OT - on your marks, get set..... CHAT!

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How is everyone :)

Worried and angry.

To cut a long story short i have a greengage tree that now has hundreds of wasps eating the fruit and i have been told there is nothing i can do but let nature take its course.

Tonight my Daughter worried about the wasps and our cats ( they have actaully been giving the tree a very wide berth) whilst i was out went out and sprayed wilkinsons insect repellent all over the tree some of which has of course gone all over the patio where the cats walk.

Luckily for her she did not get stung and thankfully there was not much left in the bottle.

I have just spent ages outside hosing the whole patio down and scrubbing it. I think insect repellent can be quite harmful to cats so now we are worried sick.

Bloody kids :headache:
Worried and angry.

To cut a long story short i have a greengage tree that now has hundreds of wasps eating the fruit and i have been told there is nothing i can do but let nature take its course.

That is not good :hug: Children and animals do not mix with wasps :scared1:
Oh Poppie no wonder you are worried sick - are your cats okay this morning? I hope its all fine, and the insect repellant doesn't harm your animals :hug:.
Talking of bugs... I got a nasty virus (antivir solution pro) that makes your PC think that all programmes are infected, so you need to scan your PC.
Took me 7 hours but I think PC is now clean. Hoping that my email account and data were not hacked.
The parasites who create these are :rolleyes1:mad::confused3:surfweb:
Hi. I got that virus yesturday too :mad: Frightening. My husband wiped the whole computer last night :worship:& it became a newborn again. I am currently re-doing My favourites. Guess which site was the first to be re-introduced? :thumbsup2
I agree..... there are some horrible people (for want of a better word)in this world:confused:
Talking of bugs... I got a nasty virus (antivir solution pro) that makes your PC think that all programmes are infected, so you need to scan your PC.
Took me 7 hours but I think PC is now clean. Hoping that my email account and data were not hacked.
The parasites who create these are :rolleyes1:mad::confused3:surfweb:

My dad has got the security tool virus on his, i have tried to sort it out for him this morning but having no joy. :headache:
Going to pop round later and see if running in safe mode with networking and downloading and installing malwarebytes will help:confused3
Oh Poppie no wonder you are worried sick - are your cats okay this morning? I hope its all fine, and the insect repellant doesn't harm your animals :hug:.

Aww thanks, i think they are ok. My girl cat was very offish this morning, she wouldn't eat and had some gunk coming out of her eyes. :guilty:

Cleaned them up with boiled water and left her food next to her whilst i went to work. I honestly thought i was going to have to take her to the vet when i got home but she seems fine now and has eaten all her food. I went and got her some whiskas temptations (her fav) and she gobbled some of them down so i think she is ok.
Will just have to keep an eye on her and see how she goes. If i am worried then i will just take her straight to the vet.

I braved the wasp infested tree at 5am this morning (no wasps around then)and cut all the branches my daughter had sprayed with insect repellent down and then hosed the patio down for the 4th time. I can't smell any trace of it now so i am hoping they will be ok.

Honestly having animals is a nightmare, i worry myself sick about them.
Ooh, your poor cat, what a worry. I'm sure you've got rid of that spray from the patio now, it's probably it just being in the atmosphere that has upset her eyes. It's a good sign that she's eaten her temptations. Is your other cat OK?
Honestly having animals is a nightmare, i worry myself sick about them.

I agree, they are a million times more worrying than children! :rotfl2:

My eldest dog has been taking longer to eat her food lately and I was a bit worried about her teeth playing her up as a couple are very loose so took her to the vet last night and she is going in on Monday to have her teeth and mouth tidied up. We are going away in a couple of weeks so I was thinking do I wait until after we are back or have it done now. We decided to have it done before our holiday in the end as the vet said she is very healthy for her age (11) so *fingers crossed* should be fine with the anesthetic and, although the kennels are brilliant and would get her looked at if need be, I would rather her treatment was done by our vet.

I know I'll be on tenterhooks all day Monday now until she's back home. :guilty:
. Is your other cat OK?

I agree, they are a million times more worrying than children! :rotfl2:

My eldest dog has been taking longer to eat her food lately and I was a bit worried about her teeth playing her up as a couple are very loose so took her to the vet last night and she is going in on Monday to have her teeth and mouth tidied up. We are going away in a couple of weeks so I was thinking do I wait until after we are back or have it done now. We decided to have it done before our holiday in the end as the vet said she is very healthy for her age (11) so *fingers crossed* should be fine with the anesthetic and, although the kennels are brilliant and would get her looked at if need be, I would rather her treatment was done by our vet.

I know I'll be on tenterhooks all day Monday now until she's back home. :guilty:

Yeah he seems fine thank goodness.

Keeping my fingers crossed for your dog on Monday, i am sure she will be fine.

I don't remember ever getting this stressed over my children :rotfl:
:scared1: this sounds very scary. I wouldn't have a clue what to do. I'm very lazy and leave all the computer protection up to DH. Sorry if this is a stupid question but do you know how the virus got into your computer?

We don't. Only sites that anyone was on yesterday was DIS, Facebook, Club Penguin, BBC and other geniune sites. Email received was from usual sources.
I don`t Know for sure how We got the virus, but it started coming up with infected messages after I had clicked on a link via twitter:sad2:
that virus is based in the UK apparently, they don't knw where it stemed from but i've heard its through actual advertisements on the sites themselves.

don't quote me on that though

seems to be the only way to clear it is to wipe the machine at the moment :eek:
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