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Nah. Nobody but them and youtube knows what they make, but it is very likely nowhere close to 350K/yr.

According to social blade, their average monthly income is between $1.8K - $29.3K. At the very top end it's $350K, but more likely it's somewhere in the middle. Also, they have expenses, they do a lot of activities that aren't free.

I'd guess they make about 1/2 that, $150K - $180K which is still really good.

I think Tim Tracker makes at least 350k a year from youtube. There is a website where you can see what they make.
Nah. Nobody but them and youtube knows what they make, but it is very likely nowhere close to 350K/yr.

According to social blade, their average monthly income is between $1.8K - $29.3K. At the very top end it's $350K, but more likely it's somewhere in the middle. Also, they have expenses, they do a lot of activities that aren't free.

I'd guess they make about 1/2 that, $150K - $180K which is still really good.


Agree, those online Net-Worth Calculators should be taken with a grain of salt. However, in regards to expenses, I would say that they probably can write a lot of them off as a business expenses on their taxes. The Trackers used to have regular-joe day jobs and neither do now (for a couple of years, I think) and they've bought a new house, new cars, and have shown some expensive gifts they've given each other, so I am sure their channel is quite lucrative. However-however, they have also been at it for over a decade, it was far from instant success for them.
Thanks for sharing! Most of you answered about the vloggers walking around the parks. I'm also wondering how you feel about the dining part. Paging Mr. Morrow and Super Enthused (love them both BTW) vlog all the time in restaurants, often meeting up with other vloggers and enjoying a LOT of adult beverages. Those of you who know them also know that Nate has a loud (infectious) laugh. Would it impact your dining experience, especially if your alone with your partner enjoying a "quiet" dinner (a break from the parks and youngsters' meltdowns we ALL need during a Disney trip) together and listening to a play-by-play about the bread service, beer, appetizer....how to EAT the appetizer, etc......?? Thanks for sharing!

Lee ran into Paging Mr Morrow (Nat) three times this trip. Twice At Epcot, where he was reviewing something while tucked in a corner not disturbing anyone. We also saw him walking to MK from BLT.

we saw other vloggers but we didn’t Know who they were because we don’t follow a lot (other than Mr. Morrow)
Agree, those online Net-Worth Calculators should be taken with a grain of salt. However, in regards to expenses, I would say that they probably can write a lot of them off as a business expenses on their taxes. The Trackers used to have regular-joe day jobs and neither do now (for a couple of years, I think) and they've bought a new house, new cars, and have shown some expensive gifts they've given each other, so I am sure their channel is quite lucrative. However-however, they have also been at it for over a decade, it was far from instant success for them.
Also keep in mind that purchases can be financed so judging someone's income/net worth from them is not the best. The average millionaire drives an F-150. :-)

I'm way too risk adverse but if I was making a living off of youtube I would be diversifying as much as possible. Way too easy for the ad revenue sharing model to change and drastically change your income.
The thing that makes me uncomfortable about some of these Disney vloggers (and vloggers in general) is when they heavily feature their kids. Let's be real, there are creeps all over the internet and I don't know if I would personally want to put too much out there about my child. Plus, it's kind of weird because some of these kids are growing up being featured on YouTube/Instagram nearly every day of their life. As an adult, are they going to feel like this in an invasion of their privacy? Plus there are some difficult legal questions out there surrounding how much they "work." For example, a child actor in CA can only be on set a certain length of time and can only be actually filmed for less. They are required to do schoolwork and have breaks. Plus, a percent of the money they make is put into a savings account that can't be touched until they are 18. I know most of the children in vlogs aren't "working" in the traditional sense, but at the very least if their parents are making money off of their content, is there any guarantee the children will see a dime of it when they are an adult? I know, these are questions way outside the realm of the OPs initial questions, but it's stuff I think about when people like the Trackers record their baby nearly every day.
The thing that makes me uncomfortable about some of these Disney vloggers (and vloggers in general) is when they heavily feature their kids. Let's be real, there are creeps all over the internet and I don't know if I would personally want to put too much out there about my child. Plus, it's kind of weird because some of these kids are growing up being featured on YouTube/Instagram nearly every day of their life. As an adult, are they going to feel like this in an invasion of their privacy? Plus there are some difficult legal questions out there surrounding how much they "work." For example, a child actor in CA can only be on set a certain length of time and can only be actually filmed for less. They are required to do schoolwork and have breaks. Plus, a percent of the money they make is put into a savings account that can't be touched until they are 18. I know most of the children in vlogs aren't "working" in the traditional sense, but at the very least if their parents are making money off of their content, is there any guarantee the children will see a dime of it when they are an adult? I know, these are questions way outside the realm of the OPs initial questions, but it's stuff I think about when people like the Trackers record their baby nearly every day.

I agree about the Trackers parading their little one in front of the camera every day. No one asked him and honestly, I question how good it is for his development to be dragged around a theme park day after day rather than socialising with kids his own age. That was one of the few reasons I stopped watching the Trackers.
I ran into her once. I waited until she put her camera down and then approached her respectfully to say how much I enjoyed her videos. She was an absolute doll and seemed genuinely appreciative of the accolade.
That’s nice to hear. I have spent quite a few lunch breaks watching videos of her and Quincy, laughing at whatever antics they are up to. I also love that even when they are doing a scavenger hunt or some other game, they deliver so many tidbits about the parks or resorts.
OK - makes sense now. Thank you!!! I'm off my feet with a knee surgery for a bit, so I have more time lately than normal. I dont want to hijack this thread - but are there some VLoggers that Y'all suggest I follow?
I only watch the Disboards vlogs. I love watching Craig, Ryno , Fiasco, and Deni. There’s a link to the Dis Unplugged on the homepage of these boards. They have a few different channels on You Tube.
I question how good it is for his development to be dragged around a theme park day after day rather than socialising with kids his own age. That was one of the few reasons I stopped watching the Trackers.

In their slight defense, he's probably too young for preschool, and he could possibly go to daycare but it might not be necessary. Plus, times are different with Covid. But hopefully they do get him in preschool and in some playgroups in the future. But there are definitely some horror stories out there with other vloggers and "influencers".

I also forgot to add in my other poster, but I find it very, very creepy and unsettling in their videos when a random fan stops and say hi to the baby. Like... it's weird that strangers on the internet know your kid's name, isn't it?
Oh yah, they put a lot of work in. It takes both, they were in the right place at the right time as well. Based on their home, in Florida, my guess it's worth about $500,000 which would put them right around $150K - $200K/yr. Of course, all speculation, everyone spends their money differently.

Agree, those online Net-Worth Calculators should be taken with a grain of salt. However, in regards to expenses, I would say that they probably can write a lot of them off as a business expenses on their taxes. The Trackers used to have regular-joe day jobs and neither do now (for a couple of years, I think) and they've bought a new house, new cars, and have shown some expensive gifts they've given each other, so I am sure their channel is quite lucrative. However-however, they have also been at it for over a decade, it was far from instant success for them.
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The thing that makes me uncomfortable about some of these Disney vloggers (and vloggers in general) is when they heavily feature their kids. Let's be real, there are creeps all over the internet and I don't know if I would personally want to put too much out there about my child. Plus, it's kind of weird because some of these kids are growing up being featured on YouTube/Instagram nearly every day of their life. As an adult, are they going to feel like this in an invasion of their privacy? Plus there are some difficult legal questions out there surrounding how much they "work." For example, a child actor in CA can only be on set a certain length of time and can only be actually filmed for less. They are required to do schoolwork and have breaks. Plus, a percent of the money they make is put into a savings account that can't be touched until they are 18. I know most of the children in vlogs aren't "working" in the traditional sense, but at the very least if their parents are making money off of their content, is there any guarantee the children will see a dime of it when they are an adult? I know, these are questions way outside the realm of the OPs initial questions, but it's stuff I think about when people like the Trackers record their baby nearly every day.
Ok, I was just having a conversation about this on another post. I met the Trackers this past June coming out of the Uggs store in Disney Springs. How I noticed them was I saw a baby in a stroller come out the door first and said "My god, that baby looks just like Jackson!" and sure enough Tim came out the door pushing the stroller and Jenn and some friends followed, and I went over and said Hi. Now personally, I admit, I love seeing Jackson in the videos. I think he is adorable and does seem like a happy baby, but it did get me thinking afterwards that I had recognized Jackson very, very quickly, and it left me with a somewhat bad taste in my mouth as there are a lot of sickos in this world.

If you do a quick search in Google with their names, you can easily find a gossip site that has literally HUNDREDS of pages dedicated to bashing the Trackers. Horrible, horrible, truly mean stuff. Not only that, but people have outted their real last name, home address and one post actually threatened physical harm to the baby. (The moderators reported it to the police, thankfully) This was all under a quick glance at the page, not even a thorough read through. I would NEVER tell other people how to raise their kids, I do feel it is their choice as his parents to do what they want, but honestly it would not be something I would do personally if it was my child. I would just be too scared. Plus, I remember thinking the same thing years ago watching the Osbournes, even with their kids being older. I just felt being under 18, they didn't really have the full scope of what being in that spotlight meant. I don't think the Trackers are exploiting Jackson, he seems well loved and healthy, but yeh, I do hope it doesn't create issues for the kid as he gets older.
In their slight defense, he's probably too young for preschool, and he could possibly go to daycare but it might not be necessary. Plus, times are different with Covid. But hopefully they do get him in preschool and in some playgroups in the future. But there are definitely some horror stories out there with other vloggers and "influencers".

I also forgot to add in my other poster, but I find it very, very creepy and unsettling in their videos when a random fan stops and say hi to the baby. Like... it's weird that strangers on the internet know your kid's name, isn't it?

I guess I assumed that as the parks and pretty much everything seemed "normal" in Florida now parent and toddler groups would have re started and he is now the prime age to be taken along to those.

And yes I agree, it would have freaked me out if random strangers came up to me talking to my child as if they knew them.
f you do a quick search in Google with their names, you can easily find a gossip site that has literally HUNDREDS of pages dedicated to bashing the Trackers. Horrible, horrible, truly mean stuff. Not only that, but people have outted their real last name, home address and one post actually threatened physical harm to the baby. (The moderators reported it to the police, thankfully)

Omg, that's horrifying! I always thought it was smart that they didn't put their real last name out there for this reason. It's scary how it seems like nearly everything is accessible on the internet!
The day Trail's End opened was a good example.... I mean how many vlogs is someone going to watch about the same skillet meal?

Some people watch multiple vloggers, some only watch one. Each vlogger wants to show the news to their viewers. That means on the 1st day or something, like Trail's End, or as we all know, festivals, they're all out getting that footage.

As far as a PP comment about dining, that doesn't bother me either. Yeah, it's kind of weird, but it's a unique experience, that's for sure! To me it just swings back around to public place.
On our last trip we saw a few. It was fine. I watch a couple livestreams, and they do ease some of the off vacation FOMO. The only issue I (and my wife) really have is why they would waste a day at the parks carrying a rig and a camera around when they could just be enjoying the parks. I get it that they're mostly locals and AP holders, but even at that, I feel like I would rather just be in the parks more than video the whole day. Won't stop me from living vicariously through them while I'm at home, though.
They make money doing it.
Some people watch multiple vloggers, some only watch one. Each vlogger wants to show the news to their viewers. That means on the 1st day or something, like Trail's End, or as we all know, festivals, they're all out getting that footage.

I get your point. But while a fan/watcher may not be aware there are multitudes of the same content, surely the vloggers are aware. They all know they are doing the same thing, even purposefully copy-catting. (there was a big twitter exchange between Jenn Tracker and Prince Charming Dev about it - copying content - not too long ago)

Personally, I actually avoid some things when I know a lot of vloggers will likely be there. I avoided the first day of Flower and Garden this year because of that. While I like watching them on my small screen, being behind several of them in line or on a ride is not all that appealing. Sometimes I just want to enjoy my surroundings without a play-by-play.
Y'all are spending way too much time thinking about what these vloggers are doing and passing judgement on their lives.......very weird

For someone that mentioned above about Paging Mr Morrow and Super Enthused dining at Ohana and a family inviting them to join them looking uncomfortable. Someone posted in another thread that family was a Disney travel agent and I'm certain they knew what they were getting themselves into and knew who Nate and Jackie were.

Also for someone that asked for vlogger recommendations:
- Paging Mr Morrow
- Super Enthused
- TheTimTracker
- AllEars.net - especially Molly
- TheDailyWoo
- DFBGuide - literally the most soothing voiceover I've ever heard
- Ordinary Adventures - they split time between California and Florida
- Mickey Views
- Michael Kay
I'm pretty sure I know what site your talking about, I don't shock easily, but WOW. Some of the most vile things I've ever seen written about people ever.

Ok, I was just having a conversation about this on another post. I met the Trackers this past June coming out of the Uggs store in Disney Springs. How I noticed them was I saw a baby in a stroller come out the door first and said "My god, that baby looks just like Jackson!" and sure enough Tim came out the door pushing the stroller and Jenn and some friends followed, and I went over and said Hi. Now personally, I admit, I love seeing Jackson in the videos. I think he is adorable and does seem like a happy baby, but it did get me thinking afterwards that I had recognized Jackson very, very quickly, and it left me with a somewhat bad taste in my mouth as there are a lot of sickos in this world.

If you do a quick search in Google with their names, you can easily find a gossip site that has literally HUNDREDS of pages dedicated to bashing the Trackers. Horrible, horrible, truly mean stuff. Not only that, but people have outted their real last name, home address and one post actually threatened physical harm to the baby. (The moderators reported it to the police, thankfully) This was all under a quick glance at the page, not even a thorough read through. I would NEVER tell other people how to raise their kids, I do feel it is their choice as his parents to do what they want, but honestly it would not be something I would do personally if it was my child. I would just be too scared. Plus, I remember thinking the same thing years ago watching the Osbournes, even with their kids being older. I just felt being under 18, they didn't really have the full scope of what being in that spotlight meant. I don't think the Trackers are exploiting Jackson, he seems well loved and healthy, but yeh, I do hope it doesn't create issues for the kid as he gets older.
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