What is the most annoying question that people ask you?

Unfortunately this will continue to happen. Teach her to be her own advocate when you are not there.

Worst time for me was when I was a teenager at the movies with some friends and an older guy moved to sit behind us and kept touching my hair.

I should have spoken to management, but I was to demure.
Oh she’s grown now and asserts herself pretty well.
I'm another who dislikes "where are you from?"

Actually, it isn't the question itself that bothers me---the rare times someone is good with the answer I give (usually Germany, sometimes "Originally from the US but I live in Germany now). But most people seem to have an odd compulsions to try to pin things down to ONE place that Matchs what they think I should identify with---and it quickly turns into an interrogation instead of chit chat.

"you don't SOUND German"
well, I am originally from the US
"where in the US?"
lots of places--the last one was NH
"yeah, but where did you grow up?"
three different states
"which one were you born in?
yet a different state
(smug smile) so you're from there!
My parents were there for about 4 months. 2 of those I was alive. I have never been back. I don't really feel any connection to that, but if it makes you happy to think I am from there, have at it. Sheesh
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“Are you Jewish?”

I have a really German last name and super curly hair so maybe I look Jewish?

(I was raised Roman Catholic but have Jewish ancestry)
“How many tattoos do you have?”
Idk. Lots.
“Do they hurt?”
What? Like right now? Lol no.
“Are they real?”
Who seriously would cover 50% of their body with FAKE tattoos?! Smh
I usually get "you're some kind of Asian" but let me ask you in a roundabout way by asking where you're from first, hoping that your answer is an Asian country.

Even though my usual response is from NYC before moving to NJ.
"Is that your real hair?"
"Who colors your hair?"

Yes, it's my real hair. And nobody colors it. It's just naturally this color. I don't do anything to it to make it this color.o_O
So many of the above.

When my kids were younger:
“Are they twins?” No, we rent a kid the exact age and size every time we go out just to confuse people.

“Are they identical?” Um, one is a boy and the other is a girl. If that isn’t your first clue, one has brown eyes and brown hair, the other blue eyes and red hair. :confused3

On hair for both my girls:
“Where did you get such thick, curly hair?” “Where did you get that red hair?” And yup, “Can I touch your hair?” Once when older DD was about six we were at the movies and she turns to me with a really uncomfortable look on her face. Me, “What’s wrong?” Her, “The lady behind me is petting my hair!” It still happens to her sometimes in lines etc.

“No, where are you really from?” People just do not believe you can actually be born in Las Vegas.

“What’s for dinner?” Daily, even before breakfast and asked multiple times throughout the day.

On weight loss/maintenance:
“What’s your secret?” From the same people, every time I see them. My answer never changes (eat less, move more) and it annoys them and a lot of times makes them angry. I’m not sure why they think I’d hold out on them if I had the magic cure.
i can relate to the vegas one. It's like people forget there's an actual functioning society there outside of the strip.
Wait they have schools there? I laughed because i thought they were joking. No, they were really just that dumb.
i can relate to the vegas one. It's like people forget there's an actual functioning society there outside of the strip.
Wait they have schools there? I laughed because i thought they were joking. No, they were really just that dumb.
There really are people who think we live in hotels on The Strip. It’s baffling. I have people ask me about the latest and greatest hotels and where they should stay. They’re stunned when I tell them I have no clue and haven’t been Downtown or The Strip in years.
Not the most annoying (that would probably be from my kids....can you buy me X?) and not the most frequently asked (that would probably be...can you clean X?), but I have actually been asked if my identical twins are girl/girl, boy/boy or, eek, boy/girl.
"Where are you from?"

I hate being asked that because the answer is pretty complicated. We've lived lots of different places, and I haven't lived where I'm "from" in more than 20 years. So, when you answer where you're from, people assume you moved immediately from there. Or worse, I tell them the place where we most recently lived, but we were there less than a year, so it's not really all that relevant.

I get this question a lot, too. I think it's because I speak with no discernible accent. We've lived in ten different countries and I've picked up a little of each country's verbal idiosyncrasies. I'm mostly "accused" of being English, but before we lived in London, Southerners thought we were from New England, and Norherners thought we were from Virginia.

I've gotten to the point where I respond "At which point in my life?"

Queen Colleen


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