Unplugged Chit Chat Thread

I'm not a regular chit-chatter, but I wanted to mention somewhere that I finally saw a podcaster in the park last Friday. We were having a rough day, so it was a nice surprise to see a familiar face!
I hope you get a chance to meet some in person. I have met some a long time ago and if the episode still active in the 2007 podcast vault/collection...Pete thought we were weird for wanting to meet up and do some pictures with Bawb and Corey. 2008, we were at an August Dole Whip to honor Bawb's memory...got to meet Bawb's wife, John, Kevin, and Corey. We were next John and Kevin in a group photo. We were across Kathy when she was doing photos of the August 2008 parade for Michael Phelps and his gold medals...we did not say hi to her because it was after after her photos posted that we were they at the same time.

It seems like a lot of us are having rough days.
My mother in law is home now. She is "fine". Nothing is wrong with her.. :rolleyes1 :furious: Nothing we can do. We are just praying for the best and trying to be available as much as we can.
My mother in law is home now. She is "fine". Nothing is wrong with her.. :rolleyes1 :furious: Nothing we can do. We are just praying for the best and trying to be available as much as we can.
@superme80 - Hugs to you, gentle hugs to her. She is VERY lucky to have you, and caring others, in her life!! Believe me, I know, from personal experience. I am 2 hours away from any of my friends,, and have no family in my life. That's why I will NEVER forget to be SO grateful for my support system here!! 😍
@superme80 - Hugs to you, gentle hugs to her. She is VERY lucky to have you, and caring others, in her life!! Believe me, I know, from personal experience. I am 2 hours away from any of my friends,, and have no family in my life. That's why I will NEVER forget to be SO grateful for my support system here!! 😍
Thank you! Your encouraging post have been a huge mental and emotional boost for me over the years. She is a very independent woman. I love her so much. I just wish she could understand that we are trying to help. Thankfully she still thinks my husband is awesome, so he can get away with bossing her around a bit.
My mother in law is home now. She is "fine". Nothing is wrong with her.. :rolleyes1 :furious: Nothing we can do. We are just praying for the best and trying to be available as much as we can.
You just basically smile and say"Okay, Mom"..."Just checking in to see if you need anything...."

My MIL is enjoying Florida and must be feeling better after a couple days down there (her heart defibrillator went off last week during the night before her trip). We can have a cousin or so to check on her if needed. I'm not sure if it wise for me to do a road trip (Wake county/NC confirmed case lives not that far away...not happy that he went to church/public places while he knowingly that he was coming down with something).
You just basically smile and say"Okay, Mom"..."Just checking in to see if you need anything...."

My MIL is enjoying Florida and must be feeling better after a couple days down there (her heart defibrillator went off last week during the night before her trip). We can have a cousin or so to check on her if needed. I'm not sure if it wise for me to do a road trip (Wake county/NC confirmed case lives not that far away...not happy that he went to church/public places while he knowingly that he was coming down with something).
@NC Belle - Your MIL also incredibly blessed to have you!
You just basically smile and say"Okay, Mom"..."Just checking in to see if you need anything...."

My MIL is enjoying Florida and must be feeling better after a couple days down there (her heart defibrillator went off last week during the night before her trip). We can have a cousin or so to check on her if needed. I'm not sure if it wise for me to do a road trip (Wake county/NC confirmed case lives not that far away...not happy that he went to church/public places while he knowingly that he was coming down with something).
Exactly. Thankfully after some thought, and reminder of her husband and friends that are her age, she is more on board with railings for her front porch!!!!! My husband told her she came up with a great idea. :lmao:
Umm - @superme80 - Dunno how old you MIL is, but you can tell her that at my almost-60 years, I am ALWAYS grateful when I grab MY railings on the way inside, or to hoist myself up into the community bus!! Vanity, and pride be damned! I'd he a LOT more embarrassed to be rolling around on the ground, broken, like Humpty Dumpty! ::yes::;)
I just wanted to comment on the last podcast. I haven't been on this thread and hope this is the right place to discuss the podcasts?
I wanted to congratulate Ryno on doing a great job as host. He really kept the show moving!
I do feel that the cast, being in the parks all the time, might have a different outlook than the rest of us who only go to WDW once a year or two? I know Craig mentioned that the Indiana Jones area should be torn down and something else different should be there. If you have been to IJ before, it still is a great show. Like other Disney iconic attractions, Indiana Jones has reached that level, IMO. People love to see it every time, and I even met a lady who was picked for the show before and of course sees it every trip:) To other people it will be the first time to see it. So, it really bothers me when cast members give that viewpoint casually on the show. They obviously have been to the parks ALOT and maybe have a jaded viewpoint on what they consider needing to go. What is the answer? I think a fresh outlook with a new person or persons who only go once a year or so would be a great idea. Just an interview on their favorites and their must do's. It must be difficult to look at things with fresh eyes when you have done so many, many times. It's only natural to be a little jaded towards what you like and dislike. Only MO on the matter. I just wanted to make the point that even though Indiana Jones has been around a long time, it is a loved attraction, much like Peter Pan and Haunted Mansion, to a lot of people.
Umm - @superme80 - Dunno how old you MIL is, but you can tell her that at my almost-60 years, I am ALWAYS grateful when I grab MY railings on the way inside, or to hoist myself up into the community bus!! Vanity, and pride be damned! I'd he a LOT more embarrassed to be rolling around on the ground, broken, like Humpty Dumpty! ::yes::;)
She is 80!!! Drives me insane!!! I am almost 40 and I still use my railings when it icy or if it rains. I didn't once and slipped when I was pregnant with my 3rd. I was fine, but it made me realize, HAND RAILINGS ARE GREAT!!!! She went out with DH's niece and her family yesterday. So she is business as usual.
I just wanted to comment on the last podcast. I haven't been on this thread and hope this is the right place to discuss the podcasts?
I wanted to congratulate Ryno on doing a great job as host. He really kept the show moving!
I do feel that the cast, being in the parks all the time, might have a different outlook than the rest of us who only go to WDW once a year or two? I know Craig mentioned that the Indiana Jones area should be torn down and something else different should be there. If you have been to IJ before, it still is a great show. Like other Disney iconic attractions, Indiana Jones has reached that level, IMO. People love to see it every time, and I even met a lady who was picked for the show before and of course sees it every trip:) To other people it will be the first time to see it. So, it really bothers me when cast members give that viewpoint casually on the show. They obviously have been to the parks ALOT and maybe have a jaded viewpoint on what they consider needing to go. What is the answer? I think a fresh outlook with a new person or persons who only go once a year or so would be a great idea. Just an interview on their favorites and their must do's. It must be difficult to look at things with fresh eyes when you have done so many, many times. It's only natural to be a little jaded towards what you like and dislike. Only MO on the matter. I just wanted to make the point that even though Indiana Jones has been around a long time, it is a loved attraction, much like Peter Pan and Haunted Mansion, to a lot of people.
I have not watch Indy for at least 10 years, however on future trips... we might watch more shows to have a rest time. The only time that we watched the Beauty and the Beast show at the Studios was in 2007 with Corey Martin (Bawb was doing something else due to the disabled section was filled). We went to the show because they said that we had to do it because of our Dis names...and we liked it. Dh and I did the Laughing floor twice maybe with the last time with friends from Spain (his wife and kids had limited English skills at the time) 10 years ago.
Can I vent for just a minute here please. My girls are active in 4-H though my oldest is wanting this to once again be her last year. I thought I might be able to convience her to continue after this year but honestly right now after the club meeting tonight I don't know if I am going to be able to and this is a youth organization that I was involved in and that I feel strongly about having my kids particiate in as well.
Originally all the kids were supposed to do their club level deomonstrations at the February meeting so that those which include my girls who are planning on participating in the county communication day event can get some feedback on them before registration is due. Since the orginizational leader was sick the meeting got canceled so since my girls participate in communication day they needed to do their demonstrations this month. A little background the club that they are now in has a themed meal on the odd months of the year with the exception of the September end of year meeting as that one is when new members can come check out the club and that way they don't have to worry about any unknown food allergies. For both their January and March ones it was suggested to do Chinese food by a couple of the kids. This one mom M always shoots it down and makes everyone switch to something else with comments like Chinese food is too complicated to make and we would have to get it from a resturant and who's going to pay-you.
My 15 year old did her demonstration on how to make a simple beef teryaki stir fry and at the end when she asked if there were any questions one of the other kids asked why she chose the topic that she did. My daughter replied back that she enjoys Chinese food and that it has been mentioned as an option for the meal theme a few times but always gets shut down because Chinese food is too complicated to make. M started in yelling at her with I did not say it was too complicated I said it was too expensive and I can't afford it but now everyone knows thank you. Keep in mind that M is old enought to have a child that is also in the 14-16 year old age range Then as my 15 year old daughter was strarting to take things out to our vehicle and trying not to cry in front of everyone one of the other teenagers was hiding around the corner and decided to jump out and scare my daughter and that got her crying. Which she would not have had M not got her to the point where she was fighting back the tears and was waiting until we were in the car heading home.
Since we had discovered we were out of an ingedient we needed for what we were going to make for lunch today (12 year old is supposed to do microwave sloppy joes in one of her projects) unless that can of tomato sauce is one of the items 12 year old decided to remove the label on. We had to stop by the store on our way home so I took my cell phone camera and took pictures of the different food items used ( a tray of precut vegetables for stir fry, they also have ones for grilling or fajittas, some of the individual vegetables in the precut mix (didn't see zuchiinni or summer squash but sometimes we can't get out of season items here due to being in MT and the stuff not selling so stores don't carry it unless you ask them to and then at least the primarily grocery only places will order it and put the rest of what you don't want out for others to buy but when it's gone that's it. We took price pictures where you can tell the item as well making sure to get the regular pirce on cut up stew meat (it the same cut for stir fry), a boneless piece of beef, boneless skinless chicken breasts (4 in the package), frozen stir fry vegetables, the teriyaki sauce (both a large bottle like we buy for our house and a smaller bottle if you didn't use it for other things like mainading meat for barbecuing, a small bottle of vegetable oil, and corn starch along with the stuff to make a simple egg drop soup (chicken broth, scallons aka greee onions, eggs, cornstarch, maybe some shreaded carrot) rice, and even fortune cookies (not doing the 3 cookies per person serving size but one each like you would get in a resturant). My 15 year old is going to put in some of the time where she is not saying anything ( the kids get docked for dead air time) and talk not only about the cost of doing the stirfry (We get 2 meals from the just over 2 pound package of cubbed meat aqnd buyin the same weight and cutting it ourselves is even lower cost wise so she is going to use both) but including it over rice along with a bowl of egg drop soup and a fortune cookies for dessert to show that this is the cost of an entire meal.. Shie is also going to do if you did this waith chicken it is this much and will have on hand what it would cost to do sweet and sour chicken (boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs, onion, peppers, pineapple tidbits that are drained and of course sweet and sour sauce and she might (we have to get a few prices) also inlcude how much it would be to do a basic wonton soup.
Would I be petty when we are at a required event on Saturday to go thank you to M because now my daughter is going to be able to include a cost comparission of making a simple Chinese meal at home to what that same meal would cost in a resturant. Plus she is thinking of doing a cost comparission of making at home to eating out for other types of cuisines.
If you got through my rant post thanks for reading.
Can I vent for just a minute here please. My girls are active in 4-H though my oldest is wanting this to once again be her last year. I thought I might be able to convience her to continue after this year but honestly right now after the club meeting tonight I don't know if I am going to be able to and this is a youth organization that I was involved in and that I feel strongly about having my kids particiate in as well.
Originally all the kids were supposed to do their club level deomonstrations at the February meeting so that those which include my girls who are planning on participating in the county communication day event can get some feedback on them before registration is due. Since the orginizational leader was sick the meeting got canceled so since my girls participate in communication day they needed to do their demonstrations this month. A little background the club that they are now in has a themed meal on the odd months of the year with the exception of the September end of year meeting as that one is when new members can come check out the club and that way they don't have to worry about any unknown food allergies. For both their January and March ones it was suggested to do Chinese food by a couple of the kids. This one mom M always shoots it down and makes everyone switch to something else with comments like Chinese food is too complicated to make and we would have to get it from a resturant and who's going to pay-you.
My 15 year old did her demonstration on how to make a simple beef teryaki stir fry and at the end when she asked if there were any questions one of the other kids asked why she chose the topic that she did. My daughter replied back that she enjoys Chinese food and that it has been mentioned as an option for the meal theme a few times but always gets shut down because Chinese food is too complicated to make. M started in yelling at her with I did not say it was too complicated I said it was too expensive and I can't afford it but now everyone knows thank you. Keep in mind that M is old enought to have a child that is also in the 14-16 year old age range Then as my 15 year old daughter was strarting to take things out to our vehicle and trying not to cry in front of everyone one of the other teenagers was hiding around the corner and decided to jump out and scare my daughter and that got her crying. Which she would not have had M not got her to the point where she was fighting back the tears and was waiting until we were in the car heading home.
Since we had discovered we were out of an ingedient we needed for what we were going to make for lunch today (12 year old is supposed to do microwave sloppy joes in one of her projects) unless that can of tomato sauce is one of the items 12 year old decided to remove the label on. We had to stop by the store on our way home so I took my cell phone camera and took pictures of the different food items used ( a tray of precut vegetables for stir fry, they also have ones for grilling or fajittas, some of the individual vegetables in the precut mix (didn't see zuchiinni or summer squash but sometimes we can't get out of season items here due to being in MT and the stuff not selling so stores don't carry it unless you ask them to and then at least the primarily grocery only places will order it and put the rest of what you don't want out for others to buy but when it's gone that's it. We took price pictures where you can tell the item as well making sure to get the regular pirce on cut up stew meat (it the same cut for stir fry), a boneless piece of beef, boneless skinless chicken breasts (4 in the package), frozen stir fry vegetables, the teriyaki sauce (both a large bottle like we buy for our house and a smaller bottle if you didn't use it for other things like mainading meat for barbecuing, a small bottle of vegetable oil, and corn starch along with the stuff to make a simple egg drop soup (chicken broth, scallons aka greee onions, eggs, cornstarch, maybe some shreaded carrot) rice, and even fortune cookies (not doing the 3 cookies per person serving size but one each like you would get in a resturant). My 15 year old is going to put in some of the time where she is not saying anything ( the kids get docked for dead air time) and talk not only about the cost of doing the stirfry (We get 2 meals from the just over 2 pound package of cubbed meat aqnd buyin the same weight and cutting it ourselves is even lower cost wise so she is going to use both) but including it over rice along with a bowl of egg drop soup and a fortune cookies for dessert to show that this is the cost of an entire meal.. Shie is also going to do if you did this waith chicken it is this much and will have on hand what it would cost to do sweet and sour chicken (boneless skinless chicken breasts or thighs, onion, peppers, pineapple tidbits that are drained and of course sweet and sour sauce and she might (we have to get a few prices) also inlcude how much it would be to do a basic wonton soup.
Would I be petty when we are at a required event on Saturday to go thank you to M because now my daughter is going to be able to include a cost comparission of making a simple Chinese meal at home to what that same meal would cost in a resturant. Plus she is thinking of doing a cost comparission of making at home to eating out for other types of cuisines.
If you got through my rant post thanks for reading.
Hugs, @sweetpeama. So sorry you, and your daughter, are going through this. Glad you felt this was a safe space to vent, as I have done here, many times myself. I hope you can get a positive outcome to all this, that makes you,a and your daughter, feel valued, heard, and appreciated.


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