The Running Thread - 2020

I know I started the year trying to be more active on this thread, but once Coronavirus hit and I had to teach from home I just haven't had the time to read through things on here as much as I'd like to. My guess is others are having similar experiences plus the races being canceled probably doesn't help.
People aren’t running or racing as much? I’ve been on two runs in the past nearly two months thanks to lockdown restrictions. I'm sure others are in similar kinds of situations. Also, now that we’ve beaten bananas, raisins in cookies, and cilantro to death, we’re kind of missing the passionate dividing issue to drive five pages of content.
I mean, I'm still running. And eating bananas (slightly still green at the ends, please), and I love oatmeal-raisin cookies, but nothing exciting is happening at all. Unless we count starting every day wondering what fresh hell I'll be facing. #MurderHornetsFTW I'm already complaining about Dopey selling out in record time in another thread, so... yeah, I'm all out of content lol!
If anyone is interested in seeing what large races could look like in the next 6-18 months, here are the guidelines published for triathlons in the US. Looks like events will be smaller with potentially fewer volunteers and aid stations, and a recommendation for no medals handed out.
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I'm officially registered for my first marathon, and with all the other things going on I'm debating whether to revisit my training schedule yet again. Original plan was to start the Galloway 29 week program from the runDisney site right after helping some friends move cross-country at the start of June (actually something like 32 weeks out to allow for a break to run a half marathon in the fall), but it's looking less and less likely we'll be able to take that trip with them--mandatory quarantine for travelers who've been out of state would force us to take an additional 2 weeks away from work upon our return and that's just not possible. It could still be lifted by then but at this point I sincerely doubt it will be.

Thinking I'll most likely start the 29 week program the weekend we were supposed to leave on the trip, since that'll allow an additional two weeks of wiggle room to take a pause if we end up being able to go out and visit them post-move sometime later in the summer.
ATTQOTD: I think Coronavirus and the lack of races has had a big impact. For me personally, and this will make me sound like a horrible employee, but when I was traveling into the office this page was one of the first things I looked at after checking my email from the day before. Now that I am at home, I walk my dog before starting my work or watch a show on my DVR. I guess getting out of that habit of checking just changed with being at home.

Has anyone else noticed the activity slowing down on this thread this year? Normally we would have a couple hundred pages by now. Any thoughts as to why?
I think even before everything got cancelled there were fewer race reports and QOTDs. I believe we could rehash the banana, raisin, and cilantro discussions.
Working from home, I have fewer meetings during which I can check the thread :)
Aw, I think I missed the cilantro discussion. Was it the soap thing? I taste soap.

I'm finally getting to run again, and trying desperately to get back in shape. I took off two and half months until late January with nasty plantar fasciitis. Now conquered. I'm just happy to be able to go outside and do stuff.
If we're looking for a discussion, this is only lightly running-related, but ... which way does the toilet paper go?

The correct answer:
View attachment 493514

Agreed. Now can you please explain the appropriateness of that orientation to my wife? The only exception being for households with cats who like to play with it.
QOTD: What would make you comfortable to start running races again?

Note: This is not meant to be controversial, but what would need to be implemented to make you (individually) feel comfortable. What makes you comfortable might not make the next person feel comfortable. Please don’t argue with someone’s personal preference. Everyone has their reason for their own feelings, right or what you might consider wrong.
If someone feels comfortable wearing a mask during the entire race, great! No need to try and persuade anyone to a different opinion. And you don’t need to justify your preference.

With marathon weekend registration opening, I’ve been trying to think about this for myself.

The starting area is the biggest concern for me. I think maybe if everyone staged with masks, that would help me feel more comfortable. Hand out masks with packet pickup?? Have extra trash cans before the first aid station so they could be disposed??
Smaller races bib pickup and expos are easier because there is not wall to wall people. For a large race, I might skip the Expo if I could. Have the bib mailed? Or at least bibs available in a large open area where people can space out?
Aid stations - single serve small bottles?

Or once more is known about the virus and better treatment options are available so the risk of me possibly passing it on won’t have as many major consequences as it seems to have right now - I might be fine with ‘return to normal-ish’.

Has anyone else noticed the activity slowing down on this thread this year? Normally we would have a couple hundred pages by now. Any thoughts as to why?

The lack of racing and QOTD I think. I'm definitely running more often during this quarantine but there isn't a lot of interest in a conversation about pounding out 6 mile runs at a slow 8:45 pace to keep my base up until races start again.

Even when we aren't posting race reports the discussion around plans is interesting.

Now that restrictions are started to be lifted I think we are about 30 days out from some race guidance and maybe plans to hold races again.

For the QOTD about when I will feel safe to race again, I'm not sure. I want to see how the new instances change with the relaxed restrictions. If we don't see big spike I would be comfortable going back to short races without water stops and with staggered start times by 4th of July. Big races and races longer than a 10k I think are done until fall.
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I'm going to try to start lurking less and posting more here:
ATTQOTD: Two things are an issue for me right now: the race start and drink stations. For me to feel comfortable racing *right now*, I'd need some kind of mandatory face covering while we are all standing around together. As for the fluid stations, I think I'd just carry my own so I don't have to worry about it. I don't love carrying fluids in a race but I'd do it. I signed up for a 10k on Labor Day but I don't drink in a race that distance so I think I'll be ok if they decide to hold the race.

As far as what would have to change for me to feel good about racing like we normally would, without face coverings and having regular fluid stations, I'm not sure. I guess I'll know it when I see it. Right now my plan is to sign up for Princess Weekend so I'm hoping we are there at that time, whatever that looks like.
QOTD: What would make you comfortable to start running races again?

Note: This is not meant to be controversial, but what would need to be implemented to make you (individually) feel comfortable. What makes you comfortable might not make the next person feel comfortable. Please don’t argue with someone’s personal preference. Everyone has their reason for their own feelings, right or what you might consider wrong.
If someone feels comfortable wearing a mask during the entire race, great! No need to try and persuade anyone to a different opinion. And you don’t need to justify your preference.
ATQOTD: There are 2 parts to this question. 1) What rules would you be comfortable/uncomfortable adhering to and 2) which lack of rules would make you uncomfortable to race.

For part 1, I am pretty much ok with all the suggestions I have seen posted throughout the interwebs regarding keeping distance, water stations, bringing your own water, and masks in the staging areas. The only requirement that would make me uncomfortable to run would be making me wear a mask for the entire race.

For part 2, I can honestly say nothing we did in the past would make me uncomfortable racing today. I probably would take it upon myself to be aware of my surroundings more and keep a distance from other runners but I pretty much do that when I race anyway. As @MissLiss279 said, I am not trying to be controversial, just my opinion: While I certainly do not want to catch the virus - or any virus for that matter, I have never felt that we should be afraid to live our lives and do our normal routine. Following good hygiene which I already did before all this and living a healthy lifestyle to strengthen the immune system for when we do catch it is the best defense to fighting the virus. I know many many people have died. I am not naive to the impact of the virus - especially where I live in the backyard of the biggest hotspot in the world. I personally know 2 people who have died from the virus - one over 75 in NYC and the other over 80 in a nursing home on Long Island. But I try to look more at the CDC guidelines and the demographic statistics they are now posting on their website and less at what pops up on media sites. The virus is awful for those in the highest risk group - especially folks over 70 years old and we must do what we can to try to protect them. But if you are not in that group, if we assess the risk to other risks we lived with everyday before covid, we really should not be afraid.
QOTD: A lot of these precautionary measures sound good but, bottom line, until we have robust testing and contact tracing, I am unlikely to feel comfortable in any large group. When all of those elements exist, I will actively consider entering a race.
ATTQOD: I think about this a lot. For me it also depends on the race. I am supposed to run Boston in Sep. It will be my first time. While I would not like to run in a face mask, if that is what i have to do for Boston, i will do it. If it were a disney race that i have done before, I would probably not run the race. Running in a face mask sounds horrible. As for Boston, if it does go, my plan is that I will basically self isolate as much as possible for the two weeks after. I am not concerned so much about getting the virus, but i am concerned about passing it along to any one. I can work from home so i would let work know i will not be in the office for two weeks. I will not go visit for my folks for two weeks. I am just not prepared to surround myself with a large number of people unless it is really important, at least not yet. If i do then i would try not to let myself be around others.

Remember folks, no bashing. i did not put on my flame retardant suit and i don't want to. It is how i feel.


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