~Snowbird Chat 2~

I am going to WDW with my BFF at the end of September for a conference! I'm SOOOO excited! We will be there from 9/26 - 9/30. I was going to go by myself, (that would have been fun too), but my friend is going through a tough time, and needed this trip! We are so thrilled!! Staying at AKL, going to Food and Wine and maybe MNSSHP.

I'll see you there!!! :goodvibes I'm super pumped about my first Food & Wine Festival and I cannot wait for my 3rd MNSSHP. Gotta put my mom to work on my costume.
Sheree- I laughed at your comment. I'm always trying to "like" posts on here. I'm on another forum and you can click to like a post so I'm constantly trying to "like" everything on here. :lmao:

Shawna- Glad you're getting all settled in and enjoying the difference in weather. Someday I'm moving. Not sure exactly where but out of Maryland for sure! I just can't convince dh yet. :scratchin

It's looking like I'm going to be an snowbird again! We're waiting for rates to come out next week and to make sure everything lines up for all of us. We're looking at January 24-31. DH will celebrate his 40th birthday while we're there. He's not as thrilled about it as I would be to celebrate my birthday at Disney. :lovestruc It will be my family, my parents, my sister's family and possibly my nephew's girlfriend. I don't want to jinx it with a ticker just yet though. pixiedust:
Sheree- I laughed at your comment. I'm always trying to "like" posts on here. I'm on another forum and you can click to like a post so I'm constantly trying to "like" everything on here. :lmao:

Shawna- Glad you're getting all settled in and enjoying the difference in weather. Someday I'm moving. Not sure exactly where but out of Maryland for sure! I just can't convince dh yet. :scratchin

It's looking like I'm going to be an snowbird again! We're waiting for rates to come out next week and to make sure everything lines up for all of us. We're looking at January 24-31. DH will celebrate his 40th birthday while we're there. He's not as thrilled about it as I would be to celebrate my birthday at Disney. :lovestruc It will be my family, my parents, my sister's family and possibly my nephew's girlfriend. I don't want to jinx it with a ticker just yet though. pixiedust:

Yay Kim! That trip sounds like a lot of fun. :)
Kim..so glad you have a date!! Tell Jason to be soooo glad that he can spend his 40th there!! Mine is Friday:confused::confused::confused::confused:(how did that happen??) and I would love to be at Disney to celebrate it~but I can't do the heat there this time of year.. we did it the year I was turning 18 and we all nearly roasted to death. Never. Again.
Yay for having your trip dates Kim!! I bet you can't wait for July 30!!

I'll probably never go to WDW for my b-day (end of august is too hot and close to school starting). I did get to be on the cruise to Alaska last year on my birthday. But it was the last morning, so I had to get up early and leave the ship! :upsidedow

You guys are all babies - not even 40 yet!! Sheesh. Don't you tell me about being old. :sad2:
I kind of like that there's no "like" option on here, because it forces people to respond/talk.

A few years ago, back when it first came out, we bought the Disneyland game for the Kinect. I was really excited about it, but the set up we had in Korea didn't really allow for enough playing space, and of course G was exactly the size to make him just big enough to be a hindrance to the process. Well, I had completely forgot we even had it, because he was still too short while we were in Kansas and again the room set up wasn't ideal.
Well, since our rec room here is huge, we pulled it out when we set up the new entertainment unit (building furniture is so much fun) we found the box and set up the Kinect again.
G LOVES it, and he's exactly 40 inches, which is the minimum height for playing the Kinect.
So that's pretty much been giving me my Disney fix lately.

Other than that...we had a birthday party for G on Saturday. He's 4! I was on the fence about having a party for him, since we don't know very many people here, but he was very excited. Only 3 of the 7 kids I invited showed up, but he was thrilled. I did a Jake and the Neverland Pirates theme, and set up "pirate training camp" games around the house and yard (thanks Pinterest!). It ended up being a lot of fun, so I'm glad we did it.

Still not sure about our trip. My Dad might come for at least part of it, if we do go. Logan and my Dad have really bonded over the past few months, so I think it would be fun for all of us. Hopefully, we'll be able to make a firm decision in the next few weeks.
Just wanted to hop on here and do a double digit cheer!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::dance3::yay::cheer2:

99 Days to go!!!!

So…we are pumped…watched (or attempted to before we fell asleep!) 101 dalmations on our 101 day….
Took kids for some clothes shopping before the crazy tax free stuff starts today…I know that is prob a good deal for some families, but for us it just isn't worth it. Not for the craziness and nutty people that you have to deal with.Got ds15 enrolled in our new school on Wednesday!! Working on dd's schedule for first semester..back to :teacher: for us already. Typically our home schooling starts on the first Monday in July after the 4th. But, with the move, and only have one at home for that now, we have had to push it back to August. It was waaaaay too much chaos and upheaval..as anyone who has moved will know! So..we are starting her this Monday!
This is the last full week that ds18 will be at home..the next Thursday he moves to college. The kids keep quoting Toy Story 3 when the mom goes into Andy's cleared out bedroom and says "oh, Andy!"… little farts! They know that tears me up!!!!!:sad1: AFter 3 1/2 years he got his braces off today!! My kids inherited losing baby teeth very late like their mom and so he couldn't get his braces on fully until his Soph year and that put us behind most kids getting theirs…he was sooooo aggravated that he was graduating with braces! I think it's cute, but what do I know, right? But anyway, we move him on that Thursday and he starts college on the following Monday..as does ds15 here. So..that will be a weird day for me. If y'all remember..please say a prayer for him as we move him…He's a very independent and responsible young man~but this is a big step for our family. I am sure the ones who will have the HARDEST time with it will be Mike and ds15. He has never really been without big brother except for a few days at a time..a week has been the longest they have been apart. I am excited that his school starts the same week so he can focus on that. I don't think he realizes how much he will miss him…and vice versa..DS18 has always had a buddy and captive audience with little brother. And if y'all would also pray for ds15~this is the biggest transition he will prob ever have…we went from homeschooling to the Christian school with 30 something kids per GRADE…very tiny…to a new public school here with about 2200 kids. :crowded: Lots to adjust too… And on top of that,,,if they accept all his Homeschool and Christian school credits, he will go in as a Junior and not a sophomore.
We are still trying to get settled into the house~had a couple of rooms like a formal living and a formal dining that we had no furniture for, so waiting to get something for those…they are just holding books that have no bookcases at this point. I am not enjoying the disorganization with that! LOL!
So… what's up with all of you…just enjoying the end of summer I guess~ I know I am friends with several of y'all on FB, but I don't post details or a lot of personal info on there… so just a long boring recap for all of you today! :)
Just wanted to hop on here and do a double digit cheer!!!!:cheer2::cheer2::dance3::yay::cheer2:

99 Days to go!!!!

This is the last full week that ds18 will be at home..the next Thursday he moves to college. The kids keep quoting Toy Story 3 when the mom goes into Andy's cleared out bedroom and says "oh, Andy!"… little farts! They know that tears me up!!!!!:sad1:

It isn't easy when they leave... my daughter now lives about 2 1/2 hours away, and Dan will be a senior this year in college... this was his last summer home as he has accepted an internship in Boston MA for next summer then will finish his master and move to Boston for good after that.... I just keep remembering that we have done our job and prepared them well to be the independent young adults they are.... and guess what.... he will miss you too.... my son calls me often... tells me about his day and always ends with "I love you mom"..... as a freshman it might take a couple of months since he will be experiencing so many new things.... but he knows your always there for him.... don't be surprised if he calls to talk to his sibling more.... lol.... my kids are very close and they talk much more frequently than I knew... they snap chat many times a day.... will keep you in my thoughts and prayers....
G starts pre-k on Thursday. I keep going back and forth about sending him. I know he'll learn a lot and he'll love spending time with other kids during the day, but it's still really hard for me. If I'm going this crazy over him being away from me 3 hours a day 4 days a week, I can only imagine the mess I'll be when he goes away to college.

I had a friend mention the tax-free days a few weeks ago, and I had no idea what she was talking about. I kind of didn't see the point of getting excited about it, because we can already get everything tax-free. Also, G only needs like 3 things. My Mom was in town though, and she had some things she needed, so we went. Luckily, it wasn't too crazy.
Thank you Wendy :hug: I can't believe your kids are that old either!!! Was it not just yesterday you posted pics of him going to prom..or talking about prom?!! That's crazy!
Becca~ it's a hard decision..my oldest one went to pre-K, was totally ready and ate it up..the second one. Went for about 3 days and was so miserable we never went back. You'll know what's right for him!;)

DS18 got the braces off yesterday and things look good! he had a couple of teeth that needed some veneer work..so we got temps yesterday but they look amazing! I am glad he will start college braces-free.That was a huge relief for him. Some of his college books came in~ I am always amazed that books cost so much for college~as a homeschooler I am oh so familiar with book/curr purchasing. Have researched it, compared it, bought it,etc…there is no way on this Earth that those books have to cost what they do!!!! At his bookstore, I even saw some fiction books like you would get at a library or Barnes and Noble, that I have bought for homeschooling and guess what…waaaaaaay overpriced. its just crazy..even the ones we bought online, second hand, are ridiculous…some we are renting but even then I am thinking"what a racket". No wonder all these poor kids start adult life in debt. Ok..rant over…carry on.
Back to school time and the thread goes silent :laughing:

Hope everyone is well!

I'm patiently waiting and hoping for a possible discount for us to book for January! It's going to be the whole family this trip- my crew, my parents and my sisters family including my nephew's girlfriend. 11 of us!!! Can't wait to plan it!!! I made a ticker already because I just couldn't help myself! :thumbsup2
Back to school time and the thread goes silent :laughing:

Hope everyone is well!

I'm patiently waiting and hoping for a possible discount for us to book for January! It's going to be the whole family this trip- my crew, my parents and my sisters family including my nephew's girlfriend. 11 of us!!! Can't wait to plan it!!! I made a ticker already because I just couldn't help myself! :thumbsup2

YAY!! Making that ticker just makes us feel better doesn't it?! LOL!
Back to school time and the thread goes silent :laughing:

Hope everyone is well!

I'm patiently waiting and hoping for a possible discount for us to book for January! It's going to be the whole family this trip- my crew, my parents and my sisters family including my nephew's girlfriend. 11 of us!!! Can't wait to plan it!!! I made a ticker already because I just couldn't help myself! :thumbsup2

Did you see the discount is out for January? PM me if you didn't see it. I hope it works for you!
Thanks Sheree! I'm officially booked! :cool1: I love all of my wonderful travel agent friends. I hope I'm not offending anyone by not booking through any of you ladies but I like the thrill of planning it! Plus this trip is planning with my sister and mom so it's a joint effort in planning and we're having fun together. Maybe I should switch to be a travel agent too :rotfl2: It sure would be nice to not change diapers anymore! ;)

I did already hit a snag though. I called Monday when the Disney Visa discount came out to book with the SPD deal. I never got a confirmation email so I checked the MDE site and it had my reservations as a regular reservation without the SPD discount. I called tonight and it's all fixed now thankfully. I can't believe we're going back in 3 short months and that we're all going together again with extended family. :grouphug:

Has Shawna started the Christmas shopping thread yet? I can't find it!
Kim, I am not offended! I know how much fun it is! :) Which is why we all do it! LOL!! Have fun planning all of it!!

Here is the link to page one..http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=3316678
Come on over and tell us what you are buying..You will see I don't have anything listed yet…because I haven't started!!! I am woefully behind this year..but with the move I am off.BUT, it's a lot cooler and a more Fall feel up here than back where we were, so I am sure my mind will start thinking more along those lines soon!
Thanks for the link! I have only bought a few Frozen themed things for Emily so far. I need to sit down and make my list yet too. We're trying to keep things reasonable this year since we're going to Disney in January.

100 more days until we are officially on the road to Disney. :drive:
Kim - no one blames you! That's why we are all doing it!

I have actually bought something for Christmas!! When I was in WDW a couple weeks ago, I bought each of the girls a 2014 sweatshirt/hoodie. Then the idea is to give it to them for Christmas and they say, "but we didn't go to WDW in 2014" and we'll say, "there's still time! Pack your bags, we're going tomorrow!"

So they are also getting annual passes for Christmas. We will go in December and March. I'd love to go back in October, but I got to find some $$$$ for that! No more DVC points left!

I'm finally finding time to get around on the DIS and read some threads and TRs. I've pretty much abandoned by DL one. Who knows? I may get back to it, but I'm not promising anything!
Kim - no one blames you! That's why we are all doing it!

I have actually bought something for Christmas!! When I was in WDW a couple weeks ago, I bought each of the girls a 2014 sweatshirt/hoodie. Then the idea is to give it to them for Christmas and they say, "but we didn't go to WDW in 2014" and we'll say, "there's still time! Pack your bags, we're going tomorrow!"

So they are also getting annual passes for Christmas. We will go in December and March. I'd love to go back in October, but I got to find some $$$$ for that! No more DVC points left!

I'm finally finding time to get around on the DIS and read some threads and TRs. I've pretty much abandoned by DL one. Who knows? I may get back to it, but I'm not promising anything!

I love the surprise idea!!!! We were thinking of surprising the kids this trip but they love planning and are excited to countdown. Today is our double digit day- 99 more days to go!
I'm still on the fence about a December trip. I really want to go, but Logan's orders did nothing to push me either way.
We're headed back to Fort Riley again. I'm actually kind of excited about it (even though most of the people we knew both times we lived there before have since moved away) but it doesn't really put us closer or further away from Disney.

I'll probably sit down with Logan this week and really discuss it with him. We've both been kind of putting it off. We may end up switching to January to make it slightly less expensive, since the friends of ours we were hoping to meet down there have to leave a day before we can get there anyways.


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