The Yearly Trip to Princess Ashlyn's Florida Castle! March 2010 PTR


So close now! Have fun packing! (The suitcases were spider-free, I hope!)

You can take packing pictures for us too, so we can vicariously live out your disney adventure...:rotfl:
Well, our plans have changed again. NOT fun since we were supposed to fly out this Saturday. Yep, I said "were." Come to find out, Aaron tried to reserve our plane tickets a little too late (things work differently with the flights over here than they do in the states) and the Saturday flight is booked!!!!! WHAT?!?!? :furious: You don't want to know what thoughts went through my head when he called me and told me that. I vented on Twitter yesterday and that made me feel much better. I shouldn't be mad at Aaron, but at the time I was just so upset I guess I "needed" someone to blame. I'm still really, super upset, but the good news is that Tuesday is a flight day so we'll be flying out then. Actually Aaron is going to be calling around and talking to whoever he can to see if there is anything we can do, but I'm not betting on it. We are going to pack like we're leaving Saturday and then go to the terminal in case some people don't show up and we can grab a few seats. Again, not likely. :worried: This means we get one less day with my dad and we have to shuffle a bunch of stuff around, but I need to remember that I am still so blessed to be able to go see my dad at all and that he still gets to spend some time with Ashlyn. To tell you the truth, I've been needing to tell myself that a LOT in order to not completely freak out. Anyway, please send over some pixie dust because we'll need bucket loads for three seats to come available on Saturday!!! pixiedust: Or if you have a teleporter, that would work, too. :teleport: :rotfl:

Oh, Ashlyn and I both woke up with colds this morning. Blech. At least we're getting it over with before we leave! Aaron rarely gets sick and when he does it's never as bad as what I get so I'm not too worried about him. So far the colds are very mild. Just stuffy noses and Ashlyn sneezes and coughs every once in awhile. Lots of princess shaped chicken noodle soup for her!


So close now! Have fun packing! (The suitcases were spider-free, I hope!)

You can take packing pictures for us too, so we can vicariously live out your disney adventure...:rotfl:

Okay! I'm still packing like we're leaving on Saturday, so I'll definitely post some pics. :)

:yay: Yay for one more week!! :yay:

Well, it is still one week away... just from today. :hippie: We'll drive straight from the airport to Orlando so I can still celebrate one week! :)
Oh, I'm so sorry for your delay! I'm sure that is super frustrating! :sad2:

Just keep thinking the happy thoughts about your dad meeting Ashlyn and I'm sure the week will fly by. :hug:

Sending good thoughts your way that you'll get a flight on Saturday and that no matter what happens you'll have a magical trip! :goodvibes
Oh no! I'll hope that you get some seats on the plane!

Here's what you do:

Dress Ashlyn really cute and put a shirt on her that says, "Dreaming of going to Disney TODAY" to guilt the other passengers. Teach her to say "Disney, Mama?" and then go into an explination of how there are no seats on the plane whenever someone is within earshot. If you could make her cry, that would probably help.


Okay, I'm only half-kidding. I would do it! You never know, right? Cute little girls always save the day!

And yes, I'm awaiting packing photos!
I know it is hard to swallow but Disney is not going anywhere!Maybe something will work out for you to get on the Saturday plane:wizard: Hang in there--drink lots of OJ and take naps so you will refreshed for your trip!! :goodvibes
Thanks everyone. I know Disney will still be there, I'm just bummed about missing out on that extra day with my dad. It didn't help that he was upset about it, too. Not mad, he understands, but he's a little disappointed, too. BUT like you all said, it's still going to be magical. I just needed to vent a little bit. :) Whatever happens is meant to happen so I'm trying not to stress too much. :) I like your idea, lexmas. :lmao:
Thank you!!! Worst case scenario, we have reservations for Tuesday's flight. It may not be what any of us wanted, but it is SO much better than nothing. That said, we're still doing some research to see if we can make something else work and still get there earlier than Tuesday. We'll see. We also found out some other news today regarding our trip...

His leave got approved and he will be on this trip with us!!! :woohoo:

I have been putting clothes and other things aside to pack, but have been waiting until we found out about his leave. Now I can make him go through his clothes tonight and pick out some things and I'm going to officially start packing suitcases tomorrow!

So before I have packing pictures for all of you, I wanted to share what I made last night.


Rice Krispie treat Mickeys!!! I knew I would use that Mickey cookie cutter for something. :)
Just had to stop by and with you! I'm so glad Aaron could get time off to go with you! Just the beginning of your disney magic, I'm sure! I never thought I would use this smilie, but this is as good of an occasion as I'm going to get...:dancer:

I'm excited for packing pictures. Please tell me there are other people who get as excited about packing as I do??? :rolleyes1

And those mickey rice crispy treats look delicious. I haven't even made the oreo ones yet! I'll just add them to the list. Oh, and where do you get a mickey head cookie cutter? I could use one of those!

(And maybe a little more of this... :cheer2::jumping1::cool1::woohoo::yay::cheer2: because I know you must be that excited!)
I'm sorry about your flight. I would be SO sad, too!
Great news about Aaron's leave! That's wonderful!!!

Thanks lexmas and Amanda! I'm super excited that Aaron can go. I was definitely feeling bummed about our flight and was not nearly as excited as I was. But I'm slowly getting SUPER excited again and knowing Aaron will be able to share in our magic helps a whole lot. I know I may have overreacted to the whole flight being booked thing (Aaron reminding me of this fact helps me realize that :rotfl:), especially since we can go on Tuesday, but I just spent so much time planning everything and how I was going to decorate the hotel room as a surprise and what I was going to look for at Target the day before and all that stuff so the change just kinda burst a little bit of my bubble. Again, though, I'm starting to see the big picture again. All those little things aren't important as long as I still get to spend at least a couple of days with my dad, he gets to meet Ashlyn, and Aaron gets to be there with us all. :goodvibes

lexmas, I definitely get excited about packing. It means that the trip is close!!! I love to plan what outfits to wear on what days... especially for Ashlyn. Oh, and I got the Mickey cookie cutter on our last trip to WDW. I know it's at the World of Disney store but we got it at the kitchen store in DTD (the name has escaped me right now).
So awesome that Aaron gets to come too!! :cool1:

Love the mickey treats- just keep up the little things like that and your flight day will be here before you know it! :goodvibes
So awesome that Aaron gets to come too!! :cool1:

Love the mickey treats- just keep up the little things like that and your flight day will be here before you know it! :goodvibes

Thanks! I love doing little things like that. That's why I love the movie nights so much... it lets me try to think of little creative things to make it even more special. :goodvibes
NOOOO!!! I wrote up a whole update and accidentally closed it! I'm such a dork. :lmao: Anyway, so let me try to remember what I wrote... OH, that's right. I don't know if I've mentioned it yet (or enough) but I have an incredible husband! I've told you that I've been doing some research to figure out if it was possible to get to Florida before Tuesday. Well, today Aaron spent his lunch break calling the tiny airlines that fly out of here as well as Enterprise for a rental car. Thanks to him we are flying into Ft. Lauderdale Sunday night, staying at a hotel, and driving to Orlando Monday morning. We are leaving a day early, on Friday afternoon, but that is A-OK with me! He knew how much it meant to me to be able to spend as much time as possible with my dad, and it meant so much to my dad too, that he wanted to do all he could to make that possible. :lovestruc :love:

So thanks to Aaron and all the pixie dust you all sent our way, we are going to be able to do almost everything we had planned!!! :banana:

I don't want to end this happy update without a picture, so here's the jumbo coloring book we bought Ashlyn.


The NEX actually had quite a few different ones and we thought it would be nice for her to be able to lounge on the hotel bed and color. Now that we aren't really going to have a lot of time in a hotel like before, she may not need it, but we're taking it anyway. She LOVES to color. As I was packing it I realized I hadn't taken a picture of it yet, but at least this proves that I'm at least starting to pack! :rotfl: We also got her a Noah's Ark magnetic storybook to play with on the plane. She hasn't seen it yet so it will be brand new and hopefully keep her interest. If not, at least we will have our netbook with some Elmo's World saved on the hard drive!! Elmo ALWAYS keeps her attention!! ;)

Hooray for it all working out- and especially for having such a great guy! :thumbsup2
I am so glad Aaron is able to come with you now. :goodvibes I want to get a Mickey pancake/egg mold when we go down in September.

Yay!! :yay: I am so glad you are able to get to Disney on time. Now you really do need to finish your packing!!

:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:
I am so glad Aaron is able to come with you now. :goodvibes I want to get a Mickey pancake/egg mold when we go down in September.

Yay!! :yay: I am so glad you are able to get to Disney on time. Now you really do need to finish your packing!!

:jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1: :jumping1:

Thank you! You know, when I was making the Rice Krispies treats I was wishing I had a Mickey pancake mold. I actually didn't know they had one. I might just have to look for one while we're there!


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