The Running Thread - 2018

August completed:
Miles: 120.19
Time: 22.55
Pace: 11:26

Highest monthly mileage since last December (128 mi), so I am getting back into the swing, even though I am still having problems with any run over 6-7 miles due to heat and humidity. With Atlanta 10 in Oct and W&D challenge in Nov, I HAVE to get in longer runs soon. And of course Goofy in Jan.
I heartily endorse any and all soccer (real football!) discussion! Got a favorite in the Premier? I'm neutral (so far), but Liverpool's run in the Champion's League this year was fun to follow. Wouldn't mind seeing them do well in the EPL this season. So far, so good, but it's early!

Arsenal! All the free flowing attacking of Liverpool and Man City without any of that annoying defensive stability at the back. Plus they're a team in transition to a new manager this year after spending 21 years under their previous manager. What could possibly go wrong! COYG!
August Totals:
Total Runs: 21
Total Miles: 141.2
Total Time: 21:51
Total Calories: 18,2016
Average Distance: 6.72
Average Pace: 9:17
Average HR 152
Average Calories: 862

This was the first time I think I've every gone more than 100 miles in a month, and I blew the doors right off of that PR! It was a great month of training for me. I think my average HR is improving and I feel great. I have an excellent coach to thank for it. September is my first real race using a tailored training plan. I'm looking forward to seeing how I do, even though I will have to temper my expectations given that the T&D for the race will likely be in the 150s (thanks Houston weather!).

PS, now that I'm keeping a spreadsheet of my runs, it's really easy to track all this data!
August Summary:
Still on the slow road back [gaining momentum] from achilles tendonitis but heading in the right direction. Increased running miles by 20% from July with the continued balance of cross-training; biking and elliptical. I was going to say swimming too, but standing around in a pool with a cold drink is questionable cardio and not sure how to measure that?

Running: 53.4 miles
Biking: 71 miles
Elliptical: 10 occurrences; 6.5 hours
Mowing: 4 times
Other Milestones: Turned 60 and registered for the Star Wars 1/2 marathon!

Plans for September:
Decrease miles slightly as to not further aggravate my right achilles. I can feel it starting to talk back. I don't want to jeopardize my 10K and 1/2 marathon plan which begins in October. I also don't want to jeopardize my mobility for Food & Wine in October! And thankfully the baseball season is over for the Mets! ETA: It was actually over in June, but September makes it official.
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August miles: 17.11

Honestly, after what felt like an eternity of Not Running in the middle of this month, that's not as bad as I expected! Down a little less than 7 miles from July, but up about 6 miles from what I did in June when I first started.

Plans for September:
Get back in the groove, keep pushing my distances little by little, keep it slow and easy so I don't hurt myself and have to pause my training again. Going to make some big shifts in how I track and plan my runs and just generally get more organized about it so it's easier to pull out more data points than basic mileage at the end of the month. Want to do a beer fun run late in the month, but I've got to figure out how I'm getting to/from the event when driving's a bad idea and my housemate isn't available to give me a ride, so we'll see what happens there.
I’d be happy to send you links to a couple I stayed in before I bought a house on NOLA! They were all in the Irish Channel. CBD will be a little harder, but both Q&C (dog-friendly) and La Quinta are right by the start area.

That would be amazing! Thank you!!
I heartily endorse any and all soccer (real football!) discussion! Got a favorite in the Premier? I'm neutral (so far), but Liverpool's run in the Champion's League this year was fun to follow. Wouldn't mind seeing them do well in the EPL this season. So far, so good, but it's early!

Wow, that's amazing!

August is usually my worst month (too hot to be outside long, too boring for treadmill long). I also don't have a lot of time to run anyways, but I do walk on my morning break and lunch break at work every day. This month running was 44.58 miles, walking 114.04 miles.

Edit: After further review, I ran my best 5+ mile pace ever last night, 7.52 miles @ 1:04:59

56.64 miles were on the treadmill. Now that my kids are back in school I’ve got a routine again.
I heartily endorse any and all soccer (real football!) discussion! Got a favorite in the Premier? I'm neutral (so far), but Liverpool's run in the Champion's League this year was fun to follow. Wouldn't mind seeing them do well in the EPL this season. So far, so good, but it's early!
I don't know anything really about soccer, I mean I know the rules because I'm an expert who played from ages 8-10. ;) But the Red Sox owner owns Liverpool, too, so I guess I'm kind of a Liverpool fan? :)
ATTQOTD: It depends. Currently waiting to hear if we got financing on a travel trailer (bumper pull for you southerners). If it goes thru we are going out of town (1.5 hours away) to go see it in person and decide if we want it tomorrow. Then stop at Chipotle and Sams Club on the way home. If financing doesn't come thru then Chinese buffet and Sams Club closer to home (1 hour away). And in case @LikelyLynae sees my post, the trailer is to turn into a tiny house for grandma. :)

Sadly, still no running for me. I am hoping to start running again with a new @DopeyBadger plan in September! My back is better every day! :)

Also sadly, August miles - 19.21 :(
August Training Summary
Running duration = 19:25 hours
Running mileage = 142.5 miles
Average Pace = 8:11 min/mile (Marathon Pace + 83 seconds)
Average HR = 136 bpm (69% HRR, or about 10% lower than Marathon Pace)
Indoor Cycling duration = 11:49 hours
Indoor Cycling mileage = 259.3 miles
Average mph = 22.0 mph
Total training duration = 31:14 hours

*I have no way to know whether that indoor cycling data is accurate as it comes from a computer attached to the bike trainer. Can't use Zwift right now in my in-laws basement because of limited outlets in their unfinished basement.

Unfortunately started having an ankle issue on 8/7/18. It mostly resolved in advance of my HM on 8/18. But by mile 4/5 of the race it became noticeable again, and through a myriad of possible explanations I didn't achieve my goal of a sub-90 HM. But I settled on the idea that the race served as practice and achieved that goal. On that Tuesday (8/21), I attempted my first run back and things didn't feel right. So I moved to indoor cycling for the short term. Gave it a week and ran again the next week (8/28). Ankle felt fine, but instead I was now dealing with minimal shin splints. Tried running again on Wednesday (8/29) and it was an instant more intense pain in my shin. So I moved to another week of biking. The ankle isn't feeling great again on Thurs/Fri. Really don't enjoy the indoor cycling as much, but I'm trying my best to salvage the fitness gains ahead of the Chicago Marathon. Although, if I can't get back out there running again soon, then Chicago may not happen (but I'm looking long term, so it is what it is). My wife thinks it's all mental as I'm letting the idea of a sub-3 get to me. Although in my mind, I'd MUCH rather be running than biking regardless of race day goals. Got an appointment with a doctor next week, but I fear I already know the diagnosis. I have the opportunity to defer my entry to 2019 up until mid-September (although I don't want to do that).
August - 258 miles
Marathon in about 2 weeks. I've pretty much come to terms that it will be humid & warm & I won't be 100% with my leg strain. I decided I'll have goals A-Z than I should hit at least one :)

Seriously though I can't believe it's September tomorrow, I feel summer is just flying by.
QOTD: Today is my Friday and I'm preparing for a long weekend with having Monday off as well. With that in mind, what is everyone's plans for the upcoming weekend? Big running plans, family time, road trips?
ATTQOTD: I had a pretty busy day yesterday so I did not get a chance to post. I turned 50 yesterday and we celebrated by attending UConn football’s home opener last night. It’s great to have college football back - especially when you take off from work to tailgate. I had a great time at the game despite the outcome. Then to continue the celebration, we jumped on a plane this AM for a long weekend in So CA. We had originally booked a short trip to WDW because I have never been there for my birthday but decided not to brave the FL heat/humidity and we changed it to Disneyland instead. It’s a long way to go for a long weekend but what the heck? You only turn 50 once, right? No plans to run until we get back next week.
August Training Summary
Running duration = 19:25 hours
Running mileage = 142.5 miles
Average Pace = 8:11 min/mile (Marathon Pace + 83 seconds)
Average HR = 136 bpm (69% HRR, or about 10% lower than Marathon Pace)
Indoor Cycling duration = 11:49 hours
Indoor Cycling mileage = 259.3 miles
Average mph = 22.0 mph
Total training duration = 31:14 hours

*I have no way to know whether that indoor cycling data is accurate as it comes from a computer attached to the bike trainer. Can't use Zwift right now in my in-laws basement because of limited outlets in their unfinished basement.

Unfortunately started having an ankle issue on 8/7/18. It mostly resolved in advance of my HM on 8/18. But by mile 4/5 of the race it became noticeable again, and through a myriad of possible explanations I didn't achieve my goal of a sub-90 HM. But I settled on the idea that the race served as practice and achieved that goal. On that Tuesday (8/21), I attempted my first run back and things didn't feel right. So I moved to indoor cycling for the short term. Gave it a week and ran again the next week (8/28). Ankle felt fine, but instead I was now dealing with minimal shin splints. Tried running again on Wednesday (8/29) and it was an instant more intense pain in my shin. So I moved to another week of biking. The ankle isn't feeling great again on Thurs/Fri. Really don't enjoy the indoor cycling as much, but I'm trying my best to salvage the fitness gains ahead of the Chicago Marathon. Although, if I can't get back out there running again soon, then Chicago may not happen (but I'm looking long term, so it is what it is). My wife thinks it's all mental as I'm letting the idea of a sub-3 get to me. Although in my mind, I'd MUCH rather be running than biking regardless of race day goals. Got an appointment with a doctor next week, but I fear I already know the diagnosis. I have the opportunity to defer my entry to 2019 up until mid-September (although I don't want to do that).

What workouts are you using for your cycling? Any resistance or power intervals? Simulated climbing or anything like that?
August summary
running: 104.9 mi
tennis: 10 h

Both running and tennis down this month from last for various reasons. I was on vacation, so took a break from both. We've also had some badly-timed rain that's washed out some tennis.

But...had a wonderful time in Glacier NP at the beginning of this month! Hiked 79 miles in 7 days (35.2 h cumulative time) with 12,624 ft of elevation gain. It's a really gorgeous area! We lucked out in missing the forest fires there...the lightning strikes that caused the latest fires in the area happened in a storm less than a week after we left.
August Training Summary
Running duration = 19:25 hours
Running mileage = 142.5 miles
Average Pace = 8:11 min/mile (Marathon Pace + 83 seconds)
Average HR = 136 bpm (69% HRR, or about 10% lower than Marathon Pace)
Indoor Cycling duration = 11:49 hours
Indoor Cycling mileage = 259.3 miles
Average mph = 22.0 mph
Total training duration = 31:14 hours

*I have no way to know whether that indoor cycling data is accurate as it comes from a computer attached to the bike trainer. Can't use Zwift right now in my in-laws basement because of limited outlets in their unfinished basement.

Unfortunately started having an ankle issue on 8/7/18. It mostly resolved in advance of my HM on 8/18. But by mile 4/5 of the race it became noticeable again, and through a myriad of possible explanations I didn't achieve my goal of a sub-90 HM. But I settled on the idea that the race served as practice and achieved that goal. On that Tuesday (8/21), I attempted my first run back and things didn't feel right. So I moved to indoor cycling for the short term. Gave it a week and ran again the next week (8/28). Ankle felt fine, but instead I was now dealing with minimal shin splints. Tried running again on Wednesday (8/29) and it was an instant more intense pain in my shin. So I moved to another week of biking. The ankle isn't feeling great again on Thurs/Fri. Really don't enjoy the indoor cycling as much, but I'm trying my best to salvage the fitness gains ahead of the Chicago Marathon. Although, if I can't get back out there running again soon, then Chicago may not happen (but I'm looking long term, so it is what it is). My wife thinks it's all mental as I'm letting the idea of a sub-3 get to me. Although in my mind, I'd MUCH rather be running than biking regardless of race day goals. Got an appointment with a doctor next week, but I fear I already know the diagnosis. I have the opportunity to defer my entry to 2019 up until mid-September (although I don't want to do that).
Your data is amazing. I am amazed by your totals, your pace, and your time running. I am sorry you are having some injury issues and hope the doctor says there is nothing significant that a little rest won't solve.

ATTQOTD: I had a pretty busy day yesterday so I did not get a chance to post. I turned 50 yesterday and we celebrated by attending UConn football’s home opener last night. It’s great to have college football back - especially when you take off from work to tailgate. I had a great time at the game despite the outcome. Then to continue the celebration, we jumped on a plane this AM for a long weekend in So CA. We had originally booked a short trip to WDW because I have never been there for my birthday but decided not to brave the FL heat/humidity and we changed it to Disneyland instead. It’s a long way to go for a long weekend but what the heck? You only turn 50 once, right? No plans to run until we get back next week.
Happy Birthday and enjoy your DL trip. You only live once, so it's wonderful that you are taking advantage of the long weekend. Also, one of my former students is a physical therapist working for UConn athletics right now. Look for a lovely young lady named Sarah Parker. She is amazing.
I almost feel like it would be easier to record the time I wasn't running this month.
112 miles I think, which is a lot for me.

And me every Sunday so far...



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