We’re all going on a Summer Holiday to the Disney Parks -WISH July Lifestyle/Challenge

Back in Dublin joining little late this month. I feel jet lagged and tired after 21 hour trip door to door.

Welcome back :-) Why so long - did you have connecting flights? I thought there would be less flight time for you than from here in Australia? I hate that jet lag feeling :faint: - I just need sleep when I have it.

I seriously underestimated the challenge that moving from one place to another adds to the picture. When you add that a 5 year old had a say at our choice of dinning on many nights, and we were travelling with others ... I am not going anywhere near the scale this week

My goal is to go back on tracking and eating a lot more veggies and fruit and exercising

Sorry to hear your eating didn't go quite as you hoped - yes 5 year olds just have no consideration some times :rotfl2: . I know you will be back to healthful eating in no time and I bet those fruits and veggies will feel like they have never tasted so good - there is nothing like a trip away to make you crave fruits and veggies. Well despite those challenges I hope you had a great vacation.
We had connecting flight, 3 hours gap in London. We also went to the airport about 4.5 hours early, hour drive, 30 minutes to give the car back and get shuttle to the airport and so on.

I don't think my son got the opportunity to tell us where we will be eating at 5! If he did, we would have been eating at McDonalds daily :)
When I woke up a little after 6:30 this morning I thought about going into one of the gyms to use the pool since it opens at 7 on the weekends then I thought no sleep is needed so try and go back to sleep. I had been asleep about 40 minutes when my DH woke me to tell me that there was a fire call and that he was heading into work. Good thing I hadn't headed to the pool as I usually swim for 40 minutes to an hour plus I take 20-30 minutes to shower, change, and make myself presentable after in addition to the drive time of about 20 minutes I would not have been home. I got my 32 oz bottle filled with ice water and had some, spent some time reading various boards that I read and listening to some you tube videos ( research for what we are doing in history down the road). Wandered outside to feed the 2 rabbits that we have. We lost our mini lop doe on Friday. Surprisingly there were not a whole lot of tears shed as she had a nasty disposition. I was more upset over the fact that she would have shown nicely due to her having some good lines and this would have messed up the girls each showing a rabbit at the state fair in Great Falls. Provided I could work out the details to get us, the rabbits ( planned on using a rental car which we can not have them in so needed to see if a friend could take them up), see if the church youth group was coming back from the Kalispell/Columbia Falls area that way ( they have also gone through Missoula) and if I could get 12 year old there. DH nixed the idea due to the costs of getting a rental vehicle so it is a mute point. Got our little garden watered for the morning as in this heat we are going to have to water it a couple of times a day. It is coming in nicely though we have not gotten anything yet from it. Came back in and had a light breakfast of peanut butter toast. Worked out to part of the walk diet 1 mile workout doing 11 minutes which is a little over half a mile but could not do anymore. I would like to get some additional time in later today even if it is just 5 minutes but I also don't want to get myself in a situation where I do to much and end up not being able to do anything like I did after pushing myself too much in May and was out of commission for serious exercising in June. Waiting for the girls to get up though 12 year old is awake but not moving too much so mainly waiting on 9 year old after which time we might wander into town to get some grocery shopping done though things might wait till I can go in alone on Monday. I won't have to worry about DH having a fire call as those will be handled by the day crew during the day and by the night crew he works on for the night. It's just the weekends that he gets called in which does mean an automatic 4 hours of work even if it takes less. Including drive time DH was gone 3 hours and 15 minutes and is now home still getting paid.
Well it is just after 6am Monday morning for me .... a long night - took DS16 to get checked at ER as at 8pm he started complaining that his head hurt when we moved - he had gotten hit in the back of the head with a paint ball pellet - so I always am extra cautious with head injuries - all looked ok with neuro exam - I roused him a couple of times through the night ok - he says he still has a bit of a headache this morning - so he gets to miss the first day of school as it is an athletics carnival - not that he minds he was trying to get today off anyway lol.

I am off to work as all you lovely people head into your Sunday evening. Monday my co-host @MommaoffherRocker will take over for the next 2 weeks - looking forward to see where she takes us in the parks :-) and you will hear from me again for the last week of July.

We had connecting flight, 3 hours gap in London. We also went to the airport about 4.5 hours early, hour drive, 30 minutes to give the car back and get shuttle to the airport and so on.

Eeek - I didn't realise there wasn't a direct flight from where you are - I also like to make sure I have plenty of time when heading to airports as well just in case of the unexpected on the way.
Week 1 Progress

4Mickeys 21.82%

Oneanne 40%
Lady Marie 12.5%
Piglet 1979 26%

Let me know how you are going and I will add your progress here.
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Sorry-was mIA this weekend. Friday was my birthday so I spent the day cleaning the house , shopping for dinner, making my birthday dinner and cake. The cake was a flop. The taste was good but I did something wrong with the cool whop frosting and just sort of slid apart. I wanted to make a sugar free cake which it was , tasty but a mess. It was funny.

Looks like everyone has had a busy week.

Yesterday and today has been yard work, laundry, packing for WDW waterpark trip. Going on Tuesday and hoping for good weather. We are staying at SSR, so I think I will need to walk around at DS each night to get steps in. Not many steps spending the day in a lazy river!

I am down 1 lb, so 25%.

The QOTD about Tiger and fitness levels...mine is sad. This journey of weightloss is truly about my health and fitness. I was swimming in the pool and after not very long I could really feel myself getting winded. My DH surprised me with a treadmill for my birthday so that I can get my steps in, in the a/c. It kills me when it is so humid outside, feels like I can not breathe.
packing for WDW waterpark trip. Going on Tuesday and hoping for good weather. We are staying at SSR, so I think I will need to walk around at DS each night to get steps in. Not many steps spending the day in a lazy river!

Sounds fantastic - have a great relaxing time.

My DH surprised me with a treadmill for my birthday so that I can get my steps in, in the a/c. It kills me when it is so humid outside, feels like I can not breathe.

Oh how sweet and supportive :-)
Sorry-was mIA this weekend. Friday was my birthday so I spent the day cleaning the house , shopping for dinner, making my birthday dinner and cake. The cake was a flop. The taste was good but I did something wrong with the cool whop frosting and just sort of slid apart. I wanted to make a sugar free cake which it was , tasty but a mess. It was funny.

Sorry-was mIA this weekend. Friday was my birthday so I spent the day cleaning the house , shopping for dinner, making my birthday dinner and cake. The cake was a flop. The taste was good but I did something wrong with the cool whop frosting and just sort of slid apart. I wanted to make a sugar free cake which it was , tasty but a mess. It was funny.

Looks like everyone has had a busy week.

Yesterday and today has been yard work, laundry, packing for WDW waterpark trip. Going on Tuesday and hoping for good weather. We are staying at SSR, so I think I will need to walk around at DS each night to get steps in. Not many steps spending the day in a lazy river!

I am down 1 lb, so 25%.

The QOTD about Tiger and fitness levels...mine is sad. This journey of weightloss is truly about my health and fitness. I was swimming in the pool and after not very long I could really feel myself getting winded. My DH surprised me with a treadmill for my birthday so that I can get my steps in, in the a/c. It kills me when it is so humid outside, feels like I can not breathe.

QOTD: Where was I last week... it actually feels like along time ago, but it was a wonky week of working a day, two days off, and then kind of working two days, as I still had holiday-itis and wasn't overly productive. But Wednesday of last week was the appointment with the nutritionist where we laid out the ground work for the good things to come. Sunday I made my first trip to the grocery store, shopping from a list. When I put my list together I felt like it wasn't that much stuff but ended up spending $100... about $40 of it was for a nice piece of King Salmon, which I'll be able to get three servings out of. There were also two pieces of chicken and stuff for smoothies, so maybe seven or eight meals for $100... eating dinner out is usually around $30, so I guess it is cheaper. When I got home I didn't feel like there was a lot of prep work, so things were just put away. Then at about 9pm I realized I had better start cooking what I wanted to take for lunch.

WEEKLY CHECK-IN: I'm down 4 pounds but haven't maintained 10,000 steps yet so averaging the two goals I come up with 40%.

The new bed came Saturday, it is so different than what I was sleeping on. It is much firmer and feels like sleeping on a slab, but all the literature says it will soften and the one in the showroom was certainly comfortable. Plus they say it takes you a couple days to adjust... I seem to be sleeping OK which is most important. Sunday I decided to finally tackle working on the sofa... so far I've rebuilt the seat cushions, as they were flattened where I usually sit. I'm thinking I may add one more layer of the upholstery batting to the inner corners, which take the most use. Then its on to making the slip cover, a daunting task but it will look so nice when its done. Doing it is a sure sign that my energy levels are coming back up, so that's a good thing.

Hmmm... no holiday this week? Work five days this week? I was thinking it would be nice to take Friday off, but then remembered we're in kind of a vacation freeze period as this is a peak, busy time of year.
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Happy Birthday @4HOLIDAYS !!!

This weekend was actually pretty good for me. I did go back to the gym and the coach was great giving me modifications and coaching me on the bike so I didn't worsen my injury. Man, I can tell I've been out of my groove though. I am SOOOOO sore! Or maybe the bike is working muscles I haven't done before. Either way, I'm happy to be easing back into it.

Food wise, I did just ok. We threw a wedding shower for my cousin and catered barbecue. It was not the best choice, but it was delish! I've got to be able to indulge sometimes :) But back to making better choices this week. The scale isn't moving and with San Diego on the horizon, I need to make adjustments if I'm going to get to my first goal weight by our Disney trip in a month....

Progress: 1 out of 8 classes -- 12.5%
Sorry-was mIA this weekend. Friday was my birthday so I spent the day cleaning the house , shopping for dinner, making my birthday dinner and cake. The cake was a flop. The taste was good but I did something wrong with the cool whop frosting and just sort of slid apart. I wanted to make a sugar free cake which it was , tasty but a mess. It was funny.

Looks like everyone has had a busy week.

Yesterday and today has been yard work, laundry, packing for WDW waterpark trip. Going on Tuesday and hoping for good weather. We are staying at SSR, so I think I will need to walk around at DS each night to get steps in. Not many steps spending the day in a lazy river!

I am down 1 lb, so 25%.

Enjoy your trip, I love being able to walk to Disney Springs at night! Sometimes for breakfast at WPE express too. Happy Birthday
Eeek - I didn't realise there wasn't a direct flight from where you are - I also like to make sure I have plenty of time when heading to airports as well just in case of the unexpected on the way.

There is, just it's triple the price! I didn't sleep well last night, meaning my day is really messy, I am hungry and tired all the time. I dragged myself to the gym, took a day off work and I hope for good sleep tonight to get me back on my time zone!
Sorry I have been MIA. It was such a busy weekend. We had my nephews grad party on Friday. He was my first nephew and my sister was a single mom so I helped her a lot. So I was kind of a 3rd parent to him. I really can't believe he has graduated high school and is 18.

On Saturday my son had a baseball game. Then I took my daughter with me to get am mani and pedi. She loves them and I needed one to look good for Monday. After that we cleaned the house and then went to dinner.

On Sunday I meet up with a few friends from high school. Our kids are all about the same age and get along really good. It was a fun afternoon.

Yesterday I worked a golf outing that one of our donors puts on to raise money for his scholarship. He is a local celebration and most of the people are either sport or local celebrities or very wealthy families that own business in the area. Hence why I felt I need to have my nails done. This was his 21st golf outing but might have been the worst weather he has ever had. The golfers only played about 4-5 holes before getting called back in for lightning. The weren't able to get back out either. We ended up with a huge storm with heavy rains (you couldn't see a foot in front of you) and some very high winds. It was a little crazy but everything still ended up working out. Dinner got moved up and they were still able to have the auction.

So for my check in -- Drinking 20oz a day is 80%. Losing 2 pounds is 0% and tracking my food is 0%. So if I did my math right I am at about 26% total.
Hey guys!! I'm sorry I haven't got questions up yet, for some reason I stopped getting notices? I am working on today's question now and it will be up shortly :)
Today we are going to take a ride on
Mickey's Fun Wheel

fun wheel.jpg

The wheel is located inside of Disney's California Adventure and is perfect for panoramic views of the parks and just relaxing

Here is the view from the top looking out at TOT and Carsland


At night it lights up and there's even a game you can play with the colors while waiting for World of Color to begin

color wheel.jpg
(isn't this picture beautiful, I wish I could say it was mine but it's not)

don't be fooled by this innocent looking fun wheel, it can also be one of the scariest rides at DLR. It is often referred to as the wheel of death by those that have ridden in the swinging gondolas.

Have you ever been judged by your appearance? How has that affected your lifestyle? Do you let it get to you or do you use it as motivation?

Bonus Question: Have you ridden Mickey's Fun Wheel? Did you chose a swinging or non swinging gondola? And if you have a picture in front of the wheel please post it :)

I have a huge problem with feeling like I am being judged by my appearance. It really bothers me when I think people are laughing at me or judging me and it makes me want to eat more. Things have gotten better since losing some weight but I still struggle. I am especially worried about going to Paris, since I have heard they can be not so nice to overweight Americans. Also when I run races I know people make assumptions about me and those are annoying but I try not to take them to heart. No it's not my first race and yes I know how long the course is.

Bonus: I have ridden Mickey's fun wheel but was not brave enough for the swinging gondolas. I am afraid of heights so the regular one was thrilling enough for me. Here are my two pictures, one is a selfie me and DH took our first time in DCA (my fav Disney Park ever!) and then one of us at the WOC dessert party.
selfie wheel.jpg wheel at night.jpg
QOTD: I usually have decent confidence when it comes to self-image and I recognize that I'm blessed with that. However, something about this show that I'm in is kicking me in the face emotionally. I'm one of Reno's Angels in Anything Goes and if you've seen the show you know the Angels are supposed to be very cute and flirty. The other three women are all very slender and absolutely gorgeous and for the first time in a while I feel like a complete whale. I have a hard time feeling cute next to them and I feel like when people see the show I'm going to be the 'chubby angel'. Not to mention we have to wear a lot of white and I have vampire-pale skin so white is NOT my color at all.

It's a roller coaster of some days feeling amazing because I've lost weight and am already 8 pounds lighter than I was during auditions to feeling like crap because I let myself get that big in the first place and 8 lbs lighter is still big next to these women. UGH! Feelings like that can seriously derail the joy of progress in your goals so I'm doing my best to focus on the positive and just think of how much better I'll feel and look when we go to Hawaii in November.

Bonus QOTD: Yes and I loved it! I rode non swinging because the line was shorter. It was a solo trip and I was in a gondola with a three year old little boy and his mom. He was so precious. Here's an atrocious selfie that I took to send my DH before riding :)
Here are my two pictures, one is a selfie me and DH took our first time in DCA (my fav Disney Park ever!) and then one of us at the WOC dessert party.

OT but did you think the dessert party was worth it? I'm considering it as a surprise for my DH when we're there in November but $80pp is a tad high unless it's an amazing experience.


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