The Prisoner of Azkaban RP

OOC: People always wonder why Pinterest is so addicting. And then I see this: And the answer is clear.
Edit: how dearly annoying. My paste button isn't working! Looks like Voldy's at it again! Please keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the train and remain seated. Your ride will resume momentarily. Edit número dos: Your ride will resume (slightly altered) immediately.
OOC: People always wonder why Pinterest is so addicting. And then I see this: And the answer is clear.

Edit: how dearly annoying. My paste button isn't working! Looks like Voldy's at it again! Please keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the train and remain seated. Your ride will resume momentarily.

OOC: lol

yes, pinterest can be addicting.
OOC: Hi everyone! I haven't been on in FOREVER. Sorry it's really hard for me to be on so consistently but I will try to get on as much as I can.
OOC: oh and would someone mind giving me like a super summary of where most every character is and the main story problem of this rp?
OOC: oh and would someone mind giving me like a short summary of where most every character is and the main story problem of this rp?
OOC: oh and would someone mind giving me like a super summary of where most every character is and the main story problem of this rp?

OOC: It's good to see your avatar! I'm not even sure if I'm explaining this right. The main story problem is following the POA plot. Regarding to how far we are in the story, I believe we just finished up Hogsmede and Harry learned that Sirius Black was his godfather. There's some minor plot lines that have and have not fully taken off yet, though I can't say I can remember which. I know that Perry's and I think Anney's characters are mainly interacting with the main cast, while mine are just kind of lying around slowly being developed. Not sure where Doodle's charries are at the moment, though I think they're about in the same place as Perry's.
OOC: Right, what was I doing? Ah yes. Christmas holidays start, so those who are staying are okay but those who are leaving need to be getting on the train.
All mine except Ron and Hermione: They got on the train to go home for the holidays.
Logan: He was on the train, looking for a compartment. He couldn't wait to tell his family all about his first semester.

Evangeline: She was going home for the holidays, but she didn't want to. Here were wizards and magic and maybe, just maybe, she could find some friends. At home she would have to endure a boring stuffy gala of aristocrats while her mother attempted to find her 11-12 year old girl a husband that would make a "suitable match' and advance the family's social status.

Hamilton: He caught up with Oliver.

Kathleen, Seamus and Dean: They talked as they went to the train, they were happy to be going home for the holidays.

Imogen: She was going home for the holidays, thankfully.

Nora: She caught up with Neville.

Corona: She didn't want to go home for the holidays. But her mother had wrote quite plainly that if she didn't come they would drag her home, so she had to go.

Brendan and Zara: They were excited to go home and see their father again.
Mikhailya: She was staying behind, as it was too expensive to go back to Canada at this time of year.

Cassiopeia: She was staying behind, as she didn't feel like going home to an empty house.

Adriana: She was staying behind, as she always did, as she had nowhere to go.

Harry: He was staying behind, as always.

Fred and George: They were staying behind, their whole family was.
Oliver: He got on the train with Hamilton, Hector, and Darren.
Amelia: She had just sat down in a compartment with Rose. It was just the two of them. "Are you excited?"

Rose: She shrugged, but smiled. "I guess. It's good to be going home..."

Amelia: She listened with satisfaction, but couldn't condone her unsure tone as she finished. It was hard, knowing why she felt so strange about it, yet being unable to tell her. "It's nice to see you in a good mood. What's that?" She asked, pointing at the locket hanging around Rose's neck.

Rose: She looked down a little guiltily. "I'm not supposed to have it. But it's dad's, I think. I think - I think it was my mum's..."

Amelia: Pity and anger and sisterly love and motivation stirred up inside her. It was so overwhelming; she nearly had to shake her head. And then...wonder. "What's in it?"

Rose: "I dunno, I can't open it. She moved her hands as if to grab the golden oval, but they shook and fell back, defeated.

Amelia: Ah. So she was afraid. "It's beautiful." She smiled, looking at the old, yet timeless, treasure.

Rose: "I think so, too."
Amelia: She had just sat down in a compartment with Rose. It was just the two of them. "Are you excited?"

Rose: She shrugged, but smiled. "I guess. It's good to be going home..."

Amelia: She listened with satisfaction, but couldn't condone her unsure tone as she finished. It was hard, knowing why she felt so strange about it, yet being unable to tell her. "It's nice to see you in a good mood. What's that?" She asked, pointing at the locket hanging around Rose's neck.

Rose: She looked down a little guiltily. "I'm not supposed to have it. But it's dad's, I think. I think - I think it was my mum's..."

Amelia: Pity and anger and sisterly love and motivation stirred up inside her. It was so overwhelming; she nearly had to shake her head. And then...wonder. "What's in it?"

Rose: "I dunno, I can't open it. She moved her hands as if to grab the golden oval, but they shook and fell back, defeated.

Amelia: Ah. So she was afraid. "It's beautiful." She smiled, looking at the old, yet timeless, treasure.

Rose: "I think so, too."

Reece: She knocked on the compartment door shyly. She waved. "Hi, I'm Reece."

Mara: "There's not a lot of empty compartments in this section."
Sophia: Because her parents barely let her live on their property in the summer, let alone during the holidays, she decided to stay at school again. She went to the Great Hall, watching everyone leave with their bags.

Shane: His adoptive family refused to let him come home, which he wasn't too depressed about, so he was staying for the holidays. It gave him more time to chill out where he wanted to the most-his dorm.

Scarletta: Her mother sent her a card this year, telling Scarletta that she was to stay at school instead of coming home.


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