We had a disgusting episode at Rose & Crown.....

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calgarygary said:
Actually using something like sawdust and/or cat litter is fairly common in cleaning vomit. It makes it much easier on the individual doing this unsightly task. It also sound like Disney is using a chemical to help reduce the vomit smell. Let's think of the alternative - I know if I had to clean a stranger's vomit, then it will likely lead to my vomiting and whomever gets to clean mine,...well you can just imagine. The OP felt trapped by the vomit but imagine if it was an ever increasing puddle that was growing closer and closer with more and more strangers vomitting. So I don't really think that the sawdust and chem clean up was a garbage excuse.

Yes, sawdust and chemicals are standard procedure for cleaning up "protein spills" at WDW. As a former employee of Body Wars, believe me, we saw ALOT of it. It would happen on that ride about 3x per day at least.

So if you have ridden Body Wars in the past, you most likely have sat in a seat that previously had a "protein spill".

Not to keep the vomit stories going, but two years ago I was in line for M:S and the first "pod" opened and we couldn't go in it b/c of a "protein spill" so we were sent to another "pod". When those doors opened, yup, you guessed it, another "protein spill". I took that as a sign and got out of that line quickly. I am glad I did b/c when we got back from WDW I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. ;)
I think it's completely unacceptable to have to sit in a restaurant with the smell of puke in the air...and be so close to a pile of it. I would have immediately gone inside and asked for a manager and politely say something. I would not have sat there and steamed.

I have read most of these posts and I cannot believe how many people respond. The OP was not asking for your puke story or if you are a nurse or used to the smell of vomit. If you are a nurse it is part of your job, if you have a child that pukes often....it is not really revelant to the OP's story.

A restrant is where people go to eat......a restroom is where people go to relieve themselves...would you eat in the bathroom? I think not. I know kids don;t give warning as to when they are going to puke...that is not the topic of the OP. Why is everyone so defensive and feel the need to spill their guts (pardon the pun) about their own vomiting kids.

To me it sounds like the puke family had a primo seat and they were not giving it up and they did ont care. I'm sure they would still be sit there if the puke was topped with poop and soaked in pee.
Lives4Disney said:
Sorry to offend all you people that have kids that spontaneously vomit. I just do not think that was the case.

Just curious, would it have been acceptable for those kids to stay and finish dinner and watch the fireworks?
Disney Ella said:
If I happened to be sitting on a bench in Epcot and a child threw up nearby, it would not be a big deal. However, if I was eating in a restaurant and a child threw up five feet away from me, it would be. I don't know how anyone can be expected to eat with that vomit smell lingering, whether it's from your child or someone else's. I would have politely asked to be moved and expect that my request would be quickly granted, given the circumstances.

I guess I'm in the minority because if my child threw up in a restaurant for any reason, we would be out of there very quickly. If seeing Illuminations was so important, we'd find a place outside the restaurant, just in case the throwing up happened again.

I totally agree! You took the words right out of my mouth.
JESW said:
We have had our share of puke and Disney vacations....but it was OUR kids doing the puking!

The worst I ever saw was the first night of our Disney cruise last april...the seas were VERY rough (ship was rocking!) and they had cm's all over the place with the puke picker-uppers....people were getting sick ALL over the place! You couldn't walk very far without stumbling across a pile of the stuff they put all over it....blah...


I've heard too many of these cruise stories.

It's one of the reasons I hope that I never go on a cruise.
My daughter has an over-active gag reflex, plus a super sensitive nose. She can throw up just because she walked by a "stinky" bathroom, because some girl in the cafeteria mixed up her own food and took a bite of it (my DD didn't touch) my DD was at the garbage can. Since this is an ongoing issue for her, she's very good at aiming, but she can't always make it. Trust me, she and I feel bad enough when it happens and we do apologize to those around us and reassure them she's not "sick". Is vomit gross...yes it is. Do I want to eat right next to it...not really. If it's really bad I may just discreetly ask to be moved to another table because I am sure the parents and child feel awful enough. Depending on the circumstance I may remove her from the area, but on the other hand, if it was the "texture" of the food, she wouldn't eat more of that food anyway, so therefore wouldn't throw up again.
Tinkerbell_Tiffany said:
I think this thread needs to be closed...........
Why is that???? I thought things would get out of hand now and then with one post here and there throughout these posts BUT it has kept turning back to being totally peaceful. We DO still live in America, don't we??? Why do we need someone to close down a thread because someone else is tired of it????? All that person has to do is stop reading the thread, stop posting their comments to that thread and all will continue as before. Actually, I've been :lmao: :lmao: with some of these stories and replies. I've even been :rotfl2: on some of the posts that are other than what I believe about the "barf kid" and the OP.
I agree with goofie4goofy and Disney Ella. Nobody is saying we should lynch the child. If must be a horrible thing to go through in public. However, when a child throws up there is a good chance it is because that child has a virus. It could be contagious, thereby infecting everyone around, ruining many vacations. If my child threw up, no matter what the circumstance, I would be out of there immediately, for both my child's sake and for the sake of those around us. Under any circumstance Disney should have moved the op immediately. No one should have to eat with a view or the stench of vomit close by.
I'm highly sensitive to smells. I can not handle the smell of vomit at all. My kids are not big pukers thank God. The few times they have gotten sick, I have not really been able to do anything for them. I stand in the hall gagging, trying not to throw up myself. DH is the cleaner. I could not have stayed and eaten food of any kind. I feel bad for the OP.

I also agree with the posters who stated that they would have left the restaurant if it was their kid that had gotten sick. We would have left immediately and I would have felt terrible for the other diners around us.

I would return to Rose and Crown though. It's not their fault and stuff (and vomit) unfortunately does happen. :)
I think they should have called in the Vomit Containment Unit, closed the restaurant, shaved everyone there.... no, wait, that is if you touch a CHILD not VOMIT.... :rotfl:
What I don't seem to have read in any of these posts is how the OP knows it was the little girl on her mom's lap who threw up--the kid might just have been tired. It could have been someone at the table she was just at, so they had left already. The vomit was near enough to the OP's table, or maybe someone else was trying to make it to the bathroom but didn't. I just don't see how she knows. All I've seen is a "quite possibly" from a waiter. Even if she's correct, the whole paranoid germaphobe thing about the family still staying at their table is getting old. She doesn't know who puked or why, and I think she needs to get a grip about that issue.

Having said that, the OP was absolutely right to want to be moved from the vomit (I would have wanted to move), and the staff should have done it right away, instead of making her ask five times. They definitely dropped the ball there.
I haven't read ever post but I would be grossed out just like the OP! I would not want my children near the sick gril either. Why would I want my vacation ruined. I spent alot of time planning and DD is missing school, Iwant to have a good time. Also DH would not be happy spending $3800 for a ruined Vacation. I know someone who just got back from Disney and their 2 YO got very sick on vacation after the first day. They wasted 2 days in their room with a vomiting DD. They had a miserable time. So to me I can certainly understand. We carry hand sanitizer & wipes and hopefully everyone will be fine. Also I"m very sensitive to smells. :crazy2: To the OP is your dog a Newfoundland? How cute, I want one I hear they are so great with kids. Also I'd take the hairy guy ina speedo any day over vomit!
Dorisk3 said:
I'm going to say it- I'm with the OP on this one. I am extremely paranoid borderline phobic about stomach viruses- definetly a weird hangup of mine. If I smell vomit I want to run in the opposite direction. When my kids come down with any kind of stomach bug I practically attach the Lysol to myself and use Purell like every 2 seconds! And to the poster way back that said you'd have to eat the puke to get sick- think to yourself how quickly a stomach bug travels around any family. Those germs get everywhere! How was the OP to know if the kids on the other table just ate too much cotton candy or whether they had come down with the Norfolk virus? You can never be too careful. Nothing against the poor kid that threw up, it happens- but I can see why a person would be a little upset to see and smell vomit on the floor and then have the staff act like it was no big deal.
I'm the same way. I would have left in a hurry! I feel sick just reading about it. I have 2 little kids and they only ppuke when they have a virus and I get freaked out and make DH clean it. :rotfl2: If I get the virus I end up in the hospital with IV and meds because I almost die. I don't want me or my kids to be anywhere near vomit. :sad2:
I see how this was unpleasant for you but I think you went overboard with your reaction. I work in a popular bear-building store and anytime you have a lot of kids around things will happen like this. More than once a parent has not taken a child out of our store, (or even mentioned it) when their child has thrown up right next to them. It would be nice if your child did this to offer an apology to the people around you. It would also be a good idea to leave the store as a couple times kids, (and adults) around the sick child also started getting sick. I never really appreciated sawdust until I started working with excited children. Also, if anyone could get the children to stop picking their noses then grabbing us, it would be appreciated. That makes ME want to throw up.
Oh for goodness sake. Some kids puke. If she was happy and playing around chances are she didn't have anything contagious. Believe it or not even older kids can have reflux. My four year old does. He'll just randomly throw up after dinner and then be fine 5 seconds later. Some kids gag very easily. It's just life.

So you know what? I'd clean it up and stay for Illuminations too. I'll just take my pukester with me when I get hauled away by the moral police for sharing a meal with him while on the DPP :lmao: At least I'll have a cell with just him.

You shouldn't assume throw up equals deathly ill child that will ruin your Disney Magic.
I haven't read every post...........but I wanted to say I think the OP over-reacted and didn't know for sure WHO or WHY someone had vomited :confused3 I can tell you with my 4 kids (okay well with the baby I'm only guessing at 5 months not exactly sure yet, but I see a pattern :teeth: ) that all but one (the oldest) has reflux and throw up for reasons other than viruses. My 3 year old just threw up last night eating her popsicle because it went too far into her mouth :sad2:

I think they were doing what they needed to do (both parents and Disney Cast)--they cleaned it up, they moved the OP, they offered to let them start the fireworks etc etc etc..........
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