The Running Thread--2024

I doubt in Vegas, but here you can pick them up in grocery stores in my town so you could probably have them sent to your hotel and throw one in a running back pack, as insurance
I have no clue what this is but I am googling it and adding it a shopping cart now.....šŸ¤£

Thank you so much @jennamfeo this is good to know. I read that the Mt. Charleston half was split in two--the first 6 miles are downhill and the last 7 miles are flat. It sounds like that is not accurate then? I will definitely have to check out the course previews if I can--thanks so much @Marebear_runs !

Aside from the soreness after, I am actually a little more worried about the altitude adjustment. I am coming from Michigan and we are flying into Vegas Thursday night and staying in a hotel in Vegas. The race is Saturday morning and since it's the half, I am just praying that I won't be too severely impacted by the altitude and change in elevation. šŸ™
Oop, found my race report about it. It did flatten out around mile 8.
Help me wise runners! As I mentioned in the MW 2024 thread, I have a toenail (big toe) on life support. I made it through the marathon with it in tact barely, the rain did me no favors. Well last night in bed I bumped it with my other foot and it started draining. So this morning after my shower I was inspecting it and it is completely lifting off, it wiggles like a loose tooth.

I assume I want it to fall off naturally, how long has that taken if youā€™ve experienced it? Any impact to your running once itā€™s gone? I mean Iā€™m not planning on running for another week and a half but this is all new to me! Not a club I wanted to join. TIA!
Help me wise runners! As I mentioned in the MW 2024 thread, I have a toenail (big toe) on life support. I made it through the marathon with it in tact barely, the rain did me no favors. Well last night in bed I bumped it with my other foot and it started draining. So this morning after my shower I was inspecting it and it is completely lifting off, it wiggles like a loose tooth.

I assume I want it to fall off naturally, how long has that taken if youā€™ve experienced it? Any impact to your running once itā€™s gone? I mean Iā€™m not planning on running for another week and a half but this is all new to me! Not a club I wanted to join. TIA!
Lol welcome šŸ˜… I have lost several toenails, though usually only once a new one has started to grow in (so have never been completely without a toenail). That being said, I've never had any issues with running on them either before or after the nail fell off. They only hurt when my 85-pound dog steps on them šŸ¤£
Help me wise runners! As I mentioned in the MW 2024 thread, I have a toenail (big toe) on life support. I made it through the marathon with it in tact barely, the rain did me no favors. Well last night in bed I bumped it with my other foot and it started draining. So this morning after my shower I was inspecting it and it is completely lifting off, it wiggles like a loose tooth.

I assume I want it to fall off naturally, how long has that taken if youā€™ve experienced it? Any impact to your running once itā€™s gone? I mean Iā€™m not planning on running for another week and a half but this is all new to me! Not a club I wanted to join. TIA!
I've had this happen, and it just fell off on its own. Didn't bother me one bit once it was gone. Put a bandaid over it if you want to help it last a bit longer, or after it falls off if it is irritated still. The growing back process took FOREVER, which was far more annoying to me.
Oop, found my race report about it. It did flatten out around mile 8.
Thank you so much for sharing your race report--I loved it! You ran such a great race and I am sorry you didn't get your sub two, despite running such a strong performance. I really appreciate the never know what race day holds!
I don't have official resolutions but some goals.

Stop drinking diet soda šŸ˜­
I'm in the same boat, but it's currently stuck in the river of denial. Cherry Coke Zero is fine, really. I only have a few cans a week - 8 max! Please don't make me give up Cherry Coke again šŸ˜¢
Today has been so hard. I woke up super tired and then my depression started to kick in mid-morning - ugh! By the afternoon I really - really- wanted to reach for a can of Cherry Coke Zero. But I was strong! It helps I didn't have any in the house and I was NOT about to go out in the rain.
I assume I want it to fall off naturally, how long has that taken if youā€™ve experienced it? Any impact to your running once itā€™s gone? I mean Iā€™m not planning on running for another week and a half but this is all new to me! Not a club I wanted to join. TIA!

HA! Yes welcome to the ugly toe club. Sitting watching the news this morning my DW looked over and told me to start wearing socks in the house because she can't stand to look at my big toe which was in bad shape after my last long run in training and shockingly did not get better this weekend after the marathon. First time I have had one that's been completely black but isn't loose. In the past I have helped the process along when it was loose and covered it with a gauze/tape or Band-Aid when needed. No issues other than appearance.
HA! Yes welcome to the ugly toe club. Sitting watching the news this morning my DW looked over and told me to start wearing socks in the house because she can't stand to look at my big toe which was in bad shape after my last long run in training and shockingly did not get better this weekend after the marathon. First time I have had one that's been completely black but isn't loose. In the past I have helped the process along when it was loose and covered it with a gauze/tape or Band-Aid when needed. No issues other than appearance.
This makes me laugh! When I wiggled my nail today my husband got very green. He had me cover it with a band-aid šŸ˜†.
Help me wise runners! As I mentioned in the MW 2024 thread, I have a toenail (big toe) on life support. I made it through the marathon with it in tact barely, the rain did me no favors. Well last night in bed I bumped it with my other foot and it started draining. So this morning after my shower I was inspecting it and it is completely lifting off, it wiggles like a loose tooth.

I assume I want it to fall off naturally, how long has that taken if youā€™ve experienced it? Any impact to your running once itā€™s gone? I mean Iā€™m not planning on running for another week and a half but this is all new to me! Not a club I wanted to join. TIA!
Please avoid reading if too much details!

I lost one toenail per marathon in 2023.

Both times:
- I knew it was in trouble during the run
- The toe itself was swollen for a few days after the race, thus cutting the blood flow to the nail bed
- I thought it was ok for almost two months
- I walked in sandals and the nail was lifting but still attached at the bottom
- I asked if it was possible to superglue itā€¦ no
- I cut the nail to a sliver, the exposed part take a little time to harden and is a bit tender at the beginning
- It eventually fell for good.

No impact on running except when toe is swollen, which is when the Marathon recovery takes place.

I do not put toenail polish in general to prevent not realizing that my nails are long, and obviously I would not put any on the recovering skin.

Good luck!
Please avoid reading if too much details!

I lost one toenail per marathon in 2023.

Both times:
- I knew it was in trouble during the run
- The toe itself was swollen for a few days after the race, thus cutting the blood flow to the nail bed
- I thought it was ok for almost two months
- I walked in sandals and the nail was lifting but still attached at the bottom
- I asked if it was possible to superglue itā€¦ no
- I cut the nail to a sliver, the exposed part take a little time to harden and is a bit tender at the beginning
- It eventually fell for good.

No impact on running except when toe is swollen, which is when the Marathon recovery takes place.

I do not put toenail polish in general to prevent not realizing that my nails are long, and obviously I would not put any on the recovering skin.

Good luck!
I appreciate the details! This initially happened back in October and I too thought I was good. After the 10k this weekend, it split across the bottom. Boo! That is when it started to really lift. it Luckily isnā€™t causing me pain now, aside from last night when I bumped it. I think Iā€™ll need to start clipping it to see what Iā€™m dealing with. So glad to be reading itā€™s not impacting peopleā€™s running.
So todays lesson my running peeps is to always check beyond running the USA for options. Because I just had an ad for a 1/2 that I missed its existence prior that works even better than the other 1/2. Now the question is how rolly is this thing and do they take chairs because if it isnā€™t too bad on the former and takes chairs than Im really glad I havenā€™t registered for that other race right now
Follow up realized I know this trail. Which seems great at first because familiar route but in their means I also know the problem. Because I train on Saturdays with my Achilles group.

And because I know the route I also know it is hilly. Too hilly to be going for a time slot on unfortunately. Iā€™ve never gone into the part that the race enters from but I know from friends itā€™s steep and while my upper arm strength is getting better there are still section Iā€™ve been on I openly struggle with. Let alone go for a time with.


But this has given me the motivation to see if there are other races I missed. Back to the drawing board of looking for other local races at the end of March. The other race is still the choice if I canā€™t find anything else
Also I swear not being able to do dirt paths with my chair is going to be the bane of my existence when it comes to finding races. I thought I had found a new one. Looked great, the video was showing paved route and then boom surprise grass field. šŸ˜–

Currently staring at the OKC Memorial Race elevation chart trying to figure out if this race is doable or not. Because allowing a wheelchair and being able to go fast are two different things

Definitely leaning towards OKC at this point. The good thing is Iā€™ll have time to pick my fellow racers brains if any of them have raced OKC on wheels this weekend
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