Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread

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Bucket Lister here as well! I wanted to run a marathon before I turned 40, and I turn 40 in April, so I will just be squeaking by, lol

Another bucket lister for 40 as well - I turn 40 on October 23 - just ran my first marathon on October 7 and will run my second and last in January at disney and then am retiring from marathons and going back to 1/2's. But I figured I ran the 15th anniversary of the disney 1/2, just ran the 30th anniversary of the Mohawk Hudson Marathon this week and now the 20th anniversary of the disney marathon in january. Maybe I should get snobby and refuse to run any races unless they are special anniversary ones! :lmao:
Bucket list... Guilty here as well.

Yet mine is more involved. Mine is not just to run a marathon, but specifically Boston. Not just run it, but qualify and do it the real way. Charity spots don't count. So Disney full is just one step of a larger goal.

I did allow for one exception. Kona.

Both most likely will never happen. Yet, January will. It's all about having a goal and something to look forward to.

Never say never! As long as you have that goal, then it's a possibility. I started running at age 49 and "never" was going to run a marathon. Never thought I could. But I finally realized, as I built up my training, that I "just might" be able to do it. And after I finally committed to it, I was able to do it. And then after saying " one and done", I realized that I was close to BQ so why not give it a shot. And I did. And I ran Boston. So if a 52 yr old can do it, then you certainly may be able to!

Of course, everything went downhill after Boston (18 months and counting of cervical disc issues, strained hip flexors, stress fracture, bike accident), but hey--I guess that's life ;)

And I am now thinking that a 1/2 IM next year "just may be possible".

Never say never! As long as you have that goal, then it's a possibility. I started running at age 49 and "never" was going to run a marathon. Never thought I could. But I finally realized, as I built up my training, that I "just might" be able to do it. And after I finally committed to it, I was able to do it. And then after saying " one and done", I realized that I was close to BQ so why not give it a shot. And I did. And I ran Boston. So if a 52 yr old can do it, then you certainly may be able to!

Of course, everything went downhill after Boston (18 months and counting of cervical disc issues, strained hip flexors, stress fracture, bike accident), but hey--I guess that's life ;)

And I am now thinking that a 1/2 IM next year "just may be possible".


I've been thinking about doing a 1/2 IM and didn't know if I would cross it off the bucket list because of time, life, etc., but you give me hope!
Did the marathon 2 years ago for my 40th. Said I would NEVER do one again. Training to cross the Goofy off my bucket list now. Hahaha. Thank you Jeff Galloway. Couldn't do this without ya. First you run, then you walk. Do the Galloway. :)
RENThead09 said:
Did the marathon 2 years ago for my 40th. Said I would NEVER do one again. Training to cross the Goofy off my bucket list now. Hahaha. Thank you Jeff Galloway. Couldn't do this without ya. First you run, then you walk. Do the Galloway. :)

Oiy.... I was hoping I wouldn't think that, but gosh, I can totally see that.
Marathon bucket lister here, too. However, I am a bit over 40. (just a bit)When I was training for my first 1/2 last year I said I would never do a full. I finished the Princess this year and felt so good, I immediately set my sights on doing the full, but as of right now, this is a once and done. :thumbsup2
I thought I would be a 'one and done' too, but at 52yrs old, I am training for Goofy and two more marathons next year.

I might need an intervention! :)
we are starting to get into the same situation about need some light. Has anyone used the running lights that goes on you knuckles?

Another unsolicited word of advice: if you wear a headlamp over a brimmed hat, make sure you know your course well. A few years ago I was running in the the dark and rain and had a head lamp on over my running hat. I would tilt the brim down to block the oncoming car lights so I could still see the ground and not get blinded. That worked fine until all the sudden . . . BLAM . . . my head snapped back and I almost hit the ground. There was a 5'11" tree branch that caught my 6'1" head. The only injury was a slightly strained ab muscle. I thought about telling the home owners to cut the branch as it was a hazard. But, I think they must have seen me bonk because the branch was gone the next week.
This is a one and done for me, as well. I am totally addicted to Half Marathons, and will probably keep up with the 3 during the Fall, 3 during the Spring schedule and fill in the blanks with some 5Ks, 10Ks, and 5 milers. After the Marathon I am going to be working on improving my Half time.
I haven't decided if this is my last marathon or not. I ran the full in 2012 and I'm doing the Goofy in 2013. I'm pretty sure I'll want to do the anniversary Goofy in 2 years (or is it 3?). I just find full marathon training is SO much more of a time commitment (I know it should be obvious but...) and I don't know that I want to keep up that commitment. Maybe I should work towards running faster half marathons instead?
Thankfully I don't have to decide tonight!

The only other marathon I would do after this one is to do Goofy. I guess I could say it's on my bucket list for the bling! What can I say, I love bling!!
RENThead09 said:
Did the marathon 2 years ago for my 40th. Said I would NEVER do one again. Training to cross the Goofy off my bucket list now. Hahaha. Thank you Jeff Galloway. Couldn't do this without ya. First you run, then you walk. Do the Galloway. :)

I know I will be hooked. There will be the normal "never again" right as the race finishes, but I am certain my addictive nature will be forcing me to sign up for the next.
ColleenG said:
The only other marathon I would do after this one is to do Goofy. I guess I could say it's on my bucket list for the bling! What can I say, I love bling!!

While training for this full, I have already told my wife that I am gonna do Goofy next year. She thinks I am nuts.
I want to call myself a bucket lister, but honestly I never thought I could do a marathon so it wasn't even in my list of possibilities. But here I am. A year and 1/4 after I started training for my first half (the princess) and I totally feel I can do it! :cool1: I turn 40 in a year and 1/2.

I am seeing this as a one and done. Then again, I thought the Princess would be my only have and I've done 2 more since then.

Scheduled to run 15 miles some time this weekend. The weather isn't cooperating though. A line of nasty t-storms heading our way starting pretty soon. :crazy2: Let's see when we can fit it in.
I turned 40 this year and kicked my own butt to get up and out. I will, God willing, run my first half and first (and likely only) full before 41.

40 is a powerful year for many women.

For me, I wanted to regain my strength and focus, after devoting 15 years to raising kids and getting my career started. It has been a time of inner focus, and wanting to get my groove back on.

I look way hotter at 40 than I did at 38. :cool1:

I am a lean, mean, 40-machine. :moped:
Awful run this morning! I wanted to do 12, but only got to 2.5 before feeling like I might pass out and decided to just call it a 30-45 minute run since I missed one during the week and try again tomorrow. I usually have a large bagel with peanut butter and a banana before a morning run, but we were all out this morning. The only thing I could find was a single granola bar. Yeah, that was not enough! Planning to hydrate and eat right today, get some bagels, and make tomorrow a good run.
Had a really good run this morning... got up and out pre-dawn for my first freezing run (32 degrees as I left the house).

9 miles in the quiet, dark, (with headlamp and red flashers) and I ran it at a much faster pace than any 8 mile or longer run to date.

Total time was 1:41:55... 11:19/mile pace for the 9 miles.

My next race is the Philadelphia Half Marathon next month and I have a goal of 2:30... I'm right on (actually just shy) of that pace for a long run now. Another month of training, and I should be able to comfortably get there as long as conditions aren't too bad.

Then the WDW Half in January will feel like a fun victory lap and I won't feel the need to run it hard.

I can't wait.

I'm really glad as we get into the fall that I decided to stay with the half instead of trying to move up to the full... I am really enjoying running right now because I know I can do this distance and do it well... if I do a Disney Full as some time in the future, I'm not planning to make it my first full marathon... too much anxiety around that.

I have 8 miles planned for today but I'm hardly feeling motivated. DH and I are running the Detroit half next Sunday so all of our long runs are done and we're tapering down now.

I'm quite content to stay curled up on the couch with my dogs today just watching the rain fall outside but I know I should get out there :rotfl: Maybe I could muster up some motivation to get my run done on the treadmill :confused3
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