VMK sold it's mind on Ebay

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I thought that a while back and posted it should be closed!
I think the reason so many here get upset about some of the VMK stuff being sold (skull rock room codes, pink door codes, etc) is that here on DIS VMK board many have been so generous and would gladly give away these codes to those that need them who can't play the free games.

I emailed a few losing bidders to some free vmk stuff auctions and let those ppl know all the vmk things that they could get for free. Then I offered to get them, and I gave them a few codes -- they were very grateful and I felt great myself :).

A Days~

CyanSparkleGirl has changed into a Monkey!
OMG - here are a few recently completed auctions... I've seen a bit of a jump in the prices for VMK items...these are the highest I have ever seen these items go for. I can't believe how high they got! LOL

Virtual Magic Kingdom VMK Cowboy Costume black + brown $102.50

Virtual Magic Kingdom VMK Haunted Mansion Black Suit $51.00

Virtual Magic Kingdom VMK Yellow Princess Costume Crown $24.89

Virtual Magic Kingdom VMK Haunted Mansion Top Hat $31.00

I don't know about anyone else, but I get such a kick out of watching these...
It's pretty funny to see what these things go for. Especially inferno! While I'd love to get inferno I'm not about to pay $300 for it! If people were going to be prosecuted, then why haven't they already? I'm sure that VMK is already aware of this issue. If they want to stop it they should tell ebay to not allow vmk things to be sold on there. I remember a few years ago, people were selling neopets (another virtual site) accounts on there and neopets contacted them and it's now not allowed.
I have not read this whole thread, just the first and last pages. I just found it b/c I was looking at all the vmk stuff on Ebay and how much it was selling for....and thinking, if I am sitting here wondering how to get the money for my honeymoon, why don't I sell my inferno or something, and why not a bunch of stuff? I'm sure someone would pay $100 or more for inferno?! I could probably make enought for my honeymoon just selling off all my stuff. Not that I would do it. But my thoughts are, you can sell almost ANYTHING on the internet these days. anyone seen Craigslist? Yeah. An-Y-Thing! So if someone wants to buy cards or virutal items, who cares? If someone wants to sell them, why not?

My question, is, is it LEGAL? In vmk's eyes....if they know you are buying/selling your items on Ebay, can you get banned? I know I bid on some trading cards that I would never be able to get. They are actual cards, collectibles, not JUST virtual items. (I lost the bid...nothing I own in vmk has been bought with real money except gold ears, since you have to buy a hat to get them). Some people do sell stuff like inferno where they have to meet in the game, and there is no tangible item that is being mailed to them, like the cards. So is it wrong to buy/sell vmk stuff on Ebay? I say, morally, NO. Not a thing. But is it ok with vmk? That's what I want to know. I just now got time to get on vmk for the first time today, and it closes in 2 hours...so I didn't want to go through this whole thread. I am just posting this now and I will probably browse everyone's opinions later. If my questions have not been answered, please tell me if it's legal. I don't want to get banned b/c I buy sell inferno magic or buy the Animator's Desk card on Ebay.

justliketink said:
That is reprehensible. Shame on them.

I know I just posted...by why "shame on them?" If someone is willing to buy and someone is willing to sell, why not? We are not talking about drugs or anything else that's illegal b/c it's morally wrong to sell. I think these are valid transactions and if someone wants to pay 200 bucks for inferno, let them. Hey, maybe all someone's kid wants for their birthday is inferno...and their parents buy it on Ebay! I know a lot of kids on here would probably think it's the best present they got when their parents showed them. They would probably spend more time playing vmk and showing off inferno than with their other toys. Am I wrong? If I had a kid and they wanted inferno so bad and were so disappointed at all the dc's and time wasted trying to win it, I would buy it for them as a gift. I just don't see what's wrong with it, I'm sorry.

But other than the one bid I lost (I offered $2 and was automatically outbid), you won't see me spending real money. I'm just saying they should be allowed to without anyone questioning them...as long as vmk allows it to happen. If it's not against the rules...then let people buy/sell what they want!
Me a,

I think technically selling stuff on eBay is against VMK values. If you read them, there is one about selling your character or items is a no-no. Period.

However, I think VMK turns a blind eye to it, because on the other hand, it is against the law to interfere with free trade.

So, who's right?

Many people here have strong views both ways. You are about to get a load of replies.
Since your main question seems to be whether or not it is against VMK rules, see #9 below:


Now enforcing that rule is up to them. I have no idea if they have up to this point, but I would think they certainly could if they wanted to.
To Mia- I wouldn't trade using your main character, even if there isn't a risk of a ban. I just wouldn't want the personal contact to have follow up potential.

As far as spending $, I've considered buying a few things for two reasons. I'm still waiting for my bargain, but I don't look often enough to know when it's there, lol.
1) Gold ears : sometimes start for .99, and sell about $5, I think that's less than I'd have to buy a hat at WDW; I'm not sure if the Gold Ears will still be available in Jan. when we go; we have 4 players in our house and DON'T need 4 hats sitting on a shelf collecting dust.
I've seen others comment on buying a Stitch hat in that it was alot cheaper to buy than book a trip. I wouldn't personally buy something so extravagant, but never in my life have I stayed in a Disney hotel, so I guess I will never have a Stitch hat. Good thing that doesn't affect me the same as Cowboy hat! ;)
2) Time : something I might want real bad, like a snowman or snow magic or cowboy hat or bird hat, if I ever find them cheap enough (not looking promising the couple times I looked), compared to the time spent playing to get tons of credits to buy multiples of the weekend specials in hopes of a rare trade that never happens for me, not to mention the time in trade rooms asking if anyone wants what I might have to offer ( a weak offer since we started late May)... I'm losing my train of thought, but you know where I'm going. Time is money, and I shouldn't be jealous of all you Zeta ladies in your cowboy outfits but that's probably what the pang is. I just don't get that feeling often in life! :blush:

Even if I spent a few bucks to make my character stylin like the rest of you who've been around all year, it would still be a lot less than what my BIL spends on X-Box games or most people spend on Game Boy or even computer game downloads! I've always stuck with the free online games and saw no reason to vear from them. Online Animal Crossing (we don't have DS and I'm not spending the $ for it) would be tempting, but vmk is so similar, just no friendly animals as neighbors. :teeth:
Thanks for everyone who responded. Lori, thanks for the rule. I was aware that selling a character (account) is against vmk rules (although, if I were to sell my account...how could they ban me? I would be done with vmk...and I could probably fetch a pretty penny for my character with all the rooms/items I have!) Carribbound, good point. I don't think it should be illegal to sell items, but that is vmk's rule. The only way they can enforce it is to stop Ebay from allowing people to sell their cards/virtual things. If someone were to buy/sell, and it involved meeting someone in vmk rather than the mailing of a card or code, it would be smart to use a mule. I can agree with them not wanting people to sell entire accounts....but we PAY ADMISSION to get the "free" vmk cards, and now we are having to pay more....the stitch items require booking a Disney Resort, the new 50th and Thrill Seeker quests require visiting TWO parks instead of just the Magic Kingdom...even though vmk is free to play and the cards are free, we still pay for them by paying park admission. VMK generates a LOT of revenue for Disney....I know I went to the MK for a day with my fiance for the sole purpose of getting vmk stuff, and I'm sure a lot of other people that live close to the parks do the same thing. So if we want to give up our "free gifts with purchase of park admission" by selling them....why not? I hope vmk does not start to enforce the rule by stopping Ebay, b/c like Caribbound, a lot of people do not live near the parks and would rather pay $5.00 for a card or two when they cannot go on a Disney vacation several times a year. Also, like someone said: time spent on getting an item in the game is money, so you are paying people for taking the time to win items. We live in a capitalist country and ....blah blah blah blah! LOL I could go on, but I want to look at Ebay some more. I cannot afford to buy what is being sold on there (and have most of it anyway) but it sure is fun to look! I searched "vmk" and found over 300, I think, items. I have not seen them all but it sure is interesting! Especially if you sort by highest price first and see what these people are asking.

All I know is, if I did not have inferno, I would probably pay $79.99 (what the one person selling it is asking for) for it, if I had that kind of money to spend on a game!

I stopped buying playstation games when I found vmk, honestly vmk and the dorky puzzle games I play online are all I need for my game-related entertainment right now! So I have saved money (I guess...if you don't count the two trips to Disney we have made since discovering vmk... :rolleyes1 )

P.S. Caribbound...don't buy gold ears, unless you just want the card. I can give you a pair!
I just saw Rule #9 - what about buying an item for credits in the game? That technically is buying/selling and item! Egads - I just did that!
Buying and selling on ebay is considered against VMK rules, but it is not illegal, and not against ebay rules regardless of what some people may think, you cannot be "prosecuted" and you will not be banned from ebay, and like Mia said, if you use mules, you have nothing to worry about on VMK. I recommend that all my buyers use mules. But regardless, VMK has either turned a blind eye to it, or tacitly approves of it because it really is free advertising for them. I have been "trading" off the same mule since I started (a long time ago) and why else would they keep making rarer and rarer items? I also believe that someone who works for Disney or VMK is selling items on ebay themselves if for no other reason than to keep the prices down. Some of the items being sold for certain prices, to me, just isnt worth it. I calculate my prices by the ammount of work I had top put in to acquire the item.

Lighnizinng: That auction for the Pirates codes does NOT guarantee a Sparrow costume. (none of those auctions you list are mine)
[and i saw] VMK 200,000 CREDITS! THROUGH KIOSK NO CODES! 200,000!** for C $92.53 [what a shame =[ if some people actually buy this stuff]
I was looking on ebay yesterday and one buyer has bought at least two green flips for $500 plus each and other items that were very expensive. It must be nice to have so much money to just throw around on virtual items. :rolleyes:
gosh it amazes me!!!! going back to post number 1 it says people are gifting space suits........... (can't imagine gifting one of those because it is so hard to get one- at least for me). anyways, i believe that it is almost wrong to sell vmk items on ebay because it's just a couple of pixels!!!! that is basically like paying to play vmk!!!!! then again, i think it's up to each individual what they want to do with their money, even if it's illegal on vmk (i don't suggest it, but if you want to do it, go ahead).
That is very wrong. Wake up! This is the real world, with real cash! This isn't a game! :sad2:
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