The Running Thread - 2020

So I went all out and just bought
  • Trial pack of Huma Gels (12 samples)
  • Trial pack of Tailwind (8 samples)
  • Trial pack of Gu (19 samples)
  • Salt sticks and chews (3 samples)
No closure on socks and hydration belt. This might wait until May 25th when some stores are supposed to reopen. Keeping in mind the Nathan Trail Mix and a few socks options.
How about a super random, kind of gross (but not too gross), tangentially related to running question?

QOTD: what kind of headphones do you use, and how (and how often) do you clean them?

ATTQOTD: working from home means I’ve been using the standard headphones that came with my iPhone a lot for calls, and they’re kind of gross, I wipe off the outsides everyday, but the inside piece is tough. I’m worried about getting them wet and ruining them. Am I paranoid? Do I need to clean my ears more??

my Bluetooth headphones that I use on the treadmill have the squishy pieces that can come off so they’re a lot easier to wipe down with a damp cloth if needed.
QotD: How do you get your electrolytes on long runs and in races?

I get my electrolytes from Maurten 320, Egel and super concentrated Tailwind in a 5oz bottle.


-Maurten 320 15 min prior to starting the run (or in training I'm using SIS Beta because it's cheaper)
-Swig of concentrated Tailwind (2oz and 1 scoop) at 45 min and 1:45
-Maurten Caffeine (100mg) at 60 min
-Maurten regular at 120 min
-Egel at 1:15 and 2:15.

This gives me the following on an averaged out hourly basis:

Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 10.03.12 AM.png

The Tailwind recommended dilution is 8-12oz water per 1 scoop, but I use it at 2oz water per 1 scoop. It does not go into solution fully, but it's in solution enough that it can be consumed without much issue. Although it does pack quite the punch. On a per oz basis, it is 150mg sodium and 44mg potassium. For comparison, normal Gatorade is 13.5 mg sodium and 3.7 mg potassium per oz. So my drink is about 10x more concentrated per oz than Gatorade.

I drink 3-6oz of water per Disney aid station in addition to this.

QOTD: what kind of headphones do you use, and how (and how often) do you clean them?

Don't know the brand, but they're over the ear style. I removed the "ear piece insert" on them because almost all styles bother my ears. I also use an iPod shuffle, so no bluetooth headphones for me. I don't clean them.
ATTQOTD headphones: I do not use headphones while running in general. Even when working from home, I use the speaker.

DH and DD sometimes use Apple Airpods (not the Pros with removable piece) when running on a nice day. They wipe them down and then remove anything visible gently with a toothpick is necessary.
ATTQOTD: I wear Trekz Air when I run and don’t do anything to clean them other than drying them off post-run if they’re wet. They don’t have any absorbent materials and sit outside the ear, so there’s not much to really gunk up.
ATTQOTD Headphone/Earbud Hygiene: I use both the Jabra Elite Active 65t and Soundcore Spirit X. Typically clean them with Q-tips or cotton swabs dampened with 70% IPA. Depending on just how dirty they are, easy enough to use the other tip or another swab as needed. Clean at least once a month, more often as needed though, especially in the summer. Do same thing just with a makeup cotton pad for wiping down my over ear gaming headphones, both on the outside and inside, though don't need to clean those as frequently.
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ATTQOTD: I wear Beats Pro True Wireless headphones when I run. I have a really hard time fitting in-ear headphones and keeping them in without them being painful. These I can wear for hours comfortably and they don't budge. The over-ear hook helps keep them on when I'm really moving.

I also got a pair of wireless Galaxy Buds+ with my last phone and they seem to work well during short runs, but get a little uncomfortable if I wear them for more than an hour or so.

As for cleaning, I tend to have a lot of wax in my ears (TMI sorry) so I at least pop off the ear piece and clean it with water and a paper towel or q-tip after wearing.
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QOTD: what kind of headphones do you use, and how (and how often) do you clean them?

I don’t normally wear headphones when working out. For our group rides on Zwift, though, we’ve started adding Zoom which means I’ve had to break mine out. I alternate between Apple AirPods and Creative Outlier Air. Both are wireless, provide good sound clarity over the noise of the fans, and stay put when wet.
Thanks for the recommendations on electrolytes, everyone! It looks like it boils down to needing to read labels and do math (hrrgh) and figure out what works for me, maybe try a few new products.

ATTQOTD: I wear Trekz Air when I run and don’t do anything to clean them other than drying them off post-run if they’re wet. They don’t have any absorbent materials and sit outside the ear, so there’s not much to really gunk up.
Same. I feel like I probably should be more active about wiping them down, but since they're not made to be submerged they don't get the same post-run dunk in running water that my Garmin watch does (and hoo boy the watch needs it).
Catching up on some QOTD's:

Socks: I love Balegas (Hidden comfort) - yes they are pricey, but they will last - I have had some pairs for almost 3 years now. Never had a blister and never lost a toenail (knock on wood).

Hydration: I used a Nathan handheld for about a year, but decided I'd rather have my hands free, so I now use a 2-bottle belt by Fitletic, which has served me well over the last 4 years. I also just ordered a Salomon hydration vest that hasn't shipped yet (happy mothers day to me). I bought the vest because I'm getting into more trail running, so I'll need to carry more stuff and more water.

Fuel/electrolytes: Fortunately I am able to tolerate pretty much any Powerade/Gatorade, but I also use Huma or Honey Stinger gels - I really like the Acai pomagranite flavor of the Honey Stingers.

Earbuds: I use Apple AirPods and try to remember to clean them once every 2 weeks.
WOW, I take a few days off and you guys get chatty, lol! I lost all my quotes, so...

Return to racing: I think I need more data. More science. More understanding of how it really spreads. I am considered very high risk based on previous complications from flu, AND I can't get the flu shot thanks to previous adverse reactions. So I'm well-versed in all the hand-washing, not touching your face, social distancing things we're all doing now: I do most of them every race. I wasn't as strict about it during 2019 Marathon Weekend as I usually am, or should be, and I got really sick. So part of me is more fearful now, and part of me thinks I just didn't do as much as I could have to protect myself, and I won't make that mistake again. If doing all I normally would do to prevent flu is shown to also work against COVID, I'll feel better. I agree with others that the corrals are what worry me most. I like to start from the back of my corral, which is helpful, but in the past, I was "encouraged" by volunteers to get up into the big group of people instead of hanging back some feet away. I imagine that won't happen again for a while, so IDK - maybe that will be okay, too. I don't have a race scheduled until W&D and I feel like by then I'll have more info to work with to decide if it feels okay or not. I doubt any rules from race directors will influence me, TBH: it'll ultimately be a personal decision.

Hydration: I can't use belts - just too uncomfortable. For years I've used a 12oz handheld bottle and refilled it in races at water tables, and in training at public water fountains. With COVID-19 on the scene, I'm not comfortable using public fountains anymore, so I invested in a couple hydration vests: an Ultimate Direction Race Vesta and a CamelBak Circuit. I've used both a couple times and LOVE carrying fluids that way instead of a handheld bottle! I have found that I prefer using the soft bottles in front vs. a reservoir in back: I feel better balanced that way, and the weight of a reservoir in back made my back ache (I have scoliosis, so YMMV.) Both are super comfortable - no chafing, no bouncing, no pinching. I think I'll probably go that route for future races for a while, too, and avoid altogether water stations that may spread germs.

Electrolytes: I live in FL and run outdoors all through summer, so I use a LOT of electrolytes. My stomach can tolerate almost anything, but I like the convenience of Nuun tabs. For distances longer than around 10-12 miles, I also use Tailwind - sometimes on its own, sometimes in addition to Nuun, depending on weather.

Earbuds: still rocking the YurBuds I got on sale years ago, lol! Nothing else is as comfortable, and IDK what I'll do if the three pairs I have ever die. Apparently sweat + hair product and/or + sunscreen makes the YurBud covers slippery and after around 5 wears, they stop sticking in my ears properly, so I pull off the covers and wash them with warm water and dish soap, air dry, and I'm good to go again.
How about a super random, kind of gross (but not too gross), tangentially related to running question?

QOTD: what kind of headphones do you use, and how (and how often) do you clean them?

The earbuds that I use for running are Alterola IE600 TWS from Amazon. I got them for Christmas 2018 and they are still working with no problems; I usually wear them for 3 - 4 runs per week. They are completely wireless. Usually I just wear one so that I can hear my surroundings better. They have excellent battery life.

I have worn them in the rain and when I was sweating profusely in the summer and they have never had problems. The only thing to watch out for in the rain is that eventually your ear gets slippery and the earbuds can loosen.

To be honest, I've never cleaned them. But they've never looked dirty. No signs of ear wax, etc. I'm the only one who uses them.

Electrolytes: I like getting the sugar from Maurten gels, and the salt from SaltStick chews. It seems to me the Maurten is legit as far as not having to worry about timing water with the gels. I sweat out a lot of salt, so the salt chews do the trick for me.

A couple years ago I was training heavy while maintaining a Whole30 compliant diet, which is difficult with the lack of grains, so I was using pitted dates that I would dump some of sea salt on and carry in a ziplock snack bag. Gotta be honest, for an all natural approach, it really did the trick! I was pleasantly surprised.

Earbuds: I have the Aftershokz Treks Air, and I will never go back. Just terrific...

And I think I'll go wipe them off because cleaning them doesn't occur to me after a run.😳
One of my friends takes them out of the packaging and carries them in a small ziploc baggie for just this reason. He also finds that makes it easier to follow his routine of eating one every 20 minutes.

Thanks. Why didn’t I think of that? Especially when I have put Tailwind in baggies.... duh!
ATTQOTD: I just use my Airbuds for my iPhone. I only wear one at a time so that I have good awareness of my surroundings. Not that I am running long enough yet but one at a time also really extends the sound time. I do wear ear wraps that secure the buds in place. If it is really bad weather I just wear my old wired earphones.
If we're looking for a discussion, this is only lightly running-related, but ... which way does the toilet paper go?

The correct answer:
View attachment 493514

Doesn’t matter to me. If I sit down and there is some there it’s a win. 7 kids in the house and they don’t believe in putting a new one out, ever.
QOTD: What would make you comfortable to start running races again?

Note: This is not meant to be controversial, but what would need to be implemented to make you (individually) feel comfortable. What makes you comfortable might not make the next person feel comfortable. Please don’t argue with someone’s personal preference. Everyone has their reason for their own feelings, right or what you might consider wrong.
If someone feels comfortable wearing a mask during the entire race, great! No need to try and persuade anyone to a different opinion. And you don’t need to justify your preference.

With marathon weekend registration opening, I’ve been trying to think about this for myself.

The starting area is the biggest concern for me. I think maybe if everyone staged with masks, that would help me feel more comfortable. Hand out masks with packet pickup?? Have extra trash cans before the first aid station so they could be disposed??
Smaller races bib pickup and expos are easier because there is not wall to wall people. For a large race, I might skip the Expo if I could. Have the bib mailed? Or at least bibs available in a large open area where people can space out?
Aid stations - single serve small bottles?

Or once more is known about the virus and better treatment options are available so the risk of me possibly passing it on won’t have as many major consequences as it seems to have right now - I might be fine with ‘return to normal-ish’.

I’m dying to run a race this year. I haven’t raced since October of 2018. But, I’m sitting back and seeing how it all plays out before I sign up for anything.
Great question. I don't actually know yet. I still want to learn more about COVID19's characteristics. I feel like we're still in the early days of understanding what we're even dealing with so I'm not sure I have enough information at this point to know how I would want to see things operate differently. So until I satisfy that desire for information, I probably won't sign up for anything. I was planning on doing Princess Weekend 2021, but at this moment in time I've scrapped those plans. I'm perfectly content at this time just racing time trials against my past self.

Agreed. We have no idea what’s going to happen with this. You can’t trust the gov’t or the media as everyone is posturing for the election. We are going to see at least one more big spike in the fall/winter and now there is some new virus that’s impacting kids. It feels like we are in the early stages of knowing what’s going on.

Thankfully I’m an introvert so I have little problem with a lot of the current rules. I’m enjoying not having cramped isles in the supermarket, etc...
How about a super random, kind of gross (but not too gross), tangentially related to running question?

QOTD: what kind of headphones do you use, and how (and how often) do you clean them?

ATTQOTD: working from home means I’ve been using the standard headphones that came with my iPhone a lot for calls, and they’re kind of gross, I wipe off the outsides everyday, but the inside piece is tough. I’m worried about getting them wet and ruining them. Am I paranoid? Do I need to clean my ears more??

my Bluetooth headphones that I use on the treadmill have the squishy pieces that can come off so they’re a lot easier to wipe down with a damp cloth if needed.

I have used, and loved the Plantronics Back Beat Fiit but they don’t make them anymore. I have Bose wireless but they aren’t comfortable to run with. The sound is great but they bother me. Now I’m using Aftershokz. Much more comfortable. I don’t really need to clean them as they don’t go in the ears. I just wipe the sweat off after my runs.
How lovely that someone asks why there has been little activity and the thread comes to life!

Answers to the questions I missed:
Hydration: Unless it is hot, I am fine for about an hour. I used a small handheld Nathan's quick shot last summer and refilled at water fountains along the way. I will need to rethink that! A few weeks ago it warmed up 15 degrees while I was out (and I overestimated what I needed to wear) so I called and my husband put a cup of water out on the front porch. I think this may be my future.

Nutrition: I am not a marathoner, but a very slow half marathoner. I auditioned GU, cliff shots, cliff blocks, sport beans, honey stinger chews, and whatever else they had on sale at my local running shop. While my stomach can handle all of these, I hated the all gels, found the margarita blocks were great but left my mouth and teeth sticky and frustrating, beans were ok but I dropped them easily, so I stuck with the caffeinated stinger chews (preferably cherry). I do not need much other than this and water for 3ish hours.

Return to running: Not much in store until 2021. I am not sure when this will be comfortable, but I anticipate we will all start doing things before we are 'comfortable.' Diagnostic tests are still hard to come by in my area, cases are declining but deaths are not, and I have limited faith in antigen tests currently available. If the later were available and reliable, and there were a determination that there was some sort of conferred immunity, and I could get a test I would be more comfortable racing or traveling for work. I think that is more likely than a vaccine, but a way off. As my experience with positive titer test did not prove to confer immunity, I may still have lingering doubt with antigen testing even if math were in the right. There were only 4 races on my plan for 2020, one postponed, one cancelled, 2 TBD. I will not do the postponed as the half as it requires a bus to the start. I would consider the 10K option as it is an out and back. Like many, I am concerned with how they could modify crowding at the start, and if the field can be more spread out. Much will change in the next few months, lots of questions will need to be answered before the family makes a trip for W&D (which I have a hard time seeing happen).

Headphones: I use my aftershokz for both running and for work calls (hands free and I can still hear my kids before they really hurt one another) and wipe them down with IPA when I think about it. I have a pair of cheap wired earbuds I use as a back up for when I forget to charge the wireless ones and DH is in charge of the kids during meetings. I also used these for winter running on a closed course as I found they kept my ears warmer than the aftershokz in the wind. Grossly, I remember to clean these when I see ear wax in them. In summary, I am disgusting and maybe you should not trust my personal hygiene if we are standing in the start corral and you are concerned I could be contagious.
I currently use Aftershokz and really like them. I just wipe them down after a run and that's it. Again they don't go in your ears so not issue there. I use them for conference calls occasionally as well but mainly I don't need to plug in as I don't have other distractions in the background.

In term of when I would feel comfortable racing again, I am not sure. My opinion is definitely skewed by where I live. I had a race in June get canceled. They are looking to see if they can hold it in the fall or make it virtual. It was only $19 so I am not overly concerned about that one. But I would definitely want the ability to spread out. I would be okay wearing a mask in the corrals, but would not want to run in one. I would probably pass on any after race offers and just get my medal and leave. But I will probably wait until more testing is done and more is known about asymptomatic people. We got an email from our gym this week about what they are doing when they reopen. They are going to limit attendance, every other machine, ask people to wash hands upon entering and leaving, etc. However, I told DH that I prefer to just avoid the gym until later this fall. We can run outside for the time being. I am not that concerned about catching it, but I also don't feel we need to go to the gym right now and don't want to deal with all of that.

I am very curious to see what happens with the Boston marathon. MA is currently still in a state of safe at home and limited plans have been released for reopening (apparently Monday we will get more answers). My office is saying maybe August, but we aren't even sure about that. I am just not sure the marathon could happen, having spectated that race many times and it is very crowded. I am hoping for all those planning to run that it does happen in some capacity, but the city of Boston is begin very strict about everything - canceled everything through Labor Day so far. Thinking good thoughts for all those waiting.
Answers to some of the previous questions

Return to Running events: I don't think it will come to me feeling "comfortable" to race, as I can't see, a situation, even with a vaccine,where everything feels safe and risk-free. When I return to racing, I think it will be more likely a pragmatic approach that the the risk is as low as it can be. Just as I accept an element of risk every time I go to work or go to the supermarket. At the moment, if racing opened up today, I would feel hesistant without more knowledge regarding spread especially in asymptomatic carriers. I can't run in a mask (it makes me feel too claustrophobic) so I couldn't run in a race where masks were expected to be worn while running. I probably would be happier with shorter distances where I could skip water stations. As a slower runner, I usually find after the initial funneling, there's usually enough space between me and other runners so my main concern would be the crowding at start and finish, and water stations.

Nutrition: I have a sensitive stomach so some gels haven't agreed with me. I currently use S.I.S (science in sport) as they don't need to be taken with water and so far, seem to be OK with my stomach. I quite like jelly beans too but often struggle with not dropping them (or getting sticky hands).

Headphones: Mine are Otium earphones. I mainly got them because they were affordable, bluetooth earphones on Amazon. I sometimes wipe the earpieces, but admittedly not after each use. I once left them in a pocket of my running jacket and they accidentally ended up getting a spin in my washing machine. They were fine so I no longer worry about getting them wet!


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