What is the messiest room in your home?

Its a toss up between the garage and DS's room. Thankfully he is alone upstairs so we don't see it.
Currently....my dining room because it’s where my DD17 e-learns:teacher:
It's a 3-way tie between all the bedrooms. I keep up the common areas pretty well but I only sort out our bedroom once every couple of months. DS is even worse and our spare room ends up a catch-all that never gets attention now that there's no threat of overnight visitors.
Our dining room, specifically the table. Everything that needs to go elsewhere in the house winds up on there until it gets moved to its proper place. The room only gets used on Thanksgiving- the rest of the year it's my aunt's computer room and a pass through between the living room and the kitchen.
My wife's scrapbooking/craft room. We've lived in the house for a little less than a year now, and we still haven't put it together right. Some new shelves will be going up this week and that should help get the room the way that she wants it.
My husbands bedroom, without a doubt. I’ve learned to not say anything and he knows it has to stay confined to his room.
My room hands down. Prolly due to guests seeing the other rooms and me trying my best to get my son to be cleaner than I am lol
The storage room in my basement. All our Christmas and other holiday items are there, tools, paint, bikes,etc. I can go on and on.


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