The GH Official Thread Part 3

Dang Esme! She did a “Kiss The Girls” and “Last of the Mohicans “movies with that last move in today’s episode.

And dumb dr to be Joss, where was her bodyguard?

Can the hook be reversed now?
And dumb dr to be Joss, where was her bodyguard?
That really was ridiculous. Joss told the bodyguard when she left Kelly's that she was going to the party and not to worry because Sonny would be there. Then we saw the guard follow her. We assume he followed her home to change, then he let her go to the party alone? Sure, maybe Sonny would be there but he wasn't taking her there. The bodyguard should have taken her to the party and checked in with Sonny to see if he should hang around. The guy should be fired.

As for Esme, I kind of enjoyed her little fire scheme and dive off the parapet. Nik was stupid to just stand there, several feet away and try to talk her out of it. Before she climbed onto the ledge, he's trying to get her to take his hand. He should have charged at her and grabbed her. Caught her by surprise. But that would have stopped her and we would have no story!
Ok since the writers kind of lack:
Who wants to see Heather go up against who the real hook and expose who they are?

And let’s talk about Joss. Like really she went to Kelly’s to talk to Cam and that never happened and now she is all untwined with Dex.
Even though she was giving Heather a run for her money fighting her off she was still dumb for being without a bodyguard.
Could be she is trying to cover fore Esme (not that she knew where Esme was to prove her alibi though). She has done this before for Franco when he was thought to be the hospital serial killer. She escaped from wherever she was and drugged Bobbie and Lucas while Franco was at the nurses ball and had an alibi.
Or she has been the hook killer all along which is possible because: things we know about Port Charles: their police department is comparable to the keystone cops and their mental health facilities, prisons and maximum security facilities = not so secure 🤣🤣

oh.... and let's address the fact that all of a sudden Sonny's security team is extremely incompetent and WHY DO ALL THESE WOMEN WEAR STILETTOS OUT IN THE SNOW AND ICE?????
Did Joss go to Kelly's to tell Cam she had feelings for Dex? Otherwise I've found it very out of character for her to kiss Dex several times and now sleep with him without letting Cam know awhile ago. She would be extremely mad at anyone else who did that to someone she loved.
And yes she put up a pretty good fight in those stilettos! :rolleyes1
Well, I guess Joss finally told him today. Sad for Cam.
Also super sad for Britt! I'd have rather they let her leave so she could come back in the future. I forgot about the poison and was wondering why she collapsed for a scratch!
It was great when Ava slapped Nicholas though!!
let’s rewind to how mad Joss was at Cam for not telling her about Spencer‘s plan to expose Esme as the person that posted the video . To Jos that was such a betrayal. Can we say hypocrite? How How many times did she cover up her time with Dex from the time she dumpster dove with him to find Donna’s bracelet all the way up until the latest tryst with him.

(And watching Dante and Sam is like watching paint dry 😂)
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Well, I guess Joss finally told him today. Sad for Cam.
Also super sad for Britt! I'd have rather they let her leave so she could come back in the future. I forgot about the poison and was wondering why she collapsed for a scratch!
It was great when Ava slapped Nicholas though!!
Great show today. I am super sad about Brit. Now they will make Maxie & Brad friends-train wreck.
Yep, Joss is a hypocrite just like her mom. I do like Carly, but her hypocrisy drives me crazy at times and now seems her daughter inherited that trait lol. She didn't even tell him she developed feelings for Dex, she was just like we grew apart.

I still can't figure out if Heather is the hook. I just don't get why she would kill people connected to Trina. Also, she never killed before, so why now or did she kill someone?


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