me like going from 6 to 13.1 is a HUGE jump even if just for one day. I have a 4.2 mile loop from my house I've been walking for years and walk it in about an hour so my goal is to be able to run it once, stop at my house for a quick water break and run it again. If I can do this before the half, do you think I'll be able to kick it in for that one day and do it?

I would think that if you haven't run the 1/2 distance before, you'd at least want to make sure that your longest run was somewhere in the 8-10 mile range and then start tapering two weeks or so before. I think it just depends on what kind of shape you're in and whether your body will be prepared to make such a big jump in mileage. I also think if you're going for a specific time goal (vs. just finishing the race), you'll want to have a training plan.

My longest run for the first half marathon I ever did was 10K. It just happened because of a knee injury and scheduling conflicts. It wasn't very pretty. But since then, I've done a half where my longest run was 8 miles and it worked out okay.
I talked to a friend who runs half marathons and she said she aims to be running 6 miles before a half and then just kicks it in for the half. Does it really get easier when you are up to running 6 miles????? Seems to me like going from 6 to 13.1 is a HUGE jump even if just for one day. I have a 4.2 mile loop from my house I've been walking for years and walk it in about an hour so my goal is to be able to run it once, stop at my house for a quick water break and run it again. If I can do this before the half, do you think I'll be able to kick it in for that one day and do it?

I think anyone running a half should have at least one 10 miler in ahead of time. If you think it will take you more than 2 hours to finish the half you will want to have at least one training run of two hours also. While it differs from one person to another a rule of thumb is that we have about 2 hours of running before we deplete our glycogen stores and you will want to experience that lovely sensation at least once before actual race day.

I will be doing the full this January, my second full ever and first Disney, and as of now I am staying at POR. There is a chance of that moving to the Swan or Dolphin but it is more likely staying at POR in the Alligator Bayou section.
I think anyone running a half should have at least one 10 miler in ahead of time. If you think it will take you more than 2 hours to finish the half you will want to have at least one training run of two hours also. While it differs from one person to another a rule of thumb is that we have about 2 hours of running before we deplete our glycogen stores and you will want to experience that lovely sensation at least once before actual race day.

I will be doing the full this January, my second full ever and first Disney, and as of now I am staying at POR. There is a chance of that moving to the Swan or Dolphin but it is more likely staying at POR in the Alligator Bayou section.

I'd stay for the beignets! :laughing:
Thanks bunnyfoo and FireDancer! I really appreciate your feedback, it's what I needed to hear. My goal is just to finish the half and not get sweept up, I'm not worried about time this time around as it's my first. I am going to make my goal to run 10 miles before Jan, or at least the 2 hours of running to get that lovely sensation you're talking about before the big day, doesn't sound like it will be fun.
Thanks bunnyfoo and FireDancer! I really appreciate your feedback, it's what I needed to hear. My goal is just to finish the half and not get sweept up, I'm not worried about time this time around as it's my first. I am going to make my goal to run 10 miles before Jan, or at least the 2 hours of running to get that lovely sensation you're talking about before the big day, doesn't sound like it will be fun.
In all seriousness do look up running plans from Jeff Galloway, John Bingham (marathon for mortals) and Hal Higdon. You NEED a plan. All of their first time plans WILL get you to the line healthy and more importantly to the finish.

The above posts are all correct but you really need a plan... A good plan will work your mileage up in a controlled manner, following the theory of periodization. This is seen in the weeks where miles fall backwards then start to increase again.

If you do not like the plans mentioned and cannot find a plan that suits your life (an important consideration) then write your plan up on a calendar. That is the only way you can assure yourself you are not looking at Christmas weekend and only have a 4.5 mile long run under your belt.

As for the jumping mileage from 6 or 8 and running a half…. I do not suggest that to a first time runner or one who is subject to injury. In real simple terms you will start to fall apart between miles 9-11 with these long runs in the half. If you have experience under your belt with a few distance runs and you have a great base to work from you can in fact run successfully with a doubling of the miles for the half. In simple terms it’s a back to back 10k. I am not recommending this to a relatively new runner but offer it so that you know your friend is not 100% off base. However, even in her case I would suggest going from her base of 6 to a 9 then 11 then the half over a month period
I talked to a friend who runs half marathons and she said she aims to be running 6 miles before a half and then just kicks it in for the half. Does it really get easier when you are up to running 6 miles????? Seems to me like going from 6 to 13.1 is a HUGE jump even if just for one day. I have a 4.2 mile loop from my house I've been walking for years and walk it in about an hour so my goal is to be able to run it once, stop at my house for a quick water break and run it again. If I can do this before the half, do you think I'll be able to kick it in for that one day and do it?

There are definitely more experienced folks on this website and I strongly agree with their advice. I have only run one half marathon -- Princess lastyear. And, unless I'm training, I don't have a base built up. With that said, I wouldn't recommend going from 4.2 miles or even 6 miles to a running a half on race day. It sounds like your friend is a runner and probably has a base built up... For me, the first mile of any run is the most difficult but if you are asking if it gets easier after 6 miles then I would say No, it doesn't get easier but it is easier to get your head wrapped around the idea that you are running long distances and that you CAN do it! When training for the Princess, I remember thinking that 4 miles was a huge deal but by the time I got around to running 10 miles two and a half months later, I was like... no big deal.I can do this!!!

Personally, I like to spend my time building a base of running around 4 miles on my long run day which is usually Saturday and then running 3 miles another 2-3 times each week. Once I've built up to that base, then I start a two month training plan. I think I used the Hal Higdon training plan last time. I aim for running 9-10 miles for my longest run about two weeks prior to the race and then tapering. I also don't run the entire race -- I use a Jeff Galloway run/walk interval. I run for 2 minutes and walk for 1 minute and then repeat for the entire race. I highly recommend this method as it got me through the NYC Marathon and the Princess with no problems. I'm slow but I finished and more importantly -- I felt great afterward!! I spent 10 hours at the parks the day of the half marathon and 12 hours at the parks the day after the half. I also recommend a good Epson salt bath after your long runs!!
I'm subscribing! I'm doing the full for the first time in January - well my first full ever so I'd love to hear any tips from past veterans. I've done the half in 2009 and 2010.

When someone in lime green passes you, keep up! :lmao:
I'm subscribing! I'm doing the full for the first time in January - well my first full ever so I'd love to hear any tips from past veterans. I've done the half in 2009 and 2010.

Here's my best advice for people training to run their first full: don't do anything different on race day that you haven't done during training. Experiment with your nutrition and fluid intake during your long training runs so you can find what works best for you now. Figuring out what amount and brand and flavor of goo/gel/beans/bloks meets your needs is best done well before race day. Same goes for shoes, shorts, shirts, and everything else. Nothing new on race day. :)
I have walked alot of disney races and they are so much fun....well not sure if Goofy was fun last year but over all fun;)

Lots of great people here with great advise and always fun to have friends and teammates on the course for laughs, support and a kick in the pants when needed.

Anyone doing the 5K on Friday before the races?

Jeff - I was frozen solid and soaking wet when you passed me going into Epcot this year :cold: I've gotten a little bit faster so if I were doing the half this year, I would be doing a lot of the passing :upsidedow I'm bummed you're not going back.

princessfionasmom - The first time you do a certain distance, it's always tough. But the second time you do it, it will be a piece of cake. :thumbsup2 When I trained for a 30K race earlier this year, the 21K distance was a killer. This time when I trained again for a 30K, the 21K distance was much much easier! Let us know which training plan you choose :)

FFigawi - Great advice! :thumbsup2 So far the longest distance I've gone is a 30K race (18.64 miles). I know about the "wall" everyone hits at 20 miles so I'm not sure how to handle nutrition on course past that. For the last race, I ate a Clif Bloc every 3 miles or so and then alternated Gatorade and water at the stops.

I'll be doing my first Goofy this January; it'll also be my first marathon and only my second (or possibly third) half. Training is coming along nicely. I've got my first 10-mile run coming up this Sunday and I don't expect any problems. Ever since the training has taken me to running more than one hour at a time I've started experimenting with fueling. Water, Gatorade, Clif Shot Bloks and peanut M&Ms seem to work so far. Any other suggestions?
Hi everyone,

This is my first post on the W.I.S.H forum. I've never run anything in my life but I got it in my head last month that I'd like to try. Since Disney is my favorite place I figured it would motivate me to sign up for the 5k on marathon weekend. Then I started lurking on the boards here and I read so many stories about people who weren't "real runners" who did their first runs at Disney. You all inspired me so much I've signed up to do the 1/2 marathon in January! I've started with the C25K program and it is going great. On the recomendation of the folks on DIS I've ordered the marathon's for mortals book and a Galloway book so I'll have a plan to follow up until the race. I also ordered one of these Forerunner 305 whoodickies since I've only been running on a treadmill and I figure I'll have to go outside eventually.

I'm so excited! The idea that this is something that I could actually do is just amazing to me. I'll be traveling and running solo so I'm hoping I might meet some nice W.I.S.H folks before the trip.

Thanks for the inspiration
Hello Fellow WISHers!
I am doing the Goofy this year. My first full was Disney 2007 and I have run two other fulls and a handful of halfs since then. I am super excited to run Disney again, it was so much fun the first time:lovestruc.
I met with my trainer/coach this morning and have my training and nutrition plan mapped out, yay! I am doing a slightly modified Hal Higdon Intermediate-I plan.
I am looking for any help/advice/support I can get so I can finish these two distances! Can't wait to train with you guys.:woohoo:

I'll be doing my first Goofy this January; it'll also be my first marathon and only my second (or possibly third) half. Training is coming along nicely. I've got my first 10-mile run coming up this Sunday and I don't expect any problems. Ever since the training has taken me to running more than one hour at a time I've started experimenting with fueling. Water, Gatorade, Clif Shot Bloks and peanut M&Ms seem to work so far. Any other suggestions?

No major advice here but I'm stealing the peanut M&M idea. I think that might just work for me. I was so hungry by the time I got to the castle that I would have gladly broken into Crystal Palace. Gels, beans and shot bloks make me a little queasy. I think I might need a little more protein.

Thanks for the tip. :thumbsup2
Hi everyone,

This is my first post on the W.I.S.H forum. I've never run anything in my life but I got it in my head last month that I'd like to try. Since Disney is my favorite place I figured it would motivate me to sign up for the 5k on marathon weekend. Then I started lurking on the boards here and I read so many stories about people who weren't "real runners" who did their first runs at Disney. You all inspired me so much I've signed up to do the 1/2 marathon in January! I've started with the C25K program and it is going great. On the recomendation of the folks on DIS I've ordered the marathon's for mortals book and a Galloway book so I'll have a plan to follow up until the race. I also ordered one of these Forerunner 305 whoodickies since I've only been running on a treadmill and I figure I'll have to go outside eventually.

I'm so excited! The idea that this is something that I could actually do is just amazing to me. I'll be traveling and running solo so I'm hoping I might meet some nice W.I.S.H folks before the trip.

Thanks for the inspiration

Welcome, welcome!! You can do it!! Disney races are the best. Just take it one day at a time....
WELCOME lolakat!!! You and I are in the same boat. I have never been a runner and like you am doing my first 1/2 in January. I'm also doing C25K and it's amazing. I never thought I could run for 25 mins straight. I have a couple more weeks on C25k then I'm moving on to the 10K program.

budpaulsaint - loving the peanut m&m idea, when I get up to running that far I'll have to remember that one.
Anyone doing the 5K on Friday before the races?


I keep thinking I will enter but can not get anyone in my travel party to join. So I run a quick little 3-5 mile run that morning around the home reosrt for the weekend. I find that I really need a good leg stretching run as it clears the head and gives me some feedback on what Charles is in Orlando :) Then it is off to Cape May for the traditional rubbing of the elbows with Sir Goofy himself.


I'll be doing my first Goofy this January; it'll also be my first marathon and only my second (or possibly third) half. Training is coming along nicely. I've got my first 10-mile run coming up this Sunday and I don't expect any problems. Ever since the training has taken me to running more than one hour at a time I've started experimenting with fueling. Water, Gatorade, Clif Shot Bloks and peanut M&Ms seem to work so far. Any other suggestions?

Not sure what other ntrition you have looked at..... Personally I think I would move from the peanut intake. You are wanting to avoid substances that are hard to digest and a nut is in that catagory.
I'm signed up for a Dopey Weekend in Jan. Will walk the 5K and 1/2M with DW and then I'll be on my own on Sunday. We walked the 5K this past January and I decided to go for the gusto 1 year later. I always felt my family had good reason to call me Dopey.

I feel that being a Chi walker is an advantage because the low impact style is very easy on my body. The extended time frame in walking a marathon should not be a problem since my bicycle rides of 6 to 10 hours have that covered.
I keep thinking I will enter but can not get anyone in my travel party to join. So I run a quick little 3-5 mile run that morning around the home reosrt for the weekend. I find that I really need a good leg stretching run as it clears the head and gives me some feedback on what Charles is in Orlando :) Then it is off to Cape May for the traditional rubbing of the elbows with Sir Goofy himself.

Not sure what other ntrition you have looked at..... Personally I think I would move from the peanut intake. You are wanting to avoid substances that are hard to digest and a nut is in that catagory.

Coach Charles --- can you share some wisdom on what you would recommend for fueling options. I don't tolerate any of the GU's, beans, shot blocks, etc. They all seem to make me ill. Is there anything else you would recommend??

I'm half-tempted to bring a turkey sandwich with me. The main problem for me with WDW races is that you have to get up so early before you even start the race that I'm starving half-way through. I ate my bagel with PNB while driving to the race this year and this time I'm thinking about eating it in the corrals or while walking to the corrals for January.
I always use cherry jelly bellys for my fuel, seems to work for me. I was a little worried going into goofy last year that it wouldn't be enough but they where great, and they are juicey so makes chewing them really easy.

Also treats along the course are more then welcome :)


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