So who's waitlisting for December already


<font color=red>Lovin' Pete!<br><font color=teal>I
Aug 30, 2003
Called re: 2 bedroom for December 3rd - 8th.
No rooms except for OKW and SSR.
I'm doing the waitlist dance.
Anybody else dancin' :dancer:
Are all of those days booked at VWL, BCV & BWV or just some of them?

I'm a little surprised that there aren't at least some PV - pool/garden 2 bedrooms left at the BWV. The 7 month window hasn't even opened yet!

Best wishes -
Is that normaly a very popular time of year? That seems rather far away to already be waitlisting at all but 2 of the resorts.
twister said:
Is that normaly a very popular time of year? That seems rather far away to already be waitlisting at all but 2 of the resorts.
Yes, the first two weeks of December is very busy for the DVC resorts - especially the 3 smaller ones - VWL, BWV and BCV.

Best wishes -
Yup, me too. I'm waiting for a one-bedroom at BCV for December 3rd and 6th. I'm confirmed for December 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. Anyone care to guess my chances?
CarolMN said:
Are all of those days booked at VWL, BCV & BWV or just some of them?

I'm a little surprised that there aren't at least some PV - pool/garden 2 bedrooms left at the BWV. The 7 month window hasn't even opened yet!

Best wishes -

They only had the 5th, 6th at BWV for a 2 bedroom, nothing at VWL/BCV. BCV/VWL are my homes, but she checked BWV for me anyways. It's crazy busy that week!
To heck with December, I'm already waitlisted fro February 07!!! Admitedly, it's for that illusive Okapi of the DVC habitat, the BWV Std View 2BR over Prez Day weekend; I know you've all heard that they exist, but I'm gonna try to actually catch one. ;)

I spaced, and didn't call until 3 whole days after the 11 month window opened up. I had to waitlist for the Sun, Mon and Tues nights. Then last week, the waitlist matched up for the Sun and the Tues, so all that's left is the Monday night, with 10.5 months to go. (Yeah, I think we'll make it).

We're inexorably tethered to the public school schedule, at least until the kids get about 12 years older, so no Decembers for us yet.
I started the morning waitlisted for a one bedroom at VWL for Dec 3-7.
Came to work, re-thought things, called and managed to snag a 1BR for Dec 10-15!

It's my first planned trip home, although I hope to squeeze one in this spring/summer/fall.
I had waitlisted a few weeks ago for a studio at BWV for Dec 7,8,9,10 as we are new owners, too. When I called back early last week, there was a one bedroom boardwalk view available for all 4 nights! I snatched it. So, our first trip home will be in the one bedroom in December. :cheer2:
so... if you're waitlisting for Dec right now, that means that you are waitlisting for your home resort... correct?? :confused:

I didn't think the 7 month window opened till May.
Good Ol Gal said:
so... if you're waitlisting for Dec right now, that means that you are waitlisting for your home resort... correct?? :confused:

I didn't think the 7 month window opened till May.

correct, I'm waitlisting for my home resort
I was lucky. I reserved a 1 bedroom for Dec 3-8 about three weeks ago at the VWL which is my home resort. I can't wait since I've never been to WDW at Christmas time. I'm so excited about seeing all the decorations and MVMCP. :cool1:
I hope all of you get the dates you are looking for!
Got my BWV, BW view for Dec 10 thru the 13th booked.
I am waitlisted at BW during Christmas. I called at the 11 month window, and got 3 nights BW view, but 3 nights were preferred, so I had to waitlist for the BW view. This is a two bedroom villa. I have to wait until the 7 month window for Friday, and Saturday nights because I only have OKW points left. :sad2:
Good luck to you all! The beginning of Dec is perfect-weather, decorations are up, crowds aren't too bad and points are low!
We have been waitlisted for a studio at the BCV on Dec 7th, since Feb 15th. I am actually a little nervous after reading this. If BWV, BCV and VWL are all full....there won't be a whole lot of "shifting" taking place at the 7 month window. I guess we will all be hoping others cancel.

I don't remember last year being like this. Can anyone help me with this. Was last December this crazy for waitlists, or is competition for resorts just getting worse?


We are confirmed for a 2 BDR at BCV 12/3-8 but I need the night of the 8th as well (a Friday)... and I ran out of points!!! So I am waiting for the 7mo window to open to reserve with my VWL points... and I hope there is a room left for me. I would hate to move for just one night.

I am also on a waitlist to add on more BCV points.... and waiting.... and waiting.... and waiting.....
Beca said:
We have been waitlisted for a studio at the BCV on Dec 7th, since Feb 15th. I am actually a little nervous after reading this. If BWV, BCV and VWL are all full....there won't be a whole lot of "shifting" taking place at the 7 month window. I guess we will all be hoping others cancel.

I don't remember last year being like this. Can anyone help me with this. Was last December this crazy for waitlists, or is competition for resorts just getting worse?


I don't remember the smaller resorts being full for the first week of December this early last year, either.

I think people are just booking earlier, probably because they ran into trouble getting first choices with one call last year and realized how popular this time has become. Also, I think the number of small resale contracts for the smaller resorts is having an effect - people who bought them wanted the 11 month window and are using it. If they are using the smaller contracts for every other year or every third year, maybe next December will be a little easier (we can hope, LOL).

Hope you get your waitlist date - I think you will.

Best wishes -
I have a BWV preferred view studio for 12/21 and I am waitlisted for a Boardwalk view. I got all the other nights in a Boardwalk view but this one night. And I am a terrible waitlister!


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