

<font color=darkorange>I hate bananas... Dundundun
Nov 15, 2005
I'm feeling quite random. So I'm making this thread for other people who feel random. Post random thoughts. I'll be adding randeome thoughts a lot.

Todays Random Thought: Why cant we turn into rowboats in Ship Battle??

I think i know ther answer but please dont post unless the person would like to know
are we only allowed to ask questions????? cause i have a rather random statement:

If Johnny Depp could sing, he would totally have the power to take over the world.

and if we can only ask questions:

Why do teachers at jr. highs think only their subject is important and that we don't have responsibilities outside of school????
Im a big fan of.........

Band geeks!
ShadowKittyKat said:
Cats kick Schnauzers' butts. :p
Shadow it's lick not kick. Out of all people, you'd be the last to make a spelling mistake. :rolleyes:
Dachsunds kick both CATS, and SCHNAUZERS ' BUTTS!
Well excuse me for not typing something the way you want it and typing it the "horrible" way I typed it. :rolleyes:
I like corn! :goodvibes

ktink94 said:
Dachsunds kick both CATS, and SCHNAUZERS ' BUTTS!
Schnuazers and dashunds are equal. Longhaired dashies look like schnauzers, that's why. :p
HAHA. Well not really, schnauzies forever doods.
milkabum said:
Schnuazers and dashunds are equal. Longhaired dashies look like schnauzers, that's why. :p
uh........... i'm not a pet person, so that went way over my head. like up in the clouds..............


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