Songs Stuck In Head

its dangerous business walking out your front door - underoath
I've been getting this really annoying song from history class stuck in my head. They put out these safety videos about what to do if you see the flash of an atomic bomb? Yeah... well anyways the song only goes "Duck... and cover! Duck... and cover!" Over and over. Its soo annoying!
That Whoa Oh! song by Forever the Sickest Kids.
Thanks alot Sophia...
some song that was sung in a movie in social studies yesterday.
it goes "cause we are the sons, we are the sons, the sons of libertyy!"
over and over again. its annoying. haha.
Dance or Die by Family Force 5.
It's been in my head since yesterday... :)
Losing My Religion by Scary Kids Scaring Kids (R.E.M. cover) and Dawn Of My Death from Before Their Eyes.
Earlier today: Breathe-Taylor Swift
And then: God Love Her-Toby Keith

Now: Just Dance-Lady Gaga
Hey everyone, Becca here, first time poster! I'm stoked to be here and I'm looking forward to meeting you guys and talking on these boards :cutie:

As far as this thread goessss, I'd have to say my fave song at the moment, that I just can't get out of my head is "No Average Angel" by Tiffany Giardina. SO GOOD!!!!<3

She's AWESOME, and if there are any Radio Disney listeners out there, you know what I'm talking about! I wish they'd play her single more, so every single day I go to the request page and request her song! If there are any other Tiffany fans out there, you should do the same!!! Let's make her bigger than Miley, Ashley, and the JoBros combined!!!

Here's the link for the request page

Go there and request "No Average Angel" or if you wanna hear the song first (and check out the video, I loooove it) go to my Youtube channel!

And if there are any youtubers out there, make sure to add meee!

Eek, sorry I wrote such a long post! I'll see you guys around on the boards! :hippie: Peace!


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