The "World" May Never Be The Same! *We're back!* *new 8/24*

Chapter 5 - A Surprize Booking

I just got off the phone with Disney Tours and I booked a surprize tour for HG! Shhhh....don't tell him!

I mentioned before that he is a computer geek and loves all types of high tech gadgets so I booked him the Around The World Segway Tour!

He is going to be so excited! :banana:

When the CM was reading off all the restrictions and the liability waivers I admit I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea but then I figured, heck, its Disney! How wrong could it go? Right?

We've had an injury at the parks before and we were amazed at the wonderful medical care Belle received so I figure even if he takes a header off the Segway, they'll take care of him! :rotfl:

So if you are taking the Around the World tour on Thursday Sept 20 at 9am make sure you point and laugh at HG for me! :cool1:

Cool surprise! The Segway tour sounds like a riot.
I've been to 3 Home Depot's & gotten 25 or more from each so don't feel bad about the ones you got

You're my new hero! Welcome to the thread!

Cool surprise! The Segway tour sounds like a riot.

I hope you're right because if he comes back and says "well that was dumb" I'll cry! :lmao: I am a bit worried he isn't going to be as excited as I hope he is going to be. Ahhhhh.....the pressure.....

Should I tell him or leave it until we get there?
Chapter 6 - The Food

As I mentioned before the dining fairies were so kind to us and gave us free dining while we are there. I am so excited!

We have only ever eaten in 2 TS restaurants before on all our trips. One was Tony's on our last trip and the one before that was at Boatwright's at Dixie Landings. We didn't pay for that last one as they had trouble finding us a room at check in the night before. I mean, they were sending us to plenty of rooms and when we'd walk in there would already be another family in it or it was unmade! :scared1: The very kind bellman who was driving us around in the middle of the night in the little golf cart shuttle thing was absolutly horrified that it kept happened over and over. I think it took about 5 tries to get us a room. To make up for it they gave us dinner at the restaurant.

So anyways - after 4 trips and only 2 TS you can imagine my excitement at getting to eat at a TS every stinking day! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I came to the restaurant board to start looking at where to dine because in all honesty - I had no idea. After humming and hawing this is what I came up with:

Sept 15 - 6:05 - Askerhaus Princess Dinner
Sept 16 - 6:10 - Le Cellier
Sept 17 - 11:50 - Crystal Palace
- 7:10 - Tony's
Sept 18 - 6:25 - 'Ohanas
Sept 19 - 6:05 - Sci-Fi Drive In
Sept 20 - 6:00 - Coral Reef
Sept 21 - 6:00 - Garden Grill
Sept 22 - 6:10 - Crystal Palace

Now I know some of my choices aren't the real popular ones but there is a method to my madness.

First of all Tony's - I admit it makes me nervous but it was the only one that HG was really wanting to do. I think because he remembers being there with the kids last trip and how good the air conditioning felt and we did have a good experience there. Let's hope we do this time too!

We MUST go to Garden Grill because I have a little girl who is in love with Chip. Not Dale, just Chip! We had an amazing experience with Chip on her 6th birthday in Disneyland at Goofy's Kitchen. Its a long story but he basically spent almost an hour with her alone and even walked out of the restaurant and danced with her outside the hotel under the stars. It really was a magical experience. I know she is going to want to visit with her buddy and I have heard the character interaction is good at Garden Grill. I know it won't ever be the same as that one time but she still is hoping to get to reunite with Chip!

I know I am repeating Crystal Palace but buffets work well for us and who doesn't love Pooh! There also isn't much else to do in terms of TS in MK except LTT I think and the Americana theme doesn't do a whole lot for this Canadian family. :rolleyes1

So there you have it - our ADRs!

You have no idea how much I stressed over them! I hope most of them turn out to be good experiences!

Finger's crossed!
I think you should keep the Segway tour as a surprise - if you can. Your ADR's look good. Of course, I have never eaten a single TS meal at Disney. I hope everything turns out to be good for you. :thumbsup2 Great story about your daughter and Chip!! That must have been very sweet to watch.
LeeLee2U, is your trip through MakeAWish? They granted my daughter a wish back in 1997 and I would love to share some things about that trip if you are interested!:coffee:
His wish is through Texas Wishing Well! But I'd still love all the tips I can get!!
kindakrazy2 3rd time was the Charm! the Home Depot 8 miles before it was out of every shade of green there was. Went on down the road and they had plenty of them all!!! So I took a handfull and DS5 had to have some other colors. I was feeling guilty... I made off with 13.... but after reading others posts I'm thinking maybe I shoulda taken 2 or 3 handfulls???:rotfl: J/K
Excellent score LeeLee2U! Do you know what you are going to do with them all? I went by another HD today and grabbed another handful of them too! They really wanted to go on holidays! :lmao:

I think you should keep the Segway tour as a surprise - if you can. Your ADR's look good. Of course, I have never eaten a single TS meal at Disney. I hope everything turns out to be good for you. Great story about your daughter and Chip!! That must have been very sweet to watch.

I am trying to keep it a secret but I don't know how much longer I can hold on!!! :scared:

Glad to hear there is another non-TS person out there! I was starting to think I was the only one who didn't eat at one everyday!

I'll never forget Tink and Chip together. It was one of the most magical things I have ever seen. Pure Disney magic.
You have inspired me! I am going to do a first time Pre-trip report and follow up with a TR after we get back. BTW, we will also be in WDW part of the time your family will be there. I will come back and link to my reports when I get everything figured out and started. Thanks for the anticipation!

You have inspired me! I am going to do a first time Pre-trip report and follow up with a TR after we get back. BTW, we will also be in WDW part of the time your family will be there. I will come back and link to my reports when I get everything figured out and started. Thanks for the anticipation!

:welcome: Mike! Come back and let me know when you've started your report so I can follow along with your plans!
HOOORAH for the LIBERATION of LGMH!!!!!!:cheer2: I plan to put them on everything!! Backpack, DS5's wheelchair,etc... I'm so glad you are posting your ADRs. I'm looking each place up and getting ideas for places we might like to eat on our trip! We should be finding out from our WISH coordinator sometime next week when we get to go!!!! YEAH :yay:
HOOORAH for the LIBERATION of LGMH!!!!!!:cheer2: I plan to put them on everything!! Backpack, DS5's wheelchair,etc... I'm so glad you are posting your ADRs. I'm looking each place up and getting ideas for places we might like to eat on our trip! We should be finding out from our WISH coordinator sometime next week when we get to go!!!! YEAH :yay:

That is great LeeLee2U! Are you going to do a pre-trip report so we can follow along with you? I hope so! I love reading about the wish-trips. I bawl my eyes out everytime and how special everyone makes the trips for their kids!

Your girls are so beautiful!!

Thank you veryblessed! I think they are too but I may be a little biased! I love your user name so much!
So if you are taking the Around the World tour on Thursday Sept 20 at 9am make sure you point and laugh at HG for me! :cool1:

Guess what?!? I booked the same tour, same day for MY dh as a surprise, too! However, I already gave in and told him. He is super excited! He's doing the 7:45am tour so that he doesn't lose too much park time.

Sept 16 - 6:10 - Le Cellier

We'll be at Corral Reef--I'll look for you!

Sept 19 - 6:05 - Sci-Fi Drive In

We'll be at 50's Prime Time!

Loving the PTR! I too am a TS virgin! I have never been in any WDW resturants before. I had always assumed they were too expensive so we just grabbed counter service meals...UNTILL NOW....I AM SO READY to try all these new resturants in September!:cool1:

we are trying... sci fi, ohanas, 50s prime, coral reef, chef mickeys, princesss story book, concord steak house, chef mickeys, and hollywood and vine,

Im gonna gain like 20 poounds!:rotfl:
Just read through all your posts. Your daughters are so cute! And your home depot story is HILARIOUS! To catch up, here are all my comments:

I can't believe you have 4 ponchos for each person? I only plan on bringing 2 for each of us. Even last July (statistically the RAINIEST month at Disney) we only got rained on…(well, let me rephrase that)---POURED on-- 1 day out of 5 (at the MK of all places---couldn’t it have happened at AK where it doesn’t take a full day to explore?) Anywho I was really happy it rained only ONE day. Does that make you feel better?

I just might make it a point to go to Epcot on the 20th (our “whatever” day) at 9:00 so I can see your DH and point and laugh for you!

I’ve only gotten to eat at 2 TS (that I can remember) too! I’m feeling the same way about getting to eat TS every day!

Glad to be "pre-trippin" together! :woohoo:
Guess what?!? I booked the same tour, same day for MY dh as a surprise, too! However, I already gave in and told him. He is super excited! He's doing the 7:45am tour so that he doesn't lose too much park time.

Now you have me questioning my time choice. I went with the 9am because I thought the girls and I could do some of their favourite rides while he did the tour. Never thought of him going on his own and doing it so we could do the whole day together after he finished......

Sounds like we have similar days planned! :dance3:

Loving the PTR! I too am a TS virgin! I have never been in any WDW resturants before. I had always assumed they were too expensive so we just grabbed counter service meals...UNTILL NOW....I AM SO READY to try all these new resturants in September!

we are trying... sci fi, ohanas, 50s prime, coral reef, chef mickeys, princesss story book, concord steak house, chef mickeys, and hollywood and vine,

Im gonna gain like 20 poounds!

Another TS virgin! And I thought we were the only ones! I am so excited about eating at all the nice restaurants. Even if they aren't great - I don't care - I'm not paying for them!

I am so going to have to roll out of Disneyworld when it is all over!

Just read through all your posts. Your daughters are so cute! And your home depot story is HILARIOUS! To catch up, here are all my comments:

I can't believe you have 4 ponchos for each person? I only plan on bringing 2 for each of us. Even last July (statistically the RAINIEST month at Disney) we only got rained on…(well, let me rephrase that)---POURED on-- 1 day out of 5 (at the MK of all places---couldn’t it have happened at AK where it doesn’t take a full day to explore?) Anywho I was really happy it rained only ONE day. Does that make you feel better?

I just might make it a point to go to Epcot on the 20th (our “whatever” day) at 9:00 so I can see your DH and point and laugh for you!

I’ve only gotten to eat at 2 TS (that I can remember) too! I’m feeling the same way about getting to eat TS every day!

Glad to be "pre-trippin" together!

You are so lucky on your July weather. When we were there on our honeymoon it rained every single day! Not for long - just enough to soak us! :eek:

I would love you forever if you showed up to laugh at HG! I am planning on hanging a LGMHPC on him just to increase his level of embarassment! I'm such a good wife! :rotfl:
Sept 15 - 6:05 - Askerhaus Princess Dinner
Sept 16 - 6:10 - Le Cellier
Sept 17 - 11:50 - Crystal Palace
- 7:10 - Tony's
Sept 18 - 6:25 - 'Ohanas
Sept 19 - 6:05 - Sci-Fi Drive In
Sept 20 - 6:00 - Coral Reef
Sept 21 - 6:00 - Garden Grill
Sept 22 - 6:10 - Crystal Palace

Hi Sarah, I saw your link on the Pop mojito monkey thread and just checked it out. I can't wait to meet you at Pop you sound like a fun person to hang with. I know what you mean about your daughter thinking she is grown up but being very nieve. My 12 year old son is the same way. I worry about him being taken advantage of in the future.

I wanted to let you know we will be at Mk on the 17th too and doing CP at 8am and Tony's at 5:30. Too bad our times are off. We havent' done Tony's before so we are looking forward to it.

We did do free dining the last two years so we are not new to TS but what I did figure out is just because others like or don't like a TS does not mean you will or won't. We ate at a lot of places with bad reviews and we loved them. Actually we never found a restaurant we didn't like. Garden Grill was one of my son's favorite restaurants and he never did figure out how the scenes kept changing. Couldn't decide if the walls were moving or the floor. lol I think your girls will love it. They will love Ohana's too it is so much fun (ask for a window seat if it's available).

Can I join your addicted to the ticker club. It really is addictive.

Talk to you later,
Oh yeah, I forgot to say when we liberated our LGMH from HD we pretended to pick colors for DS room. He just asked the other day when we are going to paint his room. lol
Jumping on board here too! It is going to be so much fun in September and August when we all get back and have so many trip reports to read. I can't wait to see how much each trip differs.

ABout the LGMHPC, I grab the green of course but I also grab black red and white...I place them in the kids photo books when we get home and write on them...almost a trip report of sorts in their albums ;)

Hopefully for a change though I'll have my LIME GREEN chips and a Diser will notice me..Nobody did my last trip and I saw none either :(
Hi Sarah, I saw your link on the Pop mojito monkey thread and just checked it out. I can't wait to meet you at Pop you sound like a fun person to hang with. I know what you mean about your daughter thinking she is grown up but being very nieve. My 12 year old son is the same way. I worry about him being taken advantage of in the future.

I wanted to let you know we will be at Mk on the 17th too and doing CP at 8am and Tony's at 5:30. Too bad our times are off. We havent' done Tony's before so we are looking forward to it.

We did do free dining the last two years so we are not new to TS but what I did figure out is just because others like or don't like a TS does not mean you will or won't. We ate at a lot of places with bad reviews and we loved them. Actually we never found a restaurant we didn't like. Garden Grill was one of my son's favorite restaurants and he never did figure out how the scenes kept changing. Couldn't decide if the walls were moving or the floor. lol I think your girls will love it. They will love Ohana's too it is so much fun (ask for a window seat if it's available).

Can I join your addicted to the ticker club. It really is addictive.

Talk to you later,

:welcome: Angela! I am sure we'll meet up at one of the POP meets! I plan on being there with some sort of yummy bevie in my hand! :woohoo:

I do worry about Belle. She is going to get her heart broken at every turn of the road. She is one of those kids who still just runs into the middle of the street because she just doesn't think. I worry about her all the time. She just doen't "get it" about anything. Smart as anything when it comes to school things but the life skills are lacking in a major way. :rolleyes:

I am hoping you are right about the TS meals. I figure they all aren't going to be our favourite and as long as we get something to eat and Mickey is paying then really, how bad can it be! Right? Please tell me it will be okay! :scared:

Jumping on board here too! It is going to be so much fun in September and August when we all get back and have so many trip reports to read. I can't wait to see how much each trip differs.

ABout the LGMHPC, I grab the green of course but I also grab black red and white...I place them in the kids photo books when we get home and write on them...almost a trip report of sorts in their albums

Hopefully for a change though I'll have my LIME GREEN chips and a Diser will notice me..Nobody did my last trip and I saw none either

:welcome: Michelle! Glad to have you over here! I'll have a LGMHPC hanging from my bag and I'll be on the lookout for other disers. I am hoping to snap pics of Dis'ers I meet along the way!

I love the idea of the red and black ones for the scrapbooks. Great. Now I need to go back to HD once again! You are an enabler I tell you!

I'm glad you found me here - I spent hours yesterday reading through your trip report!
Michelle! Glad to have you over here! I'll have a LGMHPC hanging from my bag and I'll be on the lookout for other disers. I am hoping to snap pics of Dis'ers I meet along the way!

I love the idea of the red and black ones for the scrapbooks. Great. Now I need to go back to HD once again! You are an enabler I tell you!

I'm glad you found me here - I spent hours yesterday reading through your trip report!

Its unfortunate we don't have the same dates (or even close to it) or I'd say we'd HAVE to meet up.

Oh, and at least if you are gathering many colored paint chips then it is no biggie. Since you have girls grab the pinks and purples too, for princessy colors ;) Hope that makes it easier for you!


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