Riddle me this!

Donna, I am very, very sorry. Losing a pet is like losing a close member of your family.

My heart goes out to you and your family.
{{{HUGS}}} for you and your family Donna. I know how hard that is.
{{{{{hugs}}}}} Donna. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is a very real loss, he is not just your dog but your companion.
Catching up on PANTS!

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Gail - for your DS!
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I'm so sorry about your dog Donna. I had a dog for that long....from age 10 to 24 and it was very hard.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your pet Donna {{hugs}}
Good morning, y'all!

Today is the first day in over a week I have been able to see the DIS loading at a decent enough rate to read any thread, much less this one!

Gas is about 1.59-1.63 here, but the new Sams club is still undercutting them so it will become very popular!

I came into work today sans jacket since I have a thick shirt and undershirt (No, I will not mention the presence or absence of a lime green thong, thank you). It will be in the 60's again.

I turn 35 next week and went to an oral surgeon yesterday who wants to remove my (5) wisdom teeth that have never been touched.

Have any of you done this as adults?
PM on the way..

Sorry to hear about your dog, Donna. :( Hugs to you!!

Alan, I did and it hurts like hell! :) Just take all the pain meds they give you and in a couple of days, you'll be fine! Good luck!
Gail - have a really nice time with your friend.....bring along an extra coat, just in case...:)

I'll keep your cousin in my throughts today....Fort Drum is just up the road a piece from here!

LOL, Marla! That'd be some kind of critter!!! :)

New tags, Boo'sMom??? Moi?? I change them around every now and then myself. Then I revert to boring old Black and White....:)

Gina - I haven't been many places where I didn't have a car - well except for paddling along in the mountains. Even at Disney - I'd feel lost without one!

Diane - I feel macho EVERY day. :) hee hee :)

Kim - GOOD MORNING! You are so right about the riddle and DblD! :)

Debbie - stay as warm as you can.....


Elaine - we have a place up here that produces high-quality hams. it features a moom on its logo. The name? Why.....MOON OVER MY HAMMY, of course! :p

LK - You two have had me ROLLING with those songs!!! You won't have to sing all by yourself....I'm sure Willy will join in! In fact, there will be quite a few DISCon karaoke folks at RiddleCon - it ought to be a lovely chorus. Notice I said OUGHT to be!!!! LOL! :p :p :p

Those were great alternates, spb!

LOL, Credit man - I get it.....:)

This is a scary time. And I do agree that some of this has been sensationalized by the press. The fact that something is POSSIBLE (like a North Korean missile reaching the US) does not mean it is probable. Certainly, it is something to be dealt with, but I think the media does stir things up.

I'm keeping all of those service-men and women in my thoughts and prayers every day. I do so appreciate the sacrifices they, and their families, are making for us.

Marsha - A run on thongs?? Is that anything like a run on stockings??? :p :p

Sis - you're scaring me with that image of the bleachers........:eek:

Baboo - I hope you're feeling fine and dandy today! :)

Donna - I remember your posting that he was not well - I'm very sorry to hear of your loss...:(

Hiya, GP! I had mine out as a teen. I don't remember it very fondly. Sorry - don;t mean to scare you....:)

'Morning Cathy! :)

Now - I'm off to catch up on PMs! :)
Baboo and Michael!

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Thanks Bernie! Michael will appreciate the hat!
I found a yepod's baby picture, but I can't copy & paste it from the e-mail. I will e-mail it to you and hopefully you will be able to post it here for all of us to enjoy!
We're baaaaaack....

Alan..I had two wisdom teeth out as an adult.(well.....22,does that count???)....I very vividly remember, as it was the day AFTER my DH (DBF) left for basic training. I refused to be put "out" for the surgery,so I can remember the oral surgeon basically STANDING on my lap and tugging the teeth out.....

probably not the most encouraging response you got....but I did manage to save the teeth and mail them to my DH....romantic huh???
Originally posted by Boo'sMom
the scary part is you've already researched that.


Scary is that I do own a few! I actually find them comfortable, now that's scary!!!!!!!!!!! I love the VS catalog, and stores. DH comments "Don't you have enough of those already?" IT's like shoes, I can't have enough, EVER!

PM sent, but I am imagining the IHSEIM, so sad.
Well Marsha....we now know more about you than we EVER thought possible....
I think Yepod should be your buddy....just because....LOL

P.S. I have several GF who say the same thing you do.....it's all about comfort.....LOL...
So sorry about your dog, Donna. :(

I had my third wisdom tooth removed some time in my mid 40's. I still have one of them. That's what makes me so wise!:p Now, no comment about being a wisea**!


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