What are some things that make raising a boy so great?


Kaki Gori veteran
Sep 16, 1999
It's taken me a while to post this but I'm really interested in hearing your responses. Before I start let me say DH and I are totally thrilled to be having a baby, boy or girl, and we are soooooo blessed that he is healthy.

However, and this is going to sound stupid, we never considered when we were TTC that we might have a boy! For years we had been dreaming of our daughter, one who would be "daddy's little girl", one who would let me put her hair in pigtails and have red hair like me;) , and one who would look cute in dresses or hiking boots. We dreamed of ballet lessons and Disney Princesses for Halloween.

I had saved all my toys from growing up, from my dolls to my barbies, I even have 2 three-story barbie houses that my dad made and mom decorated. Now it seems that they won't get much use.

We were a little disappointed when we saw it's a boy, and I felt a little guilty, after all I was having a healthy child and many can't, and G-d gives you what you need! I soon realized I was mourning a dream that I had kept for a long time that wasn't going to be, at least not yet. (We hope the next will be a girl, but fate sometimes is perverse, I want one so I'm not going to get one, that sort of thing:rolleyes: )

I'm so ready to see my little boy and love him and kiss him, but I realize I still need another dream. DH and I aren't sports fans so saying instead of ballet lessons you will have soccer practice doesn't fill me with overwhelming joy. So I need you all to tell me some of the things that make raising little boys so wonderful and all the neat little things I can look forward to. My 1st frog in the house? Buzz Lightyear for Halloween?

Please don't flame me, I've put my feeling out here honestly and with all my preggo hormones I don't really want them squished. I KNOW we are lucky and blessed, I KNOW things will be wonderful with little Thor just like they would have been with a little Thorina. I just have no idea what raising a boy will entail!
i have a son but lots of nieces! and the best things i can think of are 1) girls have so much attitude that boys just dont have. i have seen this in his playmates too. and 2) in todays society, a girl comes home and says "i'm pregnant" and the family gets to deal with it. with a boy, he comes home and says "i got a girl pregnant" and you kick his butt and make him take responsibility. but there is a big difference in those two sentences.
and there are less worries about when they go out as teenagers. with a girl that is (my guess) one of the hardest times. i dont know why but there are less worries about a boy being out after dark.
When I was PG I secretly wanted a girl... (never told anyone... you folks are the first! ;) ) but we got a boy and I wasn't upset... it was just an 'if I had my choice' type of wish.

Now let me tell you if I had a chance to choose all over again... I'd choose a boy without hesitation!! :)

As far as the dolls & barbies... My DS has two of my dolls and begged us for a barbie at one time so he can still play with those toys of yours. :)

Here's a plus you'll get right away... NO TIGHTS!! I can't imagine having to put those things on a squirming baby or toddler!! EEEK!!

I don't have to fight with my DS about what he is going to wear. He doesn't have a fit if I put out the red shirt & the blue pants because he wants to wear the green outfit (of course you could have problems with this... but my boy doesn't care too much what he wears as long as it's comfortable.)

I don't have to braid hair or comb out tangles from long hair.

Now this might not be a popular thing to say... but it is a big plus in my book. We have friends that we met in Lamaze who have a girl and since toddlerhood she has been moody. I also have a niece who is 1 year younger than my ds and she is also moody. I think it's a girl thing! Being a girl myself at one time ;) I know I was/am/can be moody and I don't think there is any comparision to how a girl gets moody & how a boy gets moody.

I've had the 'thrill' of raising ants in an ant farm, burying 2 tadpoles, releasing 3 butterflies outside. Of course I ask that he does all the touching of these 'things'!!!!

My DS is proud to say he's kissed a worm. LOL!!

He catches spiders in the house & releases them outside (he doesn't want to kill them). LOL Isn't that a great plus?!

You can't even imagine how much you will love him and how much your ideas of 'boys' will change!! Congratulations!!
I would never flame you because I was in the same boat, however we already had one little girl and were hoping for another. I just always pictured us being an all girl family and Chris being driven crazy by a house full of progesterone. His brother has 3 boys and his sister has 2 boys so we assumed we would have all girls. I was a little dissapointed too when they said that Elliot was most likely a boy. I even teared up a little. The minute he was born, I teared up a lot from joy.

I can't even describe to you how much I love raising a little boy today. He is the sweetest little baby and such a snuggle bug. I've just sat here for at least 2 minutes trying to put how much I love it into words and I'm speechless. I love having a girl and I love having a boy just as much. Getting wizzed on during diaper changes in the first few months isn't much fun but that is the only negative and it doesn't last long. I have just as much fun shopping for toys and clothes and there is a ton of cute stuff out there. Buying little trucks and picking out clothes with froggies on them (Just saw this stuff and it is going to make me go broke...Look at those shoes!!! Froggy Clothes!! )

Basically, I can't say enough wonderful things about raising a boy and sometimes we have plans in our heads about how our life will be and we never think that a change in route is a good thing, when in actuality, that change in route brings us to paradise. I don't know what I would do without my little man and I'm sure you won't either. :)

I have an older girl (16) and younger boy(14). He is less tempermental and moody. Neither DH or I are athletic, but we enjoy little league and soccer and swim meets. It is just fun to watch him achieve. He was so into "big trucks" when he was little. We used to drive to truck stops for fun. And when he wore a little sailor suit, the ladies at church thought he was so cute.

I him sure that once little Thor is in your arms, you will wonder why you ever even had these questions.
I just had to add this...there is a commercial where a mom is bathing a baby boy and it goes...

"You always went for the tall dark and handsome type so whoever thought the love of your life would be short and bald"

I love it and it just about sums it up. :) Here is a link to the commercial.

Short & Bald Commercial
I only have one child, a boy, and I think it's difficult to know whats great about raising boys if you haven't raised a girl so you can compare.

All I know, is that my husband was an athlete in his youth and thank goodness our son was also a good athlete, so he and his father spent many hours together because of sports.

But he's a momma's boy, he truly is and I mean that in a good way. I don't mean he's a wuss, I mean that our relationship is very close and that he can and has told me anything, good and bad. It pleases me that he feels comfortable enough to come to me with anything, no matter what topic, no matter how uncomfortable it may make him feel.

He is close to his father too, but I am the person he seeks out when he "needs to talk". I think that happens when you raise boys. Girls seek out their fathers and boys seek out their mothers. I'm probably wrong but that's how it worked at our house.

The one thing I liked about raising a son was to be able to teach a male to respect women, physically and intellectually and to not be sexist. I hope that I succeeded with that.

I wanted a girl too but I couldn't love my son any more than I do, I was so blessed to give him birth.

Oh Mo'smom, that commercial makes me teary, every time. It's just so sweet.
I have one of each. I wanted 7 kids--could only have 2--would want all of the rest to be boys though.

Don't get me wrong. My dd is the BEST ever. She is extremely responsible (more than me), respectful and delightful.

I can go out and do things with my son that I could never have done with my daughter. We catch frogs, snakes and other creepy crawlies. We fish, get muddy and laugh. He wants to snowboard, rollerblade and ice skate--all in the same day! He wants a black-belt in karate and he wants to fly jet planes and the space shuttle.

Now, girls can do all of these wonderful things also, mine just is not interested--at all! She makes jewelry, writes movie scripts, designs clothing and reads--more solitary activities. She was never a "play with me" kind of child.

DS on the other hand wants/needs someone to play with him all of the time. Just different personalities, I suppose.
I love pretty much everything about raising my boys( okay, the cleaning around the toilet seat thing doesn't thrill me too much:rolleyes: ) I have 2 boys and a girl, and treat them like the individuals they are. Enjoy!
Can I just show you instead of using words:


Seriously though, just because you and DH aren't sports fans doesn't mean you can't do karate or baseball or something like that. I went through the same thing you're going through when I found out my second was going to be a boy. I kept walking by all those cute little girly outfits with bows and lace and I just had to stop to say awwwww. Then I would be sad because you can't put a BOY in that stuff. But that doesn't mean you have to give up your dreams. Who's to say that a boy can't play with dolls? DS plays with DD dolls and I'll have you know that a barbie's head seems to make a good chew toy :) Boys can do ballet too. I know its not traditional for boys to be in ballet, but you never know, he might like dance (and guys, don't worry...it doesn't make a boy gay)

But once you boy gets here you develope a totally new set of dreams. Once you get to meet him and get to know him and his personality you start realizing what he'll be good at. DS LOVES music and he will bang on anything he can get his hands on. He also gets facinated when his Daddy is working on the computer and he'll sit in his lap watching every move he makes. I imagine him being a drummer in some band and a computer genious when he gets older.
MosMom, your picture is beautiful! And the clothes are so cute!

Princess Aurora your guy is cute!

ennazus, I hadn't thought about the tights thing, that is a plus!

Thanks everyone who has posted so far, this really helps. I am an only and DH was raised as an only but has a sister 16 years younger than himself. I've never been around little boys except some cousins who were really mean to me.

Keep your posts coming!
I felt the same way as you. Before I was pregnant I had always dreamed of having a girl. I never had a brother and I was unsure of what it would be like with a son. My DH and I have infertility issues, so I knew when I was pregnant that this would likely be my only child (which turned out to be correct). When we had the ultra-sound and found out it was a boy, I was a little disapointed, but I was happy that he was healthy. As my pregnancy progressed, we picked a name and I started to become bonded with my little one.

When my son was born, he had some medical issues. The first time I saw my son he was in the NICU in an incubator and he was crying. When I approached him, he turned his head, our eyes met and he instantly stopped crying. From that moment on we have had a very special bond.

I never dreamed having a son could be so wonderful! I think it's like when daughters are "dadd'y little girls". Sons and moms have a special relationship. There is nothing more wonderful than the huggs and kisses I get each day. Every time he says "I love you" I just melt.

I thought I would miss all that come with having a daughter (dresses, barbies, etc.), but I never have. I have had a blast watching Bob the Builder over, and over, and over. We play matchbox cars and GI Joe. We snuggle and read books and play hide and go seek.

I am looking forward to watching him grow into a man. My DS amazes me every day.

I feel that my son is a true blessing. Sometimes I think God knows exactly what we need in our lives (even if it is different than our dreams).

I wanted a boy so bad ( I was a major tomboy) but had two girls. I miscarried my third which was a boy and was so hurt by it that I decided I wasn't going to try again. Well yrs later I had a surprise and it was a boy! He is 9, my girls are 20 and almost 17.

My husband assumed our son would love sports, boy was he wrong. LOL! He wants nothing to do with sports and wont even ride a bike. He does like to ride his scooter. He loves music and art. Before he takes off for school my son always tells me to have a good day and I love you. He is very sensitive to others and takes up for those that are picked on.
He still thinks passing gas is hilarious.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'm told they grow out of that stage.
My Mothers side of the family was ALL girls for 3 generations...until I broke the mold and had not 1, but 2 DSs.
Boys are very active and get into everything....like Desitin(see below)

<img src=http://edit.imagestation.com/pixami/ImageServer.psp?Cmd=GetEditedImage&ID=sess:1P6WS34DKHZG&width=-1&height=-1&fmt=jpeg&tm=1044715633710>

As you can see, boys keep life interesting. ;)
I have 2 sons, who are awesome, but desperately wanted a girl for all the reasons you stated. I got her 6 mo ago!

What I can tell you about having boys is They ARE fun. My boys are very sweet. They really love their mommy. They can be wild but they aren't as whiny or as "screamy" as some girls can be.

Shopping for clothes has always been a challenge. There is a lot of blue, green and red so it's always fun to try to find something unique.

They are easy to get ready, just dress and go. No long hair to bother with. No accessories. (already dd has matching bows, tights, socks etc).

Toys are simple...trucks, blocks, and hands-on stuff.

I really enjoy my boys! They are very cool and if I hadn't had a girl I would have been ok.

The BIGGEST bonus for Mom about having a boy---when out in public with dad---he gets bathroom duty!!! LOL!!! :) I love that!

From one redhead to another. Both are great!

When I was pregnant for our first, my DH wanted a girl and he said...I want her to have your red hair. Well..be careful what you wish for!!! That is exactly what we got!

Then it took us four years to have another child. I knew it was going to be a boy.

Then three years later...surprise! Another boy and he is a REDHEAD!

Each child is different, of course. Diff. personalities, etc.

I loved playing with dolls with my daughter, and I tolerate Legos with my boys. I am not the building lego kinda mom, but I love to spend time with them.

My DH and I are not athletic, but my DS, Kyle is 8. He was in Tae Kwon Do and we loved to see him excel in it.
He is also in Boy Scouts.
His brother, Sean is five. He just goes to preschool and plays.

Big Sister is 17 and almost driving...HELP> Now we are talking scary!
It is wonderful...different and worth every minute.

Good luck with Thor....I hope everything goes well.

I have a DS8 and a DD4. I was THRILLED to have a son first!! Then I got to play with tonka trucks, matchbox cars and lots of other fun "boy" things. We are not big sports fans and DS has no interest. He was in gymnastics for a while but quit because he doesn't like to sweat. :) Right now he's really into pokemon, game boy and drawing. Let me tell you, it's not just girls who are moody! Our DS is very sensitive about a lot of things, but that would go with another thread! :) I love my son and can't imagine life without him. He has always been a Mama's boy - still loves to cuddle, still loves to be read to. He is my partner in yard sales. Yes, he is messy, misses the toilet seat, has dirt and rock collections in his room, etc. But life is never dull.

I am very fortunate to also have a DD so I get to see the girly side of things. Princess dresses, barbies, dollhouses, etc. But she is also a tomboy and will probably be the one in the family into sports. (She LOVES gymnastics)

Funny thing is, when i was pregnant with DD, early on the u/s tech told us we were having another boy. I was thrilled with that since I knew the boy stuff and DS would have a brother. Well, what a surprise later on when a level 2 u/s and then the amnio proved we were having a girl! THEN I was shocked! Didn't know what I was going to do with a girl in the house! ha! Funny how you adjust.

I can understand the feelings you have about a lost dream. It is nothing to feel bad about unless of course the feelings continue once your son is born. We struggled with unexplained secondary infertility before DD and I remember losing the dream of having more children. If I had started when I was younger I would have liked to have more than 2. Another dream lost, but I will go on.

As many will tell you, once you see your sweet little boy you will not doubt that he was meant to be your son! :)

Actually, I was in the same boat as you except I waas hoping for boys both times. I now have 2 boys 4 years apart.

Boys are sooo less moody & whiney - they don't come home crying because their best friend is now best friends with someone else. Boys just don't care :D

My boys have buzz cuts - no tangly hair to mess with ( I had long hair growing up, so I am speaking from experience)

My boys aren't concerned with labels and don't care what the boy next store is wearing even if they are wearing the same thing :eek: :D

I guess overall I would say they require alot less "maintenance" and are just as lovable and cuddly as girls are - until they hit teen years anyway.
My DS is 15 and we are still very close. We have a special bond and have since the beginning. Your love will develop quickly and his interests will develop more slowly. By the time he wants to play ball, you'll be so in love with him that you'll learn to love what he loves. At least that's the way it worked for me.

Boys are full of energy and find everything exciting. Mine loved to be outdoors. Every day brought new things to explore and learn about together. Boys don't just like snakes and trucks. They like to dance (I have a toddler video to prove it!) They like Disney films, even the ones with princesses. Boys like cooking and helping around the house (at least until they get old enough to realize they are doing work). They like for you to read to them, just like girls do. They love making things and getting dirty.

Think of having a child as another way to be a kid again yourself. Take joy in the look of wonder in his eyes and play with childish abandon. Someday, he's bound to be a wonderful big brother, maybe even to a little sister. I know mine is.


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