Survivor 30 **Feb 25th**Cast link added

I understand that. What I'm saying is that they're bringing people who don't deserve even having a chance of winning the final. Honestly, do you think Dan or Will should even be there still? I get trying to outwit the others and I know if you were trying to win the money, bring along losers that don't deserve it but it just makes me mad that this is how the final has been the past few years. In the earlier seasons, the people who played the hardest were the ones fighting it out in the end. All Dan and Will are to anyone are "yes men", they'll do whatever they're told to do.
I understand that. What I'm saying is that they're bringing people who don't deserve even having a chance of winning the final. Honestly, do you think Dan or Will should even be there still? I get trying to outwit the others and I know if you were trying to win the money, bring along losers that don't deserve it but it just makes me mad that this is how the final has been the past few years. In the earlier seasons, the people who played the hardest were the ones fighting it out in the end. All Dan and Will are to anyone are "yes men", they'll do whatever they're told to do.

Yes I think they should still be there, that is what making alliances are all about. You are playing to win and if you can bring people along who have little chance of winning that is an excellent strategy. This strategy has been been used for many editions of this show.
I don't remember most of the girls on the second chance voting. I was a little surprised to see Terry in the guys section. He was an older player when he first played and that was some time ago. I'm voting for Joe to play again.
Great tribal tonight!

As for bringing unworthy people to the end, I think they need to take away some food. In the old days, that one person who could catch fish was safe because the tribe NEEDED them. If you didn't keep the best, you didn't eat.
So the brilliant Dan decided to play his extra vote. I don't think Carol was planning to use her idol, so Dan shot himself in the foot.

And good riddance too. I've never seen someone so full of themselves, so sure they were brilliant and just... not.

ETA Brilliant people don't need to tell you they're brilliant. It's self-evident.
So the brilliant Dan decided to play his extra vote. I don't think Carol was planning to use her idol, so Dan shot himself in the foot.

That was hilarious.:rotfl2: The look on his face when Carolyn played her idol.:lmao: Once again poor Rodney didn't win the reward challenge.:rotfl2:I agree Cierra, Will and Rodney worst final three ever. I guess I would have to want Cierra to win.:confused3 I wonder if they will have another immunity idol hidden.
Dan got what he deserved. So happy!

I wonder sometimes if the ones voted off are tempted to spout off stuff that they know when they leave. Like Tyler knowing that Mama C had an immunity idol.
That was an awesome tribal! I was clapping like a fool!

I want Carolyn or Mike as the winner. Rodney acts and sounds like a moron. The accent just grates.

Will - I did not think much of him until he went off on Shirin...and now I think he is a *******.

And, Sierra. Eh. Boring. But, if the final 3 is her, Will, and Rodney, I will pray she wins.
Well here's hoping that Mike or Carolyn win, not gonna hold my breath though. :( I'm thinking if the Final 3 is Sierra, Will, Rodney. I guess I would hope for Sierra. Ugh, the best of the worst. lol I used to like Will, and wanted him to go pretty far, BUT after he went off on the personal attack on Shirin(whom I didn't care for either), I want him gone. He took it too far.
I genuinely hate Rodney. He's so entitled and a cry baby man child. He reminds me of what a snowflake would turn out to be as an adult.

I'm hoping Mike or Mama C to win. I probably won't watch again if Rodney wins. And I probably would be annoyed if Will wins. Sierra is a wash, it'd be a shame to see her win because she's done nothing but I still wouldn't hate it.
I didn't like Mike in the beginning and was meh about Carolyn, but after these last few episodes I think they both deserve to be in the finals. Mike is playing the game hard and I hope he makes it to the end. Carolyn is also playing hard but I feel if it is her and Mike that Mike would win because she burned to many bridges along the way.

Dan deserved to go and I wouldn't be surprised if Shirin doesn't talk to him after the way he treated her. I haven't liked him from the beginning.

Sierra has done nothing that I've seen in the entire game and will probably just be carried along until she isn't needed for her vote anymore. I wonder what Carolyn will say to her now that she voted for her. Mike and Carolyn need to pull her over on their side if they have a chance to make it to the end. If Sierra makes it much further she has to realize that in either alliance the best she can do is #3.

Felt Will should have been voted off a long time ago. He was the reason his tribe lost so many challenges in the beginning and I never understood why he was kept around before the merge. After the blowup with Shirin I really felt he was an awful person. I hope when he goes home someone really tells him how mean he was.

And then there is but it's my birthday and I haven't had any food this entire game Rodney. What can you say about him? He thinks he is controlling the entire game and up to this point it seems like he was. If he makes it to the end I think he will win over any other person.
I just watched all the Ponderosa videos. Everyone seems real likable, including Tyler, except Shirin and Dan. Shirin just cannot lighten up and stop talking incessantly (sp?) about her childhood for a second, and Dan...well he is just Dan. He still considers himself one of the good guys.
On another note, Jennifer lost no weight. How does that happen?
From watching Dan's Ponderosa video, he really has no clue how he comes across.
Poor Dan must have never seen that one coming. I really dislike almost everybody left. Rooting for the younger lady at this point just because I dislike her least. Can't even remember her name. Never seen group hate each other as much as this year.


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