The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

French[/I] lady !"

Woah, no kidding ? A french lady ? Where on Earth could I meet a french lady except in Epcot - oh yeah, every frickin day at home that's where.
Which part of we-come-here-because-they-don't is she having a problem understanding????????

I died laughing reading about the whole tripping getting out of the ride. I've always been afraid of doing that. Luckily not yet. But I can imagine how mortified you were. If I were a CM or someone else behind you on the ride I would've stood there and laughed my **** off. If it had been me who tripped I too would've died laughing and probably wouldn't have been able to stand up. I either would've had to crawl off of the conveyor belt thing or been dragged off.

I loved the whole "I met a French lady thing". Did she actually think you were the only French people on vacation in Disney? Please. On the other hand, myself being Latvian, I would've been floored to run into another Latvian at Disney.

Keep up the good report.
OK all caught up (I only read your installments and not all the convo in between but I will be reading all of it from now on :thumbsup2 ) I was reading it out loud to my boyfriend and we were going through the whole range of emotions: laughing, wanting to scream at your sister, happy that you got to escape for a little while, feeling kind of guilty when Jess brought everyone churros, and then (because of our past experiences) knowing that she'll probably throw it in your face at some point later on.

My sister is just as bad...We went as a group of 7, back in 2004. In sister has a scowl on her face. She was mad at me and my boyfriend for wanting to stop and take pictures and wanting to walk through the gift shops (mind you, it was my boyfriends 1st trip to WDW), she was mad that we had to actually "go to the parks" (apparently she thought she was gonna just lounge by the pool at CBR all day), and she was mad that she dressed up (and I mean, heels, black dress pants, and a red dress shirt, complete with a full face of make-up and blow-dried hair) for the Dinner Show at the Poly and everyone else was wearing shorts, t-shirts, and flip flops. At first she was mad that we were "all such slobs" (umm???) and then she was mad because she felt out of place because NO ONE at the show was dressed up beyond khaki shorts and a Mickey T-shirt.

And don't even get me started on the trip where I screamed at my brother-in-law and called him all sorts of colorful things at the top of my lungs in our room at the ASMo. (And BTW, I, myself, am also a HUGE fan of the f word :wave: ) or our trip in October where my brother's then-girlfriend put me thisclose to committing my first murder. And she was wearing a red dress so no one would have noticed the blood for a while.... :flower3:

Can't wait for more!

ETA: ooh! also just wanted to say that I swear you are like my long lost twin or something! Not only do we both have obnoxious-but-have-to-love-them-just-because sisters, but we are also Obsessive Planners and hate to be off schedule, AND we both love animals :hug: I swear, I would have said the same thing about that poor Polar Bear!
"Help me, help me, I don't wanna live with jellyfish!!!!"

Everyone here is asleep, well they were asleep, but I am sure they're all awake now as I was laughing so hard I started coughing at that comment. Goodness, but you're funny.

Well, I had to go to the Canadian shop. My career as a gas station cashier depended on it.

HA! For some reason, I can see this quote on a t-shirt. :lmao:

Woah, no kidding ? A french lady ? Where on Earth could I meet a french lady except in Epcot - oh yeah, every frickin day at home that's where.
Which part of we-come-here-because-they-don't is she having a problem understanding????????

Okay, Marivaid, you should know I think I have injured like my spleen or something from laughing so hard at your adventures. You're brilliant!
Jon Bon Jovi sang Hallelujah all the way there.. Yes I recently managed to turn my dad into a Bon Jovi fan. Unfortunately he only likes one song, their cover of Hallelujah. Hey, I'll take what I can get. Livin' on a prayer, baby.

Love the review so far. I would have had to kill my sister if she did that to me. I had a friend was was exactly like that and I started to lie at times to be ready. She made us late for our daughter's Sweet 16.

I just had to let you know that I just got in from the Bon Jovi concert at NYC. It was the final stop on his tour. He played for almost 2 1/2 hours. Must have been over 30 songs. What an amazing show. :banana: :cool1:

I love him too. I live in his hometown and am damn proud of it. :cheer2:
Great trip report, I just read the entire story up to this point and I keep feeling more and more sorry for you!
Your experiences are way worse than mine (for me most of it was amusing insights into personalities and not trip-crippling events), but during our trip in November my girlfriend and I established a defacto competition between ourselves (Team Manic) and Team Fun (my family, satirically named). You may get a kick out of it, so I've pasted the link:
(By the way, I'm a Professor of English, though my guess is that Grumpy's English is a whole lot better than my French.)
Oh, and Happy Bastille Day (belated)! Vive la France! Vive la Revolution!
And enjoy Le Tour.... someday I'll get a chance to ride up one of those gorgeous mountains and watch it go by......:goodvibes
Jeanne Calment was more excited ":lmao: :lmao:

Glad things picked up for you~ or should I say "moved on"?
Must be something about Nemo - my MIL fell in the queue line back in May and busted up her knee pretty good! We had been in Disney for less than 3 hrs when this happened, you can imagine what we were feeling. Aside from a nasty bruise and scrapes, she was okay, but it was scary there for a minute!

Loving your report!!!
GGGRREEAATT!!!! I need more real soon. This is the best TR I have ever read and I have read plenty of them. You really know how to keep us wanting more. Keep up the good work.
I'm here, been since the beginning, just never posted, (bad moderator). I remember you now. We had a discussions with our names. My mom and my neighbor, who was a childhood friend call me Mari. We also discussed how well you speak English.

I think everyone that reads your posts just wants to give you a big ole hug, yet we are laughing at all the b.s. your sister is giving you. Not at you, but I think we all can relate!!

Always looking for your updates.
Well, since you guys seem to enjoy my clutziness I have to share what happened tonight at work (just got back 10mns ago).

Once we close the station, the security guard walks me back into the store and I go up to the office to count "my" money. So I'm carrying this big cash box full of change with me.

Tonight I was all happy with myself because we'd closed in something like 30 seconds and I was gonna go home early, DIS, work on my TR.... well I was so focused on what I was gonna do I didn't pay attention to where I was going. After all, I walk the same path every night.

So I was walking fast, waved to one cute guy that hangs out with me from time to time, wondered if my makeup was smeared, and proceeded to run smack dab, at full speed, into a security bar. It's red and white with a huge STOP sign, and I didn't see it.

I crashed to the floor, me, cash box, key box, all my papers etc... with me.
Change everywhere.

Now it's Wednesday night, 10 minutes before closing, and let's just say we weren't alone in the store. Everybody was staring at me, most of them laughing their butts off.

I picked myself up, tried to stop laughing, and went upstairs where I found the three "mini bosses" playing the security tape of me crashing into the bar.:mad:

Sunday night I'm having a BBQ with some people from work - it was supposed to be a "get to know you" thing. I think they have me figured out now.
You poor thing. I laugh only because that is so something I would do. Are you okay other than your pride?
Thanks for the laugh but I just spit my juice all over my desk laughing at you I hope your ok but I have a mess to clean now and people in my office are staring at me LOL
Thanks for the support, fellow clutzes :) Nemo is DANGEROUS!

KayleeUK, all I can do is stare at the photos of my man in your signature.


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