Updates on AVERY. (good news update pg 33 post 489!)

minkydog said:
Just wanted to give you a word of hope. My little niece developed ALL at the age of 18 months. She was treated aggresively for 2yrs. It was a rough go for awhile there, but she is now a wonderful, vibrant 10yo with no health problems. :thumbsup2 We'll pray for the same experience for your Avery

Thank you!! It is a ray of hope to hear successes!! :hug:

and thank you all again for the support and prayers!!
Ann, I am keeping your little grandson in my prayers for his speedy recovery. My younger DD was diagnosed at age 12 with a serious heart condition, and we were set up with a pediatric cardiologist at Dartmouth Hitchcock to save us from driving so frequently into Boston Children's Hospital. The doctors worked in tandem and I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Dartmouth Hitchcock.

They have come so very far with childhood leukemia and I am thankful he is close to such a wonderful facility. Hugs to you..

Continued prayers for Avery. I have thought about you all day.

You are loved and so is your dear family.

Hang in there, dear friend. I just know little Avery is going be just fine just like his Grannie Annie ;) was. Your illness prepared you to be a strength for little Avery. :hug:

Teri :hug:
Sending more prayers for Avery and family, you and your mom. :grouphug:
Like you, I cannot even grasp how something can happen to anyone, much less a precious child. You and your family, your mom and Avery will be in my thoughts and prayers.
We got to see Avery last night! :thumbsup2 We drove his daddy up to Hanover and home, so he could have some time in the car each way to rest, talk, or whatever without having to drive.

Avery looks great, the transfusions really helped his color and energy level.
S&DIL met with a nurse coordinator as well as their oncologist while we were there. I was with Avery during most of this, allowing S&DIL to focus on the discussions. We were were around for bits of it but I mainly tried to engage him in showing me stuff around the floor, and games in his room. WHata marvelous facility they have.

Avery had his marrow biopsy yesterday morning and tolerated it very well.
He will have a spinal tap today and the first chemo treatment.
If all goes w/o a hitch he will be in the hospital for 2-3 weeks and then can be released and the continuing treatment can be outpaotient and home.

I thnak you all again for all yoru prayers and support!
So glad to hear Avery is being well cared for and treatment is beginning. You have many many friends on this board (and another I know of) that are praying for your little guy. :grouphug:
I am glad you got to visit with Avery last night, Ann. I am sure seeing him was a major boost for you and your DH. How thoughtful of you to drive up so your son could relax and talk about things without concentrating on the drive.

It definitely sounds like Avery is in the right place. I really like the way they are moving full speed ahead with both tests and treatment. Looking forward to the day that you post he is home again.

Thanks Macky Mouse for this new board. Ann has friends all over the dis boards, This is the perfect place to keep us all updated. What a brilliant idea! When MinnieM3 and her husband were posting during the spring and summer, the posts would sometimes be on the GAGWTA thread and sometimes on the general Community board. That board moves so fast, it was easy to miss their updates.

There will be sadness here but also great comfort to be had. The name of the new board is a perfect choice. I hope others needing care and compassion for whatever reason will find it and join in.
I am so glad that Avery is already getting the treatment he needs. What a blessing to have such fantastic doctors so close by!

My sweet baby will turn 5 this Friday. Each time I hug him I think of Avery and send up extra prayers for him.

Stay strong! :grouphug:
Ann, that is great that Avery is tolerating the treatments. I am sure it was good to see him. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Oh Ann.

Great Big Giant hugs to all of you. Sounds like you guys are in the right place, and gearing up to fight the good fight. You'll be AMAZED at how Avery tolerates all of this.

You know that I do a great deal of volunteering with the Jimmy Fund, and I've had the pleasure of meeting several young warrior survivors of ALL. These kids are amazing.

PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do.

Ann, I am praying for you and your family. I am a grandmother, too, and I just can't imagine how terrible it would be for one of them to be seriously ill. I know your heart is aching, and I am praying especially hard for you to be able to stay strong and help your son and daughter-in-law through this. No one should have to go through this, but especially not little ones.

Hugs to your whole family -- especially Avery.
Just wanted to add my {{{{{hugs}}}}} to the mix! You guys are in my thoughts...
Ann- I'm glad you all are in fightin' mode! I know that you'll be an incredible source of help and strength to your family...prayers for Avery and all of you! :grouphug:
Hi Ann
I had no idea this board or thread was even here or I'd have been here sooner. Thanks for the link! I'm glad to know you are getting answers and good treatment.
I think about this all day each day since I read it! Avery and the family have been in my prayers and will continue to be there!
Hugs Ann :hug:
More prayers being said. (All over Jacksonville :) )

I am glad you were able to see him. It sounds like things are off to a good start.

Ann, I feel that I know you without ever seeing you. How terrifying for your family, but how wonderful that treatment has started so quickly. Many prayers are being said for Avery and for all of you.


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