We WISH You A Disney Happy Holidays – December Challenge

I am going to woohoo that:
  • Today I had a productive day at work - I spent the day going through my files ready for next year, worked out which need to carry forward, closed others, made a to do list of outstanding actions, prioritised people to see in the first couple of weeks of the first term in 2018.
  • I saw 3 of the cutest little 4 day old Dachsund puppies at my neighbours this afternoon.
  • I have not had to cook dinner since Sunday - I have decided for the kids it is the summer of their improving their cooking skills - I pronounced on Sunday that was NOT cooking dinner for the rest of our summer break! I did say there had to be healthy choices incorporated! So far I am enjoying it :cool1:
I have not had to cook dinner since Sunday - I have decided for the kids it is the summer of their improving their cooking skills - I pronounced on Sunday that was NOT cooking dinner for the rest of our summer break! I did say there had to be healthy choices incorporated! So far I am enjoying it
That is amazing! That's actually one thing I wish I would have learned more of when I was a teenager. I was blessed with little brothers who are 11 and 13 years younger than me, so instead my main job was taking care of them while Mom made dinner. It was her way of escaping from them for a little while :P So alas, I didn't learn to cook until I had my first apartment in college. I think it's great that you are teaching them how to feed themselves in healthy and balanced ways at this age!

My WooHoo is that I (very anxiously) stepped on the scale for the first time since coming back from vacation. I was worried about what kind of damage control was coming my way but I had actually only gained one pound! Woohoo! It helped that we did a lot of high energy activities like hiking, surfing, swimming, etc, which balanced out some of the not so healthy food choices we made.
I do have some woohoo moments I can report today. I’ve been managing some studying this morning, as I need to and that’s a triumph today. I survived seeing the divorcing man in all his bitterness and anger this morning. I even stayed calm while my poor 17 year old was really upset with having to see him. She and I ended up having lots of good moments together later where I managed to get her calmer and happier so that she has decent odds of not letting her whole day be ruined by that mandatory appointment with her dad. I’m headache free still at the moment which is just generally a triumph for me. And she is headache free at the moment which is a first for her after one of those appointments.

AND here’s the best thing for me to be able to share related to all this weight loss I’ve managed since September: I’m wearing smaller clothes! I know y’all will have a clue what that means to me to be happy with seeing my progress in that way! And I’ve been enjoying the heck out of it for about a week wearing the new outfit three different times for different things since I first put it together and realized how it was making me smile! I’m really thrilled and thanking and praising my God!

I three out a pair of pants that was way too big and shouldve been tossed a long time ago and also I bought new undies and a new winter coat last week....all smaller than I’ve bought in years.
Woohoo... Wednesday again!

We're having a lovely stretch of dry winter weather with fog in the mornings and clear skies in the afternoons. Around here seeing the sun during the winter months is a treat indeed.

I absolutely love Christmas Tree #2, it is exactly what I wanted this year. Last night I turned off the house lights and sat by the tree listening to George Winston's 'Winter' for a while before heading off to bed. I had a challenging time turning my brain off enough to actually hear the music, so I need to repeat this ritual nightly, until I can.

Not sure if this is going to be a woohoo or not...I've been toying with the idea of doing a juice cleanse and decided yesterday that this was a good time, as there isn't anything coming up soon that would impact eating plans. I ordered five days worth of juice and plan on doing a modified plan with steamed veggies and simple protein as needed. The juice will arrive next Tuesday, so I've got a week of transition time.

Daily accountability:

Lose 5 pounds... I committed to doing the juice cleanse, but didn't eat like someone who is trying to lose weight.
Walk outdoors... not much out-of-doors time yesterday
Daily gratitude... gratitude was a topic of discussion for the Peace Project yesterday and the suggestion to make a gratitude alphabet was offered. Basically you think of something you are grateful for starting with each letter. I started mine with a quick go-thru of the first things that came to mind, and only had things for five letters. Today I am going to pause and ponder more, to fill in more letters.

Spread peace... worked on my shawl again last night: the pattern is designed to be a knitting meditation on peace, and it did open up some peaceful space for me.

We need a plan in order to achieve a goal. This month tends to get busier the further into it we get.
QOTD: What is your plan to balance out the Holiday treats and less time for workouts when we get to the really busy part of the month?

In the same vein as other themes this month, I think I am mainly planning to be at peace with the month. I have had some up and downs in this journey, and I think my brain is overreacting thinking that the holiday season is going to slam all 35 lbs that I've lost right back on me... no... a little blip in the road is not going to do me in. I plan to be mindful and do the best I can, but mainly at peace with the joy of the season and the treats it brings -- and less time at the gym means I'm spending more time with family and friends I love. I can be at peace with that :)

AND here’s the best thing for me to be able to share related to all this weight loss I’ve managed since September: I’m wearing smaller clothes! I know y’all will have a clue what that means to me to be happy with seeing my progress in that way!

That's the best feeling isn't it! Woohoo for you!!!

Last night I turned off the house lights and sat by the tree listening to George Winston's 'Winter' for a while before heading off to bed. I had a challenging time turning my brain off enough to actually hear the music, so I need to repeat this ritual nightly, until I can.

Ahhhh, that's so lovely! I recently found the fireplace video on Netflix, so I will put that on (the closest thing I can get a roaring fire here in south Florida! LOL) and watch the tree and listen... sooooo nice and relaxing! I can't say I'm any good at turning off my brain either, but I'm working on it :-)

Woohoo: I had the nicest evening with my cousin last night decorating her tree, and I found adorable cat wrapping paper at Target! :cat: Feeling festive today for sure!
I can't believe 5 days of December are already gone.

1) Did I eat smallest number of calories that still allows me to enjoy my day?

2) No snacking after dinner apart from 1 piece of fruit.

3) Minimum of 10 000 steps a day, and my minimal 4 workouts weekly * 20 minutes each?

4)What did I do great today (or yesterday if reviewing in the morning)
Great day, I am tired but I enjoyed the day and all my meals. I had some greek yogurt, passion fruit, mango and hazelnuts as treat - so good!

5)What can I do better tomorrow
nothing, hope to have just as good day.

I definitely find it easier to be happy with 1800 to 2200 calories on days I eat mostly whole foods. The difference between this and last week is insane!
I hope your day improved - that is tricky with your daughter's ankle - as she has had a previous injury I wonder does the weather affect it?

She has actually hurt both ankles. The right was a break a few years ago that went misdiagnosed (the break did not show up on 3 different x-rays over a month and a half time frame) for 6 months. This has caused many issues. Then she sprained her left this fall. I think this is either the weather or her growing. She grew 4 inches last year (September to September) and has grown at least a 1/2 inch to an inch already this year. She is just growing to fast. We go Monday to the ortho and these will be questions that I ask.

I have not had to cook dinner since Sunday - I have decided for the kids it is the summer of their improving their cooking skills - I pronounced on Sunday that was NOT cooking dinner for the rest of our summer break! I did say there had to be healthy choices incorporated! So far I am enjoying it

I can't wait until we get to this point. Not ready for them to be using the stove/oven without us with them. DD almost caught the house on fire with the microwave a year or two ago. It is great that you are teaching them healthy options too.


My woohoo is today is going better then yesterday. I gave a presentation today at work and it went well despite being very nervous. I don;t do these often and in the past would talk my boss into doing it. Now that I am not the only one in my department it has made me come out of my comfort zone. It is a competition. I can't let her be better then me. I have also lost a little bit of weight again. Only like .2 or so pounds but it is something.

Yesterday continued to be rough. But I think it was just me yesterday. I got to the rec and realized I left my phone at home. I can't workout without it. So I went home to get it then realized that I was not going to be able to work out and braid my daughters hair like I promised. She likes me to put about 100 little braids in her hair. I got home and almost started to cry. DH ignored me as I was being ridiculous (and I was). He told me to braid her hair now and them go to the rec as the rec is open later then her bed time. So I did. It felt good to get that workout in. He sacrificed working out so i could. He did go for a walk in the cold (we started yesterday at 50 degrees and by 8 it was like 30). So it all worked out. I really think i am ready for my vacation.

Another woohoo 5 working days left until my 2.5 week break.
My WooHoo is that I (very anxiously) stepped on the scale for the first time since coming back from vacation. I was worried about what kind of damage control was coming my way but I had actually only gained one pound! Woohoo! It helped that we did a lot of high energy activities like hiking, surfing, swimming, etc, which balanced out some of the not so healthy food choices we made.

Good news about the scale. Sounds like you had lots of fun on vacation :woohoo:

I do have some woohoo moments I can report today. I’ve been managing some studying this morning, as I need to and that’s a triumph today. I survived seeing the divorcing man in all his bitterness and anger this morning. I even stayed calm while my poor 17 year old was really upset with having to see him. She and I ended up having lots of good moments together later where I managed to get her calmer and happier so that she has decent odds of not letting her whole day be ruined by that mandatory appointment with her dad. I’m headache free still at the moment which is just generally a triumph for me. And she is headache free at the moment which is a first for her after one of those appointments.

AND here’s the best thing for me to be able to share related to all this weight loss I’ve managed since September: I’m wearing smaller clothes! I know y’all will have a clue what that means to me to be happy with seeing my progress in that way! And I’ve been enjoying the heck out of it for about a week wearing the new outfit three different times for different things since I first put it together and realized how it was making me smile! I’m really thrilled and thanking and praising my God!

I three out a pair of pants that was way too big and shouldve been tossed a long time ago and also I bought new undies and a new winter coat last week....all

Well done with the study time - it can be difficult switching off and focusing on study :woohoo:
:hug: for you and DDs difficulties with divorcing man - transitions are hard but you sound like you and DD have a close relationship.
Smaller sized clothes always worth a :woohoo:
WOOHOO to you for being a strong woman who sounds like she is transforming her life and being a good example to her DD - it isn't always easy (believe me I know) :woohoo:

absolutely love Christmas Tree #2, it is exactly what I wanted this year. Last night I turned off the house lights and sat by the tree listening to George Winston's 'Winter' for a while before heading off to bed. I had a challenging time turning my brain off enough to actually hear the music, so I need to repeat this ritual nightly, until I can.

That just sounds so cozy - I hope you have more success switching off tonight. Oh and :woohoo: about tree #2 glad it is making you happy.

Not sure if this is going to be a woohoo or not...I've been toying with the idea of doing a juice cleanse and decided yesterday that this was a good time, as there isn't anything coming up soon that would impact eating plans. I ordered five days worth of juice and plan on doing a modified plan with steamed veggies and simple protein as needed. The juice will arrive next Tuesday, so I've got a week of transition time.

Good luck with your cleanse.

I plan to be mindful and do the best I can, but mainly at peace with the joy of the season and the treats it brings -- and less time at the gym means I'm spending more time with family and friends I love. I can be at peace with that :)

Definitely - when our focus on food and exercise means we are missing out on the joy of special moments with family and friends that is not healthy. It is great to see so many of us have a great approach to the holidays - mindful but not overly restrictive.

Ahhhh, that's so lovely! I recently found the fireplace video on Netflix, so I will put that on (the closest thing I can get a roaring fire here in south Florida! LOL) and watch the tree and listen... sooooo nice and relaxing! I can't say I'm any good at turning off my brain either, but I'm working on it :-)

haha - that is the closes I could get to a fire these holidays as well - given the similarities of our weather ;)

nothing, hope to have just as good day.

Great work :woohoo: hope your day turned out awesome

She grew 4 inches last year (September to September) and has grown at least a 1/2 inch to an inch already this year. She is just growing to fast. We go Monday to the ortho and these will be questions that I ask.

Those growth spurts are increadible sometimes - good luck with the Dr.

My woohoo is today is going better then yesterday. I gave a presentation today at work and it went well despite being very nervous. I don;t do these often and in the past would talk my boss into doing it. Now that I am not the only one in my department it has made me come out of my comfort zone. It is a competition. I can't let her be better then me. I have also lost a little bit of weight again. Only like .2 or so pounds but it is something.

Yesterday continued to be rough. But I think it was just me yesterday. I got to the rec and realized I left my phone at home. I can't workout without it. So I went home to get it then realized that I was not going to be able to work out and braid my daughters hair like I promised. She likes me to put about 100 little braids in her hair. I got home and almost started to cry. DH ignored me as I was being ridiculous (and I was). He told me to braid her hair now and them go to the rec as the rec is open later then her bed time. So I did. It felt good to get that workout in. He sacrificed working out so i could. He did go for a walk in the cold (we started yesterday at 50 degrees and by 8 it was like 30). So it all worked out. I really think i am ready for my vacation.

Another woohoo 5 working days left until my 2.5 week break.

Well done on your presentation - a little competitive spirit is good :woohoo:
You are lucky to have someone to help gain perspective - but we all have those bad teary days - tomorrow will be better - and you did well to persevere and get to the rec :woohoo:
It seems weird not to have kids around to celebrate St. Nicholas Day! We used to give them gold coins. A girlfriend always made sure her kids put their shoes at the end of their beds so St. Nicholas could put oranges in them!

Well, tonight DH wanted me to make a cookie I haven't made in years and years. I am expecting to be sick and deeply regretting it later tonight! I don't know why I ate soooo many. They are quite delicious, though. I haven't put it in MFP yet, but it probably put me over calories. A blip in the road; I am moving on.

My plan is just to keep going. I'll be off two weeks and most of those days I'll be able to walk with my group, so that'll be good. Plus, I won't be waiting past the time I get off work for parents to come pick up their kids from school so I will actually make it to yoga class!!! The other office gal and I decided that I will just add the time I had to wait to my lunch break. It might be a bit tough on her for a bit, but she's so nice and more than willing to do it. She gets frustrated for/with me because I work too much!! It's part of her job to fuss; I fussed when I had her job. It never does any good, but it makes me feel appreciated!

Wahoo. Hmm can't really think of anything. Oh! We had a fire drill at school today and it went without a hitch! Unlike the last time when the fob that resets the locking/access system battery died and I locked 450 people out of the building!! :rotfl:
I am in again this month or trying to get in. Hoping my computer won't crash chrome while posting. I am Tammy a 44 year old mama of 2 girls ages 12 and 10. We live in MT where we are active in our local 4-H community. This year 10 year old is taking Rabbit 1, Arts and Crafts, Exploring 4-H, Microwave Cooking 1, and Ready to Wear 1 for her projects. 12 year old is taking Rabbit 2, Cat 1, Pocket Pet 1, Babysitting, Child Development 1, cake decorating 1, Cooking 101, Baking 101, photography 1 Ready to Wear 1, and Drawing, Fiber, and Sculpture for her projects. She is thinking of adding a few more projects to her list and is debating about applying for Leadership Washington Focus. I am our club representative for small animal committee along with being the rabbit leader and helping with cat and pocket pet. I am also the mama's taxi service driver. 12 year old also goes to teen table top gaming at the library and the teen lab on the 2 Tuesday a month we don't have either club meeting or cake decorating project meeting. 10 year old does speech therapy and occupational therapy for her apraxia as well as going to some of the kids workshops at the library. So far she has done a dried flower arranging and a coding class. We also try to be involved with our church but that is more hit and miss lately.
I am also an independent consultant for Jamberry and I love coming up with interesting combinations to do my nails. I consider it body art that I can change up just about anytime I want.
My goal this month since I have been grounded from physical activity after I fell when my fibro acted up is to drink at least 64 ounces of water each day not counting what I drink in herbal tea. I am also looking at maintaining my weight or even loosing a little bit though with the holidays and not being able to do much of exercise even walking in my house and all the holiday gatherings this is going to be a challenge. Due to being to quote my husband looking like hell I didn't go to the 4-H family fun night carnival so only ended up eating a piece of pie that I asked my husband to bring me instead of a couple pieces of pie, a least a walking taco, some popcorn, and more stuff. Next week is the club holiday party, and then we have Christmas with my family this year and the snacks for New Years eve. Once again I will be making husband's sister mad that I am not bringing the girls to hang out with everyone while he is at work. Driving that night with increased nimskulls on the road who tail gate when your driving the posted speed limit and they think you need to drive 10 miles an hour faster than the posted limit no matter what the conditions so they flash their brights in your review mirror is not my idea of a good time especially after being ignored by most of my husband's relatives-mother in law and one sister in law will actually sit and talk to me, his brothers will at least say hello and his brother's wife will too though for Thanksgiving my sister in law who will sit and talk with me son sat down and visited with me. Oh and don't forget being told that my girls are doing everything wrong usually when his sister's grandson decides that they have had too long at their turn on the video game (rule is your turn is until you die then it's someone else's for everyone else though because they play better then him if he thinks they have had too long it's they aren't sharing and letting me have a turn. Even when some of the older ones stand up for my girls they get in trouble because sister darling rules the roost. I refuse to play that game so guess who isn't liked and why). I will stay home and watch Disney Parks fireworks on my laptop and then a movie with my kids and we will have snacks that we want
I will catch up on some of the questions of the day later so I can get this posted
I am in again this month or trying to get in

Welcome back - that is so weird I thought about you when I was driving to work this morning. Sorry to hear you injured yourself. Good luck with your goal for the month.

Decoration styles vary

Some go traditional and simple

Some go all the way

and then there's Disney style!

Decorations help set the mood for Christmas celebrations.

QOTD: What are you going to do over the next week to 'set the mood' to make it a week that counts?
Bonus Q: What kind of Christmas style does your family home have?
QOTD: Hmmm that's a great question! I'm not sure if this fits in with 'setting the mood' but we had a big cold front blow in on Tuesday (Monday was 67 deg F, Tuesday was 40, today is a high of 34! Brrrr), and when it turns cold my motivation to leave my office at lunch time to make the trek to the workout room severely decreases. So I'm convincing myself that working out will warm up my body. It's been working so far!

Bonus: Our style can best be described as...garage sale chic. I'm pretty cheap so my method so far of building our decoration collection is to hit up garage sales and day-after-Christmas sales. That means that hardly anything matches. Which bothers me a little because I would love to have one of those Pinterest worthy Christmas houses but I realize that it doesn't matter much. Especially when I saw the look on my DH's face when he came home from work the day that I decorated and was so happy that our house looked like Christmas! It's the little things :)
I am horrible at decorating in general. I had white walls in my house until my mom said for my birthday she was going too paint the walls. She was sick of seeing the walls white every time she came over. It has been about 8 years and nothing has changed. We do have our Christmas tree up and Elfie out Elf on the shelve has come back. I really dislike that I started this tradition. Trying to remember to move him every night is a pain in the behind. Plus other parents have a naughty elf and my daughter got wind of it. She asked Santa for a girl naughty elf. This year Santa didn't reply. That is too much for this Santa to do. Last year my niece introduced my DD to the Elf on the Shelve friends. So after DD left a note for Santa asking for them this Santa ran out after they went to bed and found them. We now have a St. Bernard and a Reindeer. We do put up lights outside. Well we used to but we need to get new ones. We do have a blow up Olaf and the light thing that you point at your house but DH hasn't put them up yet.

What am I going to do for next week. Well I am going to stick with what I have been doing. It is working. I am down another 1.2 pounds since yesterday. I will go to the rec T-F and not eat out. I need to work on the weekends so i don't gain so much. Well i just looked at the calendar and I can't go Wednesday. My son has his band concert but will go the other days and maybe on the weekend if I am not out shopping to finish everything up. My goal is to have everything by the 18th and everything wrapped by the time kids get home from school on the 19th so then I can just focus on DS after his surgery on the 20th. I will have cleaning to do but will at least be home if he needs me.

Yesterday was a much better day but was an off day. With have the presentation in the AM and not getting to my desk until about 1 through off my morning. Not bad but I didn't eat breakfast and instead had a candy bar. I did eat my salad for lunch though. After work we had to pick my daughters hamster so i didn't eat dinner until about 7. DH and I thought about just grabbing fast food but both decided we would just find something at home to eat. So I had a chicken patty sandwich. since I ate late I didn't want a snack because I was still full. So it all worked out. So far today I have forgotten my breakfast so I ate some Macaroni Salad that I have in the fridge at work hoping others will eat it. It is better then a doughnut which is what I would have gotten. At least the mac salad has egg and cucumber in it so has some nutritional value. I do have a salad for lunch and I am sure DH will make a healthy dinner.
QOTD: What are you going to do over the next week to 'set the mood' to make it a week that counts?
Bonus Q: What kind of Christmas style does your family home have?

Nothing too noteworthy... I am tracking (for better and for worse), and have gone to the gym twice this week. I plan on going again on Friday and maybe Sunday if I don't have to work. The end of the year means DH and I have to do inventory on the store-- it usually takes us two days while the store is closed... so that may be my whole weekend :rolleyes2 It's either this weekend or New Years weekend... oh well -- necessary evil Haha!

But to aid in planning around all the things going on this week/month, I just looked at my calendar and planned out some gym time and a few meals coming up. So thanks for this question! It got me to plan ahead!

As for decorating, I guess it's overly dramatic and sparkly in the dining area and rustic chic in the living room.... the rooms are joined though so the theme isn't cohesive but I loooove my formal dining setting and don't care if it doesn't go. One year I did a fancy theme/color scheme tree and it just didn't feel the same. I'm a sentimentalist, so my tree and living area will always reflect things that were made, gifted, or mean something special.

What am I going to do in the next week to "set the mood"? Continue with the things I've started: finish the decorating by putting up a few more lights outside and a few more things on the tree: spend time with the lights off listening to music: play the Netflix fire place "show" on the TV: finish the presents I'm making and get things wrapped. These are all general well being things, that will help put me in the right place for healthful eating.

Decorating style? "More is never enough", at least as far as the tree is concerned. A couple years ago I actually counted ornaments on the tree and had more than 500. This year I intentionally wanted the tree to be more spare and simple, so there aren't quite as many. Over the years I've collected mostly ornaments of natural things - acorns, pine-cones, mushrooms, birds, a couple cats, fish/whales... this year I added a Sting-ray. I also have a collection of tents and vintage trailer ornaments, but they go on a shelf, not the tree. I always have a few Poinsettias around the house, and have seasonal bedding... I got a new sheet set this year with vintage Santa's that I quite like.

Daily accountability:

Lose 5 pounds... ate better but not better enough. Had a problem with my juice Order being mis-delivered to someone in New Jersey, so had to deal with that this morning. It is interesting to see how other retailers handle such things, as I work for a retail company and my group supports our fulfillment centers, where on-line purchases come from.
Walk out doors... had a hair appointment last night so there wasn't time for an evening walk, but I intend to get out tonight.
Daily gratitude... added to my gratitude alphabet and have at least one thing for each letter, except for "x". It was an interesting exercise, as I found I started with big ideas about what I'm grateful for, but ended up with small somewhat off the wall things, which was great actually. It gets you to look around at the mundane everyday things and think, yes, I really am grateful for my underwear.
Spread Peace... worked on my Shawl again last night. Got back to where I was when I ripped it back and wouldn't you know it, made another mistake. I somehow twisted one of the edge stitches the wrong direction... it was something only I would notice, but I decided to take my time and make it right. So I put in a lifeline, which is thread or yarn that's fed thru the stitches in the row you are ripping back to, so you can easily put them back on your needles, and it worked beautifully. The Project Peace thought for today is about walking with intention, which is so timely since walking outdoors is a goal for me this month. So tonight I'll be walking with peaceful intention.

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Decorating style is more towards the simple plan. Should be interesting decorating the tree this year since we have 4 kittens living in the house. Yes the 4 kittens that 12 year old bottle fed have become house kitties since the middle of October. As I write this I have one of them between my feet on the footstool taking a nap. Plan is to anchor the tree at 2 points to the wall and to not put any breakable decorations up. I might put some of them on a 2nd smaller tree on top of the entertainment center. If I can get my husband to put up some shelves on the walls I might do a few things on those. Outside we look like Scrourge or the Grinch lives here as no lights up. 12 year old and I are thinking of doing some lights inside around a window or two. Right now we are on get the house cleaned so we can start decorating. This includes cleaning the pile of laundry in the front room. My Piles of boxes in my room got knocked down by kitties and since there was evidence of mice (way less in this out as the kitties take them out. One of them Robin loves to take a mouse out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a treat-hers, though Harley gets plenty of them herself. The boys Batman and Joker rarely get one though Batman has gotten 1 or 2) I decided to do a clean out of that part of the bedroom and 12 year old and myself have been doing plenty of laundry. A lot of it is clothes that one of both girls have outgrown that just put it here and I will take care of it later. Once that is done the big thing is going to be to move the ironing board and a few things on and around it in order to start the decorating.

What I like to bring to parties depends a lot on what I am assigned to bring. We have the 4-H club Holiday Party next week and we are to bring a sweet treat that is finger food so I am trying to figure out from there what to bring. I am thinking some fudge done in the microwave that 10 year old can make. This will get one of her activities done in the book. I also try to be mindful of any food allergies since there are so many in my side of the family. I like to try different things since I don't have that oh I just love your would you be sure and bring that dish. For you lovely ladies I would do a nice fruit tray with a couple of different fruit dips.
Thursdays are my longest day each week, at least for this quarter. I try to get to a study session by 7am at my school although I missed it last week and I was nearly 20 minutes,late yo it this morning. And I end leaving a work location on the wrong side of the city at 10:15 or later p.m.

I'm working my general plan tonight, although I've taken a week off of the intermittent fasting part of my weight loss workings and also a few days off from weighing myself. I'm drinking a lot of weakly brewed organic herbal tea tonight. I received the blessing of another free acupuncture treatment today. There's always a few things to be grateful for!

My 17yo and I drove around and looked at Christmas lights last night! I love that she asked for that!

And I've gotten in a little more much needed study time today. Thankful for that too!

My Christmas style was usually centered around the tree in the past, a classic simple look but I always enjoyed it tremendously. Now in the last two years since Ben left Christmas has seemed different and sort of like its on hold till some future year when its more do-able. And I'm certainly overextended right now just as much as ever before in life!

Mostly this week I will be cleaning if I can manage the time and energy! I sure hope I can!

And we will enjoy things like hanging out together and lighting a few tea light candles. :santa:
I plan to do some meal planning to set my healthy mood. That always helps!
We're not really big on decorating. We used to do more when the kids were little. Now that they're gone, meh! We will put a tree up in about ten days or so. I've got some nativity scenes that will go out--always hiding baby Jesus until Christmas morning!

I'm shocked I wasn't sick from all the cookies I ate yesterday. Something to be grateful for!

Saturday we have two events. An open house all afternoon, serving chili, then a dinner where the main course is chili! We won't eat at the open house, just visit. We're supposed to bring an appetizer to the dinner. I think I'll just bring a veggie tray. I'm trying to decide if I want to make it myself or just buy one. I saw a couple cute trays (one a tree and another santa) when I was scrolling through Pinterest. Not that I would do that! I have a separated dish I'd throw things in. I like easy. :flower:


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