What are some things that make raising a boy so great?

And it is great. My house is boy central station. All of their friends are at my house constantly. When they were little it was alot of work. The one son is extremely active and sensitive. The other is bookish and more quiet and self-contained. Between them they have been in nearly every sport, had stitches 3 times and 4 broken bones. One son rode his bike off of a dirt hill and nearly broke several ribs.
I also have an older dd. There is a world of difference. I am close to my dd, and suspect that she will be around more, but my boys are tons of fun. They keep me young and laughing. They also give me multiple gray hairs. The thought of what life will be like when they both get their license, don't even go their.
I am immensely proud of my sons and wouldn't miss a minute of this. You will love it.
By the way, I grew up in a nearly all girl houselhold. Now our home is definitely a testosterone zone. Oh, and begin saving your pennies now for when your son is a teen and starts eating everything in site. LOL>
We have DD 12 and DS 8. DD has never worn a frilly dress, pretty hairbows, I'M HAPPY IF THE CLOTHES ARE CLEAN SHE GRABS TO WEAR, has never backed down on a fight and collects every bug, rock, etc. loves science and math, and does not paint her nails, heck I'm lucky to get her to brush her hair! She has always been anti-Barbie and mows the lawn, shovels snow washes the car and is my computer whiz. she is also the most talented artist I have ever met, and is very practical, matter of fact and even keeled emtionally. No moodiness here(yet) . She is fiercly loyal, especially to her brother. DS has been known to always have a stuffed animal in his grasp, keep his blankie, stress out over friends, been caught playing dress-up at 3, likes to help in the kitchen, runs to the dog for a puppy hug when feeling down, science is also his favorite , makes SURE his clothes match, and is perfectly happy having his DS mow the lawn,shovel snow and handle the bug situation. He is sensitive and wears his heart on his sleeve,and has an amazing mind for facts about vehicles, aircraft and military. He is in awe of his Big sister, and he NEVER runs out of energy...physically or verbally!
I have the best if both worlds in our kids. They may not have the traditional boy/girl decriptions, and I have always said that I have 4 kids, as they both have qualities that are desired in both sexes. I had no idea how to raise a girl, because I was a new mom...boy or girl I was going to learn along the way, and I had no idea how to raise a boy. I am blessed to say they are most patient in allowing me to continue to learn this parent thing right along side them. Sonya, raising your little boy will surpass your greatest expectations, fears and joys. Enjoy the ride...it's a beauty!!!!!!!!
Mom to DS-15 and DD-5.

With my 1st, I thought I would prefer a girl over a boy also. I mean, I was a girl so, why not? I knew how to be a girl so, it must be easier to raise a girl. I had 2 brothers so, it's not like I needed another boy around. :rolleyes: ;) And, since my youngest brother was 12 years younger, I had a hand in seeing him grow up, for real! When DS was born and, I was informed of sex/weight, etc., I was sooo relieved! I had problems during delivery and, he was fine but, I didn't know ANYTHING until after recovery. :( I can't say I EVER thought about that 'preference' ever again! He was and IS who he is, a boy. I had no problem with that, you won't either and, you're already prepared.

With my 2nd, I then thought I wanted another boy rather than a girl! Heck, I had a boy already, why not stay the course I learned & knew. ;) Well, DD it was. Another surprise, since I didn't find out until she arrived but again, it didn't matter. I switched gears and, they're both the greatest gifts!

I have loved reading all these stories and wanted to thank everyone myself for posting here. The 'daddy's little girl' stories really meant a lot to me, for personal reasons. Thanks.

Thor will be a very lucky little guy, Sonya! {{HUGS}}
Let's see now, band trips, sports trips, emergency rooms trips. Oldest, now 23 and married, was into music, went to alot of band competitions, he also marched at Magic Music Days at DW. How proud can you be as parents to see your kid marching in DW down Main Street USA with castle in background! Youngest, just turned 17, more athletic, don't care for the music that much, but wants to do the best that he can. I think this one has his own card to get into emergency room at hospital. Saves time checking in LOL. Lets see, broken wrist swinging in park, broken arm in football, chipped bone in finger in basketball, took off to hospital in ambulance from football field last yr for fear of broken foot, (turned out to be severly sprained ankle.) Fluid on elbow from basketball, tooth almost clear through lip in basketball. He only knows one speed to play and that's all out. On the plus side of that, watching him kick off in State Football Championship game in Memorial Statium, (which they won) was priceless! Also hearing his name called as starter in BBall too. Wouldn't trade either kid off, (although I have threaten at times) am so proud of both. :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
I think of the time when I was dressed to go to a wedding and my then 3 yo DS looked up at me and said "Oh Mommy, you are beautiful"

Or when I made him chicken noodle soup and he told me I was the best cook in the whole world.

Then watching him score a goal in soccer and say "That's for you Mom"

Our secret good night where I put my forehead on his forehead my nose on his nose and kiss him on the chin.

My favorite Christmas ornament angel that he made with a clothespin and wings and his face pasted on with a halo above his head.

The first time they ask you how you now if a girl likes you or not.

Our house is wild and noisy with two boys. We've had lots of trips to the ER (no broken bones thank goodness) and soccer games in the living room and broken lamps but I wouldn't trade my boys for anything.

Enjoy your little boy!!
I have two boys, and yes, I do walk longingly past the little girls' departments in the stores. There are not tons of options for boys' clothes, but it does make it easier.

I only skimmed all the other responses (because DS #2 is on my lap and not interested in DISing!), so excuse me if I'm repeating too much!

Having a boy doesn't necessarily mean sports have to be big. He can be a musician - maybe he can play in an orchestra someday for the ballet.

OK, the things I love about having two boys....

LEGOS - too cool!

Hot Wheels cars - as a girl, I never had my own. I don't know who likes them more - DS or me!! (And they're cheap - what toy can you buy a girl for 80 cents??)

Boys only REALLY need one pair of shoes - maybe two or even three, but no more. Who wants to spend a fortune on teeny tiny shoes to match every individual outfit, especially when their feet grow so fast?

Boys don't whine (hopefully anyway!). I have 3 nieces, and they all whine!!

I don't have to pay for anyone's wedding!!

Boys LOVE LOVE LOVE their mommies. OK, my oldest is only 6, so I'm sure this won't last forever, but for now, it's cool that I'm number one in his book!

Boy Scouts - we haven't gotten to this yet, but we're looking forward to it. It is a time for so much fun but also for so much growth. My husband is an Eagle Scout and cannot believe how much respect he gets in the business world when someone finds this out about him. And it's something great that your son will get to do with you when he's younger and then some great bonding time with Daddy when he's older.

No hair to do in the morning, no arguing about when they can start to wear makeup, and no taking anyone to the gynocologist or to buy maxipads!!!!

Tonka trucks - very cool!

They can pee standing up - OK, yes, it means more clean up for you at home, but when you're out and he has to go, you don't have to coat the toilet in 30 layers of toilet paper to keep him from making contact with disgusting public toilet germs!

I know there are lots more things, but youngest DS needs me now.

Have you read the book "Love You Forever?" It's about a boy and his mother. It will make you cry!

Good luck with your son....you'll see - it's a wonderful gift!

Mommy to James (2-97) and Logan (7-02)
I have to say that I LOVE having a boy! Our DS is almost 16 now and the years have gone by way too quickly.

I know my DH has been living out his dreams with him over the years DS has been interested in Baseball, Golf Boating,Fishing and Swimming. DH coached baseball, we all play golf, have pool parties(cookouts) and spend many nice days out at sea together! We all enjoyed our yearly trips to Disney together as well. Even though there are no "frillies" involved in raising a boy (I look at things in a more masculine point of view LOL ) You will be able to find many, many interests to share together.

Enjoy your little boy, they grow up so fast! I wish I had it to do all over again!
Deep down, I didn't want a little girl because I'm not really frilly and think little girls need that kind of thing. God blessed us with two boys instead so He must have agreed.

The best thing about our boys is that they just roll with things. Sure they get angry and mad, but a quick bop on the head or a shove from them and they move on. I notice with little girls this isn't the case -- girls have much more emotions involved - at least it seems like it to me.

We are not sports people, in fact, we've tried for several years to get DS8 involved in sports but he's not into them either. Instead of forcing him to play soccer like his friends, we've found other avenues to share with him we never thought possible. He's involved with Indian Guides (Dad's the Asst Chief), Cub Scouts (both of us are den leaders) and Horseback riding lessons (something Dad did as a child). We love to go camping and it doesn't bother him to sleep in his clothes and play in them the next day too (his choice, not ours).

DS2 loves to dig in the dirt. The messier the better. Forget filling the sand box with sand -- if I were braver, ours would be filled with dirt (and mud). He loves to dig in the yard. Loves to move the mulch around the swing set all over the place. Loves to fill up buckets of water and drag them around. The dirtier the better for him.

You're going to have a great time. Congratulations!
Originally posted by Melissa R
Boys don't whine (hopefully anyway!). I have 3 nieces, and they all whine!!

Ohhh, I forgot about that one. How true!
I always envisioned that DH and I would have a boy and a girl. Instead, we have been blessed, and I really do mean that, with DSs, 5 and 7. Little boys love their moms. At my 5yo's birthday party this year, one of his friends spontaneously stood up on a chair as 15 4 and 5yo boys were eating pizza and yelled "Raise your hand if you think girls are yucky EXCEPT FOR YOUR MOM". 15 hands shot up into the air.

I am the cub scout den mother for 7yo ds, and it is so much fun to be in a roomful of boys. They have so much energy and enthusiasm for everything. Boys are not as clique-oriented as girls so much less social "drama".

With boys, no battles over clothes, no time spent on hair (and haircuts at the barbershop are much cheaper). I get to spend time doing all sorts of fun things that I never did as a "girlie-girl" growing up like watching planes and trains, catching bugs, building with legos, racing remote control cars, hot wheels, playing sports. Boys' toys are definitely cooler and more fun.

DH wasn't much into traditional sports but older DS loves them, and DH is enjoying learning soccer, basketball, baseball, etc. with DS. I am currently coaching 5yo soccer, and it is a blast.

Also, if you had a girl, she might not be what you expect. I know more little girls who play soccer than take ballet. Some friends' dds would rather have all of their toys taken away than to put on a dress.

I promise your son will melt your heart and you will love him with an intensity that you cannot now imagine.
My son other other day... ohhh you have to love this about little boys... runs up to me... says "Mommy I have something to show you" And proceeds to pull his pants down in the middle of the resturant and say " Look Buzz Lightyear Underwear!" LMAO... Shameless... and totally funny.

I love having a boy! CONGRATS!!!
LOL! My husband once brought his mother a gift from school. It was a jar of dead bees. :rolleyes: I'm sure he had worked really hard hunting them for her. She still laughs about how shocked she was at the gift.
My dh and I are getting ready to adopt. I always wanted a girl, but now it looks like we will be adopting a little boy and I am really excited about it!
Reading all of this information really made me feel good too!
Thanks everyone!!

The best thing about raising my son was his enthusiasm for new things. Everything was an adventure for him. He was all boy growing up. Loved to be dirty and play in the trees and ride bikes down the hill and at the end of the day I could always count on a kiss and an "I love you mom!" Now that he is away at college and I don't see him that often I like thinking back to how much fun we had together. He and his dad were buddies but he and I had something special. Even now, he calls me if things are bad or if there is girl trouble. We have a very close relationship and I'm very thankful that he will come to me if he needs to talk. I have 2 dd's and I love them and all the love and joy they have brought to me too. Enjoy your son (I am sure you will).
Thanks for sharing everyone. I am so excited to see my little one!

And congrats kamy!
Y'know what's REALLY cool Sonya? Afew months after "Thor" arrives, YOU will be the one posting about how indescribably awesome it is to have a boy!
I only have one child and I'm so glad that he's a boy. I've always been a bit of what used to be called a tomboy and I never could relate to the frilly, "girly-girl" kind of stuff. My son is messy, doesn't care he wears, is in constant motion and always wanted hugs in between games. He's a great kid and I bet that, just like Finfan said, you'll be posting someday how great it is to have a son. :)

Of course, it's also great to have a daughter from what I've seen but that's another story. ;)
I enjoyed doing some of the things with Vince that I had not done as a boy myself, or, redoing some of those that I did do that were really great.

Kamy, that is wonderful!!!!! My best wishes to you both, hope all works out well for you. :sunny:


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