Updates on AVERY. (good news update pg 33 post 489!)

Hope everything goes well today and Avery gets to go home. Continued prayers for him and his family. Please continue to update us.
He's home!! :thumbsup2
They are getting settled tonight and I hope to have more to report tomorrow.

We're just all so happy and grateful that they are together as a family for the rest of this journey!!
Wonderful, Ann. :hug: The whole family must be so relieved and thankful. Continuing to keep Avery and family in prayer.
What a wonderful bit of news! Prayers continue here at my home. God Bless you all, especially Avery.
Ann, that is a very nice article. Avery is very lucky to have such a wonderful support system. His parents sound so grounded. How wonderfully optomistic. Prayers for them all.
Ann.....I am so happy for all of you.. Way to go Avery..

Read the article and thought what an amazing time he had, all of you for that matter.. Now keep him healthy and go back and kick that leukeumia the heck out of there.

Right now just enjoy him being home and that sweet face. Hugs all around to you and your family Ann..
I'm so happy that sweet little boy is home where he belongs. This family is an inspiration to us all! :grouphug:
God bless you all. May God continue to hold Avery in his hand.:grouphug:
Saturday night a spaghetti dinner/auction was held for Avery's family. The Superhero himself, with both parents and sisters made a brief surprise appearance. It was great for them, and all of us, that they were together as a family. They could not stay long, but I wanted to share this pic of Avery, his daddy, and his Grampa (my DH) :love:


Avery continues this week with a couple of "day trips" to DHMC for dressing change on his back and some chemo and checkups.
I'll keep you posted!!
What a wonderful picture of the boys. Did you take it, Ann? Three very handsome men.

It is wonderful that he is home. Avery still has a lot of healing to do, but it will be so much easier to do it when he can sleep in his own bed.

What a strong family you have.
It makes me cry to see his beautiful smile after all he's been through. What a brave little boy. And the other two are cute, too. :) Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, nice to have pics of the people we are praying for.
It is truly a miracle he made it home. Now to keep praying for his cure.
That smile sure is something, isn't it? He got a tad overwhelmed by the crowd (there were over 200 people there) and the emotion of the crowd (as did his parents and sisters too) but they stayed for awhile...and yes snappy, I caught Grampa with DS and Avery after they pulled his little stroller thing off into a little alcove for a breather. :)


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