The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I texted Kari and luckily, she was just leaving the room for EPCOT as was able to grab it, but it’d be a while before we could meet up for me to grab it. Fortunate timing at least in part!
That's the worst when you forget something...thankfully Kari was able to help you.
but he cooly turned back around and pretended all was right in the Coastal Eats Queue.
Oh my goodness!!
Getting to Norway, we hopped into Kringla for the treat we’d all been craving- Rice Cream. I’ve done something to raise my kids right, and they love it just as much as I do. It makes me a happy woman that this is available year-round.
I almost got the Rice Cream at Kringla but went for the school bread instead. I really need to try the Rice Cream next trip!
As I lingered a bit in Norway trying to find a Shop-Around-the-World trinket for this year, the kids went on ahead to China.
I just started Shop-Around-the -World last trip....didn't get very far yet but it's fun to do. What budget do you set? I was thinking between $5-10.
She was passed off into capable care, I met the kids in the gift shop, and we went our merry way.
What a terrible thing to happen to that poor woman. Glad you were there to lend your knowledge and compassion.
No pass through Germany is complete without a little stop to see the trains. I am a simple person and am tickled by the little Food and Wine banners on the lampposts
I adore the trains! Did you know they had Christmas lights all set up through the village during Festival of the Holidays? It was great!
The kids were a little peckish, so I grabbed them the Pasta Gratin and a strudel to munch on. All 4 of us nibbled a bit, enjoying 3 or 4 bites per person. They are decent picks- consistent and tasty, but not amazing.
They look yummy. I can never go wrong with pasta and cheese though.
Perched at one of the official eating surfaces of Food and Wine, the latest music act of the German Pavilion assembled in the little Bavarian hut and the kids insisted we stay. I was not opposed if you know my love for all things live music at Disney. They played a really nice set of both German and English songs with a decided oom-pah-pah and a contemporary flavor. It was upbeat, fun, and full of energy and I loved seeing my kids enjoying it was much as I did.
They had a wonderful band there in December as well.
1) My movie needs a title.
Hmmm.....need more creative minds than mine on that one!
2) Would you be sad if they took out the train set?
Yes! So many lovely memories with that train set over the years. :)
Sadly, while we absolutely DID spend time in Germany, as well as Galaxy’s Edge, for Letter G, I failed to get a selfie.
Then I don't think you were there. :snooty:
grabbed a couple of kiosk bites in Food Alley- the area of kiosks with Flavors of Fire, Earth Eats, etc…
Never knew it was called Food Alley. Huh!
This is after I realized that I’d forgotten my camera battery back at the room.
Oh... poop.
I did tell you there’d be more stuff forgotten. I don’t know if I can chalk it up to age, just being generally distracted, dull, or otherwise.
Or maybe trying to juggle the kids and your plans and general excitement?
I texted Kari and luckily, she was just leaving the room for EPCOT as was able to grab it,
Oohhh… I like that. I should get myself a Kari to run and fetch for me.
I’m just standing there texting her and minding my own business when this guy in line in front of me rips a gigantic fart.
:eek: :lmao:
He casually looked around to see who’d have heard, and I can neither confirm nor deny I was dying from trying not to laugh myself into apoplexy.
Seriously, I just about gave myself a seizure from stifling the fact that I totally heard it and wished I’d had the guts to tell him I wished he’d just asked me to pull his finger.
I’m sure he must have known I 100% heard it, I mean, his rear end was mere feet from my face
OMG! No!!!
but he cooly turned back around and pretended all was right in the Coastal Eats Queue.
:laughing: Of course he did.
Still giggling like a 10-year old schoolgirl, because I’m just that immature,
Then I must be 7... because I'm dying.
met the kids in Mexico to begin our leisurely stroll around the Loop.
Did they ask you why your face smelled bad?
Getting to Norway, we hopped into Kringla for the treat we’d all been craving- Rice Cream.
I do recall your love for that.
One thing they did NOT want to try was the raved-about F&W offering from The Alps- Cheese Fondue with potatoes and a pickle. The smell alone emanating from that area literally turned our stomachs.
That's too bad. Sounds good.
I can only describe it as sweaty, locker room socks with a hint of wet diaper.
For the record, later in the trip, I did try it,
What??? Why?????
“We were standing there watching the show, when all of a sudden we heard this huge “thud”. We looked over and this lady was on the floor with people standing around her. She hit her head HARD on the railing when she went down. The show stopped, and it seemed like she had enough help, so we evacuated with everyone else.”
Oh, man. It's like disaster follows you around!
It was obvious that it had JUST happened, so I trotted around to the exit and Nursey-Liesa kicked in. I waltzed right in like I owned the place, told those caring for her that I was an RN and was able to assess and help as I could. Other than CMs and her family, there was also an EMT at her side.
I'm not at all surprised you did that.
Regardless of the cause, she began to vomit uncontrollably and I became the barf bag holder/exchanger, comforter, and general professional presence until EMS got there.
Nope! Not a fan of vomit, thankyouverymuch.
I was sad to think that this family’s vacation was impacted in such a bummer of a way. I do hope she was okay….
Yeah... that's true.
She was not feeling well by this point in her own trip and needed to minimize her steps so couldn’t join us for touring.
Already... I knew she'd gone home early, of course.
No pass through Germany is complete without a little stop to see the trains.
I am a simple person and am tickled by the little Food and Wine banners on the lampposts and chuckle when I see the giant lizards invading the little hamlets.
Me too! :laughing:
I think it’d be a fun movie if all the little people would come to life after the park closes like a cross between Toy Story and Night at the Museum, but more a drama of all the village business with a science-fiction element of invading creatures like Iguanadon and Mothra.
ooohhh… Yeah. I like it.
When I get my contract, I'll invite you all to the red carpet premiere.
Sweet! See you there!
mmmm…. strudel.
I was not opposed if you know my love for all things live music at Disney.
It was upbeat, fun, and full of energy and I loved seeing my kids enjoying it was much as I did.
As they finished their set, Anara wanted her photo with them and asked if I’d snap her picture. They told her that they’d sensed her enthusiasm and were actually going to ask HER if she wanted one. I guess her smile and toe-tapping gave her away.
Really! That's great! :)
I talked Zach into getting one as well and it turned out to be one of my favorites of him from the trip.
:) Nice shot. Both of them are. :) Where was your other DD?
1) My movie needs a title.

Invasion of the lizard reich.
2) Would you be sad if they took out the train set?
Oh my gosh the guy blasting one in line, so funny! He should have just asked for you to pull his finger at least the fart would have been the other way :hyper:

It sounds like a fun jaunt around the world, I hade the rice pudding at Akerhaus once, it was good!

I love the train and little village in Germany, I would definitely miss it!

movie title, hmmmm. How about Our quaint mini world, haha not the best title but I really like the quaint ambiance in that area!
That's the worst when you forget something...thankfully Kari was able to help you.

It's horrible! I really should tape a list of stuff to remember by the door each evening. Like I'm 85 and senile... :rolleyes:
I almost got the Rice Cream at Kringla but went for the school bread instead. I really need to try the Rice Cream next trip!

Mmmm, it's an almost-every-trip must do.

I just started Shop-Around-the -World last trip....didn't get very far yet but it's fun to do. What budget do you set? I was thinking between $5-10.


The rules are:

$10 or under (although I fudge usually on a couple).
It has to be something I'd use or see most of the year (except for the few I've chosen ornaments for)
Nothing consumable like candy
And if possible MADE in the country it comes from.
Must be found and purchased in 10 minutes or less.

What a terrible thing to happen to that poor woman. Glad you were there to lend your knowledge and compassion.

It was far from the only incident that trip.... more to come...

I adore the trains! Did you know they had Christmas lights all set up through the village during Festival of the Holidays? It was great!

I did not!! I was even there a couple Christmasses ago and didn't notice!

They look yummy. I can never go wrong with pasta and cheese though.

Nope, never!
They had a wonderful band there in December as well.

I found the acts really nice this year. We also stopped in Canada for theirs and were equally as pleased!

Yes! So many lovely memories with that train set over the years. :)
For us too! Lots of long minutes mesmorized with the trains and "look at that! s".
Then I don't think you were there. :snooty:

I know... I know... fail. But I DO have one from Galaxy's Edge, so stilll have my "G".

Never knew it was called Food Alley. Huh!

I've read on other Food Fest Blog posts that it's gotten that informal nickname.

Or maybe trying to juggle the kids and your plans and general excitement?

Yeah, that's probably the most realistic explanation. Remembering everything is quite a challenge for me.

Oohhh… I like that. I should get myself a Kari to run and fetch for me.

Everyone should have one! The trick is to catch her BEFORE she herself walks out the door.

OMG! No!!!

OMG, yes.

Then I must be 7... because I'm dying.

So funny!!!!

Did they ask you why your face smelled bad?

I told them it was actually from over at The Alps kiosk.

That's too bad. Sounds good.

It was... okay. Bland tbh.

What??? Why?????

Well, it was getting rave reviews for sure and by the time I did try it, the bad smell was gone. :) I wanted to give it a fair shake.

Oh, man. It's like disaster follows you around!


Nope! Not a fan of vomit, thankyouverymuch.

Well, neither am I, but, when in those situations, you just do what you gotta do.

Already... I knew she'd gone home early, of course.

Yes, she got mighty sick and ended up hospitalized after she got home. :(

ooohhh… Yeah. I like it.

It's going to do even better at the box office than The Last Airbender! Just you watch!

:) Nice shot. Both of them are. :) Where was your other DD?

I guess she didn't feel the need to get this one?

Invasion of the lizard reich.
LOLOL!! I likey!!
Oh my gosh the guy blasting one in line, so funny! He should have just asked for you to pull his finger at least the fart would have been the other way :hyper:

It was funny. Because it was so unexpected and out of place and how he just casually acted like no one heard it.

It sounds like a fun jaunt around the world, I hade the rice pudding at Akerhaus once, it was good!

Over the course of the trip, I think we went at least partially around 3 times. So a goodly amount of time back in there. Mmm, rice pudding!! My favies!

I love the train and little village in Germany, I would definitely miss it!

Isn't it just precious?! I never feel like I've wasted time just watching it for a while.

movie title, hmmmm. How about Our quaint mini world, haha not the best title but I really like the quaint ambiance in that area!

It is quaint! And always so perfectly in order just like Germans and Germany is spit-spot.
I know... I know... fail. But I DO have one from Galaxy's Edge, so stilll have my "G".
I've read on other Food Fest Blog posts that it's gotten that informal nickname.
Ah. Then it's (semi) official.
Yeah, that's probably the most realistic explanation. Remembering everything is quite a challenge for me.
But you won't forget your head anymore!
Everyone should have one! The trick is to catch her BEFORE she herself walks out the door.
The trick is to train her not to leave until you figure out what you've forgotten.
So funny!!!!
I told them it was actually from over at The Alps kiosk.
Good answer. :)
Well, it was getting rave reviews for sure and by the time I did try it, the bad smell was gone. :) I wanted to give it a fair shake.
Yeah, okay. I can see that. I'd try it too, then.
Well, neither am I, but, when in those situations, you just do what you gotta do.
In that situation, my "gotta do" might've been to get fresh air.
Yes, she got mighty sick and ended up hospitalized after she got home. :(
I know. Poor thing.
It's going to do even better at the box office than The Last Airbender! Just you watch!
This is after I realized that I’d forgotten my camera battery back at the room.

I'm sensing a theme here.

I’m just standing there texting her and minding my own business when this guy in line in front of me rips a gigantic fart. He casually looked around to see who’d have heard, and I can neither confirm nor deny I was dying from trying not to laugh myself into apoplexy. Seriously, I just about gave myself a seizure from stifling the fact that I totally heard it and wished I’d had the guts to tell him I wished he’d just asked me to pull his finger.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I'm sure he was just standing there going, "OK...what do I do here?" Etiquette seems hazy on that topic. Do I play it cool, or do I take ownership and excuse myself, or go for the burrito joke?

The smell alone emanating from that area literally turned our stomachs. I can only describe it as sweaty, locker room socks with a hint of wet diaper.

Ew. Was that guy standing in line again? Just curious.

It was obvious that it had JUST happened, so I trotted around to the exit and Nursey-Liesa kicked in. I waltzed right in like I owned the place, told those caring for her that I was an RN and was able to assess and help as I could. Other than CMs and her family, there was also an EMT at her side. In the end, it seemed to be a very bad case of dehydration, over-exertion, or possibly a bug coming on. Regardless of the cause, she began to vomit uncontrollably and I became the barf bag holder/exchanger, comforter, and general professional presence until EMS got there.

Yikes. I just read Alison's story of seeing a guy have a seizure while at dinner too. Lots of medical emergencies.

That poor woman. I hope she was ok. I can definitely understand getting dehydrated at Disney World!

No pass through Germany is complete without a little stop to see the trains.

Truth. ::yes::

I think it’d be a fun movie if all the little people would come to life after the park closes like a cross between Toy Story and Night at the Museum, but more a drama of all the village business with a science-fiction element of invading creatures like Iguanadon and Mothra.

You know, I'm with you. There's a movie here.

Yes, Mark (@Captain_Oblivious ) they still have the dead grapes which IMHO, make the strudel that much better. I'll take your portion, thank you very much.

Dead grapes have never improved anything! They call it apple strudel for a reason. If they called it raisin strudel, nobody would order it.

My feelings on raisins mostly match the rage of Unikitty from the Lego movies:

As they finished their set, Anara wanted her photo with them and asked if I’d snap her picture. They told her that they’d sensed her enthusiasm and were actually going to ask HER if she wanted one. I guess her smile and toe-tapping gave her away.

Nice! And nice photo.

1) My movie needs a title.

The Munich Express is Now On Track 9 Due to Unexpected Godzilla Activity

2) Would you be sad if they took out the train set?

Absolutely! Model train sets are welcome anywhere, anytime. Because they are awesome. If you ever get to Chicago, check out the huge one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
If you ever get to Chicago, check out the huge one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
No, no, no, @Captain_Oblivious
If you're ever in Chicago, check out the tiny one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
My life's goal is to get to Hamburg, Germany and visit the world's largest model train set... with over 8 miles of track... and they just bought an adjacent building and are building a bridge to link the two... with train tracks in the bridge of course...
Over 760,000 hours of construction time and still going...

Miniatur Wunderland
Hey Liesa!

Trying not to get ridiculously behind again. Sounds like your day of F was a very pleasant one.

Grand Marnier slushies and Gelato sound very nice!

I'm glad you are feeling better and taking it easy, one day at a time!

The picture is beautiful!
No, no, no, @Captain_Oblivious
If you're ever in Chicago, check out the tiny one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
My life's goal is to get to Hamburg, Germany and visit the world's largest model train set... with over 8 miles of track... and they just bought an adjacent building and are building a bridge to link the two... with train tracks in the bridge of course...
Over 760,000 hours of construction time and still going...

Miniatur Wunderland


I would definitely enjoy seeing that.
No, no, no, @Captain_Oblivious
If you're ever in Chicago, check out the tiny one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
My life's goal is to get to Hamburg, Germany and visit the world's largest model train set... with over 8 miles of track... and they just bought an adjacent building and are building a bridge to link the two... with train tracks in the bridge of course...
Over 760,000 hours of construction time and still going...

Gee, thanks for adding to my bucket list, pkondz! (I am amazed at the concept of any model railroad that makes the one at MSI seem tiny!)
Ok, so I know i'm SUPER late to this party...but I just have to tell you that my kids are also named Alice and Rowan! I just about fell out of my chair when I read that in your intro. Not very popular names (esp. Alice) and to have BOTH names the same is also nuts.

Anyhoo--back to reading :)
Ah. Then it's (semi) official.

Hey, it's about as official as the ChunkyDump.

But you won't forget your head anymore!

But, but what if they didn't screw it on right?!

The trick is to train her not to leave until you figure out what you've forgotten.

This cruise in Sept outght be very interesting.


Yeah, okay. I can see that. I'd try it too, then.

The things I do for TR research...

In that situation, my "gotta do" might've been to get fresh air.

It was a stinky day.
I'm sensing a theme here.

I hope when they fused, they adjusted the "head screwed on right" bit.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I'm sure he was just standing there going, "OK...what do I do here?" Etiquette seems hazy on that topic. Do I play it cool, or do I take ownership and excuse myself, or go for the burrito joke?

Any would have worked but to pretend no one heard it! :lmao:
Ew. Was that guy standing in line again? Just curious.
Yikes. I just read Alison's story of seeing a guy have a seizure while at dinner too. Lots of medical emergencies.

That poor woman. I hope she was ok. I can definitely understand getting dehydrated at Disney World!

I think people just simply underestimate the heat, the need for water breaks, and the need to slow down a bit if they aren't used to the massive amounts of walking.

You know, I'm with you. There's a movie here.

I think it's a hit!

Dead grapes have never improved anything! They call it apple strudel for a reason. If they called it raisin strudel, nobody would order it.

My feelings on raisins mostly match the rage of Unikitty from the Lego movies:

LOL!! Grapes... grapes the magical fruit... Mark's disdain is absolute.

The Munich Express is Now On Track 9 Due to Unexpected Godzilla Activity


Absolutely! Model train sets are welcome anywhere, anytime. Because they are awesome. If you ever get to Chicago, check out the huge one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
Ever since you and PK gave it such high praise from your TR, I've wanted to see that. I don't really have a good reason other than that to go to Chicago other than this.... well, and connections throught a crappy airport. Someday...
No, no, no, @Captain_Oblivious
If you're ever in Chicago, check out the tiny one in the Museum of Science & Industry.
My life's goal is to get to Hamburg, Germany and visit the world's largest model train set... with over 8 miles of track... and they just bought an adjacent building and are building a bridge to link the two... with train tracks in the bridge of course...
Over 760,000 hours of construction time and still going...

Miniatur Wunderland
Holy cow!! I just watched the 5 minute video in full and was ... mesmorized! I can''t even IMAGINE who dazzling it'd be in person! THE PLANES TAKE OFF!! The whole thing is just incredibly amazing.

Thanks for sharing that!
Hey Liesa!

Trying not to get ridiculously behind again. Sounds like your day of F was a very pleasant one.

It's so easy to do. I am behind a bit again too, but this week has proven to be very busy for me. In a lot of good and very bad (but exciting?) ways.

Grand Marnier slushies and Gelato sound very nice!

Mmm!! I'd like another gelato right now!

I'm glad you are feeling better and taking it easy, one day at a time!

One day at a time. I am now able to be out and about a bit more but still tire quite easily and need an afternoon nap.

The picture is beautiful!


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