The "World" May Never Be The Same! *We're back!* *new 8/24*

I need to find the desktop one too!

Hey, kindakrazy2, I thought I'd check out your pre-trip report! I look forward to reading more.

I had stumbled on a neat website when we were planning our trip and it had a desktop timer called Mousetrack. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like. The monorail even goes by every couple of minutes. You can move it anywhere on your desktop.


If you are interested the website is
Hey, kindakrazy2, I thought I'd check out your pre-trip report! I look forward to reading more.

I had stumbled on a neat website when we were planning our trip and it had a desktop timer called Mousetrack. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like. The monorail even goes by every couple of minutes. You can move it anywhere on your desktop.


If you are interested the website is

Cool counter, I changed to that one. Thanks for the link.
Chapter 3 - The Liberation of the LGMHPCs

Yes indeed. A very important part done. :goodvibes

And it feels so good!

The other day I went to Home Depot in search of the LGMHPC. I have heard they are a hot commodity and are often not in their proper paint chip holders. I was expecting this to be the first of many missions to obtain to elusive LGMHPCs yet when I walked into the paint department there they were!

A whole holder of them begging me to liberate them!

I have to admit I used Belle and Tink as cover as we looked at each colour of Mickey heads and discussed the merits of each. I ended up having to convince them both that no, they could not paint their rooms in either Rumbly Tumbly or Sunny Spot. So much for not causing a scene! They were supposed to be my cover - not draw more attention to us!

I had just about had enough and so took a few of the others - again for cover and then I reach for the prize - the LGMHPCs!

SCORE!!!!! :thumbsup2

Well, almost.....

To get out of HD you have to pass through the cash registers and of course on the day we go there is no line up - just lots of cashiers looking eager as we near. Well Tink thinks that we should stop and be social and show the nice ladies all the Mickey heads that are coming home with us! :eek:


Keep walking Tink!

I say in a nice yet firm voice "Tink they are paint chips, we don't have to pay for them" and ushered her out the door. :rolleyes1

Made off with 9 of them. Not quite the mother load some others have but I figured it was enough for now. If I need more I'll go on another mission but I think we have freed enough LGMHPC for now.

They must be so excited to be going "home". Kind of like the LGMHPC alien green mother ship is calling them home!
I thought I had posted, but I guess not...Anyway, I'm reading and enjoying. Good job on getting the Mickey heads!

I thought I had posted, but I guess not...Anyway, I'm reading and enjoying. Good job on getting the Mickey heads!

:welcome: Denise! Glad to have you on board! The LGMHPCs are much happier here with us then the were stuck in Home Depot! They've heard rumors that they get to go to Disneyworld! :rotfl:
Yes indeed. A very important part done. :goodvibes

And it feels so good!

The other day I went to Home Depot in search of the LGMHPC. I have heard they are a hot commodity and are often not in their proper paint chip holders. I was expecting this to be the first of many missions to obtain to elusive LGMHPCs yet when I walked into the paint department there they were!

A whole holder of them begging me to liberate them!

I have to admit I used Belle and Tink as cover as we looked at each colour of Mickey heads and discussed the merits of each. I ended up having to convince them both that no, they could not paint their rooms in either Rumbly Tumbly or Sunny Spot. So much for not causing a scene! They were supposed to be my cover - not draw more attention to us!

I had just about had enough and so took a few of the others - again for cover and then I reach for the prize - the LGMHPCs!

SCORE!!!!! :thumbsup2

Well, almost.....

To get out of HD you have to pass through the cash registers and of course on the day we go there is no line up - just lots of cashiers looking eager as we near. Well Tink thinks that we should stop and be social and show the nice ladies all the Mickey heads that are coming home with us! :eek:


Keep walking Tink!

I say in a nice yet firm voice "Tink they are paint chips, we don't have to pay for them" and ushered her out the door. :rolleyes1

Made off with 9 of them. Not quite the mother load some others have but I figured it was enough for now. If I need more I'll go on another mission but I think we have freed enough LGMHPC for now.

They must be so excited to be going "home". Kind of like the LGMHPC alien green mother ship is calling them home!

LOL, I take 9 or 10 everytime I go in. I always feel strange putting them i my pocket knowing that there are security cameras all over the place.
LOL, I take 9 or 10 everytime I go in. I always feel strange putting them i my pocket knowing that there are security cameras all over the place.

I know! What is it with the guilt when we aren't doing anything wrong? We're allowed to take them yet I still feel like I am about to make off with the crown jewels or something! :rolleyes1
This is so funny! I was just on another thread and we were discussing the different "techniques" that can be used in HD. Do you pretend to be interested in the other colors like you're actually going to use them or do you just go in and take the green? I get all nervous and sweaty like I'm about to rob a bank. Then I head over to the rack and look at the blues and purples and contemplate which one I want to "buy". Funny how I always end up with green.:confused3
My daughter will comment on how I already have too many and why do I need more? That's when I send her over to the candy rack for a special treat. :rolleyes1
We poured over all the colours and actually took a few of the other colours too to decorate with! Grabbed a whole stack of green ones though! :rolleyes1

I still have guilt.....even though I know I am allowed to take them! :scared:
Chapter 4 - A pre-trip trip!

Just got back from a few days in Dallas Texas. I went down to meet up with a friend and spend some time shopping in anticipation of the "big trip"!

A pre-trip trip if you will.

I bought just about every Disney-themed thing I came along. A Tink backpack for Tink, pencils, pens, notebooks, t-shirts, metal lunch tins to alter for Belle and Tink to store their Disney treasures in (remember, I'm crafty ;)). Auntie Tande got the girls jammies to take away with us too. Tink got a set of Lilo ones and Belle got Minnie ones.

I also discovered the joys of the Dollar Tree. Why oh why don't we have those here in Canada? :confused3

Here I stocked up on disposable rain ponchos! I bought what felt like a tonne of them only to get back to the hotel and do the official count and discover I only had 16 which is only 4 days worth! :eek:

I am trying not to panic and the fun folks on the Sept POPers Mojito thread have assured me that it won't rain every day in September and I am holding them to that. If it rains more then that I am going to steal their ponchos! :rotfl2:

Spent my time on the plane rides devouring the Unofficial Guide so I can call myself the expert in the family! On a side note, when did that book get so darn heavy? I am sure the last time I bought an edition of it, the thing was half the size it is now. Oh well, more info for me to obsess about! :woohoo:

Today was also the magical day where my ticker dropped under the 2 month mark! WOOHOO!!!

Here come the dancing bananas to celebrate!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
*SUBSCRIBING* I'm liking this one already! We are also going in Sep for my DS5's :wizard: WISH:wizard: trip. I will be going to Home Depot tomorrow for a LGMH liberation! We only have a LOWEs here so as my DS5 has an app. in Houston tomorrow I will be stopping at one of the 5 H D we will be passing. I might have to stop at all of them just to get some!! :eek: PLEASE let the 1st time be the charm! I don't thing I can convince DH that we really need to go in to that many!!!:laughing:
*SUBSCRIBING* I'm liking this one already! We are also going in Sep for my DS5's WISH trip. I will be going to Home Depot tomorrow for a LGMH liberation! We only have a LOWEs here so as my DS5 has an app. in Houston tomorrow I will be stopping at one of the 5 H D we will be passing. I might have to stop at all of them just to get some!! PLEASE let the 1st time be the charm! I don't thing I can convince DH that we really need to go in to that many!!!

:welcome: LeeLee2u! First time into Home Depot was the charm for me. Take your DS with you and give hime a handfull to carry out too. They must be used to the kids making off with the Mickey heads! Come back and let me know how you made out! I hope your wish trip is as magical as the one I was reading last night. I was bawling my eyes out at how wonderful the pixie dust was for their family.


Thanks mvazul! I did a happy dance in my kitchen yesterday morning when I checked my ticker!
*SUBSCRIBING* I'm liking this one already! We are also going in Sep for my DS5's :wizard: WISH:wizard: trip. I will be going to Home Depot tomorrow for a LGMH liberation! We only have a LOWEs here so as my DS5 has an app. in Houston tomorrow I will be stopping at one of the 5 H D we will be passing. I might have to stop at all of them just to get some!! :eek: PLEASE let the 1st time be the charm! I don't thing I can convince DH that we really need to go in to that many!!!:laughing:

LeeLee2U, is your trip through MakeAWish? They granted my daughter a wish back in 1997 and I would love to share some things about that trip if you are interested!:coffee:
Chapter 5 - A Surprize Booking

I just got off the phone with Disney Tours and I booked a surprize tour for HG! Shhhh....don't tell him!

I mentioned before that he is a computer geek and loves all types of high tech gadgets so I booked him the Around The World Segway Tour!

He is going to be so excited! :banana:

When the CM was reading off all the restrictions and the liability waivers I admit I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea but then I figured, heck, its Disney! How wrong could it go? Right?

We've had an injury at the parks before and we were amazed at the wonderful medical care Belle received so I figure even if he takes a header off the Segway, they'll take care of him! :rotfl:

So if you are taking the Around the World tour on Thursday Sept 20 at 9am make sure you point and laugh at HG for me! :cool1:
Chapter 5 - A Surprize Booking

I just got off the phone with Disney Tours and I booked a surprize tour for HG! Shhhh....don't tell him!

I mentioned before that he is a computer geek and loves all types of high tech gadgets so I booked him the Around The World Segway Tour!

He is going to be so excited! :banana:

When the CM was reading off all the restrictions and the liability waivers I admit I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea but then I figured, heck, its Disney! How wrong could it go? Right?

We've had an injury at the parks before and we were amazed at the wonderful medical care Belle received so I figure even if he takes a header off the Segway, they'll take care of him! :rotfl:

So if you are taking the Around the World tour on Thursday Sept 20 at 9am make sure you point and laugh at HG for me! :cool1:

Yeah!! That sounds like so much fun. I was thinking about trying that when we go, but I am too chicken and am afraid I will make a fool of myself!! :rolleyes1 I hope he has a great time!!
I thought it would be fun too. I'd love to do it as well but this trip will be his turn. Next time I get to go and he can stay with the kids!
Subbing & Your Girls are so cute.....I hope your DH (HG) enjoys his Segway tour it looks like fun...BTW I've been to 3 Home Depot's & gotten 25 or more from each:rotfl: :rotfl: so don't feel bad about the ones you got :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2



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