TheNeverEndingPTR!, November...WAIT! January?Ugh. maybe September 2011!

Ah yes, the ramblings of an OCD planner! If you think this is fun, just wait until they change EMH to something off the wall compared to 2009, change fantasmic nights or hours at the parks...THEN you'll see me in full form!

Until then though, I plan and plan until I have it in my head how it's going to work so that when they change stuff I can FULLY experience stressing out and the joy of changing it all! :laughing:

I sat down with my friend Hope last night to plan, they are the other homeschooling family that is going with us. There may be more, but for now, we are the only people planning 10 months out. :rolleyes: You'll see though, if anyone else joins us, they will be scurrying around trying to get free dining or figure out days and get ADRs and we'll be all ready! :p

Hope is *almost* as much of a planner as me. Well, maybe she is just as much of a planner, just not as OCD about it! :laughing: This will for all purposes be her first trip, she only went to MK for about 6 hours with her senior trip years ago. Anywho...

she sat down and had her days tentatively planned out already! I was impressed! 2 hours an a bottle of wine later we had the plan! ;) There are a few days they will be at different parks and they are leaving a day before us, but I think it's going to be a great balance of being together and not, if that makes any sense! :p

So, I have it planned down to meals now, wanna see??!?!? I have mixed up our TS, CS, & S credits to fit how I thought they would work best, that's why some days you will see 2 TS and some you don't see any. I also put an (H) when Hope's family would be in the same place at the same time as us. We'll also be swimming together at ASMU in the afternoons a bit as well!

Sat. Sept. 25th, 2010
Flight to Orlando
check in/swim
(CS) dinner-Earl of Sandwich

Sunday, Sept. 26, 2010
MK-rope drop
(TS)-breakfast Crystal Palace
(TS)-dinner Boma

Monday, Sept. 27, 2010(H)
DHS-rope drop
breakfast in room (cereal/bars)
(CS)-Starring Rolls and/or Studio Catering Co.
(TS)-Ohana dinner (Wishes from beach...THIS TIME I WONT MISS IT!) :p

Tuesday, Sept. 28, 2010
Epcot World Showcase ("sleep in" morning)
(CS) later BF at ASMU
(TS)-Biergarten dinner

Wednesday, Sept. 29th, 2010(H)
Epcot-rope drop (Future World day)
(S) breakfast or breakfast in room
(CS) lunch Sunshine Seasons
(TS) Whispering Canon dinner with Hope's family
then ferry to MK for Wishes/Spectro

Thursday, Sept. 30th, 2010
Animal Kingdom-rope drop
(S)-breakfast or in room
(TS)-Tusker House lunch
hop to Epcot in PM (H)
(TS)-Chef's de France?? (still thinking on this)

Friday, Oct. 1, 2010(H)
Blizzard Beach
(S)-at BB
(CS)-before heading to party
MNSSHP!! (S) for while at party

Saturday, Oct. 2, 2010
sleep in from party
(CS) lunch at DTD-Wolfgang Puck

be back at ASMU for ME and flight home. BOO.
Glad to see you have your trip all planned:cool1:! Now the fun starts when you begin juggling ADR's becuase something better comes along that read about on the boards! Trust me I did it last time!!

What a great hubby :lovestruc you have to chip in! That is soooo great! As for the camera lens... well your pictures were fantastic maybe renting again won't be sooo bad? Of course there is always birthday and Mother's Day gifts to be had :lmao:!

Okay 3 days out for me - suitcases still in the attic - I guess I am in a funk since I am not taking the kids this trip and feel a little guilty:confused3? I def need to get my you know what in gear and big time! I need some pixie dust and soon!

PS - glad to see you have other supporters now! I told you people would join in! Now you can't blame me!:rotfl2:
Hey Karen, Love your TR and PTR reading both right now. I'm Sheila, newbie here but a well researched newbie. We are homeschoolers (LOVE IT!) too and are planning our trip for Sept 2010. I think we will be able to enjoy it more with going off-season.

Oh I must say you are not the only ocd that plans a year in advance I have been planning for Sept 2010 since July of this year. We have our hotel ressies, and our car rental ressie. Yes we are driving!:scared1: But we are only in Tennessee and we will driving down at night, so hopefully it won't be too bad.
And just a couple of days ago I just ordered our talk about ocd. Only problem having to wait until March to make our ADRs:rotfl:.

Well good luck and have fun on your trip.
The homeschool discount is just discounted tickets. It's not part of a package or any other discount. They only have the info out on Jan. 2010 right now, but they do it every Sept. and Jan! Here's the link:

WOO HOO!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!:worship: This is going to save us soooooo much $$$ :worship:I

I am going to have to try to control myself and just wait it out until they post the Sept. dates. I just have to keep telling myself that is will save me about $700. That just may be my excuse to rethink staying offsite and actually stay at a resort. But then the decision is whether to stay at Disney and travel to Universal or stay at Universal and travel to Disney. hmmm something for me to ocd about :rotfl:

But seriously thank you so very much for the info!
Ooooh, I'm itching to post that I have booked our rooms! I haven't though. :rolleyes:

Next week! I have a lot of clients for Thanksgiving and will have the extra to put down and reserve our room! I think we have decided (for today) :laughing: that we are going to do the family suite at ASMU. It makes more sense to have the kitchenette and with 2 rooms I can just see the teenagers fighting over those beds. Now they will just be crammed into one room and have to deal with it! Rey & I will be nice and comfy in our Queen size bed tho! :lmao:

Rey came through for 2 days this week, I was so pleased b/c he wasn't planning on coming home until Christmas. Each year he stays out on Thanksgiving so that we can be sure that he'll be here on Christmas. Well, found out today that they got him a load that comes through here next Wednesday night and he'll leave Thursday night. He's going to be home on Thanksgiving!!!!!! :banana:

I think he's only been home on Thanksgiving twice in the last 15 years, so I'm excited! I have lots of petsitting in the morning and evening, but there should be time to make a little meal for us and I think I'll put up the Christmas tree too. That way he'll get to see it more than once before Christmas is over. ;)

Of course we all know that he could care less about the Christmas tree, but if I can find a reason other than my OCD to do something, that's what my story is and I'm stickin to it! :p

Random picture time!!!

Oh, oh, and it's still Disney you see the little mickey heads in the background Bokeh? This was one of the only shots that turned out when I attempted this. For all of you budding photographers, here is the link that shows how to do this:
Create your own bokeh
Whohoooo!!!!! It's official! :banana:

I called up and booked our room at ASMU this morning! My heart is POUNDING I'm so excited! (I know I'm a dork, you'll just have to humor me here) I booked the family suite since there are 6 of us, I chose that over 2 rooms b/c of the kitchenette. Here's a picture I found:


It was a *little* annoying b/c she really was pushing everything, trying to rack up that price. She REALLY wanted the ddp on my reservation, she said it would be easier to just call up and switch to free dining, but she was kind enough to tell me how much less it would be with free dining and that since I was making payments, just don't pay off more than that amount. I had to double check twice to make sure she wasn't adding that trip insurance but in the end, we have the reservation and now I will pay my payments and hopefully have it paid off right around the time they release the free dining! So, family suite at ASMU, here we come!!!!!

I.AM.SO.EXCITED!!!!!!! :cheer2:

I know it seems silly when all I did was put $200 down on a room, but it feels like a first trip for us since the last trip was not only offsite but paid for my my MIL. I have to run and call Rey to tell him all about it! BTW, last night he was already talking about Bounceback offers and how he'll never go to WDW unless it's F&W, he'll just keep going at the same time EVERY year! :laughing:

I have to leave you with one of my pictures, of course! How about a TA-DA! We're going to WDW shot!

Subbing to read your first TR in a few minutes.

Yup, I am one of those nutcases that started a September 2010 PTR too. I have had it going for quite awhile now, since October. :rotfl2: I was going to wait until March or May but then I decided I am going to need suggestions and sounding board so I do not drive my DH crazy! ;)

I am so happy you were able to book your trip!!! :cool1: One thing I noticed was in planning for Free Dining, don't forget to add the upgrade cost into your budget to get to the DDP instead of the QSDP that is free for value resort guests. If you are like me, I have a huge excel sheet for our budget with everything I can think of on it. :laughing:

Looking forward to following along with your trip planning process.
Subbing to read your first TR in a few minutes.

Yup, I am one of those nutcases that started a September 2010 PTR too. I have had it going for quite awhile now, since October. :rotfl2: I was going to wait until March or May but then I decided I am going to need suggestions and sounding board so I do not drive my DH crazy! ;)

I am so happy you were able to book your trip!!! :cool1: One thing I noticed was in planning for Free Dining, don't forget to add the upgrade cost into your budget to get to the DDP instead of the QSDP that is free for value resort guests. If you are like me, I have a huge excel sheet for our budget with everything I can think of on it. :laughing:

Looking forward to following along with your trip planning process.

Yay! I'm so glad you are reading! I'm hoping that we'll get the FULL ddp dining that they have been offering from mid-Aug to the end of Sept. in the past years. If they only do the QSDP, I guess we'll have to throw in the extra to make it the ddp, but I'm hoping we don't have to!
Gah, he's not coming home for Thanksgiving after all. :sad2: You would think I was used to this, but sometimes it just gets to me. I was way too excited for him to be home, I should have known. The load is taking WAY too long and now he'll be rushed to get it delivered, yada, is the life of a truck driver. :confused3

I made a little payment today on our package! Seriously, it was LITTLE! I just wanted to make a payment, maybe if I keep this up I can actually get it paid by August! :lmao:

I have lots of petsitting this week b/c of Thanksgiving, so that will not only keep my mind off Rey not coming home after all but give me a little extra cash! I'm glad they won't take less than $20 b/c I would probably just make a $5 payment every day if I could! :laughing:

Hummmm, what picture should I post? How about the tree that I put up so Rey could see it before Christmas that I put up for nothin'. At least someone will see it! :rolleyes:

At least he'll be home for Christmas! He's NEVER missed one of those. :goodvibes

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! (a day late!) :thumbsup2

But, but, we DID celebrate today! Rey couldn't make it home yesterday, but today he came through for THREE hours! I warmed up all the food from yesterday and we had Thanksgiving together. :lovestruc

Oy, I worked on the budget the other day and was adding everything in my head and just stopped before I got overwhelmed. :sad2: Separately everything looks do-able, but when I start adding it up, it just seems like SO MUCH MONEY. :eek:

Isn't this supposed to be FREE dining, value resort, and homeschool tickets?!?!?!

Rey is no help at all. The man is crazy when it comes to souvenirs, he spent WAY more money than me on the trip and is talking about using the pin (if they send it right before our trip) to get one of those $600 or $1000 gift cards (that can ONLY be used on merchandise). WHAT?!?!? We don't need all that! I guess it's a good thing that he's excited about the trip though, so I shouldn't complain. I'm the realist in this union and I'm tellin' ya...we won't have that kind of money to get a gift card! We'll be lucky if we squeak in enough for my drinks! And we WILL have some money for my drinks! :laughing:

Tomorrow I'm heading to Hope's house to let the girls play and talk more Disney. We really have almost all our plans made already, so we'll have to figure out something to plan! :lmao:

Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving!
Ok, I'm getting a little nervous thinking I'm just talking to myself here...but then again, that wouldn't be anything new! :laughing:

I decided that I would make up a to-do list of things I haven't seen yet that I would like to see. Savannah and I nave been to WDW twice now and I was pretty amazed at all the things we still haven't seen. There are quite a few that I have no interest in seeing that aren't even on the list! I suppose this will force me to make a list of our favorites as well. How convenient! ;)

So, starting with MK: The first time we went, we missed Space Mountain and this last time it was closed for refurb. It's TOP on our list!

Next on the list is Philharmagic! It was on my list this past trip and we missed it yet again! I think it's b/c I'm trying to get all the rides out of the way at rope drop and then forget to go back for it later.

Last at MK is Carousel of Progress. I just never found the time? :confused3 I can't figure out if people like this or it's just a classic like IASM? Some of my readers will have to let me know.

Next comes Epcot. Oh Epcot, how your countries elude me! :sad2: First trip we got through Mexico, China, and Norway and then walked right by the rest of them over to Morroco to eat and then were too pooped to do more. Why we only had 1 day here, I have no clue, but I never even SAW France, Canada, UK or that side of WS at all. The 2nd trip we actually walked BY them, and were at Epcot 3 times, but F&W (and IL's...ahem) kept us from spending enough quality time at Epcot. Rey hasn't been INSIDE a single country area except Germany! :eek: We will be spending quite a bit of time at World Showcase this trip!



We also have planned for Savannah to do Kim Possible since she missed it last time. We have planned an afternoon that she can do it with one of her friends who will be at WDW as well for homeschool days!

I won't forget Marie either! We were very disappointed to miss her and it will be one of the first things we do when we get to WS! Savannah loves Marie, she even had a Marie shirt for meeting her:

and that is just World Showcase! What we have missed in Future World is even more dismal!

Folks, I've never seen Figment. No clue who he even is! How awful is that?

Never been in Innoventions East OR West!!

Never done Mission Space (green, please) or The Seas!


Right about now you are asking yourself..."How could she have missed all this?" Well, you must not have read my trip report if you are asking yourself that! :laughing:

DHS is much better, I only have two on the list for there. The Magic of Disney Animation and Star Tours.


At Animal Kingdom we have seen a LOT, but we have missed Nemo, so that is top of the list for this trip!

So there you have it! Epcot is scheduled for quite a few different times and days, I gave Future World and World Showcase their own days and then we are also going to be there for dinner 2 different nights. Hopefully that will help! MK is a little harder b/c there are so MANY favorites that we want to do on top of the others. I know we'll do Space Mountain for certain but the others we'll have to see.

We will be at MK on our first day and also for the Halloween Party, so we should be able to see a lot of our favorites and hopefully add a couple more.

Nemo is a must at AK b/c Eli LOVES Nemo! We'll skip Lion King this time, Savannah & I have seen it twice and Rey didn't care for it that much anyway. :confused3

Alright, Peace-out! (if there is anyone actually our there reading!) :lmao:
I am here! Following along. Looks like your planning is going well. I am enjoying reading your report.:)

Oh I'm glad! I wasn't sure if I was boring everyone or there just wasn't much to comment on since I seem to have it all covered already...9+ months out! :laughing:
Hi, I'm following along too! Just found your PTR. My husband and I will be taking his parents to Disney to celebrate their 40th anniversary and our 10th the same time you will be there! I booked our package in August when the rates came out. This will be their first trip and I can't wait to show them why we like it so much! It seems like such a long time away but the more time we have is the more time I have to pay on it! :thumbsup2

Hi Mary!!! I'm so glad you are reading, we can countdown together! I think today is 296 days! :laughing:

Have you gone at the end of September before? The first time I went with a friend was early September and it was HOT! Crowds were great though, but we didn't do a lot of TS and I'm a little worried the restaurants will be packed. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has though about how the last week of Sept. will have free dining AND F&W, so I'm worried it will be busier.

Anyway, there I go on a tangent about what I'm worried about! ;)
Hi Mary!!! I'm so glad you are reading, we can countdown together! I think today is 296 days! :laughing:

Have you gone at the end of September before? The first time I went with a friend was early September and it was HOT! Crowds were great though, but we didn't do a lot of TS and I'm a little worried the restaurants will be packed. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has though about how the last week of Sept. will have free dining AND F&W, so I'm worried it will be busier.

Anyway, there I go on a tangent about what I'm worried about! ;)

I haven't went in September before but we've been twice at Halloween (this year and last year) and this year was HOT and last year was COLD. We've been during spring break also so I figure if I could handle that I can handle most crowds. We will be doing the Deluxe Dining plan and I am so ready for the time to make our ADRs arrives. I really like the F&W and look forward to using my snacks over there!

I had considering booking the ASMusic family suites at first but we decided to go with 2 rooms at Coronado Springs instead.

--side note, my husband was also born in Germany (dad was in the military) and lived there until he was 2 or 3.

All caught up now:goodvibes, I'm happy for you that Rey made it home for Thanksgiving although it was the next day, at least you were able to spend a few hours with him:hug:. Keep the PTR coming, you always write good reports. How's the book coming along(HA,HA).:rotfl2:


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