Official Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend - The Dark Side 2017

Soooo, the are some who actually walk the whole half and don't get swept?
Annnnnd, the fact I can do 7 to 8 running at 12.5/13 minutes per mile, leads me to believe I'm kinda ok if I want to take a break around mile 9?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm finishing this thing running, especially with DS on the course with me and pride stepping in the way to do anything less than kick his butt to finish ahead of him. But if I do need a break there is no harm in walking a bit without fear of being pulled off the course?
Soooo, the are some who actually walk the whole half and don't get swept?
Annnnnd, the fact I can do 7 to 8 running at 12.5/13 minutes per mile, leads me to believe I'm kinda ok if I want to take a break around mile 9?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm finishing this thing running, especially with DS on the course with me and pride stepping in the way to do anything less than kick his butt to finish ahead of him. But if I do need a break there is no harm in walking a bit without fear of being pulled off the course?

You are correct and you should be okay.

The 'sweepers' start when the last person in the last corral start ... so your 12-13 min/mile pace will have you 20-30 minutes ahead by mile 9 ... and you'll be in a more forward corral, so you've got that time in your bank too!

You are correct and you should be okay.

The 'sweepers' start when the last person in the last corral start ... so your 12-13 min/mile pace will have you 20-30 minutes ahead by mile 9 ... and you'll be in a more forward corral, so you've got that time in your bank too!

:love1: You just made my day! Still...I will remain following my training plan to the best of my ability. As a personal goal I want at least 10 (at whatever running pace it works out to be) before I give in that day.
So I'm trying to figure out my training now for this race considering the state of my ankle. I went to my doctor today - surgery will be in May. Do I train just to walk the challenge to not risk further injury or try to do slow jog? I'm wearing my normal compression supportive brace (I can't run without it anymore)

So your normal ankle should only have about 30 degrees of inversion. My ankle has 90 degrees. There is no lateral ligament left attached (to be confirmed by MRI but apparently my movements and pain are 'textbook')

Fun fun fun!

Yikes that doesn't good. How bad is the pain now?
So I'm trying to figure out my training now for this race considering the state of my ankle. I went to my doctor today - surgery will be in May. Do I train just to walk the challenge to not risk further injury or try to do slow jog? I'm wearing my normal compression supportive brace (I can't run without it anymore)

So your normal ankle should only have about 30 degrees of inversion. My ankle has 90 degrees. There is no lateral ligament left attached (to be confirmed by MRI but apparently my movements and pain are 'textbook')

Fun fun fun!

Sorry to hear about your ankle! Have you asked the doctor if continuing to run will cause further damage? My wife had a similar issue where one of her ankle tendons/ligaments (can't remember which at this point) had calcified and no longer served any function. She ended up having another transplanted from a toe to replace it. The doctor told her that there was no real risk to continuing to run on it, since the worst thing that could happen was it snapping, which would actually give her some pain relief prior to the surgery! It's worth asking the question.

As far as completing the race, I've had excellent success using run/walk intervals to get through races while injured. I ran Goofy 2016 rehabbing a torn hamstring using 0:30 walk/3:00 run intervals and was still using them at Dark Side, although I had worked them up to 3:00/1:00. It took a while, but I got there and didn't cause any damage or setbacks at either weekend. You can use some of your training runs to experiment with different intervals to see what works. Good luck!
So I'm trying to figure out my training now for this race considering the state of my ankle. I went to my doctor today - surgery will be in May. Do I train just to walk the challenge to not risk further injury or try to do slow jog? I'm wearing my normal compression supportive brace (I can't run without it anymore)

So your normal ankle should only have about 30 degrees of inversion. My ankle has 90 degrees. There is no lateral ligament left attached (to be confirmed by MRI but apparently my movements and pain are 'textbook')

Fun fun fun!
Oh goodness I'm so sorry, do you know why or what lead to your ankle injury, it sounds painful? I've never had an injury that needed surgery so can't really help, but walking would make more sense since it would be a lighter impact than running. With training a brisk walking pace can be just as efficient as a slow jog without the impact. I guess I would train with whatever didn't hurt as much if the doctor didn't advise against jogging, probably run/walk as that's what helped me in Dopey 2016 when injured. You need the force to heal you right up fast!

As for flower & garden menus not much I'm interested in as a vegetarian. Crabless crabcakes are strange, I bought them once (same brand they use, Gardein) and the seasoning was too much for me & just weird. Some of the desserts sounds good though & maybe a springroll.
Yikes that doesn't good. How bad is the pain now?

My husband made the joke that when I get my Stitch Tattoo (possibly with BB8) It should be on that ankle as there isn't much I can't take on that ankle. Its a constant dull ache. Its been this way for a while. Its progressively gotten worse and after Light Side when I started having new issues in my glut on the same side as the bad ankle, I kinda made the realization that I have to do something.

Sorry to hear about your ankle! Have you asked the doctor if continuing to run will cause further damage? My wife had a similar issue where one of her ankle tendons/ligaments (can't remember which at this point) had calcified and no longer served any function. She ended up having another transplanted from a toe to replace it. The doctor told her that there was no real risk to continuing to run on it, since the worst thing that could happen was it snapping, which would actually give her some pain relief prior to the surgery! It's worth asking the question.

As far as completing the race, I've had excellent success using run/walk intervals to get through races while injured. I ran Goofy 2016 rehabbing a torn hamstring using 0:30 walk/3:00 run intervals and was still using them at Dark Side, although I had worked them up to 3:00/1:00. It took a while, but I got there and didn't cause any damage or setbacks at either weekend. You can use some of your training runs to experiment with different intervals to see what works. Good luck!

My doctor just gave me a look when I said I was running a challenge in April. She said to keep the compression supportive brace and that if I hurt myself during the race it could push surgery out 2 weeks. I didn't think to ask if I've calcified! I know I'm getting fiber replacements for my tendons!

I may work on 15 second run/45 second walk if I decide to not just focus on walking.

Oh goodness I'm so sorry, do you know why or what lead to your ankle injury, it sounds painful? I've never had an injury that needed surgery so can't really help, but walking would make more sense since it would be a lighter impact than running. With training a brisk walking pace can be just as efficient as a slow jog without the impact. I guess I would train with whatever didn't hurt as much if the doctor didn't advise against jogging, probably run/walk as that's what helped me in Dopey 2016 when injured. You need the force to heal you right up fast!

My left ankle is an ongoing story. Originally being hurt in acrobats and on a trampoline when I was in middle school, I've sprained it every 6 to 12 months since. I think I am going to focus on walking more than running. I don't care about time this year - just finishing! Here's to hoping I'm not in the last corral!
As for flower & garden menus not much I'm interested in as a vegetarian. Crabless crabcakes are strange, I bought them once (same brand they use, Gardein) and the seasoning was too much for me & just weird. Some of the desserts sounds good though & maybe a springroll.
I've been a vegan for five years, and I love Gardein! They make the best substitutes around, save for Field Roast. I hear you, though. The options are limited. :(
I've been a vegan for five years, and I love Gardein! They make the best substitutes around, save for Field Roast. I hear you, though. The options are limited. :(
Yeah I like some of the other Gardein stuff, never had the Field Roast, our stores don't get all the products I know. Our Walmart has the fishless filets but after not liking the crabless cakes we haven't tried those. It is nice with more options out there then 20 years ago for sure!

Pretty good running week here! I returned my Superfeet Green inserts that were to help my plantar fasciatis. They were just too hard for me & started to squeak, driving me batty. So, just doing extra massaging/stretching and hoping for the best. Did 8 yesterday and my foot wasn't too tired feeling till the end, it was only 20 degrees but sunny and like 5 mph winds, where today was 30-35 mph winds, so did so back & forths for some lovely resistance training for about 3.5 miles.

On the costume front sewed my skort to go with my tank, can't really test it out for a run with our weather.

Fastpass day is coming up this month too, woohoo, need to download hours to plan park days.

Hope training is going well for others!
Soooo, the are some who actually walk the whole half and don't get swept?
Annnnnd, the fact I can do 7 to 8 running at 12.5/13 minutes per mile, leads me to believe I'm kinda ok if I want to take a break around mile 9?
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm finishing this thing running, especially with DS on the course with me and pride stepping in the way to do anything less than kick his butt to finish ahead of him. But if I do need a break there is no harm in walking a bit without fear of being pulled off the course?
16 minutes per mile is a power walk pace. The risk to going at that speed is that it gives you no cushion with photo stops, restroom breaks, etc. My first race I trained at 15 minutes per mile. I made no stops whatsoever out of fear of being swept and finished in 3:05. Every race since then I've taken at least two photo stops, though almost all of the Star Wars character stops were with the cosplayers on cosplay mile instead of the much longer in park lines.

As for training, I'm adjusting to working longer hours now and juggling training on top of the longer hours. This will continue right through the race as I leave for Orlando the night after the biggest deadline of the year. I did get my 8 mile run in this morning, so that's good.
All this heat talk makes this Northerner super nervous! We lived in Texas for a couple of years (outside of Houston) so I'm familiar with humidity/heat but not a fan of running in them. When I was there we actually had a presentation at work about not running in below 32 degrees for risk of hypothermia. I laughed out loud at that. When would Minnesotans run?!
I'm right there with you (I'm a Wisconsinite myself). But I'm hoping it will be okay. I have been to Disney World in April several times for Spring Break and the weather is usually decent. I know that's not running, but I can't recall ever being really bothered by it, especially in the mornings. So I guess I'll just prepare for the possibility that it could be extremely humid and hope to get most of the race done before the sun gets too high (if it happens to be sunny that day).
Got an awesome 9-miler in this weekend at a 9:00 min/mile. Definitely the fastest I've been. Hoping I can keep it up for some local races coming up. I'll be cruising during Dark Side and stopping for all the photos.

Anyone heard more about the race route? Thoughts when we might get the official route?
Got an awesome 9-miler in this weekend at a 9:00 min/mile. Definitely the fastest I've been. Hoping I can keep it up for some local races coming up. I'll be cruising during Dark Side and stopping for all the photos.

Anyone heard more about the race route? Thoughts when we might get the official route?

I think we have a while. Marathon weekend was pretty late right? Seems like it might have even not been until the event guide came out. It's kind of a blur though.
All this heat talk makes this Northerner super nervous! We lived in Texas for a couple of years (outside of Houston) so I'm familiar with humidity/heat but not a fan of running in them. When I was there we actually had a presentation at work about not running in below 32 degrees for risk of hypothermia. I laughed out loud at that. When would Minnesotans run?!
Yes, that's me every summer when various running experts start warning that you shouldn't run at all when the temp's over 85, humidity over 65%... um, I wouldn't be able to run for 9 months of the year, lol! Even living down here, the first few weeks of heat are HARD for me. Once acclimated, it never feels any less hot, but I can handle it better.

Anyone heard more about the race route? Thoughts when we might get the official route?
I don't think we'll know until the official race guide comes out - which may not be until a week or so out from race weekend. Only speculation until then!
If you can't really mess it up more (I mean, if you are having surgery no matter what and it won't really change the surgery), go as much as you can. I rolled my ankle playing basketball (I use playing lightly, messing around at the gym is the better phrase for it) the week before the half last year and made it through. If you have submitted a time, you are going to have a really healthy head start. For example, last half I submitted a time (like a 1 hour 10k), and it put me something like an hour in front of the sweeper group. Think the key would be not to go too hard to start and really hurt yourself to where you are crawling at the end.
Anyone heard more about the race route? Thoughts when we might get the official route?
Like other's said probably won't see it until the guide comes out, it's fun to follow what this person puts up though Who knows how accurate his guess will end up being.

The 10k does say Studios & Epcot still so hoping it is and we get 2 parks with it. Will be interesting starting on Floridian Way for sure. Assuming the 5k is the same EPCOT 5k as other weekends, hoping to get my character stop fix during the 5k & then maybe just a couple stops in the 10k & half, kind of depends on how I feel in that moment. My real goal is not to stop for a bathroom in the half....had to at Wine & Dine but I will say Pizzafari's bathroom was very nice for during a race to use :)
Like other's said probably won't see it until the guide comes out, it's fun to follow what this person puts up though Who knows how accurate his guess will end up being.

The 10k does say Studios & Epcot still so hoping it is and we get 2 parks with it. Will be interesting starting on Floridian Way for sure. Assuming the 5k is the same EPCOT 5k as other weekends, hoping to get my character stop fix during the 5k & then maybe just a couple stops in the 10k & half, kind of depends on how I feel in that moment. My real goal is not to stop for a bathroom in the half....had to at Wine & Dine but I will say Pizzafari's bathroom was very nice for during a race to use :)
I like the routes that this person has posted. I too don't know how reliable he is, but it does sound like he may have some info which makes these courses seem like they could be it. I would be so happy to see the 3 parks and the Boardwalk area included in the half. Even if it's very brief because of the construction, I like seeing some DHS in there. I enjoyed the DHS part of the old Wine and Dine course.

I'm getting really excited and can't wait for it to get closer (although my training lately has been severely lacking so it's probably good we still have over 2 months to go).
Like other's said probably won't see it until the guide comes out, it's fun to follow what this person puts up though Who knows how accurate his guess will end up being.

The 10k does say Studios & Epcot still so hoping it is and we get 2 parks with it. Will be interesting starting on Floridian Way for sure. Assuming the 5k is the same EPCOT 5k as other weekends, hoping to get my character stop fix during the 5k & then maybe just a couple stops in the 10k & half, kind of depends on how I feel in that moment. My real goal is not to stop for a bathroom in the half....had to at Wine & Dine but I will say Pizzafari's bathroom was very nice for during a race to use :)

Oooo, I am really liking these routes, so I am hoping this guy has some good inside intel! I didn't stop for W&D, but I had to at both Light Side races. Very odd. So I wouldn't mind stopping if I had to and I definitely prefer the park bathrooms!

I'm getting really excited and can't wait for it to get closer (although my training lately has been severely lacking so it's probably good we still have over 2 months to go).

I'm getting excited now too! I went for my first run since Light Side yesterday. Unfortunately sickness has plagued me for the last month. It was nice to get active again. I'm trying to incorporate more weight training with my runs this time around. So yesterday I did 30 min run and then some strength training. I'm a little sore today, but in a good way! Tomorrow we're supposed to have a lot of snow so I have no clue if I'll be able to get out to the gym or not, but hopefully tomorrow, and if not Friday. I'm trying to get back on track with my training!
I like the routes that this person has posted. I too don't know how reliable he is, but it does sound like he may have some info which makes these courses seem like they could be it. I would be so happy to see the 3 parks and the Boardwalk area included in the half. Even if it's very brief because of the construction, I like seeing some DHS in there. I enjoyed the DHS part of the old Wine and Dine course.

I'm getting really excited and can't wait for it to get closer (although my training lately has been severely lacking so it's probably good we still have over 2 months to go).

I don't really think he has any kind of inside info. I think he's just using the context clues from the site (we know where it starts and finishes) and routes from previous rundisney races that fit the distance. There are really only so many possibilities so it isn't really that hard to speculate on.


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