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Riddle me this!

Morning all!!!

Geez, I couldn't get past the first page w/o being mooned :rolleyes: And no John, that won't scare me away from the meet :p Actually the threat of major snow storms might though :( They are saying if the two fronts meet the way they think, we are in for blizzard like conditions... and as much as I love you all, I can't risk driving 200 miles in that for a meet :( I'll probably talk it over with Juli and see what she thinks though, but it isn't looking good.

Bernie, congrats on a well played game!!! Sounds like you are a team to watch out for! Especially if you were that close to winning against the #1 team!!

Stephanie, sorry to hear about your little one. I hope he is feeling better soon. I hope nothing bad happens with your DH today too.

Gas here jumped to $1.75 of Tuesday. I was not happy with that since I could have saved 15 cents by filling up the night before. I might be one of the few who isn't too worried about all that's going on right now. We hear about it here on the news but I am personally tired of the news and how much they seem to sensationalize everything. The only good that has come out of it, is I realize we ought to have an emergency kit because we do live in an area that could be hit by tornados or lose power due to ice storms.

I had an idea on the riddle, so PM sent :)
Hi everyone! I'm not going to try and guess yet on this one.

I guess I should fill up on gas soon. It is "only" around $1.59 here. I usually don't follow current events too much (trying to live peacefully in my own little naive world) but there was a front page article in the paper today about plastic sheeting and duct tape. I think I'm going to be in a funk for the rest of the day. Why does the world have to be like this? I am praying for the best out of this situation. God bless all of our men and women fighting for our country.

On a lighter note, it looks like Willy will have quite the album collection come August! Please don't make me sing! DH, DS, and DD will just die from embarrassment.:o

Hope everyone has a good day. Time to wake up the sleepyheads and get them off to school!
Morning, Elaine! We had blizzard conditions Tuesday, but it is already up to 11 degrees here, and going into the 20's right through the weekend. More snow on the way though! I'll be sure to send that your way later too!
Off to "do dogs" early today. I have to hurry out to the new house this morning to give the workers a message from DH, and I have a grooming client coming this morning, too, so busy day here. I haven't had a grooming client for nearly 2 weeks! Folks don't like to have their dog's hair cut when it is below zero!
Gas here is $1.69! Well actually, it's $1.699....shouldn't that be rounded off to $1.70???!!!!

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Good morning all !

No idea yet on today's riddle ..... but a couple of alternates I had for yesterday's second riddle were 'Time and Time again' and 'Double Time' .....

All this talk of plastic and duct tape is definitely unsettling .. they showed footage on the news last night of a home here in CT that took this very seriously and is already wrapped ! I try my best to be aware but not live in fear.........I remember those gas lines of the 70's and only being able to get in line depending on if your license plate ended with an odd or even number ....

Great game, OK .....

Hope your little one feels better soon Steph ....
Good morning OK and the Corral

I read the riddle and sent a guess. Now I will go back and read the thread.

See you in a few minutes.
I've gotta GIT!!! :)

Have a GREAT day all - see you in a bit! :)

I am......


Stephanie, hope the boy gets better soon.

Bernie, way to play, sounds like you guys have a lot of energy.

Gas here - anywhere from 137 to 149, but I only really look when I fill up (every 2 weeks or so, very short commute)

Riddle - CLUELESS!!!! I'll think about it later.

It 58 here and raining, we are hoping for at least an inch. And a couple feet of snow in the high country would help out a lot. One of our main resivoirs is now at 17% of it's capacity. We really need the water.

Have fun, stay warm, stay safe, and no more thong talk! Unless you want to look at page 6 of the VS catalog......"low rise thong" color LIME SORBET. I'm tellin' you, they better be prepared for the orders before riddlecon.
the scary part is you've already researched that.

Off to get more tylenol and ibuprofen.....
see you all later.

I'm back. Now for some comments.

Stephanie, hope all is well with DH's job and that your kidlet feels better soon.

Gail, prayers said for your cousin and all the service men and women. One of the nurses that I work with is in the reserves. She was called up for a week a few weeks ago to give physicals to personnel who were being shipped out. She was called up again for tomorrow. She is the single mom of a teen and this is really hard on her.

Bro, sounds like a great game. Too bad we aren't all closer. Can you picture your fans in the stands, all decked out in lime green thongs cheering "Go riddlemeister." Just think of that next week during your game. I am sure the picture will help you play your best.

We always have duct tape in the house, it can be used for anything. And, I always have canned food around. I am going to fill milk jugs with water like we did for Y2K, but DH said that we can always drain the hot water heater and the well holding tank for about 100 gallons of water. We are planning on painting the basement so DH went to the hardware store and bought plastic drop cloths, which look amazingly like plastic sheeting.

A question. What are we trying to keep out with the plastic sheeting??

Anyone looking forward to Survivor tonight?? I am.

Now let me go check out the RMC thread and see what I missed there.
Good morning all! Pm sent.

Stephanie, i hope things go well for you all today.

Great game Bernie! Good luck with the rest of the season. Carol, if he thinks about that during the next game he might be a little DIStracted!:eek:

I hope that the weather cooperates for you on the weekend E. I had to miss a DIS meet last weekend and it was the pits.:( I look forward to them for so long and then I hate it when I can't make it.

Tomorrow, our HIGH for the day is supposed to be -20ºC:eek: It's sunny but it sure is COLD! Our gas prices here are over .80 per litre, so you can multiply that by about 3-1/2 to get what it would cost per gallon! OUCH!!!!
Hello everyone. No clue on this riddle. Our house is rather sad today...our dog died yesterday afternoon. It was not unexpected, but it is still very difficult! We had Scruffy for 14 years, he grew up with my kids! He brought us a whole lot of joy and happiness (and yes, some misery, too, with cleaning up after him at times!) but he was loved and will be greatly missed!


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