Something About Nothing............ #14

Ooh we are at 151 today. So still in the red. That’s the highest I have seen this time. Thankful not in the close to 500 we were with the last fire smoke.

Safe travels to Keisha, yay for holiday park fun.

And hope Sue is not as much pain today. Gosh, with surgery the other day, you definitely need to take an easy, sending gentle hugs and hope you will have a full recovery.

Charade, glad your good sleep has returned and leg is not as hurt feeling as before.

Mac, hope all is well with you. Makes sense to have a FLA place to go now.

Yes, in up early. Decided to do some wash and then took that happy, using almost all the hot water shower. It will be hours before older one takes his, so the hot water will certainly be refilled by then. When the house feels cool, you make an oven breakfast for two. Even if little one gets up in a few hours, I can eat two breakfast meals. Good thing DH is a good eater, as none is left for the kids. But there is waffles I made yesterday, and eggs and bread still around. Older one only takes some food with him, or leaves a little earlier, and stops somewhere on his way in. Little one rarely is awake early enough to only have two meals a day. So I will see if today, she makes three.

Fabulous Friday feeling today homies, so make it so. Yay weekend started for me, followed by a lazy taken Monday, and holiday Tuesday, woot!!! Hope all have this following weekend a wonderful weekend.

And a very good morning. Yay, the sun is shining in the high above smoky haze. And finally, while still a cool weather start to today, we still get to the mid 80’s this afternoon, even if the clouds arrive in the late afternoon. Warmer temperatures. About time. Woot! Shorts wearing weather it is. Yay! 😃 ::yes::
Geeze I forgot to post this yesterday. Had a busy day!!!! So I thought I would still post as some of it is relevant

That Friday feeling is right around the corner, and for us, here it's a long holiday weekend! :cheer2: We are heading to the city tomorrow afternoon to go see the kids and gd. She was excited last night when we video chatted and starting planning our weekend...the little stinker.

Quiet evening last night. whipped up some dinner on the grill - and tried to go for a walk a little later after it started to finally cool down. Although it really didn't cool down much. Then Dh was worried about thunderstorms and hail damaging his truck. It petered out before it hit the city. Thank goodness it wasn't a repeat of last year's hail incident.

I only did half my walk. It was still too hot - and I could feel a headache coming on. Headache is still lingering but when I look at the weather forecast - still more thunderstorms for tonight again - which would explain the lingering headache. I broke down and took some of the prescription medication - as well as took a couple of Excedrine - We don't have that here!!!! I will be purchasing a BIG bottle next time we visit the US.

I’m a big fan of home grown tomatoes!
I could use that as an excuse to deliver some tomatoes as another trip.
Hubby is progressing and doing better. So very thankful for his progression.
That is the best news! With my new job on homecare, I have a new found appreciation for people who are able to recover and get well again - no matter how slow.
Will be interesting to see how things pan out, as we are all surely in this together. We’ve certainly had the share of our own fires here over the last few years, including a big, as of yet uncontrolled, one in Arizona now.:sad2:
It definitely will be!

I think for some areas where the fires are this year is that they are so remote - essentially there is ZERO ways to get any equipment in to help fight on a bigger scale. The only get to get to them is by air and dropping/repelling manpower in and doing controlled burns as fire breaks...that's it. NO heavy equipment to create the fire breaks.

Our areas are so vast - it's actually mind blowing. It's mind blowing to me...and I live in a remote area. There are 3 smaller towns between here and the city where the kids live...and it's a 4.5 hr drive. Until we we drive 3 is mostly trees and hills with the odd community and some property and oil leases near those communities.
I am attempting a new form of exercise for me. This may just be a gimmick, but I have started using a weighted hula hoop. I've only done 3 days so far, but it looks like something I will be able to stick to. I'll see if I made any progress after a few weeks.
Movement is movement. Any extra movement is a plus in my books. It's slow and steady. I know when I started walking, I couldn't walk or go far or fast. Now it's nothing for me to walk 5 k's in less than 50 minutes. I walk about 1 km every 10 minutes is my goal. It is definitely a progression. We can't conquer Everest on our first time out ;) Just keep doing what your doing.

I also found some good youtube videos to help get extra steps in. Check out Sharona's Hill. She has low intesity walking workouts to great music! When it's too hot or cold for me to be outside, I have used her videos to get some extra steps in. She is also on TicTok if you use that platform to see what she does.
Right now, my greek oregano is wild growing. It comes up every year. So I snip it to add in dishes when I remember. Though haven’t had a garden in years.
I have always grown a herb pot every year and then bring it in the house for the winter. But it usually dies in the winter in my house. I don't have room or a good spot for one! For now, it's just dried or fresh that I buy at the grocery store. I didn't buy a new herb pot this summer - yet lol

Well, I should get dh wants to leave earlier for the city to visit the kids than we had originally discussed :rolleyes2 I should KNOW better that he will want to leave earlier!

Off to shuffle papers. I'll check back in when I'm on the road. I need something to do for the 4.5 hr drive!
Our not so golden triangle today, PM2.5 slipped down to 193, a bit of improvement. Heading in the right way. We’ve been getting the worst readings overnight into the early AM this time.

it’s really still here, we need some winds to pick up and clear it out.

lynne didn’t see any cancellations here the last few days. Even United, which had the major issues this week, supposedly all smoke induced. I doubt that highly.

That said, we are staying overnight at the hotel airport today, planning on being in terminal 3 hours early to avoid the baggage lines. It’s been hit or miss checking bags curbside here since the pandemic, that is supposedly because of understaffing. Again, I doubt that

wish us luck tomorrow morning, we may need it lol

not heading down now until after rush hour traffic, GD is doing a disney virtual 5K first. As if she won’t get enough steps in WDW.

pooch had his bath, how is it wet, clean dog has a distinct smell that isn’t exactly pleasing? Once he’s dried and brushed will smell faintly of baby powder. Can’t figure that phenom out.

charade - hopefully, the leg is on the mend for you.

re watching the rental car rates…don’t know anyone who wouldn’t rather have extra money to spend on their trip from a rate drop. Men can be stubborn at times. For some people money is no object, for me it’s one of the few components on a trip that can easily produce a savings if persistent in monitoring it.

not to be a broken record, i use auto slash. Pick your eligible discounted sort of rates, price out the trip and use the emails they send to request same quotes the next day. Just need to refresh on their site for a new quote. Takes a few minutes. You also can set up your current reservation info, as to date & price and they will notify you if it changes. I don’t bother with that step, just check myself

that said, won’t touch an offsite shuttle rental nor many of the newer rental car companies. I stick with those who let me walk out to the garage and skip the counter.

Pumpkin - enjoy that weekend with the fam! I agree that any motion is a good thing.

Well almost got thru day 1 post op. That lovely freezing and meds have worn off. Quite sore. Taking extra strength Tylenol. Think I’ll try ice.

Oh yes! Grilled Chesee with dill. The sweet pickled are :crazy2:

Hubs has made me breakfast and dinner. He was out with a friend for lunch. And did some grocery shopping. Quiet day around here. Perfect. I need some quiet. .
Won’t be tomorrow! Daughter has a 4 day weekend lol. Canada Day July 1 🇨🇦
darn it, it does stink when the numbing agents wear off. Hope you found some relief. Hard to sleep when. In uncomfortable due to pain. Enjoy the holiday but, be sure to laze about and not worry about being the hostess with the mostess.

Which autocorrected to “mistress“ of all things. guess i need to start proofreading here o_O

anyone else needing to resign in every time they come here. I’m talking multiple times a day. Have cookies enabled & checked box to auto sign in ???
who in the blank eats sweet pickles…
definitely not Janet
Well, I do, rarely, only if bread & butter sort and never on a sandwich. Do use sweet relish in some sides. The mr does a very sweet mix that has those small white onions in it and cauliflower, made by “bell”. It’s getting really hard to find here. Only pickles he will eat. Fine by me, he plops all his dill pickle chips when out on my plate…classy people we are, yeehaw.
Good morning everyone. Happy Friday :wave:




Robo, good to hear your DH is progressing. Sending more good thoughts and get well mummy dust his way.
Thank you for the good thoughts and get well mummy dust for hubby. He is doing better.

Mac & Robo thank you for your healing thoughts :hug:
You’re welcome Sue. I hope you feel better everyday. You have a wonderful trip to look forward to. I hope that keeps your spirits high and you have lots of your Sans family here sending you get well wishes.

@Robo56 hows DH doing?
He is doing better thank you for asking.

I want to thank everyone again for you kind get well wishes. The surgery went very well I think. At first I was worried about it being day surgery. But I must admit I’m glad to be home.
Everyone at the hospital was wonderful, the nurses, staff, anesthetist, surgeon. Can’t say enough good things about them.
Will be chilling at home the next few days so will catch up on some Netflix shows. Queen Charlotte is next I think. I downloaded it on my iPad so think I’ll watch it on my antigravity chair in the patio under some shade. I can relax with no guilt! Yesterday I don’t think I sat down, was trying to get a bunch of things done before surgery including some gardening, laundry, etc.
So glad to hear you were pleased with the care you received and you are resting like you should.

I think that nesting mentality is pretty prevalent when you are either going on vacation, getting ready for surgery or a new baby. I think it for sure is a woman thing.

My oldest just started a new daycare job. Yay! And best thing is it’s walking distance from home. During school year it’s split shift, before and after school. But they also run in summer too. So summer schedule will be mornings till 1:00. so that’s nice that she’ll have a good portion of the day free. And owner doesn’t mind that she has Aug Universal trip booked. They seem very accommodating. This is only her 2nd day but she likes it. And this is a 4 day weekend coming up! Sadly I will be out of commission but she already has dinner plans tomorrow!
Great news on your daughter finding a job that she likes that will be accepting of her going on vacation.

Robbie how’s the mr doing?
He is doing better. He had lab work today and sees another specialist for some input on Monday. A kin to having many MD’s throwing out possible problems that lead to him going to hospital.

I think I have figured out the possible issue after having many things thrown out in conversation with a few of the MD‘s during his hospitalization. Just need confirmation. Would be an easy fix it is what I think it is.

Took another picture at 2 pm today on my ‘favorite’ bridge while sitting in construction stoppage. Absolutely no filters or editing. There is no fog, that’s smoke
Wow….that is smoky. Think I shared we were hit with the smokey haze on Wednesday. Thought that was interesting way out here in the Midwest.

Ours is nowhere near as bad as yours for sure. The air quality was pretty bad here on Wednesday though so they closed all our city pools and halted all outdoor sports activities here and the surrounding towns.

Off to TR thread to catch a Carole sighting. She’s missed here

Yes, she is missed here.

Carole this is your home. Your Sans family misses you.

A trying day here today. Why does the 💩 always hit the fan before a trip?
I hope you were able to settle all the issues before you left.

Have a wonderful trip.


Gold evening. Today was another uneventful day. My leg is not bothering me as much as it was, so that's a good thing. I have been able to get a decent night's sleep for the past 2 nights.
Glad to her you have gotten some good sleep. It makes all the difference in the world when you get a good nights sleep.

Glad to hear your leg is better too.

Up early this morning and took hubby for his lab work. The lab here is very efficient.

I watched little Jude for a few hours yesterday. I missed him. He is now into the Minions and thinks they are funny. So he watched the Minions while he had his breakfast yesterday.

Now onto the weird weather we had yesterday.

I arrived to watch little J yesterday morning and then the sky started to turn darker then night and the Tornado alarms went off. Was concerned there for awhile. No lose of power, but there was significant wind and rain.

Then it cleared off and the sun came out. So little J wanted to go bye bye so we went to the Mall inside play area. As soon as we got out of the car to go in the Mall the Tornado alarms went off again and another storm came over. Little J had a great time playing as there were other little ones there In the play area.

After my niece came home I left and went to the store and this is what was coming in when I went to load my shopping in the SUV. These were the most unsettling storm clouds I have seen in years.

Not very good pics, was at red light. So pulled phone out.

The storm hit with its full fury when I pulled into the driveway. Guess what the power went down and I could not open the garage.

We have a lot of trees around our property and so does our neighbor. Large limbs from the trees started snapping and falling and I had to leave the driveway and go to a church parking lot down the road to ride out the storm as there where no Trees there to damage my vehicle.

We have a tree down in the back of our house and there is a lot storm debris to clean up, but no damage to our home as we can tell.

Our power finally came back on and I was able to get the SUV in garage.

The kicker was at about 7:30 pm the Tornado alarms went off again and another storm with hail, lightening and high winds came through again.

Four severe storms in one day. Very strange for us indeed. The good thing is that all the rain cleaned up the smoke haze here.

So thankful to hear no significant damage or injuries do to the storms as far as I Know. Thank the Lord.

During the storms Verizon customers lost their phone service for the whole day and it only returned about 9 pm last night. Our sons family has Verizon and we could not reach them.

Heading out to do some clean up in the yard.

Have a wonderful Friday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
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Enjoying the road trip...listening to lots of 80's music. Guess that means we are getting older :rolleyes1 Lots of traffic today since it's a holiday weekend. Hopefully no blue and red lights pull us over. Seems dh has a heavy foot today lol.

Already video chatted with gd while driving. I don't know who is more excited Grammie and Gramps or Gd ::yes::

want to thank everyone again for you kind get well wishes. The surgery went very well I think. At first I was worried about it being day surgery. But I must admit I’m glad to be home.
I'm glad your surgery went well and your on the way to recovery. Let those around you take care of you. Enjoy the holiday weekend.
who in the blank eats sweet pickles…
definitely not Janet
:o I love a good bread and butter pickle, but we mostly eat the dill ones. I'm hoping mu cucumber plants to will let me can a few for us to eat.
Fabulous Friday feeling today homies, so make it so. Yay weekend started for me, followed by a lazy taken Monday, and holiday Tuesday, woot!!! Hope all have this following weekend a wonderful weekend.
Have a great extra long holiday weekend !
Our not so golden triangle today, PM2.5 slipped down to 193, a bit of improvement. Heading in the right way. We’ve been getting the worst readings overnight into the early AM this time.
Yikes 🤯 that's what our area looked like for most of May and part of June. It definitely causes breathing issues.
Four severe storms in one day. Very strange for us indeed. The good thing is that all the rain cleaned up the smoke haze
Wow. I'm glad you didn't have much damage besides the fallen tree. Even cleaning that up is a big job.
I hope your nursing spidey sense is xorewxt and you know what's ailing you dh. I'll be sending both of you healing light and thoughts.

Well, I should get going. Being co-captain means I get to change music as I see fit :flower:I think it time for a bit of a change.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Happy Friday. I am having an exciting day of house cleaning. We are also rearranging some of the pictures we have on the walls. We put up my diploma and 2 paintings that my brother gave me. Right now I am procrastinating because I need to clean the bathroom. Not my favorite job.

Sleep was off again last night, but not because of my leg. I woke up around 2:00 because I was dreaming that I was in my office chair. I tried to roll the chair to my left, but it wouldn’t move. I tried again and it still wouldn’t move. Then I realized I was in the dark in front of an open window and someone had reached in though the window and grabbed my chair and was trying to pull it towards them. I screamed and woke up.
I eventually got back to sleep and then around 4:00 Caspian got the zoomies and was running all over the house. Cats!

Little one rarely is awake early enough to only have two meals a day. So I will see if today, she makes three.
Same with B. We rarely see her before noon.

We are heading to the city tomorrow afternoon to go see the kids and gd. She was excited last night when we video chatted and starting planning our weekend...the little stinker.
How sweet. I know you will enjoy family tome this weekend.

I also found some good youtube videos to help get extra steps in. Check out Sharona's Hill. She has low intesity walking workouts to great music! When it's too hot or cold for me to be outside, I have used her videos to get some extra steps in. She is also on TicTok if you use that platform to see what she does.
Thanks. I will check her out. I need to walk more, but it is already too hot and humid.

re watching the rental car rates…don’t know anyone who wouldn’t rather have extra money to spend on their trip from a rate drop. Men can be stubborn at times
Dh just doesn’t want to be bothered with canceling and rebooking. I have no problem with it. I think now he appreciates how much we can save, so he’s turning all reservations over to me.

Now onto the weird weather we had yesterday.
That sounds very scary. Glad you didn’t actually experience a tornado and the storm damage wasn’t too bad.

Enjoying the road trip...listening to lots of 80's music. Guess that means we are getting older
I listen to 80s music on the “oldies” station now. I am not happy about that.

I suppose I need to stop procrastinating now and finish cleaning.
Right now I am procrastinating because I need to clean the bathroom. Not my favorite job.
I think there’s a rule you can’t clean if your leg hurts. Feel free to quote me

Just got done giving mine a quick once over. Just can’t leave the house if things aren’t right, that odd nesting urge, I guess.

PS that’s a heckuva dream there, maybe it’s a sign to try HhN this year? ;)

I’m still creeped out by the MRI scene in the insidious trailer
I think there’s a rule you can’t clean if your leg hurts. Feel free to quote me
Unfortunately my leg isn’t bothering me today. On the plus side, dh has been encouraged to go through some of his stuff that he’s had forever and throw out stuff he doesn’t use anymore.

PS that’s a heckuva dream there, maybe it’s a sign to try HhN this year?
I still don’t think I’m ready for HHN. I wonder what my boss would say about the dream since I was at work in the dream.
Glad to hear leg is not hurting today, Charade. Usually, dreams are from something that happened earlier. Bad day at work yesterday?

Ah, all wanted Chinese, for dinner, and so that it was. There’s a place that I never had any issues as I know they don’t use MSG. And so, we have been mostly ordering from them ever since both their, and my kids, were little. Now their kids sometimes answer the phone and check out our order.

Time for relaxing with a cup of my tea. That we don’t ever order from the Chinese food place. I am not a fan of green tea, a nope from me, and I like sipping my bought from tea place tea, that I drink every day.

House feels a little cool, and did hear the AC on for a few hours. Was still a little hazy in the sky. At 167 right now. So still not good for people like my older one, who had respiratory issues, due to his asthma is now kicking up with that additional included smoke in the air lately. Now saying the hazy air will blow away by midnight tomorrow. Will be good, as our holiday get together is Sunday. Pool time.

Hope Pumpkin has fun with her GD and safely got into the city. Yay for holiday weekend for you.

And hope a safe flight and fun times for the Keisha family tomorrow.

Ah, final hehe. Little one realized our errands and brunch, including shopping at the huge mall, when we were done mid afternoon, we had the rest of the day to relax. Yeah, getting home at dinner time after not getting moving until after lunchtime kills most of the day. She said maybe she will try to get moving s little earlier tomorrow. Promised my sister that tomorrow, we’d stop up and help her make some of the food and get stuff ready for the bbq all are coming to on Sunday.
Well I had a question about one of answers on todays show and thought someone on this board could answer it for me.
I ended up googling it
It was a question on national anthems

Well it’s now after midnight and I am still wide awake.
My thyroid meds had a change of an increased level and will take me a bit of time to adjust to it.

Have had this happen before and just know it’s only a minor nuisance
Ooh hope the meds fix that thyroid issue, Mac. I have a ex family member that needs that too, and has to adjust her meds over the years as well. Hehe, can usually find answer with a google search.

Wow, the storms and tornado warnings you had yesterday, Robo. We forget all that needs power and signal to work. Glad to hear you got your power back not too long after it went out, and cell service was restored. While we have had tornadoes before, they are not as common, so I have never heard a tornado siren, thankfully. Luckily, the highest we have had in my area was a 2 level. Just as damaging are our Nor’Easter storms.

And so, a bit warmer overnight, and at 71 degrees. But with a cloudy sky all day, a mid 80’s high. At least the rain holds off today.

Woot to it being a Saturday. Lazy and prepping one for me. Hope Keisha has no issues with airport security and a safe, on time or early arriving flight. Holiday fun times at the parks! Woot!

This, hope all have time to relax today. Have a super relaxing Saturday. And yay:


The first day of July. Yay, three more days and we get a holiday. Woot! Short week day routine next week? Woot!

Good morning all.
'Safe travels Keisha!

Robo that’s quite a stormy day yikes. We have lots of trees on our property too and I hate high winds, makes me very nervous.

Charade glad leg is better. That MRI scene is terrifying. I‘ll never be ready for HHN! Lol.

Mac I vaguely remember the national anthem, had no idea it was Japan!

Lynne cute Snoopy!

Im chilling at home. Yesterday spent afternoon on patio watching Queen Charlotte on Netflix in between icing. Trying to get thru the pain. Only have Tylenol. DH made me bacon & eggs this morning.
Beautiful day here. Nice breeze going thru but supposed to heat up mid week. I think another patio day on lounger.

Happy Canada Day!
Both daughters have off till Tuesday. Younger one coming over Monday to make brunch!
Happy July everyone and a belated happy Canada day to our Canadian members.

We had a busy day of cleaning and organizing. We even went through stuff in storage boxes and threw out some stuff. I found a large picture of B and a dolphin from when we went to Discovery Cove several years ago. I need to have it framed.

Last year, at the end of summer, our lawn care guy told us that he was getting out of the business, so this spring we had to find someone new. We asked on our neighborhood chat group and a neighbor said that her son wanted to mow lawns to earn money for summer camp. We decided to give him a try, and he did a really good job. He has mowed our lawn 4 or 5 times so far. Today he showed up with an assistant. He “hired” his younger brother to help out. He has already had shirts made with his business name and even has a slogan. This kid is only 13. He says he wants to be a professional landscaper. I don’t doubt that he will succeed.

My thyroid meds had a change of an increased level and will take me a bit of time to adjust to it.
I can relate. Fortunately I have been on the same level for several years. I will find out near the end of July if anything changes.

Woot! Short week day routine next week? Woot!
Two day work week for me. I could go in on Monday, but neither therapist will be there, so I really won’t have anything to do.

Charade glad leg is better. That MRI scene is terrifying. I‘ll never be ready for HHN! Lol.
If we are ever both there at the same time again my offer still stands - nachos by the pool instead of HHN.

Dh has turned on the TV and promptly fallen asleep. I’m going to see if there is something on that I want to watch.


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