The What's For Dinner Thread - August '09(recipe index in OP)

Bathing suits :headache: I think I am solely responsible for the summer that was not, I finally broke down and shopped for bathing suits. And early in the year too. Who knew I was really sealing the deal that it would rain 6 out of every 7 day here in NE!

I love KFC! I am totally addicted to fast food, I love it! I am one of those folks who need to not have it because it is worse than chocolate for me. Kady will share two french Fries with me, I would eat them all and order more if I had my way!

I saw on FB that she has started her own cooking forum on another message board.

The sun is out today :yay::yay::yay: Add that to Nola pounding away at one of the butterflies that are supposed to go on her little pool and I am :goodvibes Rattles and squealling make me happy!

My sister is supposed to come for lunch today to go over what I came up with for her Disney trip in September. I hope that she still comes by, she had to bring her little Daisy to the vet and I don't think she made it. She lost Riley last week so it is a rough time for her. Daisy is almost 19 and Riley was around 13 so they are longtime friends :sad1:

It is STILL raining that much up there? :headache: I saw that parts of Philly were flooding from all the rain. :sad2:

:woohoo: I'm not the only fast food addict on this board! :lmao: I LOVE fast food too. It's like comfort food to me...I'd rather eat at *some* fast food places than some fancy schmancy place - I'm not comfortable at those places. KFC is good, but other chicken places are better (at least around here)....I like KFC's biscuits....hmmmm now I want one.

I think today is the last Monday that McDonald's is giving out free mochas. I don't know if this is a local thing or not.

I saw that note on FB about the other message board too. I wonder how it's going for her.

Yay for the sun! :sunny: And :hug: for your friend.
Bethany- I forgot about the Mocha Mondays! Marisa told me and I was planning to go one day.

We did not break the all time record for wet July's that was set in 1938. It was off by some minuscule amount but that measurement was taken at Bradley. If the measurement was up here over the mountain I believe it would have sent that record crashing. 3 inches here the other day.

We have a nice week forecast, I hope it happens. It is too late for a lot of our area farmers, the rain has ruined their crops. Tomatoes are not doing well, they are rotting on the vines. Potatoes have a nasty virus and that spread to other crops.

We had to have the insurance man come and give us permission to harrow our plants under. He is a corn guy in Mass, he told us that the corn is okay but that because of the market folks are picking it too young before the flavor is developed. He also said that there are four viruses going around that are attacking plants, ours included, and he thinks that they are all weather related.

Buddy harrowed our field under in Saturday. :sad2: This is the second year we lose a crop. I never thought that I would see the day that I was grateful to put a plant out of it's misery but I reached that point. We visited farmers and they look like they are 110 years old this year. I don;t think that Buddy has really processed it yet, he was lost yesterday, this is when we are usually gearing up to take this crop in.
You know if we could make mirrors that make you look like Jennifer Aniston or someone like that we could all retire. Maybe if we served a few glasses of wine before people try on the suits :idea::rotfl2:

You know, maybe you are onto something. I couldn't invent anything like that kind of mirror, but I bet if we served lots of wine, we could sell the heck out of some bathing suits. ;)

Hello all.

My DN used to do thing like that all the time, but with her she would go to use the bathroom and come out nude.

Hailey does sort of the reverse of that. She is still at the stage where she doesn't want to quit what she is doing to go to the bathroom, so she when she makes a run for it, she is always mooning everyone on the way. :laughing: We're working on that since it's sort of ok now, but I don't think it will be nearly as cute when she's 16. :lmao:

We had pancakes and bacon for dinner. I threw blueberries in mine, DH likes them plain :confused3 He decided at 645pm to mow the lawn. :rolleyes: So, by the time he finished it was after 8pm and I didn't want to mess with the grill so I went with easy!

Aimee, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pancakes. With blueberries - well, even better. But that is one of the things I just cannot cook. I have yet to make a pancake that was edible. That is why IHOP is one of my guilty pleasures. Not that I can convince Kenny to go but once every couple of years.

The sun is out today :yay::yay::yay: Add that to Nola pounding away at one of the butterflies that are supposed to go on her little pool and I am :goodvibes Rattles and squealling make me happy!

I love those happy baby noises too! It's a shame you can't slow time down and keep her small, those days go by so fast.

I'm so sorry for your sister losing her furbabies. And bless her heart, losing one right after the other.

Today is Patrick's 14th birthday! He survived another year without us killing him so in celebration we are having ice cream cake after dinner. I'm making chicken pilau which is one of his favorites and he doesn't have to eat any of the lima beans since he is the birthday boy. Tomorrow though, all bets are off.
Hi Girls,

It is so nice to see the sunshine.

I will be back later today to catch up. I am going to do some errands and then swing by my parents house to take out the trash cans for Dad.

WFD- lamb chops, baked sweet potatoes, and corn on the cob.
I've wondered this also Lauren. :confused3

I thought Vicki said "pool boy".......:rotfl2:

Then, we pack up the family and the tent/trailer, and leave for a week long family reunion. I'm not sure what the meal plans will be while there, but it will involve a traveling smoker and a night of fish.

Sounds like the kids are having one exciting summer!

Today is Patrick's 14th birthday!

Happy Birthday Patrick!!!!!!!

Got a busy day today, hospital then dentist appointment.....:headache:

WFD - Red beans & rice and grilled chicken sausages.
Nancy -- Enjoy your day with happy little Nola! I thought of you and Buddy the other day because there was an article in the paper about all the problems farmers are dealing with this year. Late blight is affecting tomatoes and potatoes here. I'm sorry you lost your crop. I hope your sister does come to visit. There is nothing like Disney planning to cheer a person up. Oh, and your scallop dish really sounded good.

Gretchen -- Happy Birthday to Patrick!

Lauren -- I'm glad the camp looked so nice. Liam would probably love to do that some year. I'm not ready for sleep-away camp yet though. I don't think he is either.

This week, Liam is doing gymnastics camp. I think dinner is going to be pasta fresca. Liam has been asking for pasta for a week.
I saw on FB that she has started her own cooking forum on another message board.

Thanks :goodvibes

Buddy harrowed our field under in Saturday. :sad2: This is the second year we lose a crop. I never thought that I would see the day that I was grateful to put a plant out of it's misery but I reached that point. We visited farmers and they look like they are 110 years old this year. I don;t think that Buddy has really processed it yet, he was lost yesterday, this is when we are usually gearing up to take this crop in.


Today is Patrick's 14th birthday! He survived another year without us killing him so in celebration we are having ice cream cake after dinner. I'm making chicken pilau which is one of his favorites and he doesn't have to eat any of the lima beans since he is the birthday boy. Tomorrow though, all bets are off.

Happy birthday, Patrick! :cheer2:

Today is our anniversary so we're going to Texas de Brazil for dinner. Let's hope I can eat some of that meat!
Hey y'all!

Sorry I didn't post this weekend! I didn't get to tell Maria Bon Voyage!

Saturday was a blah day, I wasn't feeling great, probably from overdoing it on Friday. Yesterday I made it to church & out to lunch with the family. I was happy to be out & get to see all my girls, Alexis, Angelina & Chris. Although lunch was a fiasco, we ended up at Chili's because we couldn't make a decision. We had awful service but it was still good to be out.

I'm drooling over all the beautiful food pics! Becky & Laura's on our last thread! :thumbsup2

Nancy's here! :thumbsup2

You know, maybe you are onto something. I couldn't invent anything like that kind of mirror, but I bet if we served lots of wine, we could sell the heck out of some bathing suits. ;)

Hailey does sort of the reverse of that. She is still at the stage where she doesn't want to quit what she is doing to go to the bathroom, so she when she makes a run for it, she is always mooning everyone on the way. :laughing: We're working on that since it's sort of ok now, but I don't think it will be nearly as cute when she's 16. :lmao:

Aimee, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pancakes. With blueberries - well, even better. But that is one of the things I just cannot cook. I have yet to make a pancake that was edible. That is why IHOP is one of my guilty pleasures. Not that I can convince Kenny to go but once every couple of years.

Today is Patrick's 14th birthday! He survived another year without us killing him so in celebration we are having ice cream cake after dinner. I'm making chicken pilau which is one of his favorites and he doesn't have to eat any of the lima beans since he is the birthday boy. Tomorrow though, all bets are off.

You have had me cracking up :rotfl2: ! I can just picture Hailey standing there in all her glory!

Happy Birthday to Patrick. I doubt he realizes just how lucky he is to have made it to 14! ;)

I did finally cook something this weekend. Blueberry pancake cravings must have been going around. Bob was quite happy.

Nancy, That scampi looked so good! I might do that for dinner, I have some frozen scallops in the freezer. I'm so glad you get to have Nola at this age, it's a blessing to get to see them doing new things every day.

Glynis, Darn I had the Julie & Julia book in my hand during my pre-surgery book shopping and I put it back! :confused3 I don't know why I did that!

Lauren, I'm glad Andrew's camp looks so nice. I think that is a good price. Chris is paying that much for 2 weeks of day camp. 9-3 everday, no food included!

We've been having lots of rain down here, but I do see sun out there today.

I do think Vicki probably meant POOL BOY! :lmao: but with our Dear Scottish friend & her slang who knows! Maybe we are really missing out on something!:laughing:

I did see on FB that Lindsay started her own WFD website.

I forgot to say that I'm continuing to pray for:

Gretchen's Dad, Lauri's MIL, Kathy's SisIL and all our guys in the military
Today is our anniversary so we're going to Texas de Brazil for dinner. Let's hope I can eat some of that meat!


I hope y'all have a nice evening & that you feel good enough to eat lot's of meat!
Thanks for the tips! I didn't end up making it tonight, so I'll have to freeze my shrimp and make it later this week.

We had pancakes and bacon for dinner. I threw blueberries in mine, DH likes them plain :confused3 He decided at 645pm to mow the lawn. :rolleyes: So, by the time he finished it was after 8pm and I didn't want to mess with the grill so I went with easy!

Anyone heard from Lindsay in awhile? I wondered how her MIL is doing.

I'm not sure exactly how Lindsay's MIL is doing, but I know they are looking for a blood marrow donor for her. Lindsay's DH was all set to donate, but after testing they found out he's not a match. Otherwise, Lindsay's doing pretty well.
Bethany- I forgot about the Mocha Mondays! Marisa told me and I was planning to go one day.

We did not break the all time record for wet July's that was set in 1938. It was off by some minuscule amount but that measurement was taken at Bradley. If the measurement was up here over the mountain I believe it would have sent that record crashing. 3 inches here the other day.

We have a nice week forecast, I hope it happens. It is too late for a lot of our area farmers, the rain has ruined their crops. Tomatoes are not doing well, they are rotting on the vines. Potatoes have a nasty virus and that spread to other crops.

We had to have the insurance man come and give us permission to harrow our plants under. He is a corn guy in Mass, he told us that the corn is okay but that because of the market folks are picking it too young before the flavor is developed. He also said that there are four viruses going around that are attacking plants, ours included, and he thinks that they are all weather related.

Buddy harrowed our field under in Saturday. :sad2: This is the second year we lose a crop. I never thought that I would see the day that I was grateful to put a plant out of it's misery but I reached that point. We visited farmers and they look like they are 110 years old this year. I don;t think that Buddy has really processed it yet, he was lost yesterday, this is when we are usually gearing up to take this crop in.

I'm so sorry, Nancy! I know this must be hard for Buddy, and for you, too!:hug:
Aimee, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pancakes. With blueberries - well, even better. But that is one of the things I just cannot cook. I have yet to make a pancake that was edible. That is why IHOP is one of my guilty pleasures. Not that I can convince Kenny to go but once every couple of years.

Come spend Christmas with us! On Christmas Eve morning, we always go to IHOP for brunch. It's the one time that Alan will go, and the kids look forward to it all year long!
Sounds like the kids are having one exciting summer!

Oh, they are! I, however, am looking forward to the 20th of this month when they go back to school, and I can breathe again!
Have I mentioned lately that Jacob is my favorite child??? Not really, but he is my checkbook's favorite! We went through all his clothes, and he has enough shirts to last him through this school year, enough socks, and he only needs one pair of pants. What a guy! Of course, it means he's not growing as fast as he probably should, but in this economy, I'll take it!

We're not so lucky with Katie. She needs EVERYTHING!!! She hit a major growth spurt, and all her shirts are too short and too tight. Same with the pants. It should be interesting to see how much it costs to outfit her for jr. high. I'm really hoping that she is done growing for a while. She's as tall as I am now, which is really freaking me out! Where did my baby go?

Dinner tonight will be a rotisserie chicken ragout. I got the recipe from a magazine I found at my dad's house last month. I hope it's good. It calls for yellow squash and zucchini, and since my garden is over producing both of those, it will be good to use some of it up. I'll let y'all know if it's any good!

By the way, how does everyone feel about TNFNS?? I'm thrilled!!!!!
Oh, they are! I, however, am looking forward to the 20th of this month when they go back to school, and I can breathe again!

O my Glynis your lucky her in MI we can't start back till after the holiday so we don't go back til Sept. 8. We don't get many days off during the year either.
Aimee -- Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your dinner.

Glynis -- Like Lauri, my kids don't go back until Sept 8. I think my kids are having a fun summer, but my house is suffering from it. At this point, I am just doing the basics and forgetting about everything else until school starts again. I'm glad you're lucking out with Jacob. It is rare for Liam's clothes to be in wearable condition by the end of a season.

Today I had the choice between cleaning and taking Caili to the beach. Guess what won? ;)

I'm rethinking dinner. It is too nice for pasta...even pasta fresca.
Hailey does sort of the reverse of that. She is still at the stage where she doesn't want to quit what she is doing to go to the bathroom, so she when she makes a run for it, she is always mooning everyone on the way. :laughing: We're working on that since it's sort of ok now, but I don't think it will be nearly as cute when she's 16. :lmao:


My DN still has her moments. When we went to Ocean City for Memorial Day weekend they discovered she wasn't wearing any underwear under her dress when the stopped to go to the bathroom right as they got into OC. :eek: My sister has her wear that and a pair of shorts and my DN forgot to put them on.

I am changing dinner tonight, all this talk of pancakes makes me want them. I got really good chicken breakfast sausage patties at Costco and also have some bacon.
Good afternoon everyone.

Kind of in a funk here today. Kind of got some unsettling news and I just can't shake the bad feeling. Oh well life goes on.

Prayers and good thoughts to you all.

WFDT ~ Meatball sub sandwiches, pasta salad, chips and watermelon.


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