The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 24

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Vicki if you get the potato heads at target with the easter bunny ears what are you going to do with the extra potatos? That is what had been keeping me from buying the easter ones.
Maybe they sell them as just the pieces? I know the Santa one came without a potato.
Hi, the kids are doing well. We're hanging in there with Zachary. I'm starting potty training with Effie. I'm hoping to have him trained by summer so I can enroll him for preschool next year. I ran into the teacher (Caleb had her when he was 3) and she was looking forward to having Ephram next year.:goodvibes The new meds for the migraines isn't working but I've been doing better at working around when they hit.:) Thanks for asking. How is the pregnancy going? Are you guys going to find out the sex of the baby or be surprised?

Its going good. I had allergies real bad last week, I have actually had pregnancy nausea the past 2 days as opposed to allergy drainage nausea. Yes we will be finding out what we are having. We found out with Olivia.
I am so sorry.:hug: I did not mean to scare anyone out of going to get this test done that was not my intention. I truly hope that you will decide to go and get this test done because it can help save lives.:grouphug:
Don't feel bad. I was already worried before you posted. I'm not sure why it worries me so much I had 4 kids for heaven's sake but for some reason I just keep dragging on it. Maybe it's the underlying worry about what they would find?:confused3
My plans this weekend are too see Meet the Robinsons with the kiddies. The kids have 2 birthday parties, baseball, & soccer too.

They are off for 11 days froms school so we are planning some day trips.
most of the morning I was watching the radar, spent a little bit of it in the hall closet with Olivia as a tornado was spotted south west of the town we live in, The rain finally stopped around 2pm. I think the weather men are calling for more rain tonight.
:wizard: Hope there's no more tornados spotted in your area how nervewracking. It's been a long time since we lived in the midwest and had to deal with that but now we have earthquakes to worry about. Seems like every area has it's drawbacks weather wise.
Well I am going to check the exchange thread real quick and then find something to do. :confused3

Have a good night all, pixiedust: and :grouphug: to all.
Trust me, she is quite large -triple D

With that type of family history, please get thee to a doctor. They caught my moms early because of a mamo and she just her clean bill of health (aiming for the 5 year mark).
Thank you. I will definitely go you all have reassured me I can handle it.:goodvibes
Look who was waiting for me when I got home tonight!


There was nothing in the box but Mr. Mouse with a clip. No instructions or anything. Does anyone have the time to scan their directions and send me the file or mail it to me? I would be much appreciative, although I did figure out how to turn him on and make him talk. :)
What great memories you have, Elin. And I completely agree with you about traveling and providing that time for memories with your family. I was very fortunate when growing up that we traveled pretty extensively as a family (my dad travels for business, and thus has oodles of frequent flier miles and hotel rewards), and that is something that is important to Jonathan and me to continue (one of the reasons we bought DVD - a built-in vacation). Jonathan didn't have the same experience growing up (they only ever went to visit family a state or so west/east), and he now loves to travel.

:hug: :wizard: for your travels today.

Bob never traveled either, except to visit family until our honeymoon! And then to the beach with my family a couple of years before we started taking our own vacations too.
We've been through all the menus at 3 parks. I needed a break. I guess I'm not so much of a planner afterall :goodvibes
I just saw this recipe on the cooking thread

Pineapple Stuffing

3/4 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup butter (softened)
13.25 ounce can pineapple, crushed and drained
6-7 eggs
8 slices of white bread

Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs to mixture and beat lightly. Add bread (cubed with no crust). Drain pineapple and stir in
Bake at 350 in 9 x 13 pan for 1 hour

They are serving it with ham for easter.
Its going good. I had allergies real bad last week, I have actually had pregnancy nausea the past 2 days as opposed to allergy drainage nausea. Yes we will be finding out what we are having. We found out with Olivia.
I hope you get a boy.:thumbsup2
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