OFFICIAL The Pirates League Thread

I am so sorry you had a poor experience, I know my answers cannot change what happened but may add a little more info.

I do think makeup would have set better if we had been given a wet wipe or a wash cloth to wipe our face prior to experience starting.

Any chance you were wearing sunscreen? DRC (Disney Reservation Center, who actually makes the reservations) is supposed to say that you need to visit the league with a fresh/clean face. The pirates do not have anything other than baby wipes to wash off dirty faces. But if the face appears dry, this step is avoided as it can also make the pirate paint difficult to apply.

I was told when I made ressie that there would be special Bday pirate surprise for me as we were celebrating my BDay, I still don't know what that may have been as I didn't get or see anything different than BFF or DN. I don't really care but when you are sorta promised something you kinda look forward to it.

I am so sorry DRC said this - TPL has nothing to give a birthday boy/girl. There are some areas on property that can throw in special items, but the League does not.

We didn't get sahes, were we supossed to?

You should have received a belt for the sword to hang into. This is given before going into the Sacred Sanctorum. Sometimes they'll have a special one that says The Pirates League in red print, but these are not a guarantee, it just depends on the current stock.

We were told about pirate parade but we bailed from MK right after experience d/t crowds and by 4p makeup was nonexistant on all 3 of us.

Understandable. This is the time they give out the TPL certificates and treasure pieces. They also have a photopass here as the lighting allows for much more pictures.
I am so sorry you had a poor experience, I know my answers cannot change what happened but may add a little more info.

Any chance you were wearing sunscreen? DRC (Disney Reservation Center, who actually makes the reservations) is supposed to say that you need to visit the league with a fresh/clean face. The pirates do not have anything other than baby wipes to wash off dirty faces. But if the face appears dry, this step is avoided as it can also make the pirate paint difficult to apply.

I am so sorry DRC said this - TPL has nothing to give a birthday boy/girl. There are some areas on property that can throw in special items, but the League does not.

You should have received a belt for the sword to hang into. This is given before going into the Sacred Sanctorum. Sometimes they'll have a special one that says The Pirates League in red print, but these are not a guarantee, it just depends on the current stock.

Understandable. This is the time they give out the TPL certificates and treasure pieces. They also have a photopass here as the lighting allows for much more pictures.
No Sunscreen and none of us were offered even baby wipes to clean faces and I doubt my skin looked dry, although I was also never told by DRC to arrive with clean face either.

I understand and i did have card from mickey waiting in our room
Yes we got belt but we also saw lil boy in front of us and several kids later in week with leather like sash the said pirate leaque on it and would be more like a banner across chest.

THank you for your replies though, like I said I may give it another chance in a cooler month.
Understandable. This is the time they give out the TPL certificates and treasure pieces. They also have a photopass here as the lighting allows for much more pictures.[/QUOTE]

Is the parade a not to miss? We are going to HDDR that night so we would have to miss the pirate parade. Should I reschedule on another day?

We'll miss out on some of the PL activities because our appointment time isn't until after the parade - which I knew before I booked.

However, I didn't realise that PhotoPass photogs went to the parade - that would be sooo cool to have. I really wish that they were inside the League to record the pirate transformations, too.
So we're thinking about doing this with my 4-yr old in Jan for his birthday.
I know about the costumes and the make-up.
But I haven't heard about this parade. Can you give me some more details?

Also, there is no Photopass documenting the transformation a la BBB?
We loved the shots of my princess being transformed - it would be a shame if my pirate didn't get the same treatment.
I am still trying to figure out if this is a good idea for my son. He will be 3 at the time. He tends to be a little timid. He knows pirates and LOVES the veggietales ones (I know, completely different than Disney). DD is doing BBB so I was thinking this might be a great thing for him. I don't think he would get the whole "new name" and pirate oath thing... Just so confused on weither to book or not. Any opinions would be great!
Tinker Tam - I can't give advice on the Pirate's League because we haven't done it - yet. ;)

However, if you think your DS is a little young for this experience, have you considered getting him the Cool Dude option? :confused3 I *think* it is available at BBB and maybe the Barber Shop on Main Street USA.
I have considered that but he keeps saying he wants to be a pirate "ARGH!" Its too cute. I just worry that it will be too much for him once he is there and if i have a ressie I am stuck paying for it no matter what. I know that it will be a LONG LONG time till we make it back to WDW so I would love for him to have the experience. I am also heard the "hair paint" in the cool dude wheres of on the stroller, carseat and clothes. I was a little worried about that since we are renting a stroller this trip and don't want to ruin the carseat. hmmm...not sure what to do but thank you for bring up that option.
I was wondering how much I should plan on tipping? Of course based on performance, but what is the general number?
Is the parade a not to miss? We are going to HDDR that night so we would have to miss the pirate parade. Should I reschedule on another day?

I wouldn't worry about missing it. They just include a couple perks: Photopass, Certificate, and gems.

I added a video of the Pirate Parade in the first post.

Also, there is no Photopass documenting the transformation a la BBB?

Afraid not, photographers do not match the theming. TPL is based in the mid 1700 hundreds so the idea of cameras and flashes does not work. They did choose to include the one at the end, but the CM is referred to as a gunner (person who shoots cannons) to make it themed a little better. They are also out of view of the regular Guests, so it's a more personalized experience.

I am still trying to figure out if this is a good idea for my son. He will be 3 at the time. He tends to be a little timid.

In all honesty, I would book it. You do give your CC, but they will not charge it until the end of the experience. There is a $10 fee for no shows.

However, if you show up and your DS is too scared or decides he doesn't want to do it, you will not be charged.

I was wondering how much I should plan on tipping? Of course based on performance, but what is the general number?

The tips really run a huge scale... I can do 5 faces and get nothing. Then I do one face and get a $20. Anything is appreciated, $5 is the most common.
Subscribing! I think DS would love to do this before the 11/1 MNSSHP! I saw there is a $10 fee for no shows but what is the longest you can wait to cancel and not be charged? We don't land that day until 1pm (assuming we are on time :wizard:) I just want to know that I can call and cancel if we get stuck at the airport...

I have considered that but he keeps saying he wants to be a pirate "ARGH!" Its too cute.

Awww. pirate:

You do give your CC, but they will not charge it until the end of the experience. There is a $10 fee for no shows.

However, if you show up and your DS is too scared or decides he doesn't want to do it, you will not be charged.

Based on Berlioz advice, I'd book and take your little pirate along and see how he feels on the day. :thumbsup2
Awww. pirate:

Based on Berlioz advice, I'd book and take your little pirate along and see how he feels on the day. :thumbsup2

Why not watch a video on youTube about it with him and see how he feels. Then get a buddy to come over and do a dress rehersal in pirate garb? If he gets worried or seems a little off, put it off. If he is into it, go for it! pirate:
I called this evening and booked his appt. When I told him he was so excited. I think it will be fine. Dh is going to take him to Pirate League while I do BBB with DD (4yo). I have already instructed DH to take tons of pictures. The lady on the phone suggested we take DS by the day before and let him check things out and also to take him to watch the PL parade the afternoon before. I really do think I am just thinking he woudn't get the pirate name and oath part. Oh well! He will love the transformation! Thank you for all the great advice!
I am looking for some Pirate apparel for my 6 year old son. He is picky, and I know he will smolder in a costume in October (and we don't need a grumpy bum on our hands!) But a neat tshirt for him or crocs... should I wait until he gets there for a tshirt (preferably tank top) or for shoes or something? Nothing costume like..just comfortable regular clothes.
I really like the pirate croc shoes in the picture previously posted. Those are cute.
DD is going for the Castle package at BBB during the same time her brother is getting his pirate on. :cool1: She will be head to toe princess, so I'd like to have something neat for him, doesn't have to cost a lot, but something that is fun to him. We bought daddy a POTC tshirt already for the boys' Pirate's League adventure, but I'd like something for Brayden. (No Disney Store here or anywhere around :( )
I got pirate t-shirts at WM last year at Halloween time for $5. I got one for my ds and one for my dh. The design looks like they have pirate gear on with the belt, sash, etc. Pretty cool and it is a plain t-shirt, because I know I costume my ds will burn up when we go in Septmeber.
thanks for all the info and advice...jotted down more notes for this experience pirate:

My DS (11) will be doing the PL for the first time in Nov.

but a few more questions if anyone knows or specualtes....

1) Is the appt time somewhat treated like an ADR as in they know you are coming but you may still have to wait...or my like an actual appt time you shouldn't have to wait long...

we will be there Thanksgiving week and his appt is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving at 12:30 pm...plan on arriving at 12:15 like told from DRC

2) how many people not actually getting the PL experience can join you? I assume at least 1 parent but can another adult or non particiapting child stay w/ (or at least up to the secret room portion)?

3) the make-up...I mentioned this concern to DRC they of course said talk w/ the CM's upon arriving...can you choose an effect say Captain Hook and just get a few features or a portion of make-up not the full up stuff?

reason I ask, DS is autistic and has some sensory issues, he really wants the experience see the place , the name, get the loot, etc...but isn't as thrilled about the make-up and wondering how comfortable he'll be.

4) it bad or minimal? same concern as above sensory to noise sometimes DS wears sound canceling headphones...may try some earplugs for this experience if needed too.

TIA just trying to have a much info ahead of time to help prepare him besides looking at pictures/videos.
Thanks to everyone for all the great information about this! I was able to get DS7 a 4pm ressie on 11/1 before the last MNSSHP! pirate:

I was even able to change our flight to get in a couple of hours earlier so we aren't rushing to get to this appointment.

And lastly, thanks to the PP who posted the link and the code for I was able to get a pirate skeleton costume for under $17, including shipping!

If I wasn't already excited about doing MNSSHP, I certainly am now! :cool1:
1)Is the appt time somewhat treated like an ADR as in they know you are coming but you may still have to wait...or my like an actual appt time you shouldn't have to wait long...

It is like an ADR so you may have to wait. They generally do not tell a wait time as it really depends on how fast the Pirates on the chairs are going and some new recruits just take longer than others. A 30 minute wait should be expected on a normal day (especially around lunch). An hour or longer on MNSSHP (based on last year's wait average).

2) how many people not actually getting the PL experience can join you?

No limit to sit in the main room and watch. There is a limit to enter the sacred sanctorum, usually 6 but it depends on the physical size of the Guests (obviously more children can fit than adults).

3) can you choose an effect say Captain Hook and just get a few features or a portion of make-up not the full up stuff?

No, the looks are approved by legal and the pirates are not allowed to take "special orders." With that said, kids are kids and if they just cannot finish the look the Pirate Master will adjust. But this is done in the spur of the moment, no alterations will be agreed on beforehand.

4) it bad or minimal? same concern as above sensory to noise sometimes DS wears sound canceling headphones...may try some earplugs for this experience if needed too.

Yes, it is louder than most places in the parks. However, we have had several children with autism in the past and have been notified to be cautious of our volume while the child is present.
Ok, trying to decide whether or not to get my dds costumes for Pirates league in August and then for our cruise in March--(pirates night?). Right now I have tank tops for them with sparkly girl skulls on them to wear for pirates league. Last year we went in August and we brought princess dresses from home. When they got hot, they changed into shirts/shorts. They got alot of comments. Should I splurge and get the costumes? Would the costumes be too hot? Maybe I could pack the shirts to bring with if the costumes get too hot--opinions?

Here are the costumes:

Thanks for any opinions.


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