The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 28

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I would have been freaking out lol

Glad you were able to get it all cleaned up.

Oh, I was! For some odd reason my 48 hours from having a baby, usually overreacts about everything, often at odds with each other sister very lightly says..."don't worry about it, this isn't a forever house. We can always put a rug over it." That about shocked me more than the process of watching the paint can fall over. People never cease to surprise you. :goodvibes
Jen - congrats on the milestone!

Becky - :grouphug: I'm very sorry about your Grandma. I hope that they can make her comfortable.

I have to go shopping today and get a present for the kids to give to their dad for his bday, which is tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. :rolleyes:
A belated good morning to you all. As much as I would prefer to hang around here, I think that I had better go mow the backyard before the lovely 77 degrees right now turns into the predicted 95. :eek: I'm thinking the asthma will not like that 95 degree, orange quality air while mowing very much. At least I managed to remember it was trash day in time and to clean out the fridge this time! Hope everyone has a wonderful day. We'll be off to visit that little cutie again later and after that the wonderful, exciting grocery store. You know, I think the grocery store would be a lot more fun if I could ride in a rocket-ship cart like Terra gets too. ;)
:eek: I would be so sick lol Glad to hear they are having a good time!

I am pleased that Chris was able to consume the whole thing!:rotfl2: DH doesn't even want to attempt it.

I have to go shopping today and get a present for the kids to give to their dad for his bday, which is tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. :rolleyes:

Hmm. I hope you find something, um, appropriate.;)
Did you walk into Elin heaven today or what!!?!? ;) :goodvibes I have always wanted to see the vineyards. Maybe I'll have to settle for some of the local wineries. Did you ytry any great new wines?

Other than going to a Disney park, this was like Mecca for me! :rotfl:

This was our first time to do serious wine-tasting in a vineyard/winery setting. I liked it a lot. Could become addicting! I know that there are companies in VA that hire out busses and a tour guide to take you from wonery to winery. I think it would be a fun outing to plan sometime.

Got to see a former student of mine yesterday for about an hour and a half. Her father is the winemaker at one of the major wineries in Paso Robles and he was gracious enough to give us a personal tour of their winery which was a nice topper to the day of wine-tasting we had already done. He also gave me three bottles of his wines to take home. I was stunned as their wines are a bit pricey!

We have been judiciously choosing wines we really liked the past few days and buying the ones we can't get in Virginia so that we could bring them home. Last night as we were sitting in our room here in Santa Barbara I had the sudden thought that we cannot carry all this wine on the plane!!! And there is no way I am going to check it through for many reasons. So, before we leave Santa Barbara for Disneyland this morning we are headed to an UPS store to ship the wine home! :rotfl2:
I have to go shopping today and get a present for the kids to give to their dad for his bday, which is tomorrow. Nothing like waiting until the last minute. :rolleyes:

I vote for a poorly constructed humidor filled with stinky cheap cigars...
When i got home from dinner tonight, there was a big envelope...i opened it up and it was my diplomas!! i feel so official now--i have my diplomas for my early childhood and sociology degrees! But the best part---both diplomas say i graduated with cum laude honors!!!! i didnt get the recognition at the ceremony so figured i missed it by a little bit...BUT I GRADUATED WITH HONORS :) im so excited

Congrats, Jen!!! I'm so proud of you!!!
Yes and no.:laughing:

Yes, I am thinking that I will probably come down on Friday after my work event which will have me getting down there around 9:30-10pm. I know it is late. However otherwise I would be driving home getting there around the same time, needing to get up early to drive to Baltimore to be there to go on the Duck tour. The only thing I would probably be doing at home is sleeping, if I can do so. I want to do the aquarium but since people are doing that on Sunday I could do that then.

However no, because depending what happens over the next like 2 weeks may change that. I don't think I told you all that my Nana fell last week and broke her neck. They cannot do surgery, she pretty much cannot eat as she no swallow reflex and does not want a feeding tube. Honestly this is already dragging out to this point, as she has been really bad since June when she was in the hospital, before that she wasn't all that well either.

However I don't think that will matter/make a difference in whether or not I go to Baltimore. I really think I will go, I just need to create a list of things I need to do to get ready to go away in September and start chipping away at those things. I know everything will get done but my schedule is definitely filling up very quickly and I need to get moving towards completing those things. Plus the weekend after I get back I will probably be at an adult weekend camping. I could probably use the Baltimore weekend to break off a major chunk of that stuff but it wouldn't be much fun. Baltimore definitely sounds much better.:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 Basically the only reason I wouldn't go is if I decide to stay home and be productive.

I'm so sorry about your grandma!
Well, I'm caught up just in time to say good bye! I'm heading out the door with Katie in about a half an hour, and I need to finish up tidying around here. Have a great weekend everyone! I'll check back in on Sunday evening!
Oh! I know what I forgot to tell you all. One of the wineries we visited yesterday was the Firestone Vineyards. Bob and I were browsing their tasting room gift selection when a young man in a T shirt and jeans walked up to us and said, "Are you folks being taken care of? Is there anything I can get for you?" Before I could say much more than, "No, thanks, we are fine" the young lady behind the tasting bar told him that we had just arrived.


It was none other than the owner... Andrew Firestone!
I just had a thought.....

What about getting their dad gift certificates for the movie theather? When they give them to him they can say that it is to take them to the movies.
Well, I'm caught up just in time to say good bye! I'm heading out the door with Katie in about a half an hour, and I need to finish up tidying around here. Have a great weekend everyone! I'll check back in on Sunday evening!

Hope your weekend is wonderful, Glynis!
Oh! I know what I forgot to tell you all. One of the wineries we visited yesterday was the Firestone Vineyards. Bob and I were browsing their tasting room gift selection when a young man in a T shirt and jeans walked up to us and said, "Are you folks being taken care of? Is there anything I can get for you?" Before I could say much more than, "No, thanks, we are fine" the young lady behind the tasting bar told him that we had just arrived.


It was none other than the owner... Andrew Firestone!
Wasn't he one of the Bachelor's???
I just had a thought.....

What about getting their dad gift certificates for the movie theather? When they give them to him they can say that it is to take them to the movies.

I think that is a good idea. But I still like mine better... :rolleyes:
Elin, I am glad I kept reading. Was getting ready to ask how in the heck you were going to get all that wine home.
Have a great time, Glynis and Katie!
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