slo’s VETERANS DAY 11/11 poll - Veterans In Your Life

Veterans - Who are the veterans in your life? (m.c.)

  • Myself

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • My spouse

    Votes: 21 22.6%
  • My child/children

    Votes: 6 6.5%
  • My parent(s)

    Votes: 48 51.6%
  • My sibling(s)

    Votes: 12 12.9%
  • My grandparent(s)

    Votes: 41 44.1%
  • Extended Family Member(s)

    Votes: 52 55.9%
  • A Friend(s)

    Votes: 40 43.0%
  • I have no veterans in my life

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • Other (there will definitely be others) - please post your answer

    Votes: 3 3.2%

  • Total voters
Many, many. They have all passed away now. My Uncle Charlie's (WWII Navy) funeral featured this poem. I had to Google it to jog my memory, but here it is:

No more a Watch to stand, Old Sailor
You are outward bound on an ebbing tide.
Eight Bells has rung, and last Watch done.
Now a new berth waits you on the other side.

Your Ship is anchored in God's Harbor.
And your Shipmates, sailors of the Lord.
Are Mustered on the deck to greet you.
And pipe you as you come aboard.

Her boilers with full head of steam.
Cargo stowed and Galley stored.
Just waiting to get underway.
When the last Hand comes aboard.

Look sharp, that Hand is you, Old Sailor.
And you'll be sailing out on Heavenly Seas.
May the wind be ever at your back.
Fair weather, and God speed!
My father was 17 when he joined the marines towards the end of WWII. His father was deceased, and his mother did not read or speak English, so he just told her she had to sign the papers! Then he was called back for Korea.

His cousin was killed in WWII, and my Uncles also served at that time. I don’t really know their particulars, except one uncle was in the Navy. I only know that as he had a tattoo on his arm!
Both of my grandfathers served in WWII.

I work with a lot of veterans now. I work in military ground support equipment, so most of our service techs have a military background (makes it much easier for them to get on bases).
DH and I were both active-duty Air Force when we met 35 years ago. We'd been married about 10 months when Desert Shield/Storm kicked off. I stayed for 8 years and he retired after 20 years. He then worked with the Air Force for another 18 years as a civilian. Our military family is incredibly extensive. :) Happy Veteran's Day!
I have two great uncles who have served. I don’t know what one of them did, and the other one has t talked about his time since he returned. All I know is that he was a rear gunner.
None, the closest I come to a veteran was the father of a classmate when in highschool.
Unless you count conscription/draft. In the seventies, my dad spent his year in Saudi Arabia doing something with communication, but no idea exactly what he did.
Lots of cousins, uncles, friends, and my favorite veteran, dh! He served our country for 29 years. :love:

I still remember after 9/11 after he went over, my work had military charter flights to get the troops over. I was all set to turn in my paperwork to work them, but my mom and mother-in-law put the hammer down and told me I wasn’t allowed. 😂 “One over there was enough,” they told me. Even though I was in my late 20’s, I didn’t dare go against their orders!
My father served in World War 2. He mentioned being in England, France, and Italy. He wasn’t involved in D-Day.

My father in law was born in Italy. The story is that his family paid someone to take his place in the Italian army. He claimed he was present was Mussolini was hanged.
Have a lot in my family….clicked on most of the options!

Myself, my husband (we met in the Army!)
My dad, my brother, 5 of 6 cousins on my dad’s side, uncles. Grandfather-in-law. Many friends as well!
My brother served in Vietnam in the Army, he was a Second Lieutenant and enlisted after grad school.

A friend of mine was a fighter pilot during Desert Storm. Actually just met up with him yesterday as he was in town settling his moms estate.
Both my Dad & DH's Dad's served. My Dad was in the Army during Korea , but fortunately never got further west than Kansas. My FIL served in the Navy during WWII in the Pacific. My Maternal Grandfather served during WWI in the British Army.
On my Dad's side goes back to the Revolutionary War. His Maternal Grandmother had Uncles who were at Gettysburg in various Pennsylvania units & a relative who served in the Spanish American War.His youngest Aunt was a Marine nurse during WWII. Some of my second cousins served during Vietnam, with one going over.
DH was draft eligible ( one of the last years) but his number didn't come up.
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I spent a glorious year in Vietnam, three other years stateside.
My father was in WWII
My Grandfather in WWI Fathers Side
My other grandfather in the Spanish American War Mothers side
My Great Grandfather was in the Civil War (Union/didn't make it home)
My uncle was in the Battle of the Bulge WWII He carried that experience his whole life. Mothers side
Another uncle in the Korean war. He seemed unfazed by it. Fathers side
My cousin was in the Navy (Don't remember where he was stationed.)
Another cousin had two tours in Vietnam, Wounded twice. Survived both of them only to get stabbed
to death in a bar fight about 5 years after he discharged from the Army. Needless to say, he was a little on the wild side.

All those that I listed after me are now deceased leaving me the last remaining family veteran.
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Both of my grandpas served during WWII, my parents retired from the Air Force after 20+ years, my aunt and uncle were both in the Air Force, my ex husband was in the Air Force, one brother in law was in the Air Force and another retired from the Marines, two nieces were in the Air Force and a nephew is in the Marines currently.

This is just my family, we have numerous friends that are veterans as well along with some of my husband’s family.
Grandpa was in Italy and France during WW2. Not by his choice, but he did the job and earned a few metals in the one year he was there.

My cousin made a career in the 101 Airborne. He was in the middle east for about 8 years, and now works in the states doing admin and training work. I think he's close to retiring by now.


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