POtCO "Rocking Our Roos" Pirates Guild

Well... last ditch effort for some pirates to join us tonight at 8 pm EST.

Otherwise, it will be just another night of Pete sinking Pink and Pink getting mad ... :rolleyes1 Until Jewel can make it home to join us, LOL.
As it turns out we got our dates mixed up and I won't be at a competition tonight, so I'll be able to show up by 8. :cool1:

Oh Pete.... we need help in figuring out how to battle with another crew.

From the Newsletter:

October 17 2008
Massive Game Update Goes Live! Level 5 Weapons, New Quests and More!

Check out the massive game update Live! This update introduces new Level 5 Weapons, new Quests, new Bosses, Skill Point Reallocation, and much more. Check out these great new features!

Looks like tonight won't be at all boring!! :cool1:

From the Newsletter:

October 17 2008
Massive Game Update Goes Live! Level 5 Weapons, New Quests and More!

Check out the massive game update Live! This update introduces new Level 5 Weapons, new Quests, new Bosses, Skill Point Reallocation, and much more. Check out these great new features!

Looks like tonight won't be at all boring!! :cool1:

Just adding more from newsletter, I posted on the ED2~thread also but left out the part about the prizes! :upsidedow
Happy Birthday POTC

One Year Anniversary Celebration October 16 2008 Happy Birthday - to Us!

To celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of Pirates of the Caribbean Online and to show our appreciation to our community, we're celebrating our anniversary and awarding you, our players, in a variety of ways.

Get in the Game! Our anniversary falls on October 31st - Halloween! We've got spooky plans for you! Be sure to join us - and the scourge of the Caribbean, Jolly Roger, who has even more spookier plans for you.

Rewarding Our Players! During the month of October, 31 Basic Access Players will be randomly selected to receive a 14-day Unlimited Access upgrade! We'll also award 31 Unlimited Access Members with a special Pirates Online prize pack! Finally, we've got a very special gift planned for our Unlimited Access Founders.

Live the Pirates Life Contest! All the excitement concludes with our biggest contest to date! You'll get to show the world you're a Pirates Online fan! More details to come!

Your support, enthusiasm and dedication have made us the #1 Pirates MMORPG in the world and we couldn't have done it without you! Thanks for playing!
I have completed all the other level 5 weapon quests, but am stuck on one of the first tasks that Tia gives you for the Taboo Doll. The task (picture below) seems to indicate that there is a digspot in the village area of Kingshead. I have never seen or heard of a digspot in that area and I have recently spent at least 2 hours trying to find it. Has anybody completed this task?

Note: The 2 digspots in the first courtyard on Kingshead do not work and give the "Nothing of Interest" message.
I have completed all the other level 5 weapon quests, but am stuck on one of the first tasks that Tia gives you for the Taboo Doll. The task (picture below) seems to indicate that there is a digspot in the village area of Kingshead. I have never seen or heard of a digspot in that area and I have recently spent at least 2 hours trying to find it. Has anybody completed this task?

Note: The 2 digspots in the first courtyard on Kingshead do not work and give the "Nothing of Interest" message.

I think there is a dig spot in the village area hidden behind a couple houses. I haven't done the task, but I remember finding it once and wondering what task it was for. I remember it being near an arch. Hope that helps!
I think there is a dig spot in the village area hidden behind a couple houses. I haven't done the task, but I remember finding it once and wondering what task it was for. I remember it being near an arch. Hope that helps!

You got it Queen, but you must enter thru the archway. just as you enter the courtyard from the path of trees go left the arch is on the left guarded by a few EITC . enter the smaller courtyard and battle a few more, the dig spot is kinda in the middle. Good luck!
Oh drat! I'm back on basic access. :(

Anyone want to contribute to the "Give Jedi Unlimited Access Fund" ?
Well I found it with some help (OK, lots of help with pictures) from another site.

To be more complete when you enter the village from the tree lined hill look on the left at the buildings. The second set of small stairs leads up to a open archway. Go through that archway and you will see 2 trees in a grassy area. Go about half way between and just a little past the trees and you will find the dig spot.
Well I found it with some help (OK, lots of help with pictures) from another site.

To be more complete when you enter the village from the tree lined hill look on the left at the buildings. The second set of small stairs leads up to a open archway. Go through that archway and you will see 2 trees in a grassy area. Go about half way between and just a little past the trees and you will find the dig spot.

Thanks, Out! This will come in handy when I start that quest!

I've been trying to knock off some of the old privateering and clothing quests out of my journal before beginning these new weapon quests.

I'm now ready to begin! Woot! pirate:
Well now I have a decision to make. Do I buy access to POTC or do I wait to pay for the new Star Wars : The Old Republic MMO game coming out soon.


I'll make the decision for you....

BOTH! :woohoo:

I just took a look at that website. Looks cool! When does the game launch? I couldn't find a whole lot of info about the game on that site.
...This will come in handy when I start that quest!...trying to knock off some of the old privateering and clothing quests out of my journal before beginning these new weapon quests...I'm now ready to begin!...
I have to say a nice word for POtCO on these new quests. This task was the only one that was difficult for me. Even though there are ships to sink, there are not nearly as many as some of the other recent quests needed. However some of the new bosses are HARD, so be sure to have some friends with you (or do them soon when many other strangers are still doing them). By hard I mean mid 30 level bosses that would have killed me (level 38 now) pretty quickly if strangers hadn't stepped in and helped.

A couple of tips that worked for me:
- Get all the quests at 1 time and run around getting all the talking, easy parts, and easy land parts done before getting into the sailing. This way when multiple quests have you sinking ships, you can go after the ships needed to satisfy all the quests. For example a quest want you to sink any EITC, another needs lvl10+ EITC, and a third needs lvl20+ EITC - just go after the lvl20+ to satisfy all the quests.
- Since most of the talking will be on islands you can teleport to, go back and talk after you complete any task. This way you can get the next task that might be the same as other tasks you already have.
- There is one task that says sink a Spanish skeleton ship - it completed for me when I sank a regular skeleton ship (no boarding and fighting needed).
- When sailing to Kingshead it is much easier to sail from the Spanish Privateering Island. However since there might be French ships lurking about you do not want to do this slowly. I suggest immediately get your ship pointed at Kingshead, use Ramming Speed for a quick start, and then Full Sail. By the time you get in the midst of normal enemy ships these skills should be recharged if you need to make a fast getaway.
- Even though it will take some time, your quota of EITC Grunts, Hired Guns, and Mercenaries can all be found in Fort Charles at Port Royal. Best place for mid level undead are in the Catacombes on Padres.

May your plunder be plentiful and your friends numerous,:thumbsup2
I'll make the decision for you....

BOTH! :woohoo:

I just took a look at that website. Looks cool! When does the game launch? I couldn't find a whole lot of info about the game on that site.

They didn't say when it will launch. It's not in beta yet but I signed up for the newsletter and I guess it will be sometime next year in 2009. Oh and thanks for making that decision for me :) Can I get a loan from you ;)
I have to say a nice word for POtCO on these new quests. This task was the only one that was difficult for me. Even though there are ships to sink, there are not nearly as many as some of the other recent quests needed. However some of the new bosses are HARD, so be sure to have some friends with you (or do them soon when many other strangers are still doing them). By hard I mean mid 30 level bosses that would have killed me (level 38 now) pretty quickly if strangers hadn't stepped in and helped.

A couple of tips that worked for me:
- Get all the quests at 1 time and run around getting all the talking, easy parts, and easy land parts done before getting into the sailing. This way when multiple quests have you sinking ships, you can go after the ships needed to satisfy all the quests. For example a quest want you to sink any EITC, another needs lvl10+ EITC, and a third needs lvl20+ EITC - just go after the lvl20+ to satisfy all the quests.
- Since most of the talking will be on islands you can teleport to, go back and talk after you complete any task. This way you can get the next task that might be the same as other tasks you already have.
- There is one task that says sink a Spanish skeleton ship - it completed for me when I sank a regular skeleton ship (no boarding and fighting needed).
- When sailing to Kingshead it is much easier to sail from the Spanish Privateering Island. However since there might be French ships lurking about you do not want to do this slowly. I suggest immediately get your ship pointed at Kingshead, use Ramming Speed for a quick start, and then Full Sail. By the time you get in the midst of normal enemy ships these skills should be recharged if you need to make a fast getaway.
- Even though it will take some time, your quota of EITC Grunts, Hired Guns, and Mercenaries can all be found in Fort Charles at Port Royal. Best place for mid level undead are in the Catacombes on Padres.

May your plunder be plentiful and your friends numerous,:thumbsup2

Thanks for the tips! I wish I could do all of them at once, but my weapons aren't to 20 yet. I'm trying, but some of them are hard to level up. I can only throw grenades in Kingshead for so many hours before I get totally bored.
Thanks for the tips! I wish I could do all of them at once, but my weapons aren't to 20 yet. I'm trying, but some of them are hard to level up. I can only throw grenades in Kingshead for so many hours before I get totally bored.
Grenades do not have a level 4 or 5 weapon. In fact their are no levels to the grenade weapon at all, just different types of first level grenades.

There are 5 weapons (cutlass, pistol, voodoo doll, dagger, and voodoo staff) with the 5 levels (level 1 given after a quest, levels 2 & 3 bought after a certain weapon level attained, and level 4 & 5 given after a quest that is received after a certain weapon level is obtained).
Grenades do not have a level 4 or 5 weapon. In fact their are no levels to the grenade weapon at all, just different types of first level grenades.

There are 5 weapons (cutlass, pistol, voodoo doll, dagger, and voodoo staff) with the 5 levels (level 1 given after a quest, levels 2 & 3 bought after a certain weapon level attained, and level 4 & 5 given after a quest that is received after a certain weapon level is obtained).

Shows how much time I've focused on my grenade, I barely know anything about it. I did finally get my doll to 20 yesterday. And I'm trying hard to get the dagger to 15. I spend a lot of time in Tortuga with the brigand boss.
Thanks for the tips, Out!! :hug:

I could care less about my grenade - it's level 8 :rotfl2: But I don't see the point in working it if there are no weapon unlocks for it...

Don't forget to try out the new ZOMBIE Dance! It's hysterical! Just like the Thriller Dance! Wish we had the music to go along with it :)

Press /zombie in the speech bar to perform this special dance! Enjoy! :cool1:


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